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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
January 20, 1944     Golden Valley News
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January 20, 1944
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PAGE EIGHT lii iii ill IHi i i i i ill Dance in _ THE GOLDEN VALLEY;NEWS Thursday, January 20, i ii i i ach, Frid'ay, Jan. 21 in the Beach City Auditorium! 0 A Grand Big Time! Music by Chet Griffith's Dance B LOCAL NEWS Items of interest picked up here and there by our News reporters. We are always |lad to Bet your news it~mL PHONE $9 • ,. d Mr. and Mrs. Ed Justesen spent "Wednesday of last week in Dick- tn~n. Win. Kippley returned Monday P. M.. from a trip to the Twin Cities with stock. ~, Richard .Heft of Wibaux was a Sunday dinner guest at the Eugene Will home. T. L. Dickinson returned home Friday night after spending the ~eek in ~4ilrmeapolis atter~ting Market Week. News has been received in Beach ef the promotion of Lt. Leo Hilde-i brandt, who is located at Camp Maxey, Texas, to Captain. Mrs. Frank Davldson and daugh- ter Arlene of Miles City, Mont., ~spent last week with her sister :Mrs. Art Schmitz. Mrs. Claire Samson, who ha~ 1been employed in the News office ~as .local reporter, left last week for l~er home in Wibaux. Miss carrie Wltzig, who has been employed in Bismarck since last :fall, recently accepted a position in • ~l~e Beach postoffice. Bernard Wilson has been spend- ln~ the past several weeks with his father, Ira Wilson, who re- cently suffered a stroke, at Dick° :~1On. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Halstead, who recently purchased a ranch near Lewistown. Mont., left Beach the forepart of the week to make their home on the ranch. Miss Helen Dickinson, who was • t patient in the Beach hospital :for several days last week, return- ed to her home Saturday and is • Ketting along nicely. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Johnson of 2~mntinel Butte were Beach callers ~m Thursday and while here, Mr. Jahnson called at the News office tO renew his subscription for another year. Andrew Helm is slmndlng a m~mth's vacation with his brother, John Helm, at Portland, Ore. and wlt~ his daughter, Marie. Mrs. Btlmer Abraham and family at "Wenatchse, Wash. Mrs, Katherine Be]lmont was l)lemmntly surprised on her birth° day Sunday by a group of sixteen lady friends. Visiting and cards were the pastime of the evening. Z~s. Anna Lardy received high ~more and Mrs. Ida Mitchell low. L Mrs. Kenenth Noyes was a busi- ness visitor in Olendive Monday. Mr. and Mrsi C. G. Huffman of Carlyle were Saturday visitors in Beach. Mr. and Mrs. John Henkle of Medora spent Saturday afternoon and evening in Beach. ~-Sgt. Glen Fakler, who has been spending his furlough here with his parents, returned to his camp at Muroc, Calif. Sunday. A. J. Ziebarth received word from his brother, J. C. Ziebarth of Scranton, that the latter's son, Dennis, had been killed in action. The Social Hour club will meet Tuesday afternoon, January 25th at the home of Mrs. C. O. Carlson. Roll call will be answered with nursery rhymes. Miss Marvel Erbele is enjoying a two weeks vacation with friends in Phoenix, Arizona, leaving here Saturday evening. Miss Erbele is employed in the AAA office. Mrs. Gordon Schmelling of Sen- tinel Butte recently submitted to an operation for appendicitis at the local hospital and is getting along nicely. Mrs. Ernest Zielsdorf, who spent the past several weeks in Dickin- son with her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Rabe and infant granddaughter, Joan Katherine. returned to her home this week. It. Violet Severson of the Army Nurse Corps arrived in Beach Fri- day to spend a seven day leave with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Severson. Miss Severson is stationed a~ Maxton, N. C. J. C. McClellahan visited in Beach Monday. His son, Cpl. Chas. McCIellahan, who was home on furlough from his camp in Georgia, was called back to camp before his furlough was up. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Bruski and son of Baker and Walerion Slkor- ske, brother of Mrs. Bruski, of Minneapolis, were dinner guests at the John Bruski home in Beach on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wolf and son came to Glendlve Saturday evening, where Mr. and Mrs. T. M, IJeverson and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sleight met them, all returning to Beach later in ,the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wolf returned to Glasgow, Mont., where Mr. Wolf is manager of trm J. C. Penney store, Monday ev~rtin~. News has been received of the comin__g marriage of Leonard Ray- mond Fahlstrom of Beach and Miss Doris M, McOee of Port- land, Ore. in New York sometime thls month. Mr. Fahlstrom is a son of Mr. and Mrs, Gunnar Fshl- stroq= aud was born ~ Beach. He is now serving in tlm Navy. Miss M¢Oee is the daughte# of Mr. and Mrs, Melvin McGee and was ,born In Oeraldine, Mont. _ [ L m I An Extraordinary OppOrtunity--Just Released by O. P. A. 38 PAIRS WOMEN'S SHOES DRESS TYPES 00 AND LESS RATION FREE! (FOR 2 weeks only--January 17th to 29th inclusive) These shoes should not be confused with ordinary "un- rationed" footwear--they are all shoes which hereto- fore have required ration stamps and will go back on a rationed basis after January 29th. They are service- able--leather soled--of good construction--and many have previously sold at higher' prices. Take advantage of this unexpected opportunity to re- plenish your shoe wardrobe without using up your Ration Stamps. I i I i iJl i ll! OUR DEMOCRACY • ROBERT EDWARD LEE- JANU.a~V ICY, 190~ ....... OCTOS£gL 12.. 1870. GI~EAT SON OF ~'LIGHT HORSE HARRY'L(E, L(ADER. OF WASHINGTON'S CAVAL~tV .... t/IS WIFE WAS THE ~6REA~-GRANODAUGHTER. OF MAR.THA WASHINGTON. M Dut~.t~en, is t~e subfimest v~rd in / our lan gUa.g¢. :Do,our dutq in aft things.-°~ou cann~cto more-.... ° ou s ufd never w sh do less." I I II II II III III II Mrs. Gerald Gilman entertained] CONGREGATIONAL CHUI~H the Fan Tan club at her homeI Rev, John Roberts, pastor Wednesday evening. K. J. Hlggins of the Golva com- Beach: munity was a Beach business visit- Church School at 10:00 A. M. or on Monday. I Morning Worship service at ti:00 There will be a card party and!A. M. pie social at the Little Beaver school Saturday, January 22. Mr. and Mrs. Morris McArthur of Glendive were guests of the Overstads in Beach last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Matecjek and family went to Dickinson Saturday to visit friends, returning Sunday evening. Mrs~ Hess and Vera, Clara Kip- pley and Be~ Gilman motored to Glendlve Tuesday evening to get Miss Betty He]lemons, who has been in the hospital there. Golden Valley county men called for examination at Fort Snelling this week were: Herbert Wojahn, Cyril Odenbaugh, Frederick Kre- mers, William Howar~ and Clms. Marmon. Edward Wieka, also called from this county, was trans- ferred to_ the state of Washington. The men left Monday for the in- duetlon cen~er to take their physi- cal examinations. The interior of the Woodward Bros. drug store has been newly decorated with a celotex ceiling. Present plans call for the enlarg- enlng of the store in the spring by extending the north wall of the building, provlding the necessary material can be secured. This will give from four to six feet more floor space and greatly improve display facilities. Work of remodeling the building formerly known as the Beach Hotel, recently purchased from the county by Dr. C. A. Bush, is going aheaci as fast as possible. When com- pleted the building will be used as a nurses home and as a home for old people. Situated almost adjoining the Johnstone Memorial hospital, it will be very convenient as a nurses home and ideal for elderly persons who desire a home where they can have proper rn~di- cal attention when necessary. Manager Leo Tobias of the Oc- cident elevator, not to be pessi- mistic, but to try and prepare 't~e public for what might be in store if the weather turns cold and stormy, Is advising that those who burn coal place their order for a supply right now. We are,bound to get some cold and stormy weather before the winter is over, and wh~le ~he coal iS available right no~v, it may not be if there is a sudde~ de--rid. 'Tore~varned is fore~med". AFPOINT~D EXPLOSIVES LICENSING AGENT P. J. Schlllo, deputy county auditor, has been appointed ex- plosives licensing ~ent bF the department of the interior, bureau of mines, for Golden Valley county for the duration of the war. Ap- plications and licenses have been ~ved by Mr. Schlllo and llcen, ses will be Issued to eli~ble ap- ~llcants for a .period of one year. Young Peoples meeting at 7:30 P.':M. ~3hotr practice Wednesday at 7:~0 P. M. The Congregational ClUtch Mis- sionary society will meet at Mrs. A. C. Mogle's home on Thursday, January 20th. All are welcome. Sentinel Butte: Young Peoples meeting Monday at 7:00 P. M. Service at 8:00 P. M. Medor~: Sunday School at 3:00 P. M. Afternoon service at 4:00 P. M. ~V ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH V. H. Dlssen, pastor Beach, North Dakota Divine Service with Holy Com- mtmion at I0:30 A. M. Announce- ments for Holy Communion ~tre to be made at the parsonage on Sat- urday aftern)on or evening. --V= FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH O. L. Olsrud, pas~or Tel. 154 Reach: Sunday School 10 A. M. Services at II A. M. Sermon theme: "How Best Overcome Evil". Lutheran Brotherhood meeting at the Richard Thompson home this Thursday at 8 P. M. Confirmation class meets Wed- nesdays after school. Carlyle: Services at 2:30 P. M. Confirmation class 3:30 P. M. . ~ i m i Hear State Senator Rilie R. Morgan Chalrma~ of the Republican, / Organizing Committee Explain the plans and the program of that organization over KFYR-- Bismamk Monday, Jan. 24, at 8 p. m. (MWT) i i i l il i I ~ ._ Prevent Hairless Pigs by Using Solution we Prepare BUITE DRUG Hospital Notes Those hospitalized for treatment during the past week were: January 12, Con Short, Medora, Mrs. Lee WyckoII, Wibaux, and Miss Helen Dickinson, Beach. Miss Dickinson went home January 15. Mrs. George Petermann, Wibaux, Mrs. J. E. Martin, Carlyle and Miss Anita Johnson, Beach, were all hospitalized January 13 and A tonsillectomy was perfo~ ~ January 14 on John Woods, o~:,1~Uh wibanx. /!] "r v~ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nistler, ~lo~l~ll.1 tinel Butte, are the parents _%1 I~UlI~ 7 lb. 3 3-4 OZ. bOy born January I~ ----V-- METHODIST C~H Rev. D. J. MacTavlsh, pastor Beach, North Dakota Sunday School i0 A. M. Preaching service II A. M. ject: "The Biggest F~ol in ToW~~ The went home January 16. Young Peoples meeting Sund~ l~hlted Mrs. T. V. Porter of Belfleld at 8 P.M. ~ty came in January 14, and Mrs. Choir rehearsal Wednesday ~ ~da~ James Hardy, Beach, was hos- 7:30 P.M. the c pitalized January 17. Everybody cordially invited. I ~reThec~ Appendectomies were performed ~V~ | ~ dis January 12 on Mrs Gordon CARD PARTY :! ~altt, Schmelling, Sentinel Butte, and, -- __JA ~J~He January 15 on Mrs. Frank Reed Card party at St. Maxy's ~~oD~ Wibaux. 'lat Golva Sunday, January 231 re. 18 p M Everybody welcome Miss Edith Carew, Golva, under- " " went surgery January 13. Emilt --V-- ] Nothnagel. Sentinel Butte, also un-I Plan now to buy your share1 derwent surgery January 16. l bonds in the Fourth War Loa~ • ill HI JAI •NA|Vi|! QUEEN llANO--16 POINTS JAR LET "EM RAVE IT-- ARMOUR's TREET llbOg, t (5 POINTS) TIN • EVAP. MILK VAN CAMP'S (1 POINT) PEANUTS WOODBURY'S FOR THE SKIN _ YOU LOVE TO TOUCH MJ~RES RICH sUDS-- SOAKS cLOT]E~S WHITER sOAP ¢