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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
January 17, 1935     Golden Valley News
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January 17, 1935
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~~~ BEACRt R~-TIBW .... r [turned the first of the week fromI Elizabeth is threatened with pneu I Kendall. Wisconsin. Roy has been tmonia. They have Miss Mary Bailey :~ ~making an extended Visit there, but[ a trained nurse from Wlbaux, taking I Mrs. McCaskey was called there- care of them. !just recently by the death of her "~r. and Mrs. Constant 7v'an Horn Mrs. AI Gilman is confined to herI sis[er. They report lots ot snow are expecting a visit some time this ~!omo with sickness, i there and much colder weather than week from their daughter Pearl':~ Mrs. Anna Meyer who has been inI what we have been having here. mother in law from Honolulu who has he B~ach hospital the past week', Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Grifllth enter- l~een visiting a daughter in Massa. eturned home on Friday very much' rained the Builders class of the U. chusetts. inproved. [ B. church at their apartment. It was Casper Berg and son Nels and Miss Shiela Boulger of Dickinson the regular ~ .............. ~ ,:t~l,ly father, Pie. Sr. motored to Beach on ~ho has been a guest at the Beck. moctin.~. Thursday. tby home the past week returned to Floyd Wilson motored to Glendiv~ Ray Brier and Dorothy took Mrs. ~r home on Sunday evening.. Saturday at'ternoon, taking his father J. M. Brier Wednesday to the John ~Mr. and Mrs. John Halbkat re- back with him. He spent the week r~rown home where she stayea until ~rned Wednesday evening from end with his folks, returning home o~ Saturday, when she will agatn visit ~lnneapolis where they spent their Sunday evening. Elsie Wilson re at the J. E. Middleton home in Bevcb ~neYmoon. turned with him to make a visit with until Sunday or Moniay before ze !Mrs. C. O, Carlson was hostess Mrs. Johnson, her aunt. turning to her home near Joliet, Morn a group of friends Saturday even- Mrs. Peter Rute is in the local Mrs. Clifford Fisher and daughter g, four tables of bridge being in hospital with the flu. visited at John Brown's Wednesday ~lay. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dickinson re- HH- i John Conners of Carlyle was a Re. turned yesterday aftei'h"b--on- from NOTICE ew caller Tuesday. Staples, Minn. where they attended STRAYED--2 Year old red sow. the funeral of Mrs. Dickinson's aunt l am associated or in partn,~rshiPI ~eonard Carlson. Mrs. Gadway. with no other doctor now. My own[ :The Women's Missionary Society of IN} office is over the Red Owl groceryI he M. E. church will meet wRh as usual. [ ---DR. M. W. LYON~[ firs. W. V;allace January 23. [~~ChOO1~ ~ Mrs. Mar~in Tobias returned onl Puesday from a three weeks visit l/~DOlnq ,~! tith her parents in BemldJi, Minn. [ Jack Miller is on the sick llst this ....... Peek. All amature orators are working Miss Adeline Klein has been ab- hard on their declares. ~ent from school the past two weeks The Student Cry will publish its Vith sickness, fourth issue near the end of this Mr. Morris VanDerhoef of Miles month. ~ily visited his brother Kenneth here I wonder if any students made any ast Week, returning Saturday. New Year's Resolutions? If they did I don't think any of the teachers no- Mrs H. G. Funk, Mrs. Bud Haigh ticed it. !rid Mrs. Thompson were Beach • Students taking part in Dicki~~ .qsitors Wednesday afternoon, famous play. "The Cricket on the WANT TO BUY~Sucking calves Hearth" will resume their practice ~nd bulls Write to Sanitary Market:l this week. This play will be present- )ickinson. They will call for : Frank Johnson and son John, also ed sometime in February. ~Ictor and Arnold Johnson, and W. Next semester the Vocation~tl Ag- r. Brown, were pleasant Review coll.[ riculture department will supplemen: ~rs last Friday. l the course in Farm Accounting ~or A. W.• Latterall was a pleasant that of Farm Management. This is ~teview Caller Saturday. a practical course designed primarily Miss Edna Nelson and Floyd Wilson for juniors and seniors which should be very interesting. The freshman Cere dinner guests at the Charles and sophomore students wrll continue ~mith home one night last week. their study of Crops and Soil, this : Rudy Bertsch returned from a two~ Being a two semester course. Peeks' stay with his relatives at ~berdeen, S. Dak. The final semester examinations Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Raisler en.i will be given on Thursday and Fri. 1 00 lbsSugar ~rtained at dinner Friday evening, day of this week, and report cards 98 lb FI ~r. Louis Ralsler and Mr. and Mrs. will come out the following Wednes S our 4Phomas, day. : Mr, and Mrs. Roddy Kimball were Mrs. Welch has recently complet- Kupper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan ed the picture of the 1932 graduating astien on Monday evening, class and this will be put up tn the Marilyn. the infant daughter of Mr. hall of the high school sometime ~)nd Mrs: Allan Kastien has been ill soon. ~he Past few days. Some changes in certain courses will be made next semester. Advane Mis. Margaret Fisher of Golva was ed algebra wi. replace ad~oe~ NO. 10 Prunes 0nly a Beach caller Thursday evening, arithmetic, high school geographywlll Sup't I. I. Grindstuen was a caller at the Bunker Hill school Wednesday replace psychologY, foods I will re A card party to be given ,by the place sewing I, and sewing II will Rainbow Girls will be held in the replace foods II. Two courses will Masonic Temple Feb. 15. Refresh- be offered in place of English IVC-- ~ent will be served, and it i's hoped Public Speaking and World LRera- that a large crowd will be present ture. World Literature is a new ""to enjoy the Valentine celebration, course which has never been given Dr. Titzell returned to the city on before in this school. It is largely Monday morning a~ter spending the a surv'ey of contemporary world lit- holiday vacatiun at his old home in erature which will be supplemented Iowa. He has now moved his office by magazine reading. Some classics Into the Reeve bUllding, upstairs will also be studied. • Where the beauty shop formerly was. ~.~¢,~-~-4Ht~.~t~ Among: those from Medora to at. ~n~e ~asonie ~t ~,d.y were Camel's Hump ~. W MdffxR~ l~,~:andMrs George • ~Osterhou£ Mrs:, Foley, Mrs. Louis eee~c-~ee~e~-eeeee~-ee~-e-x-eeee~ ifP elissler'"M~r.and Mrs. J. D CamP- George Franzen and Augusta broq ' bell and .A, C. Burgum. Mrs. J. M. B~ier to Ray Brier's on ~ A M. KItl~feld ann John Barkland Tuesday after visi÷)~ag on Monday at Were Medora business visitors on Bud Myers. George Fransen and ]Sufl ~esday: Myers motored to Medora on Mon- :',i ~. The L~D. R. will meet this com- day also. :~::~ng Satu~ay afternoon, Jan. 19. at Joe Downs and daughter Shirley the E. C. Nelson home. and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Brown and AI Longl~ttom, the Case Implement children were supper guests Monday ~lealer, lastweek moved his business evening at the John Brown home. ":to the b~l~g between the Masonic Mrs. Matt Decker has been very Temple arid th'e Leglon Hall. Aaron Snoolt and'Jack Miller are among those on the Sick list thls I I l Week. A baby girl was born to Mr. and LIGNITE Mrs. C. E. Pinkie in Bismarck on C OA L! ' membered as the former Miss Jo. ~:~anna Nelson. DO 'ed after being under the care of Mrs. 4~-d. Cordia Wallace the past two weeks. Mrs. Page has been suffering with Per ton, delivered the nu the past week. , Watt Johnson made a husiness trip ~to Dickinson on TUesday. ~ Wm Abe~atby le~t on Tuesday Quick, Competent ~lng for a ten day t~p ~o vat. Service ~ ~ous eastern point ~!th~ . s and was on board uc train which was partially wreck. led east of here, we understand. D Ki dli W d Eddie Lindt, who now lives in Cal. ry n ng DO :~ iforn~a, spent several days this week ,': here With his fathe/r, Jack IAndt. Block or Chopped ~me came up from Bismarck where he a~d~ his Wife have been with his mother Wh0 is quite ,ill. AARON SNOOK ,.~-el to the be~Pita~fo~ treatmen* I PHONE 117-R • ar. and Mrs ~l " " daugh)=, _~ ." Nlstler's son and[ ~" ~ m the bo~ttal... Alpha News• S. L. White was a Sentinel Butte and Beach caller }~'tday, Mrs. M. B. Hogoboom entertained Sentinel Butte to their ranch on the rfver. The :married folks card club was entertained at the Win. Swan home Saturday evening. Bobby Hogoboom spent the week. end at the M. B. Hogo~oom home. the Alpha birthday club SatUrdayI Ivan Mitckell of Mound Was ~I A large croud attended. Contests wereI the Alpha neighborhood Monday. given, Mrs. John Irons winning firsti Margaret Ziebarth has been on the prize and Nellie Irons second. A lovely] sick list the last few days. dinner was served by the hostess. I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knopp and daughter, visited the weekend with Mrs. Knopp's mother, Mrs, Mitchell of Mound. Mrs. Jens Gronning was a guest of the Gee Stevens family Tuesday night. Gee Stevens was a Bowman visitor on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Win. Szudera of Beach, and Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hag- en were guests at the Chas. Otremb~ home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Johh SPencer and baby left for California on Tuesday where John expects to have employ ment. Karnes Johnson was busy Thurs- day and FTiday hauling feed from Announcement I have opened an implement business in the building just north of the Masonic Temple, be- tween the Temple and the Legion Hall. 1 will handle the J. I. Case line of farm ma- chinery and tractors. Call On Me For Repairs AL LONGBOTTOM, Beach I have some second hand tractors at real BARGAIN PRICES! F. T. REYNOLDS CO. Extra Fine DAKOTA MAID OR OGCIDENT JUST A FEW OF OUR EVERY flAY SPECIALS $5.49 $4.09 10 ib Sack Oatmeal 3 lbs Our Best Grade Coffee 5 ib Pail Pure Fruit Jam No. 10 Can Pure .EAW.oo~ Catsup Lemons Sunkist Dozen m Fancy Larse Lettuce Fancy Sweet Potatoes 4 Ibs ANY FLAVOR 69c 59c 35c 59c " 33c lOc is 25c NEW SHIPMENT OF APPLES Fancy Delcious, Winesaps, Stayman, Ark. Black, Rome Beauty Apples EXPECTING flNOTHER CflR OF SALT IN THIS WEEK WE DELIUER PHONE 75 $888 IN BEACH DODGE 4.DOOR SEDAN Completely Equipped Patented Floating Power--Time- Tested, Compound Hydraulic Brakes-- All-Steel Body--ll6 inch Wheelbase --Air Wheels--Wide, Front-Opening Doors--87 Horsepower--Steel Valve Inserts--Automatic Choke--Ride Lev- elator--Vacuum Sparko Cntrol-- Much W i d e r Seats--Super-flex Springs-- Centrifuse Brake Dnmm--15 to 22 Miles Per Gallon--Clear Vision Venti- lation--Water Jacketed Cylinders. Thd 9reatsot array of 8afety, Com- fort and Mechanical ~d~a Ild~ea EVER put in ANY car at ANY prire--~he New Value Dodge. ROBERT ALGUIRE PHONE 68 "PlymoUth - Dodge - DodGe Trucks COUPE $798,00 COACH $84&00 !N BEACH. IN BEACH ..... i i i i ~,,,, ,, , ,,, , ,,,, A. F. Irons and Lillian were in Beach Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Nell Hogoboom and Mrs. Byron Hogoboom were guests Rt the Hogoboom home Saturday. A. F. Irons was a caller at the John Herr home Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ftnnonh'tn re, turned home Friday from Sidney, Mont. where they had spent a few days visiting Tom's brother, ATT[NTION!! I I III I IIIIIIIII " Until January 26th we are giving our perman- eros at a reduced price. Now is the time to get a beautiful wave at a low price. I II $3.00 Wave is $2.50 ii I I I $5.00 Wave is $4.25 For Sckool Girls $2.00 a~d $2.50 CALL 15 FOR APPOINTMENT Ideal Beauty Parlor GEM THEATRE WIBAUX, MONTANA Sat.-Sun., Jan. 19-20 "READY FOR LOVE" WITH Ida Lupine Richard Aden Marjorie Rambeau i SHORT SUBJECTS A two reel comedy: [ NEWS "MARRIAGE HUMOR" REEL 7:30 and 9:00 P. M. / Every farm fmmily knows the an,wet to Tm]Azy~s question. Tl~y know that the telephone lirlngs them voices of friends and relatives... keelm them hi much with neighborhood hesse> ... brlnp invl~flons and many 'happy times. "'" NOIIVHWI!211M BILL , TILIPHON| ¢ OMPAN¥~ --- .