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January 17, 1935 Golden Valley News | |
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January 17, 1935 |
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htered ~
Published every ThursdBy at Bea~, North Dakota
L D. A. "~ALLACII). Editors and PubilShers
$~00 per year in adV~d
rotter ~September 18, 1931, at the pos~0fl~ce at
:No~th~ ~kot~ under the Act ot M~ S, lS79
Advertising rates furnt~ed u~ =re, luSt.
Ch~b~n on Religious ,Education
Mrs, And Nunn,
Chairlnan on Missions, Mrs.
The advanced class in domestic
~ce (mtortained the school facuv
t~ add Mrs. Byron ~Eogoboom at sL~
o'clock dinner on Wednesday evening
nembers of the local high
elm, Kathleen Bets
Butte Locals
IIii .....
ANNUAL MEETING turned home and is improving.
The annual church meeting was Orville Engl~d, who has been with
Congre~Uonld ohurnh the CCC camp!iat~ Pierre, S, D. for
ieventug. After the TegortB more than a Fear, has finished his
were read and ac work there and gone out to California
pincers were to see the sights. He spent a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
for 3 yea~, Carl ~lund Langberg. Mrs. Langberg will hc
DeSm~ for two yesrs, Fred Smltl~ remembered as Bernice Irons, and
I)i4te~laess for 2 years, Mrs. E. It. now Orville Is in Hollywood with
]M[a~lz. Jerry Brewer.
Clerk end Treasurer for one year, Harold Hi~lin has pt~chased By
~.f W! I,L Burhans. Hogoboom's Oldsmobile car.
P/anlSt. Verda Smith. The Round Table club held its reg.
Auditor, Mrs. W. T. Pederson. ular meeting on Wednesday evening
1PIDa~elal Secretary, Mrs. Mason. of last week.
C1mlrman on Evangelism, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. To~ey and
family and Mr. and Mri. ~. H.
Mason were entertained at 1:00 o'.
clock dinner at the A. R. Miller
home on Sunday.
Word comes from the CCC camp at
committee appoint. Amour, Me., that Lynfred Ness is
~d were Mr. Pederson, Mrs. Higlln ill with the nmmps.
Mrs. ]~B~]~t]. M.~ ~ort~ and Pe~'l Yates is staying with the
]~u'rY 8mich. ~i~' i, ~:; for ~t few weeks. Jonas138_103Hammack, ................... Roadwork
\',rd, ,~mith ',,:~ returned for ~I Overstad and Son. Supplies.
Overstad and Son, Funerals
Clyde F.Hoy has been quilo sickl 8, w C~y~ x,i:'J! :,~ h0r home. for A. E. Hills and Gee.
Klngen ...................
With rhe~.mtism the: past week. Mr. and Mr,~. Byrnn [logol~oom St. Johns Orphanage, Care
De'. Lyons has recently p.rch~scd w~re dinner guests at the H. H. Musll and Ntehousechild-
r~l~ *,o0 ........ ..¢.o ......
the Va~ ]~don gal'a!~ ~tud h:~ moved Mason home .u ~aturday evening. Mrs. Fred Stacker, Care E.
Bates ....................
Mary Huiley of ~i%aux Js spending j.w. Skinner. Storage rent
several days here visttlHg friends, l Menke Drug Co.. Medicine
for poor ...................
Lyle Martin came home from Mlnn joa. Piesik, Poor relief ....
eapolis the first of the week but ex~ Bert Mogle, Poor relief .....
Win. Hlglln, Storage rent ..
poets to return in a few days. Mrs. Gee. Nelson. Care Mr.
and Mrs. Ameal Schaefer
Mrs. Byron Hogoboom and Mrs. Frank C. Tltsell, OperatiOn
Mrs. Seherle ..............
Nell Hogoboom attended the Birth- Pearl Frederlckecn, Care of
day l~ub party at Alpha on Saturday~ Mrs. Scherle, ChesieY child.
Elizabeth Dietz ..........
]~ene Lameres held their tria~ afternoon. The occasion was the Rico Drug Co., Medicine for
~5:00 P. i~[. lhe
. M. January ~.
a,o.~°3'nleet at 9:00 A Board adJourn,~
9:00 A. M~ ~nuarY 3, 19S6. the~
]~zrd met pursuant to adjournment
..wlth all m~mbers preSent.
A non-disturbance agreement for
Wm. ;Scherle with the Farm Credit
~dmiulstration was approved.
An order for $12.00 was issued to,
M. A. Engenbretson for the hospit-
alization of hie chil~.. '
The fol~pwing offices were checR~
ed anl fees accounted for as fol-
lows: Auditor. $17.25; Clerk or
Court. ~45.35; County Judge, $17,00;
Register of Deeds, $334.20.
The following bills were audited
approved and ordered paid subject
to personal property taxes due or oe-
linqu ent:
C. Bartholomew, Hauling
ashes .................... $ 1.50
Gamble Store. Supplies for
court house ..., ......... 6.61
Walter W. McMahon. Repair
tyDewrlters .............. 20.00
Knight P~lnting Co., Sup-
plies .......
Aaron Snook; Coal"fro" .....
county ................... 45.84
N. ~V. Bell Tel. CO,, Phone
services .................. 40.85
State Bonding Fund, Bonds
for county omeials ...... 235.0]}
Heach Review. Supplies ... 19.00
J. P. Thill, Supplies ...... 1.23
Golden Valley Lbr. Yd.,
Luln~er and paint ....... 2.29
Beach Advance, Publishing
Com. Proceedings ....... 54.39
Beach Advance. Supplies .. 20.80
O. G. Vaushn, Bailiff ser-
viceS ................ • . .... 6.00
June Mills. Clerk auditor's
office ..................... 34.00
White Eagle Oil Co.. Gas .. 58.45
C. G. Johnston, Operating
Grader ................... 16.25
David M. Howic, Operat-
einsrlaf- Tractor .............. 28.7'~
Thereon. Operatieg
grader .................... 43.2~
G. H. Wassmsn, Operating
tractor ................... 38.25
Tractor & Equipment Co,.
Supplies for tractor ...... 19,33
F. F. Sehmeling, Dragging
roads ... t ................ 5.5e
J. Q. Lawhe~d. Dragging
roads ..................... 10.0~
Win. Marquette, Road work
139-103 ...... ~ ............. 17.10
nelief ...................... ~.0/~ |
Cotn~ty Trcasurur. ].~l~igllt.
po~tage,~ taxes, ~c. .- .... ~450~4 •
A bill of $14~00 .filed.. by Pearl
Frederlckson and Ohe ~Of $65;00 filed
by Dr. F. ~.~3..Tlt~ell for sorvloes
rendered Frank Knopp were rejected
as said bills had not been authorized
hy the County Board.
~oY.ed by Odland seconded by ~N'o
sepka..that the following resolution
b~ adopted :
WHEREAS, a hdme :~tm been pro.
vided by Golden Val|ey .County fol
indigent residents '0f :~kid' Coi~nty to-
gethei- with board and maintenance.
~,VHER]~A~, It :tl)pe~rs that certain
persons are receiving relief from the
county whereby other persons are
being paid for keeping such indigent
persons and that such care costs
Goldeu Valley County considerably
more than the cost would be were
such person maintai.ed in the County
NOXV, Tberefore. Be It Resolved
That from and after the passage of
this resolution, no payments shall bs
made by Golden Valley County for
the care and maiutemtnce of persons
~nless they are living ~n the County
Be It resolved further that this
resolution Shall not apply to such
persons whose state of health re.
ttulres isolation of such person nor
shall it apply to allowances made by
Golden ~alley County for medical
attention, medicines, or hospitalisa.
tlon. or persons requiring only tom.
porary aid. Upon being pat to :
vote. said motion was duly carried.
Moved by Odland, seconded by Wo-
sepka that the following resolution
be adopted:
WHeReAS, It lute been the ruling
in Golden Valley County for some
time p~st- tbat no purchases be made
by any officer of said County of sup-
plies without the approval of the
Board e~ County Commissioners. a~,d
WHEREAS, It is necessary that
such rule be continued for the proper
carrying on of the County business
and that such rule shall be made
NO~r, Therefore. Be It Resolved
That no claims for. supplies for
County officers sball be allowed or
,paJ~ by Golden Valley County uhless
such goods have been furnished to
such office upon Rn order duly up-
.proved by the Board of County
Commissioners. Upon being put to a
vote said motiou duly carried.
5:30 p. m. the Board adjourned to
meet at 9:00 A. M. January 5. 193~.
9:00 A. M, January 5. 1935, the
100.6f Board of County Commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment with al~
members present.
90,00 Moved by Odland. and seconded by
W08epka. that the followng resolu-
7.00 tion be adopted:
1O.00 WHEREAS. It appears that there.
has accumulated in the County In~
8.00 "
6.50 of North Dakota should be placed In
the General Fund of the County,
24.00 ' NOW, Therefore, Be It Resolw'~
That the mlm of $495.92 aforesaid be
50.00 transferred from the Inheritance Tax
Fund to the General Fund of Golden
Valley County. Upon being put tO :.
vote, all members voted "aye" and
100.0~ ~* ~otJon" was declared carried.
~0ved by Wosspka. and seconded
29.2 Odland; that the following resolutlor~
be adopt~ :
• WHEREAS. It appears to the
Board of Couety Commissioners that
the sum of $869.60 has been placed In
the Seed Grain Stnki~g Fund or
Golden Valley County, and
WHEREAS, It further appears tha,
all charges against said fund hart
~been paid and that it lt to the b~st
dvantage of Goloen valley count:
as rapidly as possible to avoid pay
meat of interest thereon.
NOW. Therefore, Be It ]tesolve~~
That the sum of $869.60 be trans-
debate on the various subjects chosen] birthday ot Mrs. M. B. Hogoboom.
on Friday. Eugene Lamerel~ Kat~.] Gazella Jordan entertained the AI
lee~ ~D ~ K~rmit Sheen haw tar Society at her home on Thursday
to represent the school afternoon, January 17.
taken to the Amber Grimes fs working at the
Boisen store for a few days.
on Friday for an The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
He ,has been Engenbretson has returned from the
but" bus re Beach hospital muelz Improved.
~oor .. ..... .-,.. ..... , .....
wls Rooming House, Room
for transient ............... 75
Eugene Uelman, Repairs and
labor Penney house ...... 2.55
5:00 P. M. the Board adjourned t
meet at 9:00 A. M. January 4, 193~.
3:00 A. M. January 4. 1935, the
Board of County Commissioners met
pursuant to adJonrnment with al.~
members present.
Ed Stull appeared before the Board
a~klng for hospitalization for Sick
ehtld. He was given an order for five
days, amount $10.00.
The following quit claim deeds and
1935, the
C~mmitmio~ers met
mesttug with
of the preceeding
ant1 a~proVed.
~conded by We.
county officers be allowed
and clerks as follows:
deputy for the
November, De~
paid deputy and
and approved hy
• of Deeds and ex-
and Count~
d~puty. That an-
board must be re-
addltonal help wil~
County, A~I stun-
and motion de-
tlutt the fol-
; aPl~ars to the
COml~floners that
one cider deputy be ap-
It Resolved
appoint one
hold Office durln~
sheriff and at hie
tO re.IV0 :~
by resolution this
pay of all deputize
~ amid monthly In the
as the salary of the
Mot.ion w~-- seconded by Od-
vote all
Motion de-
that the
.of expense be,
pa~d upo~ bY
to the county
approval of the
consisting of re-
all moneys exPended at
set forth~ Motion war
Wosepka and upon be-
to vote. all memhere voted
a.'l~l motion was declared ear-
Odland, seconded by Wo~
the following resolutlo~
: appears that salar-
in all county omc~
determined and set With
the amount of exD~r!-
deputies in the Of.
such deputy is cmploy-
a~pears further that
of oMees wqi
It Resolve1
shall receive $80.00 per month which
/shall be the maximum salary re-
ceived by any paid deputy from said
Golden Valley County.
]~ It Further Resolved That this
reeolution shall be held to apply only
to deputies taking ,office after thle
Be It Further Resolved That ex-
tra help, where the same has been
authol~ed by the ]~rd of County
Co~mnissionere, shall be paid th~
sum of $3.00 per day. the same to
apply, t~ a~L offices.
Upon fie!rig put to a vote, all mem-
bers v0~ed "aye" and motion was
declared carried,
Moved by Wosepka, seconded by
Odl~d, that pursuant to sectton
4~317 ~of the 19!3 Compiled Laws,
whenever any person, firm, copartner-
stop or corporauon Is indebted to
the County for personal property
taxes due and delinquent, and a war-
rant is issued for any sum or SUms
due such person, firm. COlmrtnershlp
or corporation, the county auditor is
directed to turn over such warrants
to the county treasurer who ~hall
note upon each of said warrants:
"Held for nerson~d .roPerty taxes"
If she shall find tlmt the person,
firm. copartnership or corporation to
whom warrant is payable owes the
county aBy personal property tax.
If no personal property taxes appear
~a~alnst the person, firm, copartner-
p or corporation, the county
treasurer shall wat_ke no notation up-
on. such w~t.
upon being put to vote the mo-
tion duly carried.
Moved by Wosepka, seconded by
Odlgnd, that all warrants issued to
any person, firm~ copartnership, or
eorporaUo~ which owes Golden Val-
ley County for any reason wh~o-
everever shall not be t~tllvered to
such person, firm, copartnership oP
c0rporatton until such obligation has
been satisfied. The cotmty auditor
is directed to hold all such warrants
until or unle~m the same are en-
dorsed ~" the 1~erson, tits, oopart-
nership or corporation for application
the lndebledness due GOlden
~alleyCl~ounty. Upon being put to
a vote, the motion duly carried.
Dr. W. C. Bradley was-appoint.
el County Superintendent of Board
of Health for 1935, salary 3500.00.
John Keohane and Dr. V. O.
Morris were appointed members of
the insanity board for 1995.
A contingent fund of $500.00 was
prpvlded for the State's Attorney
as per Sec. 3383. C. L. 1913.
Jones was appointed Janitor
for 1935 at $~0.00 per month.
Albert Cleon appeared before the
Board relative to an operation for
Oscar Olson at Dickinson. The
Board autherized this experme at
not more than $50.00.
Highway Division Engineer John-
ston came before the board rela-
tive to a contract for snow remov-
Ralph Moseer Was appointed as-
sessor for the unorganlsed town-
ships in the first commissioners dist-
rict and R. L. Johrmtou for the
unorganized townships in the third
commissioners district.
H. L. ,HaIllday, as attorney for
the l~/rst Nattonal Bank. Dlckln-
appeared before the Board and
notice of payment of
be adopted:
WHEREAS, It app~ears that for the
p~ exDedlt/on Of Payments tc
Jurors and wltneeses, of fees due to
them as Provided by taw that the
treasurer be authorized to I~Y dlst-
riot coul~ certificates to Jurors and
NOW, Therefore, Be It Resolved
that the County tr~murer be, and
she hereby is. authorised to pay dist-
rict court certificates to Jurors and
witnesses without further action by
this Board. Upon being put to vote
all members voted "aye" and motion
declared carried,
Moved by Wosepka. seconded by
Odland. that office hours for the
various county offices of Golden Val-
ley County be from 8:30 o'clock, A,
.M to 13:00 M. and from 1:00 o'clock
P. M. to 5:00 o'clOCk P. M. Upor~
being put to a vote. all member~
voted "aye" and motion was / de
elaxed carried.
The Boalx~ met with ~oward
Stocl~weH. sheriff, relatrve to col-
lect/one of delinquent personal prop-
erty taxes. }to was ordered by the
Board to lnakc, immediate collection
of such taxes as prov/ded by law.
by distraint of property or otherwise.
Howard Stockwell, sheriff, was ap-
pointed bi~d inspector, his appoint-
meat ~o take effect January 15, 1935.
and to continue until the first
Tue~d&y in January, 1939.
The Board discussed tile sheriff':
I'ec0mmend&tion fee cancellation of
personal property taxes. The matter
of cancellation was laid over unth
the next adjourned meeting of the
The Board and county auditor cer-
tiffed to the St. Highway Depart-
sent as to right of way secured for
NRS 46T in T. 140. R 104.
The following bills were audited
approved and ordered Paid rdbJeet to
~er~onal property taxes due or de-
Olaus Rishovd, supplies ane
labor .....................
V. O, Morris. post mortem
Chas, Waiters ..........
Anna Vlasoff, care of Pete
Cook .....................
Standard Oil Co., ps and
oil ........................
J. E. Conners, road work
136-106 ...................
Hammond & Stephens Co.
Sec'y books and awards
Hammond & Stephens Co.
diplomas ................
John W. Wentland, mileage
Globe-Gazette Printing Co.
supplies ..................
GloheoGasette Printing ~o.
supplies ....
Knight Printing "Co~'suPDlies
J. C. Russell, salary for
Nov. and Dec ...........
Lewis Odland, commission-
ere services ..............
Chas. IrJrkpatrick, commis-
sioners services ..........
T. A. Wosepka. commission-
ors services ...............
Milton Bundren, roa~ work
136-106 .................. 3.20
Oswald Jacobsen, road work
136-105 . ................. 4. SO
The Board adjourned at 5:25
o'clock P. M. to meet. at 9:0~
o'clock A. M. February 4. 1935.
Auditor Golden Valley County, N. D.
]g~stl~n, Register of Deeds and ex-
officio County Judge and Clerk of
Court: Harry L. Rice. Coroner.
A tax deed w~s issued to Jennie
Phllllps to Sec. 25---140---103.
Mo~'ed by Odland, seconded by Wo-
sepka, that the following resolution
be adopted:
WH~S: It _appears to the
Board: of County Commissipne.~s ot
Golden Valley County, NOrth ~-
ta, in regular meeting ~lbllell tl~
eeme system of State Highway M~Lln-
t~nco Employee Civil Service 8hotfld
be established In the State of N0rtn
De, eta for the proper maintenance
Of the highways of the State. and
WHEREAS. It. further appes~s to
the Board 'of County Commissl0ner~ :
that a proposed bill pro vidlngfor such
civil service has been prawn ~or auh-
mlmdon to the LeglSlaturs for Ires-
sage, which s~/d bill has been ft~r-
nlshed to the County Commissioners
by the State Highway CommiesioneP,
WHEREAS, The Board has ex-
stained such proposed bill and feels
that It8 pammge would be greatly ben-
eficial to the State of North Dakota
and provides & workable. ..methodt' for
administration of such CIVIl serv Ce,
NOW, Therefore, Be It Resolved
That the Board of County CommiS-
sioners of Golden Valley County favor
the passage by the legislature of NOL~th
Dakota of a law providing for elVtti
service:of highway m~nten~noe ~-"
p]eyees whereby no employee will be
hired ~or h/s pol/tical affiPations no/"
discharged bec~uee of affiliation with
any pQlltical party, and whereby ol/-
Irible lists of applicants for such work
sitall be kept by the county auditor
M prepared by the Highway Depart-
ment and County CommisSioners.
Be It ReSolved Further That a oo~
Of thls. resolution be sent to T. G.
Ploma~n, Highway Commissioner"
and to, the members of the legislature
from the 39th legislative .distrlot of
the State of North Dttk0ta.
Upon being put to a vote~ all mem-
bers voted "aye" and the resolution
was ffe~iared adopted, this 4th day
of Jant/ary, A. D. 19~5. "
Chairman, ~oard of Coun-
ty CommiSSioners.
County Commissioner.
County Commkmloner.
County Auditor.
The following bills were audited,
approved and ordered paid suhJeet to
personal property taxes due or delln-
St, Joseph's Hospital, care
f Ameal Schaefer ...... 111.36
Grafton State School. care
of feeble minded ....... 315o00
J. G. Pea]l. supplies and Is-
bet ....................... ~.5C
Frank Zehenter right of
way NW~ a~l S½SW¼
Scc. S~140--104 ... ...... 40.0~
Bureau Educatlon, right Of
way, Lots 8 and 9 in N~
Igeo 6--140---104 .......... 35.2f
Stoddard. Justice
and motion was declared carried
H. A. Bury filed application n:
road overseer for the unorganize,
township 135, range 105. The appll-
cation was~ laid over.
An order was Issued to Operated ~
Son for a casket for the Ranldr
baby •
The Board began checking up the
report of nersonai property taxe~
certified by the sheriff as uneollect-
able and other delinquent persona'
property taxes. Also such ~ersona"
. property taxes as~shoull Le trans-
~ ferred to real estate.
The Board authorized and con-
~. firmed the action of Commissioner
~Odl~id in signing appli~cgUons for
{~E~ as follows: For General Trans-
~ort~tiort project for ease worker;
Commodity distribution, construct ice
+~ box for truck,, pureh~ t~e, required.
Buying cattle, labor and a~ents; La-
bor Cle~nlng school hom~. Also
authorlse and approve actions ol
county auditor in making aDplicati-
for Workmen's Compensation Insur
ance for labor involved in the fore-
5:00 P. M. the Board adjourned to
meet at 9:00 A. M. January 7, 1935.
9:00 A. M. January 7, 1935, the
Board of County Commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment with all
members present.
' The Board organized hy electng
Chas. ~irkpatrlck chairman for the
year 193~.
Oath of office and bond was filed b-
the Beach Review and approved h?
the Board and State's Attorney.
Oath of office was, filed by Dr. ~.
C. Bradley as Superintendent o,"
County Board of Health.
J.- L. Barklaml mm~ed $20,00 ou,
of each monthly mLlary a~ deput3
sheriff to apply on delinquent per-
sonal property taxes untU such t~ge~+
are p~tld in full. !
A cOntract Wfs entered into with
' the sheriff for~-~b0ard of prisoners !"
the county-Jail. It was agreed he-
tween the board and the sheriff that
if only one "l)rliioner were boarded a,
a time, the" price per day would be
b1.00. If two Or more prisoners arc
oarded at poP,time, the rate to b~
75c per day per prisoner
The ]l~d checked. '~e sherlff'~
office and found ~ees o0lleeted ant
paid in for the prec~seding quarte~
amOunting tO $15.80. "
• The BOard checked the~ trba~snrer'~
~office and found as per the following
Ledger Bslanee From September 80
1934, to January 1. 1~.
Collections Payf6ents
I~edKer Balance
9-30-34 .... $ $5 727.75
October .... 28~092.48 15,$9~. 94
November • - 17,371.74 9-4,497,10
December 11,317.99 14,351.34
Ledger Balance
12-31-34 .... 88,888.58
143,009.96 143,~.H
Trial Balance for December 31, 19~4,
to Jsnuary 5, 1~,
Ledger Balance
Dec. 31, 1M4 $S,888.5S
+ Collections from
Dec. 31 to Jan.
5. inclusive 720.64
Cash 170.75
Checks 973.01
Cash Items 3,970.83
S~hool Distrh~
C.D.'s 35,433.97
Bank Balance 45,085.~3
89.60S. 33 89,309. ~2
• -5:0~-P. ]~. the Ek~rd adjourned to
meet at+9:~0 A. M, J&nuarY 8. 1~3.
~, ,' :9:00. ~'/~M. if'iliUm7 ~ 1935. the
w~ra Of county .~~iii ,~,
to adJbdt~n~/tt: Wif~'"
i •
All uu/eased State and Schoo"
l~tnds ill Geldee ~/alley County, N. D.
will be offered for rent at a public
leasing to be held in the Court Hous~
at Beach in said county, on the 20th
day of MBrch 1935. commencing at
]0 o clock A. M.
All ueleased lands will be leased t¢
the highest bidder for a term of one
to five yea/'s. The first year's rein
plus the legal leasing fee must be
pa~d Jn advance.
A list of such lands to be offere~
will be oil file with the Treasurer o
said county for public inspection no~
less than two xveeks before .the da.~
of leasing, also Instructions in reg~trd
to the terms, etc., under Which thes~
lands will be leased.
The Board of University ant'
School lands reserves the right to re.
Dated at Bismarck, N. D., thl~
28th day of December, 1934.
t-~. I~. HANSON,
Jan. 10--17~24~31 Feb. 7~14~21~2~
Cattle Prices
lre Higher
South St, Paul, Jan. 11, 1935 (U.
S. D. A. )--l~rtU]tIcarly all elaases of
slang~ter~ttle staged a major price
advance+ thlg week, and choice long
Yearitngs ~eld above $11.00 promis~
~d to set a new high since December
1930. Two cars of good 1140 lb. fed
s~eors turned ~t $9.65, warmed.up
s~hort.fed kinds around $6.00-
8.00, and common sorts dowfi to
$4.00. Medium to good heifers made
$5.25-7.25, best kinds $7.50-3.15,
plainer sorts $3.50-5.00, low cutter
and ~utter cows $3.00-5.00, common
to medium bulls $3.00-4.00, and coin.
men stocker steers around $3.00.
3.50, with good lots to $5.00. Oood
to choice ~ealers earned $6.00-7.00,
selections $7.50-8.50, common kinds
Hogs re~hed $8.10 about midweek
or a new high since December 1930
but slipped back to $7.85 at the close
or to about the same levels at the
b~st time last August. Uoud to Ch0f0e
310-325 lb hogs closed at $7.75-'/.85.
170-200 lb $7.3§-7.75. 140-160 lb $6.25
-7.25, and ,good cows $7.1~-7.2~. De-
sirable I00-130 lb killer pigs turned
at $4.50-6.00, better 70-110 lb feeder
pigs at $3.50-4.50.
Good to choice slaughter lambs
closed at $8.75-9.00, common to me.
dium offerings $6.50-7.50. and c,m
and ~ommon throwouts $5.50-6.50.
Slaughter ewes cashed at $3.00-4.35
57-74 lb feeding lambs at $6.50-7.$5.
The fllllnll of your
Is cur most Important buslnm+
Sentinel Butte. N. D~.
! Mr. an~
mPPer gu
~asUen c
md ~rs:~
=e Pa~t
SuP't I.
the Bu
Sent wtll
o enjoy
Dr, Tit
~onday ,