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January 25, 1934 |
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JANUARY 25, 1934
Chevrolet Gives Passengers
Ride Like a Glide
of the new 1934 Chevrolet,
] cosnpl~e[y en~ in a.weathertlght housing; the coil sp~ngs and
[ shock.ab0orber$ ride in a bath of oil. William E. Holler, Chevrolet's
general males manager, as shown at The left holding a chart which
snows tne.lnternat construction of the system.
[ Tne radiator" of the new Car has added beauty through its graceful
| ann sharply pointed design. Smgrtness hu been the theme in
! every line of this year's Chevrolet.
springing, the wheels and spring mechanism are rigidly
attached directly to the frame and there is no front axle.
By relieving the front sprin~s of the task of carrying
wheels and axle. therefore, it became possible to make
the front springs as "'soft" as the rear springs. When
;the new Chevrolet strikes an irregularity in the road,
both front and rear move up and down with the same
frequency--there is no inclination on the part of the
rear end of the car to leap into the air and throw the
pammtlgers forward and upward.
Chevrole~s "Knee-Action" has additional advantages
Ill ~mtrlbuting to a comfort in riding never before
thought .pg~dble in a motor car. There is a decided
/mp~-v¢~ent in handling, steering, ~afew at high
speeds and fire economy.
In design, the front spring is a neat, compact and
¢fllcient unit, as Mr. Holler points out in the above
picture. The entire spring mechanism is attached
rigidly to the frame. From this enclosed unit the wheels
spring vertically at the ends of strong, steel hori.~onta [
North Dakota )
) ss.
of Golden Valley )
officers for the delivery
stamps and at the end
must be
treasurer to
for their
must be
all money expended:
Moved l~y Klrkpatrlck and sec-
onded .by Wos~ka that pursuant
to Section 4227 C. L. 1913 wherein
a person or corporation is" indebted
to the County for personal property
taxes due or delinquent, the county
audHor is directed to turn over the
warrants fo the county treasurer
after the s~ me have bee~ /s~ued and
the county treasurer shall note upon
each warrant "Held for personal
Board of County Commissioners mdt
pursuant to adjournment with all
members present,
Pursuant to notice Joe Carlson,
Richard Bagnell, Mary ]~rown, Peter
Bartley and W. E. Pennay appeared
before the Board in the matter of
old age pension. Definite action
u•as postponed until later in the
An application was filed by School
District No. 2 to have taxes abated
on 2 acres located on the southeast
corner of Lot 1 in Section 2, T. 140,
R• 104 for the years 1930-31-32-33
In the amounts of 52c, 38c, 30c and
33c was approved by the Board and
by the Sentinel Butte Township
Board, subject to the approval el
t the State Tax Commissioner.
Mathtas Decker appeared before
~the Board relative to payments due
on land contract. Upon payment of
interest and promise of further pay-
freest within two weeks, an exten-
sion of time was allowed on the
Upon motion by a, Vosepka and
second by Klrkpatrick the follow-
ing resolutions were adopted
WHEREAS. It. appears to the
Board of County Commissioners now
here in regular meeting a~sembled
that one J. M. Tart died on or about
November 7th, 1933 and that he was
at said time dependent upon Golden
Valley County for support, and
WHEREAS, It further appears to
said Board that the said J. M• Tarr
was a~ the time of his death indebt-
ed to Golden Valley County for ado
vancements made to him by said
County in a sum in excess of $400.00,
and that the said J. M. Tart died.
possessed of certain real and per-
sonal property within said Golden
Valley County, and
a, VHE]~EAS, Time has elapsed to
such an extent as to enable a el'ed-
itor to apply for letters of admin-
istration in co~qnection with said
estate and no other persol~ e~titied
to letters has applied therefore,
Now Therefore, Be It
t~.ESOLVED that the do
petition as a creditor for l~tt*~,rs of
administration in connection with
the estate of said J. M, Tarr. de-
ceased, and the States Attorney is
hereby authorized and ordered tu
tnke appropriate steps to secure the
l)a~'men.t of advancements made by
this County in SO far as ihe property
of said deeedent may be applied
thereto, and ti~at A.'J. ¢)'Keefe, the
Chairman of the /~oard ot' County
Commissioners be and he hereby is
authorized to sign petition for let-
ters of administraiion on behalf of
this County.
%VHEREAS, On or about August
9. 1~33. pursuant to reso2ution of the
Board of Coullly Commissioner,- tile
sum of $71.76 was duly paid out of
the County Roard Fund of Golden
Valley County to A. E. Kastle,. as
Clerk of tile District Court for and
on behalf of land owners whose
lands were condemned for use ill
the improvement of Federal His'h*
way No. 16, and
WHEREAS, "It appears further
that thereafter the State Highway
Commission pursuant to law did
send said fundsto the Clerk of
Court and that he is therefore hold-
ing double the amount necessary,
Now Therefore, Be It
RESOLVED that the said Clerk
of the District Court be and he here-
by is authorized and ordered to re-
turn said sum of $71.76 so advanced
by Golden Valley County back to
the County Treasurer, and, that sum
be made a part of the County Road
Funds of this County.
C. F. Polley appeared before the
Board and made arrangements for a
short time extension on payments
due on his land contract,
the Board in regard repayments due
the Board in regad to payments due
on his contract. Upon making a
payment the Board extended the
time on the balance due.
5:00 P. M. the Board adjourned to
meet~at 9:00 A. M• January 4, 1934.
9:00 A. M. January 4, 1934, the
Board met purstiant to adjournment
with all members present•
Dr, M• W• Lyons took the oath of
office as Superintendent of the
County Board of Health.
Offices were checked and fees ac-
counted for as follows Sheriff.
$37~10; Cou~)ty J~dge, $6.50; Clerk
t RESOLVED that each and all of lot t.;ourt $128.50; Register of Deeds,
i the County Officers of Golden Val-]$173.80; Auditor, $19.15.
ley County be and there hereby are] Pursuant to See• 2169, C• I~, 1913.
ordered from this date to desist} the Board cancelled the fnllowing
from transacting any and all bust- personal property taxes that cannot
hess and transactions of each and oe collected: Floyd Archer, 1930.
every kind and nature within their $2.50; Alfred Accart,.1932, $3.46; Olaf
offices and within the Co~nty Court Akeson, 1932~$1.14; A. E, Crandall,
.House of Golden Valley ~Jounty not 1928, $3.56; ~ P. Halstead, 1931.
specifically or by implication by taw $7.17; Joe Huber 1930, $2.15; John
made a part of the official duties T. Pierzina and wife, 1923, $3.06• W.
pertaining to their several offices. E. Penna3~ 1930, $3.00; Steila Ty'retl
1T IS HEREBY ORDERED, That I930, $26..7; Arelene Taylor, 1932~
true and correct copies of this reso- $1•44; Dale Vaughn. 1929, $2,50; Ed
Veright, 1930 $2.60; Prent tce Con-
lution be forthwith prepared and ell, 1926, $13.47; Edw. Kreuger,
be certified as true copies by the
County Auditor above the seal of this 1923 $16.49; Mrs. S. N. Lebo 1932,
County, and that the Board of $2.41"; Lawrence Zinsli, 1925, $20.99;
County Con)missioners do forti~with Farmers Lone Tree Equity Co•, 1926,
Dr. V. G• Morris, services
Andrew Foisted .................. 18.30
Office Specialties CO., sup-
plies ..................................... 3.34
John W. Wentland ~eage 8.33
L. J. Erickson, ~pgNtEl of
Prisoners . ............ |. ~4"~ .......... 7.00
Beach Advance, I~bI'fshlng
Com. meetings .f.i ................ 28.90
Durroughs Add. Mob. CO•.
Servicing Add, Mchs ......... 45.60
Pursuant to Resolution passed at
the Special Meeting held Dec, 21,
1933, the City of Beach bought, on
contract, from Golden Valley Coun-
ty, Lots and tracts as follows: Lots
11 and 12 Block 5; Lot 1 Block 10;
Lots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 Block
11; Lots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12
Block 13; Lots 9 and 10 l~)tock 12~
Lots 4 5 6 7 8 Block 16; Lot 6 Block
17; Lots 6 7} 9 10 Block 24 all in
~.Voodhull's ~Ir~s~ ~Id~ition to the
City of Be~f /
Lots 1 2 ~ 5/~7 8 9 l0 11
Block 1; Lots 1 2 3 4~3~6 7 8 9 10 12
BIocR 2; Lots 4 5 6 Block 6; A:lt
Block 7; Lots 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Block 8; Lots 14 536 7 ~ 9 10
111 Blockg: oto 2
9 10 11 12 Dloek 10: Lots 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 ~ 9 10 11 12 Block tl; Lots 10
11 12 Block 12 all in Woodhull's
Second Addition to the City of
Lot 13 in Woodhull's Acreage,
Beach Civil Township.
The Board checked the Treasur-
er's office and found as per the fol-
lowing report:
Ledger Wlalnnee From September 30
Tn JanualD, 1, I~1
Collections Payments
Ledger Balance
9-30-33 .......... $106,417.95
October ........... 28.666•38 19,714.26
November . ...... 16,082.17 31,300•71
1)eeeruber .... 11,140.17 15•288.51
Ledger Balance
I 1~30-33 ....................... 96,003.19
$162.306.67 $162,306•67
Trial Balnnee From Dec en~r :*At
T~ Jdtnuar~ .~l 9:~
ql~leT:tions .. ~, ~
from D~30. l_
t o Jar~A,-~"
4/h ine ....... 2,131.99
Cash .................. 257.09
Checks ......... 714.40
(:ash items .... 1,895,66
School D i st
('. l.).'.~ ........... 19,238.84
Bank Dalanee . 76.029,29
$ 3~,1"35.13 $ 98,135.:18
(Signed) ELLA C. GASHO,
County Treasurer,
5:00 P. M the Board adjourned to
meet at 9:00 A. M. January 8. 1934•
9:00 A. M. January 6, ]934. the
Board of (~ounty Commissioners met
pursual~t to adjournment wlth all
members I)resent.
A tax deed was issued to Joe &
Mike Proclv to lots 1,2-3-4-5-6 ~n
Block 3• Hunter's Second AdJitlon
to the City of Beach,
The following bills were audite~d,
approved and ordered paid subject
to personal property taxes due or
County Treasurer, stamps. "
Postage, Freight, etc ..... $ 1,341.53
H. A. ~ry. road work
136-105 .................................. 1.80
J. L, Barkland, miles.go .... 7,40
Grace and L. H. Callender,
assigned to county, right-
of*way WV~ 9-143-105 .... 15.00
A• M. ~toddard, justice fees 26.30
E. R• Kennedy. medicine
for poor ................................ 2.00
State Tuberculosis Sanitor-
ium, care Clifford Coyle . 131,56
J. G. Peall, work and sup-
piles for C. H ..................... 38.00
C• E. Fuller mileage, in-
specting cattle .................... 133,77
Texas Co., gas for tractor 45.31
Farmers & Merchants Bank,
rent house on Lot 3, Block
3 Near's 1st Add ................. 12,00
Olaf Thorson. operating
county grader ...................... 32.25
David M. Howle, operating
All orders for advertising
Cash. The rates are two cents a word
cents per insertion. No such ~lvertlsements phOned
pu'blished without • prepayment unless ths party has
account with this office.
~'~.~(I~ A. M January 2 1934 the
~oard vrf County Commis~ioner~ met
~ regular quarterly meeting with
i~.ll\:rnembers present. -
to the elec-
for the follow-
moved by Wosepka
Kirkpatrl~k that
as chairman of
the following year.
vote the fellow-
Yes; Kirk- ried,
Motion Office hours for the court house
employees are set from 8:30 A. M.
of the proceeding" to 12:00 Noon and from 1:00 P. M•
read and approved, to 5:00 P. M.
issued to Oscar Upon motion by Wosepka and
In second by Kirkpatrick the following
0£ resolution was adopted:
letter frOm the
fer Gem
,t the San-
property taxes" if she. shall find
that the Derson or temptation to corret,t copy of such resolutiml and
whom warrant is payable owes the tile service of such resolution by
cou,.y a-y persom~ property ~axes, copy on each and every County of-
If no personal property taxes appear• fleer 0fficing lri the Golden Valley
against the person c;r corporation, County Court House.
the county treasurer shall make no Earl Jones was appointed Janitor
notation whatsoever• Motion car- of the court house for 1934 a=nd sal-
ary fixed at $60•00 per mont2a.
WHEREAS. the Session Laws of
that" all
a lien on any
the tax owner
or tax It
the county aud-
and directed to
or delinquent
the tax
as pro-
and see-
the fol-
be adopted:
RESOLVED that the county treas-
urer be~
eed lien
of $200.00
To : collection
same being to
Golden Va] ley
has made com-
ll~ delinquents
the face of such lien
13, 1933,
treasurer did, on order
the sum
.00 in full of said
Now Therefore, Be It
that the action of the
d In ordering such compromise
acceptance be and the same
confirmed, and that the
the County treasurer in
such of $200.00 and
said lien be and the
confirmed and ap-
Upon motion and
' R. L. Johnston was appointed
assessor of the Third Commissioners
DistriCt and Ralph Mosser for the
First Commissioners District for
the year 1934.
.J.G. Peall appeared before the
Bottrd relative to payments on con-
tract. Mr. Peali offered to begin
payment of $30.00 per month begin-
nlng February 15, 1934, a~d'an ex-
tension of time on the contract was
Bids were Opened from the Beach
Review and the Beach Advance for
the furnishing of 2800 Personal
Property Tax Notices. Both .having
the same bid, $24.50, lots were crest,
the Beach Review won. and the Job
awarded to them.
Llo~'d Yates appeared before the
Boars relative to payment due on
his contract. Upon promise to make
payment soon, the time on the con-
tract was extended.
Richard Moore and Ralph M0sser
before the ~ard relative
on contracts. Upon
on or
Pursuant to notice Rose Halter-
man, A. L• Cunnlngham, ~ta Rouse
and Joseph Ptekll~ appeared before
the Board in the matter of Old Age
Pensions. Definite action of the
Board postponed until later In the
5:00 P. M. the Board adjourned to
meet at 9:00 January 3 1934.
January 3. 1934, 9:00' A, M. the
thing for fol
purposes, sis~.
WILL BUY In good
condition, make,
finish, style, and ,best
price for all Address PIANO,
Beach Advance. ~21
The Advance worlds for yolL
submit application on behalf of the
Board of County CommissiOners as
governing board of the municipal-
lties concerned, Seconded by Wosep-
ks. Upon being put to vote motion
was duly carried.
Upon motion by Wosepka and
second by Kirkpatrick. the follow-
ing resolution was adopted: Resolu-
tion :
WttEI~EAS, It appears to the
Board of County Con:tnlissioners now
here in regula'r session assembled
that there is now sufficient funds
in the County Seed Grain Sinking
Fund to pay ~ll o~ltstandfng indebt-
edness and bonds due from said
fund and to leave a balance of
$473.12 in said fund after liquidafiSn
of all such iodebtedness, Now There-
fore. He ]t
RESOLVED that said sum of
$473.12 be. and tl~e same hereby is
transferred from said County Seed
Grain Sinking Fund to the County
Salary Fund.
Lots 7-8-9. Block 4 Woodhull's
First Add• was sold ~o ~he City of
Peach for $45.00.
Upon recommendation by the Com-
missioner of Agriculture and Labor
final action on the old a~e pension
applications w~xs laid over until the
Marelt meeting.
5:00 P• M. the Bcmrd adjourned
to meet at 9:00 A. 51. February 5.
(Seal) Connty Auditor.
All unleased State and School
lands in Golden Valley
Oak, will be offered for
public leasing to be
Court House at
County on
All will be leased
to the a term of
one to five The first years
rent plus leasing fee must
be paid In i
A to be offered
will be on file with the Treasurer of
said County for public inspection
not less than two weeks before the
day of leasing, also instructions in
regard to the terms, etc., under
which these lands will be leased.
The Board of University & School
count~, tractor .................... 32.25
A. J. O Keefe, commissioner
services ................................. 36.00 Lands reserves the right to reject
Chas. Kirkpatrick, commis- an and 11 b'"
stoner servlces .................... 32,80 Y a lus,
Louise Beuson. care Hughes Dated at Bismarck~ N~ Dak this
children and John Grog- 3f}th d~v of r~rn~r l~_q~
60 "0 ................. ' .....
ory ........................................... v " H
T. A• ~Vosepka, commission- . [ LB. I~-~SON,
er servlces . ~4 40 Sta~e land prom
.............................. ~. tJ ~sioner.
A L Martin, witnes.~ fees - 90 (Jan 4 11 18 "= "~ " " " "" ""
• " k 'witness " ~ - - -~ ~'-~u ~-o ~ ~]
Albert V¢osep a, I " " " "
fees .......................................... 2,90 ' , ,- - , ,
Bly Hogoboom, witness fees 2.90 ~ ' '
Harry Brewer. witness Tees 3.20
It was moved by Kirkpatrtck,
seconded by Wosepka that the
Board pay a bill filed by the Farm-
ers & Merchants Dank account of
house located on Lot 3, Block 3
Near's First Add. rented by ,~id
bank to John T. Pierzina ~rom Sept•
1 1933 Io NOV. 1, 1953. amount
$12.00. The vote upon roll call was
as follows; V¢osepka, yes; Kirk-
patrick, yes; O'Keefe, No. Motion
secure the service of such [rue and $12.68, ~leclared duly carried.
The county auditor was Instructed The auditor was ordered to notify
to advertise'for bridge lumber, the Farmers & Merchants Bank that
5:00 P. M. the Board adjourned to the County Board wou]d pay no more
meet at 9:00 A. M• January 5, 1934. rent. nor be bOUr~d for anytrent~on
9'00 A M January 5 1934 the sa~a anove peso ~ne(t Drop.'ty. , s.
Board of" County Cominl~sionsrs met Pierzina appeared before the Board
pursuant to adjournment with all and .said that she would pay the
members resent, rent. .
The il~llowlng bills were 'and- I Thefollowin~ bills.were laid.eve.r: .......
ited~ approved and ordered paid lMrs. l, red StacKer, $; ,~. P. lxy. rl~na~-{ ~ro~es
aub~ect to personal property taxes Co.~ , $19,00; _J. Clayton ,.Russell, gt~ r~alm, t =x~eL It heals. It
_~aymona l~aagl3erg, ekerK ~v.vv, ou*,n ~ H ' • ~ ~ i "
Auditor's office .................. $ 17.001,~5.00; I)r. V G,-/~Iorris, ~10.00 and t~]¢ftothOtltl~ads. Itwdldothcmmefor~oul
Richard Moore- road work [ $10.00" W. A. Gerrish, $10.00; Jas. A, I Never u,_ ~.. t~.~,~,., .....
144-103 " . .........................S.~/U/~¢zurpuy, ¢ .~v, ~. ~ ~u ~, ~ ,vt~, IL_, .... L_ ~ ......
r .... aff~',::'"~rvi~e snark . ' A tax deed was isSued to Otto ~r~uma)t.~perm0e. ~o~.eaa~
~l)~g ~o~tr~tctor*-j..----~- ........ I~5 Hanson to all block 2;all block 3;~odaydth~n¢wlowpri~:
Wh.l~l~gle Corp., ga~..f~ri~ f ~" ~11 bloesk 94j0a]l blo~k 154; Lols I 243. " FULL SlZE TUBE
lf~f'alf ...................... 7~-1; 48 38 7 5 6 a ,, | ~_ | "
Ar~n ~ard~r.j1ra~ad 1.00,_6; All. block 7; all block 8,{ (C~0.D. Oakn65¢) IDILilgl
l~l[ J~ ~e£,~agglng Orig. Townsite. L~01va, /~. 1~. i
~:iitd~ .=.dl~.~ ~ ............. " 4.80 Action to cancel land contracts ! ~ _~_._z__~- ...........
-~a~'"d'~t":2"" u-on wblch "~-'ments were due orI a't~=avr.r0o~nr~¢¢~l~$W~'~eS¢~U~!
L~I R a rag- v ~,r t: .............
GI~_.~.... ~.a..ra 3 60 delinquent were laid over until the t :'-~'--"-"-" "-""___"."-"~'.~"_"_" .................
~;~'~s~""for ' next meetinK_FebruarY 5, 1934.. | ~I'IL~IVlO" L~. _KA'IOKII~
~~:.;~.~:...: ...... 1.75 _ Moyeagy K~rxP.atrlek tlL~t Gglaen_I /~.watFicoBlv&,LosAng¢lcs, Cld~ ~ ,
m~.rton S,¢~l~iglo¢~poor re- ___ v aul~ey ~ountY, si ny ~ts ~#oaro of Eadol~lla~{~:/orhl]Itlze~aul~ _i~ ~
llef ..................... 8•00 12o ut uomm]s oners, oo make ap- "~
............ li ~ to he i d H~MO-FREF. If n0~ ~ ! I~ (
B~ach Ho~p'ii:al. care of p cat on : t CIv I Works Admin- ] .,~ ~a. la~ ' {,
Doris Coyle ....................... 16 O0 lstration for approval of a project{ -~Y._'2TM .Z 11
St. John's Orphanage, care [or palntlng the County Court 1 - " / !
Musll and Niehouse chil- House, and for a project for ~oad{Narae ........ [ !
dren ........................................ 100:00 Improvement In the unorganlsedl .................... /I
Lewis Rooming House, township 136-105 and that the I Address • ~!
• room for tra.nsiegt ....... : ..... 75 chairman of the Board of. County ~ " ...................... '. ~
~aron Isnook, naullng tot Gommms~oners and tne county Aua. It~ItY ~^._ |[~
7.00 itor be authorized to execute and J~'~ ................ ~ ......... I~
to the
I, poor ........................................
night Prtntlng Co., sup-
plies ........................................ 52.50
C, E. Langberg, coal for
C. H ......................................... 57.75
J. P. Thlll. supplies for C.H. 5.50
C. Bartholomew, hauling
ashes for C. H ..................... 4,50 "~
Institution for Feeble Mlnd-
ed, care of County vattents 315.00
Northwestern Bell Tel Co.,
servlc~s .................................. 41.18
Is the Place
for sale.
in business
& Ave. S
oils, Minn.
corn, well
~R ......
lot in Beach
sell cheap
for horses,
Kremers, Golva. 37-t~
Beach. 38-3p
farm or
Now that the farmers are ~ r
into the cannLflg business in a btg
way, what will "they do about Caal~-
sing candidates offert~ political -
farm relief?--Forth Worth Star-
The Biggest Portable Bargain ever,
H I E's the mchine th 't °Id req hd
for around $20.00. At that price it was tho
loa~st priced, practical tqpewriter in the
wodd. Thousands are r~w qivinq satisfac.
tor~ sem/ce to en~h
number is now
low price of $14.95.
stock is qone, no more
This splendid portable capital
letters only no shift keys.
It is wry simple ~o operate. The actioa ia
smooth and natural onouqh to satisfy the
most expert typist.. . Un~,rpassed for '
Ch~dro~ school mork or adult unilinq task~.
q'l~ number is Limited I J~¢~ QuicM~ I