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Beach, North Dakota
January 17, 2013     Golden Valley News
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January 17, 2013
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Page 4 ...... i January 17, 2013 Legal Notices Notice ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SECTION 00100 CP-0418(10)01 BILLINGS COUNTY MEDORA, NORTH DAKOTA Sealed bids will be received by the Billings County, at the office of the Billings County Auditor, 495 4th St, Medora, ND 58645, until 11:30 a.m., February 5, 2013, at which time they will be publically opened and read aloud for the furnishing of materials, labor, equipment and skill required for the construction of Grading, Removal of Structure, Precast RCB, Aggregate Surfacing, & Incidental Items in and for said Billings County, as is more fully described and set forth in the plans and specifications therefore, which are now on file in the office of the Billings County Auditor. Bids shall be upon cash payment on the following estimated quantities and types of work: 1 LSUM CONTRACT BOND; 1 LSUM CLEARING & GRUBBING; 1 LSUM REMOVAL OF STRUCTURE; 153,163 CY COMMON EXCAVATION- TYPE C; 25,798 CY TOPSOIL, 8,410 CY BORROW EXCAVATION, 4,340 LF ROADWAY OBLITERATION, 1 EA CLASS 2 EXCAVATION - BOX CUL- VERT; 1 EA FOUNDATION PREPA- RATION; 2,463 CY FOUNDATION FILL; 1,822 MGAL WATER; 11,192 CY AGGREGATE SURFACE COURSE; 120 LF DBL 9FT X 9FT PRECAST RCB CULVERT; 2 EA DBL 9FT X 9FT PRECAST RCB END SECTION; 1 LSUM MOBILIZATION; 691 UNIT TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS; 12 EA TYPE III BARRICADE; 32 EA VERTI- CAL PANELS - BACK TO BACK; 164 CY RIPRAP - LOOSE ROCK; 7,780 LF FIBER ROLLS 121N; 160 LF FIBER ROLLS 20IN; 3.36 MILE SEEDING-TYPE B-CL IV; 3.36 MILE SEEDING-TYPE B-CL V; 245 SY GE- OTEXTILE FABRIC-TYPE RR; 710 SY GEOTEXTILE FABRIC-TYPE R1; 80 LF PIPE CORR STEEL .0641N 181N; 578 LF PIPE CORR STEEL .0791N 241N; 512 LF PIPE CORR STEEL .0791N 30IN; 304 LF PIPE CORR STEEL .0791N 361N; 82 LF PIPE CORR STEEL .0791N 421N; 242 LF PIPE CORR STEEL .0791N 481N; 174 LF PIPE CORR STEEL .1091N 421N; 194 LF PIPE CORR STEEL .1091N 541N; 2 EA END SECT CORR STEEL .0641N 181N; 16 EA END SECT CORR STEEL .0641N 241N; 14 EA END SECT CORR STEEL .0791N 30IN; 8 EA END SECT CORR STEEL .,0791N 361N; 4 EA END SECT CORR "STEEL .1091N 421N; 6 EA END SECT CORR STEEL .1091N 481N; 2 EA END SECTORR STEEL .109IN 541N; 220.9 SF FLAT SHEET FOR SIGNS- TYPE 3A REFL SHEETING; 1 EA BARRICADE ASSEMBLY A; 486.9 LF STEEL GALV POSTS-TELESCOPING PERFORATED TUBE; 8 EA OBJECT MARKERS-TYPE II; 2 EA CATTLE GUARD 8FT X 28FT; 2 EA REMOVE CA-I-I-LE GUARD. The contract documents are on file and may be examined at the following: Billings County Auditor, 495 4th St, Medora, North Dakota Kadrmas, Lee and Jackson, 677 27th Avenue East, Dickinson, North Dakota Complete digital project bidding documents are available at www.kl- "Client Zone" or You may down- load the digital plan documents for $21.00 by inputting Quest project #2384698 on the website's Project Search page. Please contact QuestCDN at (952) 233-1632 or for assistance in free membership registration, down- loading, and working with this digital project information. Please contact us at 701-483-1284 if you have any ques- tions. All bids are to be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work and materials, and each bid shall be accompanied by a separate envelope containing the contractor's license and bid security. The bid security must be in a sum equal to five per cent (5%) of the full amount of the bid and must be in the form of a bidder's bond. A bid- der's bond must be executed by the bidder as principal and by a surety company authorized to do business in this state, conditioned that if the princi- pal's bid be accepted and the contract awarded to the principal, the principal, within ten (10) days after notice of award, will execute and effect a con- tract in accordance with the terms of his bid and the bid bond as required by the laws of the State of North Dakota and the regulations and deter- minations of the governing body. If a successful bidder does not execute a contract within ten (10) days allowed, the bidder's bond must be forfeited to the governing body and the project awarded to the next lowest responsi- ble bidder. All bidders, except a bidder on a municipal, rural, and industrial water supply project using funds provided under Public Law No. 99-294 [100 Stat. 426, 43 U.S.C. 390a], must be li- censed for the full amount of the bid as required by Section 43FI07n05 and 43-07-12 of the North Dakota Century Code. For projects using funds pro- vided under Public Law No. 99-294 [100 Stat. 426, 43 U.S.C. 390a], the Bidder shall obtain a contractor's li- cense for the full amount of its Bid within twenty days after it is deter- mined the Bidder is the lowest respon- sible Bidder. Should the Bidder fail to obtain the license within the specified period the Bid wilt be rejected and awarded to the next lowest responsi- ble Bidder. The successful Bidder will be re- quired to furnish Contract Perform- ance and Payment Bonds in the full amount of the contract. Contracts shall be awarded on the basis of the low bid submitted by a re- sponsible and responsive bidder for the aggregate sum of all bid items. A single contract willbe awarded for the work. All bids will be contained in a sealed envelope, as above provided; plainly marked showing that such en- velope contains a bid for the above project. In addition, the bidder shall place upon the exterior of such enve- lope the following information: 1. The work covered by the bidder 2. The name of the bidder 3. Separate envelope containing bid bond and a copy of Contractor's Li- cense or certificate of renewal. 4. Acknowledgement of the Ad- denda. No Bid will be read or considered which does not fully comply with the above provisions as to Bond and li- censes and any deficient Bid submit- ted will be resealed and returned to the Bidder immediately. The work on the improvement will be completed by October 25, 2013. The Owner reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids, to waive any in- formality in any bid, to hold all bids for a period not to exceed 30 days from the date of opening bids, and to ac- cept the bid deemed most favorable to the interest of the Owner. Should the Contractor fail to com- plete the work within the time required herein or within such extra time as may have been granted by formal ex- tensions of time approved by the Owner, there will be deducted from any amount due the Contractor the sum of $1,300.00 per day and every day that the completion of the work is delayed. The Contractor and his surety will be liable for any excess. Such payment will be as and for liqui- dated damages. If special accommodations are needed, please notify the auditor so that appropriate aids can be made available. Dated this 4th day of January, 2013 BILLINGS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA S/JOAN JURGENS BILLINGS COUNTY AUDITOR (January 10, 17 and 24) Golden Valley County Commission BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 4, 2012 9:00 A.M. Chairman Dave Quale called the meeting to order. Commissioner Harley Steffen was present along with States Attorney Charles Peterson. Commissioner John Thompson was absent. Commissioner Steffen made a mo- tion to approve the November minutes and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried. Jon Moll met with the Board to dis- cuss the personal property that was left in the house that the County sold at public auction November 20, 2012. The Board received a $50.00 bid from Henry & Lisa Gerving and Jonathan Moll for Lot 7 of Block 8 of Richard's Heights Addition to the City of Beach that was offered for sale at the County's annual auction. Commis- sioner Quale made a motion to accept the bid from Gervings and Moll for Lot 7 of Block 8 of Richard's Heights Addi- tion and Commissioner Steffen sec- onded the motion. Motion carried. States Attorney Peterson updated the Board regarding various issues his office is handling for the County. The Board set Friday, December 28th at 9:00 A.M. as the date and time for the final Commissioner meeting to approve final 2012 bills. 911 Coordinator, Brenda Frieze met with the Board to request the Board amend the 2013 911 budget to cover the cost of the I Mobile fees for the Sheriff's departments vehicles. Commissioner Quale made a motion to amend the 2013 911 budget by $5600.00 to cover the I Mobile fees & expenses and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried. Brenda also discussed meetings she wilt be attending this month, an LEPC meeting and the Storm Ready Program. The Board was informed that Ceil Stedman's term is up on the Badlands Regional Service Council. Commis- sioner Steffen made a motion to reap- point Ceil to the Badlands Regional Service Council and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Board discussed offering den- tal and vision insurance to county em- ployees. Commissioner Quale made a motion to amend the 2013 General Budget by $11500.00 to offer single dental and vision to the eligible county employees and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried. Custodian AI Miller discussed the water leak in the basement from a boiler pipe with the Board. Jan Prchal and Jared Twogood from Hulsing & Associates Architects, David Haught and Bruce Hanson from Ainsworth-Benning Construction Inc. and Tom Wanner from CA Contracting met with the Board to discuss the progress on the elevator addition and concerns the group may have regard- ing the addition. County Coroner, John Foster met with the Board to ask them to appoint another deputy coroner. Commis- sioner Quale made a motion to ap- point Douglas Gentry as a Deputy Coroner for Golden Valley County and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried.. The Board received a letter from the SW Multi-County Correction Cen- ter inviting the County to become an owner County of SWMCCC. The Board and Sheriff Steele had dis- cussed this issue at an earlier meeting with concerns about housing our in- mates in the future. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to accept the offer from SWMCCC and become an owner county in 2013 and to appoint Sheriff Steele as the County's repre- sentative on the SWMCCC Board of Directors and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Quale made a mo- tion to pay a bill that was received today from Northern Plains Engineer- ing and Commissioner Steffen sec- onded the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Quale made a mo- tion to amend the 2012 Weed Board budget by $6000.00 to cover some un- expected expenses and Commis- sioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Quale made a mo- tion to pay a bill for fencing Travis Tescher has done that the Road Fore- man submitted today and Commis- sioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Steffen made a mo- tion to approve of the Zoning Board's recommendation to rezone a tract of land in the NE1/4NE1/4SE1/4 of Sec- tion 30-140-104 from Residential R-1 to Mobile Home and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried. Charlie Schaal representing Saddle Butte and Delhi Townships, Allen Gasho representing Henry Township and Linda Stoveland and Steve Raisler representing Lone Tree Town- ship met with the Board and Road Foreman to discuss the County's Infra- structure Fund. Schaal stated that Saddle Butte and Delhi Townships are concerned about the wells that have been permitted and staked in their townships and the increase oil traffic on their roads. Henry Township is in need of surfacing for the Vinquist and CS Creek Roads due to increased traffic on these roads, Lone Tree Township is concerned about getting priced out due to the prices the oil companies are paying and Quale stated that Ray Tescher is concerned about increased traffic that is planned for the Tescher Road. The Board will decide at the De- cember 28th meeting how they plan to disburse the infrastructure funds. Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld, Je- remy Wood from Northern Plains Engi- neering and Tim Kelly from Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson, Inc. met with the Board to discuss current and future road projects. Chairman Quale declared the meeting adjourned at 4:00 P.M. ATTEST: Cecilia Stedman, Auditor David Quale, Chairman, County Commissioners (January 17) Golden Valley County Commission BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 28, 2012 9:00 A.M. Chairman Dave Quale called the meeting to order. Commissioner John Thompson was present. Commis- sioner Steffen was absent. The purpose for this special meet- ing was to approve the final bills for 2012 and review the 2012 budgets. Olie Golberg met with the Board to renew his beer and liquor licenses for Buffalo Gap Lodge. Commissioner Quale made a motion to renew the liquor and beer licenses for Buffalo Gap Lodge for 2013 and Commis- sioner Thompson seconded the mo- tion. Motion carried. The Board received a letter from SW Community Service & Restitution requesting their 2013 funds in 2012. Since there were still funds available in the 2012 General Budget, Commis- sioner Thompson made a motion to pay the $2000.00 request out of the 2012 General Budget and Commis- sioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried. Joe Kreitinger met with the Board and Zoning Director Henry Gerving to discuss some lots that he has in Golva that are zoned residential and he wants them to be rezoned Mobile Home. Kreitinger has already met with the City of Golva and they are in favor of these being rezoned. Gerving recommended to Kreitinger that he go through the normal re-zoning process to have these lots rezoned and the Board agreed with Gerving. Tax Director Henry Gerving met with the Board to discuss why his 2012 Tax Director Budget went over what had been budgeted. Gerving stated that he took additional classes this year to get certified sooner and also bought supplies to do some map- ping for some companies that have since reimbursed the County. Discussion was held regarding the personal property that was left in the house, located on Lot 1 of Block 4 of Hunter's 3rd Addition to the City of Beach, that was sold by the County at the annual tax sale in November. Commissioner Thompson made a mo- tion to sell the remaining personal property left at this property for $100.00, per an appraisal that was done, and Commissioner Quale sec- onded the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Thompson made a motion to amend the 2012 Special County Road budget by $65,000.00, due to extra repairs and fuel prices, and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Thompson made a motion to amend the 2012 Road Re- serve Budget by $30,000.00, due to transfers, and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Quale made a mo- tion to transfer $28,000.00 from the Road Reserve Fund into the County HT Fund, due to extra crushing that was done this year, and Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Mo- tion carried. Commissioner Quale made a mo- tion to amend the 2012 NDSU Exten- sion budget by $1500.00, due to the Women in Ag group that was formed i. this year, and Commissioner Thomp  son seconded the motion. Motion car- ried. Commissioner Quale made a mo- tion to amend the 2012 911 Budget by $1000.00, due to more fees for wire- less phones, and Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Mo- tion carried. Commissioner Quale made a mo- tion to amend the 2012 Infrastructure Fund Budget by $47,000.00, to dis- burse the infrastructure funds, and Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Quale made a mo- tion to distribute the 2012 Infrastruc- ture Funds by giving Lone Tree Township $2500.00, Henry Township $2500.00, Delhi Township $2500.00, Saddle Butte Township $15,000.00 and the balance of $24,396.24 to the Unorganized Township of 142-103 for road work the County Road Depart- ment has done in that township, and Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried. 66083 Blue Cross Blue Shield8002.50 66084 GV County Treasurer10546.46 66085 NDSU Ext. Disb. 72.68 66086-66116 Social Service Disb. 8505.89 66117 Midstate Communications18.00 66118 GV County Treasurer 3500.00 66119 Boss Office Supplies 249.24 66120 Samantha Roth 97.71 66121 Ashley Ueckert 768.73 66122 Katelyn Ueckert 25.00 66123 Joe Bragg 500.00 66124 Comfort Suites 69.00 66125 Dickinson Chamber of Commerce 500.00 66126 Elections Systems & Software 2406.14 66127 GV Co. States Attorney1654.17 66128 Golden Valley News 600.68 66129 ITD 478.00 66130 Jandt Plumbing 473.50 66131 MARC 65.11 66132 ND Newspaper Assn. 184.96 66133 Post Board 90.00 66134 Pitney Bowes 453.60 66135 Dave Quale 666.00 66136 Quartermaster 112.30 66137 Spillman Technologies 150.00 66138 Scot Steele 289.20 66139 St. Joseph's Hospital 99.00 66140 SW Multi Co. Correction Center 520.00 66141 SW Business Machines184.05 66142 SW Crime Conference 60.00 66143 Sip 'n Sew 33.00 66144 John Thompson 1125.85 66145 Berger Electric 12960.00 66146 Henry Gerving 126.04 66147 Baranko Bros. Inc. 224169.07 66148 Kardmas, Lee & Jackson 27285.24 66149 Prairie Lumber Co. 555.90 66150 Northern Improvement Co. 7491.58 66151 Team Laboratory Corp. 710.00 66152 CRA Payment Center 194.68 66153 Dakota Dust-Tex 40.00 66154 John Deere Financial 77.92 66155 NAPA 492.67 66156 Rohan's Hardware 81.28 66157 Tescher Pipe, Inc. 572.50 66158 West Dakota Truck Repair 68.93 66159 Northern Plains Engineering 17000.00 66160 Travis Tescher 7030.70 66161 NDSU Ext. Disb. 21.72 66162 Prairie Fire Pottery 100.00 66163 NDSU Ext. Disb. 113.07 66164-66179 Collections submitted 88496.90 66180 NDACo 218.31 66181 ND State Treasurer 72.07 66182 Brenda Frieze 277.14 66183-66185 Weed Bd. Disb. 432.97 66186 NDSU Ext. Disb. 57.70 66187 NDSU 820.11 66188 Midstate Communications 1189.81 66189 MDU 1507.73 66190 City of Beach 252.95 66191 Washington Nat'l. Ins. 33.96 66192 Reservation Telephone 40.00 66193-66199 Library Disb. 2558.99 66200 ND Post Board 60.00 66201 GV County 5443.01 66202 GV County 7369.72 66203 GV County 7144.00 66204 GV County Treasurer 808.00 66205 GV County Treasurer 4169.05 66206-66207 GV County 4447.91 66208 NDSU Ext. Disb. 150.00 66209-66210 Weed Bd. Disb. 134.03 66211-66212 Olson & Schmitz 23.31 66213-66224 Cafeteria Plan Disb. 3830.94 66225 Cenex Fleet Card 1633.87 66226 GV County Treasurer 820.37 66227 Weed Bd. Disb. 275.00 66228-66229 Library Disb. 173.45 66230 Cafeteria Plan Disb. 360.00 66231 Aflac 363.38 66232 Wage Withholding order314.00 66233 Motorola 4300.80 66234 Ryan Nunberg 120.00 66235 NAPA 36.79 66236 Goldenwest Electric 718.00 66237 Golden Valley News 615.08 66238 Golva Repair 58.00 66239 Henry Gerving 491.38 66240 ITD 478.00 66241 Boss Office Supply 523.33 66242 ND Newspaper Assn. 173.10 66243 Precious Memories 50.78 66244 SW Business Machines346.98 66245 Comfort Inn 345.00 66246 VOID VOID 66247-66249 Social Service Disb. 7959.47 66250 ND Post Board 110.00 66251 Ordahl Construction 35.00 66252 Pitney Bowes 130.88 66253 Quality Printing Service3000.00 66254 Quartermaster 38.55 66255 Rohan's Hardware 659.97 66256 Spillman Technologies 150.00 66257 St. Joesph's Hospital 99.00 66258 SW Community Service 2000.00 66259 Verizon Wireless 380.13 66260 Ainsworth-Benning Const. 71212.00 66261 CA Contracting 1800.00 66262 Henry Gerving 40.00 66263 Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson 22628.56 66264 Prairie Lumber Co. 7270.00 66265 GV County Treasurer28867.78 66266-66267 GV County 32644.05 66268 At & T 36.95 66269 CRA Payment Center 4689.82 66270 Dakota Dust-Tex 111.45 66271 Farmers Union Oil Co.17910.45 66272 General Equipment & Supp. 3841.20 66273 Golva Co-op 997.50 66274 John Deere Financial 159.24 66275 Lawson Products 272.83 66276 Lyle Signs 70.16 66277 Noil Farms 1155.00 66278 Rockmount Research 1038.35 66279 RDO Truck Center 105.50 66280 Truck Suppliers 292.61 66281 Wallwork Truck Center1271.21 66282 West Dakota Truck Repair 90.97 66283 GV County Treasurer28000.00 66284 Silvernale-Silha 1040.58 66285-66289 GV Co. Treas. & Townships 46896.24 66290 Job Service ND 283.16 66291 ND State Tax Commissioner 2349.00 66292 GV Co. Treasurer 35.00 66293-66295 Cafeteria Plan Disb. 296.01 13391-13446 GV County Employees 78844.06 Chairman Quale declared the meeting adjourned at 9:45 A.M. ATTEST: Cecilia Stedman, Auditor David Quale, Chairman, county commissioners (January 17) Beach School District PROCEEDS OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BEACH BOARD OF EDUCATION UNOFFICIAL MINUTES SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND REVISION OF THE BOARD JANUARY 9, 2013 5:30 P.M. ROOM 11 Members present were Bob Makelky, Maurice Hardy, Mark Egan, Kim Nunberg, Robert Sperry, Misty Farnstrom, Larry Helvik, Brandt Gau- gler, and Dave Wegner Troy Hoffer was absent. Visitors were Randy Dietz, Deb Dietz, and Jim Muckle. President Makelky called the meet- ing to order at 5:32 p.m. Makelky rec- ognized visitors. Makelky called for approval agenda. Discussion. Motion by Egan, second by Nunberg to approve agenda. Motion carries unanimously. Farnstrom presented December 12, 2012 regular meeting minutes. Discussion. Motion by Nunberg, sec- ond by Egan to approve minutes. Mo- tion carries unanimously. Farnstrom presented general fund bills. Discussion. Motion by Egan, second by Sperry to approve bills. Discussion. Motion carries unani- mously. Farnstrom presented activity fund bills. Motion by Nunberg, second by Sperry to approve bills. Motion carries unanimously. Farnstrom presented food service fund bills. Discussion. Motion by Sperry, second by Egan to approve bills. Motion carries unanimously. Farnstrom presented general fund manual checks, activity fund manual checks and December payroll. Motion by Egan, second by Sperry to approve general fund manual checks, activity fund manual checks, and December payroll. Motion carries unanimously. 38300 AT & T Mobility 49.66 38301 Beach Food Center 830.61 38302 Beach Food Service 195.67 38303 Beach Junior Class 87.81 38304 Boss Office and Computer Products 324.41 38305 Bowman Public School 30.00 38306 Keith Burwick 87.00 38307 Cenex Fleetcard 110471 38308 City of Beach 826.25 38309 Dakota Dust-Tex, Inc. 38.65 38310 Expressway Inn of Bismarck 849.50 38311 Farmers Union Oil Co. 3669.35 38312 Sue Feldman 69.00 38313 GBC, A Divison of ACCO Brands 1744.00 38314 Golden Valley News/Billings Co. Pioneer 454.68 38315 Maurice Hardy 66.60 38316 Hartleys School Buses, Inc. 128.32 38317 Brianna McDaniel 48.00 38318 MDU Resources Group, Inc. 6691.52 38319 Mid-American Research Chemical Corp. 159.99 38320 Midstate Communications, Inc. 621.79 38321 The Mix 30.00 38322 ND Council of Education Leaders 670.00 38323 ND School Counselor Assoc. 140.00 38324 Nelson International, Nelson Leasing, Inc. 576.76 38325 North Dakota Counseling Assn. 385.00 38326 Office Max Credit Plan 338.00 38327 Olsons Service LLC 200.00 38328 Oriental Trading Co., Inc. 563.99 38329 Prairie Lumber Company 286.67 38330 Ramkota Hotel Bismarck 69.00 38331 RESP 1170.00 38332 Rohan Hardware 731.52 38333 Rudy's Lock & Key 150.00 38334 Scholastic Book Club 516.39 38335 Sewing Machines Plus 50.30 38336 Jill Tescher 20.00 38337 Julianna Thoemke 17.74 38338 WaI-Mart Stores, Inc. 185.44 38339 Wards Natural Science Establishment, LLC 201.17 38340 Wells Fargo 94.89 38341 West Plains Inc. 635.16 38342 West River Student Services 3737.50 2907 BEA 156.24 2908 Beach Food Center 109.83 2909 Coca Cola Bottling Co. of Dickinson 331.10 2910 Food Services of America 1804.20 2911 James Kary 100.00 2912 Minnesota Woods Products 1175.16 2913 Pepsi Cola Bottling Company 226.60 2914 Queen City Candy 65.75 2915 LeAnn Sime 200.00 2916 Sport Decals, Inc. 62.89 2917 WaI-Mart Stores, Inc. 329.32 2918 Wade and Deb Walworth 100.00 2919 Wells Fargo 169.00 6941 Bernard Food Industries, Inc. 354.55 6942 Dean Foods Inc. 898.91 6943 Temp Right Service, Inc. 501.37 6944 US Foodservice, Inc. 5087.56 8283 Lamont Gaugler 224.10 8284 Allan Bahm 113.00 8285 David Wegner 27.00 8286 Thomas Heckaman 27.00 8287 Cash 450.00 8288 Bowman Public School 622.03 8289 ND Office of Attorney General 44.50 8290 James Muckle 141.73 8291 Mathew Larson 54.00 8292 Thomas Heckaman 54.00 8293 South Heart Public School 75.00 8294 Lamont Gaugler 224.10 8295 David Siegfried 113.00 8296 Lamont Gaugler 224.10 8297 Daniel Sayler 108.00 8298 David Wegner 54.00 8299 Mark Egan 54.00 16250 Closeup Foundation 700.00 16251 Jan Vetter 100.00 Helvik presented correspondence. • Thank you from Cheryl Ueckert for the holiday trays and SW Title jack- ets. • Thank you from Carol Bartz family for the plant. • Thank you from Tom and Jo Heckaman for the holiday trays and SW Title jackets. • Thank you from Lincoln Elemen- tary Staff for the holiday trays and SW Title jackets. • BACC membership renewal letter was read. Discussion. Motion by Egan, second by Sperry to approve re- newing membership. Roll call vote carries unanimously. • ND Department of Transportation letters regarding Safe Routes to School Program and Transportation Alternatives Program were read. Dis- cussion. Helvik presented public participa- tion. • Randy and Deb Dietz spoke about concerns of school safety at the high school and the elementary. Dave Wegner and Maurice Hardy arrived at the meeting. Procedures for entering the school buildings and checking in at the office were discussed. Helvik presented personnel. • Contract for Paul Mattern as 5/6 grade wrestling coach for the 2012- 2013 school year was presented. Dis- cussion. Mattern did not receive a contract for the 2011-2012 school year and completed the coaching duties and the season. Discussion. Motion by Egan, second by Sperry to approve contracts for both years. Roll call vote carries unanimously. • Vacant day treatment social worker position was discussed. Helvik presented facilities and transportation. • Donnell Michels flew Gaugler, Sperry, Egan, and Muckle to Faribault, Minnesota today to look at a new ac- tivity bus that is for sale. Discussion. Gaugler presented information about a 2006 MCI bus. Discussion. Motion by Egan, second by Sperry to approve the purchase of the 2006 MCI bus. Roll call vote carries unanimously. Helvik presented finance. • Budget amendment for N&D grant was presented. Motion by Egan, sec- ond by Hardy to approve amendment. Roll call vote carries unanimously. • General fund revenue and ex- penses were discussed. Helvik presented policy. • The second reading of the follow- ing policies was presented: • GABDD-Title 1 District Parental Involvement • ACDA-Acceptable Use Policy for Electronic Devices • ACDB-Video Surveillance & Recording in Schools • BEA-Candidate Orientation • DBBA-Drug & Alcohol Testing for Employees • DDBA-Vacations • DDDC-Exchange Teaching • DE-Staff Conduct • DJA-Substitute Teachers • DJC-Teachers' Aides • DKDB-Service Credit Purchase • GBBB-Television & Movies in Schools • HBCC-Student Fundraising • KAAD-Distribution & Posting of Non-Curricular Material in School • KBA-Relations with News Media • ACF-Whistleblower Protection Policy • BGA-Board Communication with the public Motion by Hardy, second by Egan to approve second reading on above seventeen policies. Roll call vote car- ries unanimously. Discussion. Helvik recommended further discussion on: • DKA-Reduction In Force • FFA-Student Alcohol & Other Drug Use/Abuse • FFK-Suspension and Expulsion • GDB-Graduation Exercises Policy Discussion. The four above poli- cies were discussed for a possible second reading. After further review the following policies were presented for a second reading: • DKA-Reduction In Force • GDB-Graduation Exercises Policy Motion by Egan, second by Nun- berg to approve second reading on DKA and GDB. Roll call vote carries unanimously. Policies FFA and FFK will be reviewed and presented for a second reading at a later board meet- ing. Helvik presented open enrollment application for the 2013-3014 school year from Diane and Leon Noll. Mo- tion by Hardy, second by Egan to ap- prove open enrollment. Roll call vote carries unanimously. Farnstrom presented business manager report. • Securities pledged from Bank of the West were presented. The pledge report was reviewed with Jim Wosepka's office. Discussion. Motion by Hardy, second by Egan to approve securities pledged. Roll call vote car- ries unanimously. Wegner presented elementary prin- cipal report. • School safety was discussed. • Exhibit FACB-E Beach Public School District Student Residency Ver- ification was presented. Discussion. Helvik presented superintendent report. • Affordable Care Act information was reviewed. • Legislative issues were dis- cussed. Helvik presented information about the upcoming NDSBA negotiations seminar. Discussion. Next meeting time was discussed. Consensus of the board is to start at 6:00 p.m. on February 13, 2013. Makelky called for a motion to ad- journ. Motion by Egan, second by Sperry to adjourn. Makelky adjourned 7:15 p.m. Bob Makelky, President Misty Farnstrom, Business Man- ager (January 17) Please support your local