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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
January 17, 1935     Golden Valley News
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January 17, 1935
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M BmAGH RmVImW Beach HiP CaDets Win Over. i G!endive Here Saturday Night Glendive Ships PoorRe-IS. B. Hi Loses, serve Team Down ' Town Team g'ins : Here Then ' BASKETBALL GAME TONITE Attention of basketball fans fs called to the game at S~nt!nei Butte tonight between the Beach Be'stems and the Sentinel Butte Independents. This w~|i be the first regular el/tab of t~ese two teams this season and the outcome will be awaited withI keen interest by fans of both towns. [ See the game if you posslbly can as a close battle is assured, I 1 Last Friday night the Sentinel .IIII .,rday local , sketbal, fans Butte independents and also the Golva Hi Trims went to the high school gym here ox-[ school team journeyed to Belflehl petting to seer good fast basketballt for a doub]ehe~ler basketball sea Ollie 23 To 20 game between tbe Beach high teamI slon, with the result that the lade- and the Dawson county ~hlgh regulars pendents won a close game by a scorc Last week Golva defeated OUie hish of Glendive, but unfortunately wc~'e of 31 to 26, but the Sentinel high boys lost, 34 to 12. Belfield high at basketball by a score of 23 to 20. rather sadly disappointed. For some This coming Friday, Jan. 18, Wlbaux unk~lown reason, the Glendive regu] showed plenty of power, and from all] high is scheduled to Play a double. indications will give the Beach team l header at Golva, both boys and girlsI arShad failedplayedtOat shOWMaqdsnnP, theth°Ughnighttheyl abe real rub when they play here to-] being on the card at that time. Gob] tore, losing there by a lopsided score[ morrow (Friday) night, ira l,reviou~ly defeated Wibeux So aI [n~tead of the regular Glendive first game for blood is in prospect. A~-] string, another batch of lads cameI ~e'~e*~'~**~e~$*~'~*~e*~'x'e@~L ter the games, t,hore will be a 'big[ down. ,ardly worthy even belo Sunset Sentinelbenefit dance with proceeds to go[ toward defraying expenses of the Oo1.[ classed as "reserves" in any school[ and Beach, though badly off form,I ~.~t~@~,,~ee@~-x--x-~@ee va team this year. They have some[ experienced no trouble whatsoever h The many friends in this neighbor, bright new suits that it is hoped the winning by a score o£ ;~2 to 17. el[hood of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ken, dance will net enough to pay tar. some such score, none of the spee ,enberg, whose wedding was last taters tot players either} paying anyi week announced in the Review. w[-sIi attention or aparontly haviug any them a long and happy wedded lifo. interest in the respective count~ of each team. Just before the Christmas holidays iucdontally, the Beach team played a~ Qlendivo and gave fine regular team Shore a very close game, losing 19-15 Mr. and Mrs. Konnenberg intend to make their home on a farm north of , Beach. this coming spring. , Frank Dykins and Charlie Smith shipped a few head of cattle from Sentinel Butte last Wednesday with and perhaps this fact may have hadi the government. a little bearing on the non-appearanc~ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ueckert enter ef the Montana eagers, Glendive ev! rained af a dinner party last Wed [dentl~, did not want to take a chane,, nesday evening Mr. and Mrs. George of losing t.otheBead~ouln[, whtchha~ lfa~son and Mr. and Mr~ Ed. Sher not been rated as particularly strong m~qn from Wibaux. this season. However, after such a close game at Olendlve, with Beach putting forth their best at that time it seems only fair to local fans that Glen{live might have sent a better te~m 4own here last Saturday night than they did. Beach presented a revamped line. up, with Ernie Schmidt at center and Monk Gilman playing at guard. For] wards who saw action were Ralph! and Ray Jones, and Hanevold, whilel Albert :, Gilman and Belmont alter- na~ed at one guard position. The newnem~• of the various positions to the play~rs may have been a facto~ in the, ~howix~ the local boys made. An ["t~ere~ting preliminary game,I howeCbr, 'llall~d allay the fans feel. tags. ~ tlll~ game the high school reNrv~ d~eated a physical educa- tion cla~s team in a game that was amusing and interesting, and provided many laughs, Tomorrow (Friday) night Beach hi~ writ play ,tho powerful Belfleld team Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Treater en tcrtalned a few friends last ~un(x~'I in honor of their daughter Mildred who was (.clebratiug her birthday on that day. Mrs ('t~arlie Smith was ~t Beach ~h.pp~r on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Trester. Mr. BANTAMS ANNOUNCE SEASON SCHEDULE The Beach Bantams have almost co~,pleted booking their schedule for this season, and have a fine liae-up of games coming up. According to Dotlg Evans. secreutry, the following are scheduled from now on: Tonight (Thursday) Sentinel Butte there. Jan. 21--CCC at Modern Jan. 29--Baker there l.'eb, 7--Baker here Feb. 11--Normal Reserves hero Feb. D--Sentinel Butte~here PoE 21--¢lendive tfhere Feb. 26~Glendive here Some of these dates are teatati¢~, however, we understand, awaRing and Mrs. Charlie Smith and son lianA confirmation. A few other games Charles and George, Mr. and Mrs. l~umy also be booked, according to Win. Ueckert and family, Mr. and Present plans. A game with Sis Mrs. Fred Stacker~ and Mr, and Chicken Pickers, a fast professional Mrs. Ralph Stacker all attended the' team. fell through this week. dancing party in Sentinel Butte oni Thursday evening sponsored by the losing rabbit hunters. ] Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Polly motored to Beach Friday afternoon during which time Clyde called at the dec tor's office. Mr. Polly has been o~ the sick list the Past two weeks but is now on tl~e road to recovery. ~!tlI Carlyle News Mrs, Wallace Pratt returned honze from the Baker hospital feeIing~mfi¢~h better after a pneumonia attacl~':~ Everett Stuart had the m~ortun( Mr. and Mrs, Paul Wischow andI to mangle a finger so badly it :@as family were supper and Sunday eVen.[necessary to amputate it. He War ing guests at the home of Mr. and' i taken to Baker hospital last Sunday. Mrs. Win. Ueckert. Peder Haa~tse and son Law, rents -here ~ld a g~Nl ~me is looked for. i Albert Ramsey has been sick abed were Wlbaux callers Tuesday where Pa~ ~e urgM tO come out and sup-t wttl~ the flu the past three weeks but po~t the ~ho~ter team. ]has now fully recovered. Lawrence consulted a doctor about ,', ~ ~ ~ | Mrs. Alfred Ueckert went to Beach his eyes. He has pinkeye. • ' [ last Monday and had some dental[ Mrs. W. Swanbro and daughte~ .~IIP.MARgIIA/ [work done. She also called on Mrs. [ Ka~ryn entertained at bridge Friday WUIM ||;n||v.,nb [Henry Wojohn and the new baby. ]afternoon. Twelve ladies were pres. Continued from Page 1) " Fred Smith and Albert Ramseylluffchent" TheandhosteSSprizes wentServedt0 aMrs.lovelYc. w the divisions t e ac ~ere business callers ]n Beach lastl embraces t o o r ' " , h " " ~ " ~Lund ,.high, and Mrs. L. Mollne, low qulrlng of mcwe land to be gB'en to Monday. } Louis Larson is traveling around the Indians. and the recreational pro- j taking farm census• jects under the National Park set- DULL HEADACHES GONE; vice which includes the park proJeCt~ SIMPLE REMEDY DOES ITi Art Hansen. Leonard Sanderson Roland Johnson and l~rwin and Ed. Headaches caused by constipation are gone after one dose of Adlerika. This cleans poisons out of BOTH up per and lower boS,,els. Ends bad sleep nervousness. Butte Drug & Jewelry Co. n at Modern and Watford City, N. Dak, ,IIIF The Catholic Ladies guild are plan. ning another card party to be given on the evening of January ~4th in the hall of the church. Thompson's Store WE DELIVER PHONE | PURE PRESERVES, 5 LB, PAIL 79¢ LOG CABIN SYRUP, TABLE SIZE 25c P & G SOAP, 6 iLARGE BARS 25c SOAP CHIPS, 5 LB, 60X 31c S PICEO HERRING, 8 LB, JAR ' $1,,19 AGKERS, 2- 2 LB, SOLES 35c ORANGES, MEDIUM, 2 DOZ, 45c GRAPE FRUIT, 4 FOR 25c BANANAS, 3 LBS, 25c ARK. BLACKS APPLES WRAPPED w,..-- BOX $1,69 ! TTUOE, CELERY, SWEET S DS, ORAIIBERRIE$ i or Mher bargains. round Wiley left by car Thursday ev. cuing for Sidney on business. Theyt spent the night at the E~ l~vr~] home returning Friday. [ (,leo Bergett was taken m theI Baker hospital Friday night sufferingI from ulcers. He was able to return! home on Saturday but is still under the doctor's care. Little Dorothy Hammond celebrat- ed her birthday Saturday evening by inviting a few of her friends in for a delicious chicken dinner. The girls report a fine time. Mrs. James O'Connor will teach the Olson school, Miss Funk having resigned to take up school ~'ork at Missoula. Mrs. James O'Connor took her son Dickie to Baker Monday to consult a doctor about the boy's health. A. E. S~heffer left Friday with a carload of horses for points hz In. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Fisk were dinner guests at the home of their daughter, Mrs. M. Hartse ThursdaY. Mrs. R. Lutts was taken to the Baker hospital Thursday. Mrs, Gus Mollne Is visiting her daughter in Baker this week. Mr. and Mrs, M. Hartse called at the C. R. Stewart ~ome ThursdayI I evening, ] Mr. and Mrs. L. Hartse and tam] ily were dinner guests at the L. R. Moline home Sunday evening. Helmer Ltndstrom went to Wibaux Sunday to take ~are of his famiky they beinff'all sick in bed with the flu Doctor Keller was called to th~ homes of Calvin Lurid0 Bud Knuts0n :and H~ ~a~c~, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrd.' M. ttartdd and daughter wer~ Visiting at ":~]~'eI John Mitre, Margaret Jacol~en Is now employc2 a t t~ W. Swanbio home; ? BANTAMS LOSE TO ggG S IN OVERTIME • THRILLER TUESDAY Regular Game Ends With Score Tied At 28 Apiece On Tuesday night the CCC basket- ball from Medora came to Beach and sprang a surprise by defeating the] local Bantam quint by one point, 301 to 29, in an exciting game that re-i quh'ed one overtime period to .decide it. The game was nip and tuck throughout, with neither side hold- ing any advantage after the first fewi minutes ef play. At the start of the game the Bantams pilad up a small lead, and were ahead 10-2 for a short time. but the CCC boys nar- rowed the gap and played the rest of the first half en even terms, that DeMolay Quint Breaks Even • Y' During the past week the local DoMolay ~asketball team broke even losing last Thursday at Baker to the strong Independent team there by a score of 66 to 24, and winning at Modern Monday night from the CCC team there 22 to 8. Little is known of the Baker game, but thegame at Medora was very close through the first half. that period closing 7--6 in favor of the Beach quint. In the second half the DeMolay boys got their stride however, and with Roy oech leading the attact, pulled away to a good lead while holding the camp boys to only two points, We understand the DeMolays are booked for a re- turn game with Baker her(, next Tuesday e~ ening. l!iI. Garner News 6EAGH HIGH PLAYS 8ELFIELD HERE TO- MORROW, JAN, Will Be First Game For Local Hi Boys The Beach high school basketl~ team will play its first North M souri Slope conference game of t season this coming Friday when clashes with the Belfield quint. Ti will be the second conference ga~ ,for Belfield, that team having ¢ teated Sentinel Butte high Frid night at Belfleld. The North Missouri SloPe conS once, of which Beach is a memb~ is made uP of the following tow~ Beach, Sentinel Butte, Belfleld, Di~ insert Central, Dickinson Normal l Taylor, Richardton, Hebron, GI with the scort 16.14] Mr, and Mrs. Henry Wassmann period closing in favor of the Bantams. and family were dinner guests at the The second half was very close al~ Fred Wassmann home Sunday. the way, with neither team more Mrs l~red Wassmann was a caller than three points ahead at any time. at the Joe Dietz home Thursday. The Bantams were leading 28-27 and, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Allstot and Just as the final whistle sounded, a l girls were afternoon visitors at the CCC man was fouled. He was award- ed two free throws, one of which he made good to tie the score. In the overtime period, Douglas Evans was awarded a free throw and made it good to PUt the Beach boys in the lead, but with fifteen seconds left. o~ of the CCC boys, Greer, took a long shot from past the center of the court, and it swished through to pul them one point ahead, the whistle blowing ahnost immediately after" ward. Next Tuesday the Bantams go to Modern for a return ga~o and a rod hot battle is tn prospect at that time. I Golva News The card party last Tuesday night was very well attended. There was eleven tables playing seven games: of whist after which a delicious lunch served. After lunch they danced[ was until midnight, The ladies first and second prizes were won by Ros¢ Haigh of Beach. and Mrs. Madison of Oolva. The men's first and second prizes were won by ~'ilma Kremer and Mr. Thompson. qPhere will be a:~ other card party next; Tuesday. The funeral for the Fritz Nell baby was held Wednesday at the Golva ehurctL She was laid ~o rest beside her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nell. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oswin S~hmitz has been sick the last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schw~le, Mrs. Frank Davidson, Florence Cameron Mrs. Jas. Odenbaugh and daughter Either, and Rose Haigh came down from Beach to attend the card party Wednesday night. Bud ZIaigh has been puting up ice the past week. Mr. Falstead was haul- ing it for him. Mrs. Christ Johnson and daughter Rose. and Mrs Louis Fashing wei"e afternoon visitors of Mrs. Cameron Wednesday. Mrs. Dorothy Fitzams arrived Tues. from St. Cloud. to attend the f~neral of her neice. Margaret Ann Nell. She expects to visit a few days wibh re. latives before returning to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Covert entertain- ed to a six o'clock dinner Friday nits, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sehouboe and daughter Delores, and Mrs. Claude Schouboe from OUle. ~kfter dinner they Mat Krause home Thursday. Many attended the funeral of Margaret Ann Nell V;edhesday in GeLs. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Babcock and fa.mily and Fred XVassmann were Beach visitors Saturday. The Joe Dietz baby was taken to the hospital in Beach again Thursday Joe Lemire was a visitor at the tt 1,. Babcock home Saturday. Mr. t)nd Mrs. Harry Wassman~ and Leslie Wassmann were callers at the Adolph Johnson and Joe Dietz homes Wednesday. Lloyd Wassmann attended the ban quet and dance in Sentinel Butte on Thursday night. [ Earl Allstot and Walter Wassmann called at the F. F. Schmeling home on Saturday. may and Alice Johnson were visltors a~ Mrs Thompson's Sunday night and playing bridge was the evening's en tertainment. ('. G. Johnson made a business trip to Dickinson last week. While there he was appointed agent for the Production Credit Ass'n and will have charge of livestock loans in this area. Mrs. Ruth Sehlllo entertained a~ bridge Thursday afternoon the tel lowing: Mesdames Tschida. Funk Ed Fisher. Tony Kreltinger. Cameron Madison. To~as. Kremers, J. Schillo Sheen, and Miss Flora McPhee. Mrs. Bill Kremers received high prize anu Mrs. Funk low. At five o'clock Mrs. Schillo served a delicious lunch. Mrs. Christ Johnson, Mrs. Bert Covert and Mrs. Ed Fisher were vt$-[ itors of Mrs. Shoen's ThurSday nitej Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fisher's baby hasI been on the sick list the past week,n Mrs. Claude Schouboe of ellis has J been visiting at the Frank SchouboeI home the past week. Saturday she[ went down to Alpha To visit with her daughter, Mrs. Gloyd Bury. Mr. Covert received a letter from Otto Hanson and family Monday. Mr. Hanson stated that ii snowed during their entire trip, and it has rained in California ev'er since they have been there. They are making their home at Long Beach at present. Roy NoU was visiting at the home of his brother Fritz, while their sis- ter Marie was he~. Unen, and New Salem. In basketb~ the co~nference is divided into a we ern division and an eastern divisi{ The eastern division is made up the following towns: Beach, Senti Butte, Belfield, Dickinson Cent~ Dickinson Normal High, TayI~ Richardton, Hebron, Glen Ullen, New Salem. In basketball the o~ terence is divi'ded into a western d~ ision and an eastern 4ivision.~ eastern division is made up of Salem, Glen Ullen, Hebron, and Richardton, and th western ision of the two Dickinson Belfield, Sentinel Butte, and The standings of the teams of division are kept separate during season and at the end of the the two team from each division have won the largest their conference games compete co;d(~rc-, tournament to the conference champion. The i.,,r~nco tournament this year will i~eld at the D~ckinson Normal Februrary 22. The game Friday night will be ceded by a red hot preliminary tween two teams of local 8th The preliminary game will start 7:30 P. M. sharp. The Belfield--Beach game to be a real struggle with out to keep their conference clean and Beach equally anex their first conference Itq|WS -]l~,~iat deep-cu~ exoursion rates to prL~cip~l c'tfi~ M the East. On sale every day wRh rehnm good until June ld, Newest-type bu~s, ~fe, warm and comforiabte. Sample one way fares Fargo, N. D. to: NEW YORK ..... PITTSBURGH .... 14.75 D~TROIT . . ,,, . 10.2@ SEATTL~ ...... 25.75 MIA511 ........ 2S.~ Hundreds at other reductlona Round "r/ps save an additional" tO~. Far com- plete informatio:~. ~ local a~e~t. W PIERZINA OIL STATI~ ,ONE played cards until midnight, when BARGAINS Mrs. Covert served a delicious lunch Mrs. ~. G. Funk ~tnd Mrs Bull Halgh were afternoon callers at the Oawin Schmitz homo Friday. Miss Kathleen Cameron returned front Billings Saturday night where Come in see your dealer. We have she ,has been visiting since Jan. 1. ¢* Miss Marie Nell arri~d Tuesday some nn¢ Deals on night bY train f, rom Chi~go to attend all diti ned the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz U dT Nolrs baby. She left Satur~.V morn, se ractors, recon o iugtoresumeherwor~iat~hicago.Al S dH dF T Is John and George Johnson are doin~ SO econ an arm on : a little repair work on Joe Fisher's co,,ar. Ti,ey are enlarging it. Wheatland Disc Plows, Tandem Disc, Miss Elizabeth Strohmeyor worked Tea, rei nger's last week. Drills, All in first class shape. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Nell, Mrs. Dora Fitzam, Louis Nlstler and daughter blade and l,~arl SchmitzAll used tractors with a garant##. we,'c Sunday dinner guests at tlxo Will take in horses and cattle on trade ~,Vendal Nistler home. ] H. G. FunL~ anu TOny Barthel put ~p ice for Mr. Thompson last week The two children o~ ~r. ann Mrs. Real PRICES on new implements. Ed Ni'stler are on the sick list. Mrs. LoulsFas~dnghheipingmu'setaemMiss Ferguson was a visitor of Golden Valley Harvesler Co. Mrs. Thompson Sunday afternoon. ] i Herman Funk of Beach was a Gel-i va visitor Sunday and Monday. 1 Mrs. Madison and daughter Anna. Ge