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Big Banquet And Dance
Are Enjoyed Last
Thurs. Ev'g
(From Sentinel Butte News)
The rabbit hunt contest staged thl~
winter closed with a banquet and
dance on last Thursday evening.
The banquet, where covers were laid
for sixty, was held at 7:30 p. m. at
the Butte hotel dining room
T 1
he tables were beautifully decor-i
ated with flowers, which along withI
the sparkling glass and silver, pre]
seated a very pleasing spectacle as
the guests entered. A bountiful
.three course chicken dinner was ]
served. W.T. Pederson acted a: I
toastmaster. He called for speeche~I
from the captains of the two teamsI
Ray Zinsli of the winners, and ByronI
]~ogoboom of the losers. Louis Hey.I
elaud was called upon for h specch l
,b~ause he had hro~ght In the most
rabbits and Bud BoSseD because he
was the smallest among the mighty
hunters. Mr. Tescher, Mr. Tovey
4tzkl Mr. McLain else gave In{crest
lag talks. Between courses Velms
~lmer gave several readings, Mur.
iel Ecklund and Maxtne Johnmon
Eave a Norwegian telephone conver.
station, Maxine Johnson and SyI~Ts
]~remenetsky sang two duets, a Jr of
which were much appreciated.
After the banquet the crowd wen!
tl the Olmra House where they
i~mced until the wee small hours.
Findahl Addresses Club On
Su~Marglual Land
~eat of honor at the regUlar
of t~ ~ uon's clnb on
=O,~i~Y 'V~ WaS N. T. Findahl
~. i~lora,.wlt0 ~o~ducted and spoke
~t a submar~nal land meeting here
• a the afternoon,~ Members were also
¥~,e~7 Pla~m~atly entertained by a
v0eal duet h~:the Mesdames L. R.
~nke and {~. G. Elltnger, accomp.
~ed at the piano by Mrs. C. O.
~trlson, for which an encore was
cmthus~tically requested.
Regular business of the club was
carried on. Watt Johnson gave a re,
on l~he Christmas activities ot
organization and commented uPon
their being so successt~l, and on the
Znotfon of M. p. Lovgren, the pres-
ident, Roy Johnson, was tendered a
vote of thanks for getting, with C.,
O. Carlson, the big tree which dec-
orated the at~eet during the holidays
~Kq~re Christensen gave a report on
the Birthday Ball ~or the President
to be held January 80. J. C. Russell
~tve his weekly talk on the actl~
ttiee of his office.
Mr. Findahl was then introduced
and gave a very interesting talk on
the sub-marginal Dad program with
~Vh~h he ~s connected, after which
he answered questions of club mem-
bers concerning the world. Following
his talk, Art Nelson, assistant head
of the work in this distric[, who ac-
compared Flndahl from Medora. was
introduced. (Ben Reichert, the new
~b~|th-HSq~hee instrlmtor at the high
school here. was also introduced as
a guest of the club.
Knute Farstveet was the lucky win.
aa~ o~ the weekly Jaok-pot.
! Mr, ~ Mrs. 8-'--'-'~tey Smtth left
~m4ay morning for ~argo, where
ke, special c u so in
One Coach ~hrown In Ditch;
One Derailed But No
One Badly Hurt
Tuesday morning at about 7.30 a~
eastbound train No, 2 of the North.
ern Pacific was "rounding a bend about
two miles east of DeMotes, a defect.
ice rail apparently broke with the re
suit that the~ last coach, garter'ally
known as the "observation car" wa,
carried over half a bl ,ok after going
completely off the track, audt than
went over a five foot embankment
and turned over on its right side.
The conductor, brakeman and barber
were the only occupant~ of the caz
at the time. The conductor. Conroy
received some injuries, but neither
of the other men were hurt very
The pullman car next to the obeerv.
atlon car carried a full load of pass.
angers and was derailed, the hind
wheels going off the tracks, but the
coach was not upset and the paten.
gels in it reeet~'ed only a mllA shak-
ing up.
This was an accident that might
have been much worse and It is ~n.
deed fortuunate that it turned out
no one was killed or seriously injured
Train service was carried on almost
on time and the damaged track was~
repaired. The rail which broke l
was smashed into many small pieces,'
A large group of local people drove
down Tuesday morning to see the l
wreok, i
A Past W' I
o y M~trons Club oil
the Order of the Eastern Star was
organized Thursday att~rl~oon at ]
the home of ~9. Mutts! Nyman
with Mrs. Dills Donaldson acting as
The following officers were elect2~
edHarriet Cook--President I
Grace W~etlng--Vlce President l
Ethel Pederson~Secretar~ I
Florence Enderle--Secretary I
Jessie Kinsoy~Publicity Chalrmsm'
Muri~l Nyman, Minnie Smith and
Wilton Nelson were named as a
committee to draw up the bydaw~,
5Zeetings are f~o be held once a
month and the first regular meeting
will be at the home of Mrs. Marie
Alguire on February 13th.
At the close of the meeting dainty
~efroshments were served by Dills
Donaldson and Murlel Nyman..
John Zeller Dies
Here Tuesday
The many friends in this commun.
lty of John Zeller were shocked to
learn that he had passed away Tues,
day morning at an early hour, in the
loca hospital, after having been there
for about a week. Mr. Zeller and hlZ
family have been living on a farm
northeast of Beach. He is survived
by a wife and three children. He
was 46 years old at the time of his
death, and was bern in Milford, Iowa
Funeral services will be held to-
morrow (Friday) afternoon at 2:30
from the local U. B. church.
The ~nnual Masonic ball was held
~t the Temple last Friday evening
and: proved to be a pleasant affair in-
deed. It began with a fine banquet
at 6i$0, whicl~ was followed by a
short program, after which ~snctng
became the order Of the eveDlng to
the strains of the Golva Danoo De-
m0ns. Attendance was not as~lar~e ae
that as "of other yea~. --
The Catholic Ladies Guild will hold
• It may be' bard to. teach your
~tO do things after they~
a battle with a flock of in-
fantile paralysis germs, bttt lit-
he OJtrrie Surlak of New Yo~k
~m't downhearted about It,
ttim picture (lower left
tr Indlett~m. Carriu is
It~ lep a thing or two with
I~lp of Ml~ Oonstanee
IzM. Mac 8mytl ,Ins
yeu-old lad mill l~ I
also of New York. Two
(upper left)
Woman's Club Met
i The Beach Woman's club
the hom~ of Mrs. q~. E,, Nedson
are sohed.
Monday with ~ attendance 01 uled "to begin at 8 o'clock in the
mum'bare. Standing commttte~ for ....
~he ~oming year were announced atI evening, January 30. For further In.
this meeting. On the library com-[ formation see the committe in
mittee are Mrs. Marvin Tobias. Mrs. charge: Geo. Ohristensen, Clarence
Overstad, Roy Johnson, AI Kuhfeld
A. H. Beckley and Mrs. DeTo Logan. t Al Gilman, and Albert Thompson at
The program committee consists of
Mrs Evea Pertcle, Mrs. L. A. Kilt Beach, and Paul Wagner at Sentinel
land Mrs. R. Arnold. M~. Delo Lo-
gan, club treasurer, gave a financial
report for the year, which included
the fact that the club had sent a
check ~or $7.00 to the Florence Crtt-
tendon home, out of which amo~mt
$3.55 was donated by the puhl[@~'
Mrs. Donaldson gave a library report
and stated that a new order for books
has been sent and they will soon
in the library. Mrs. Roy Johnson
read a paper on Insurance for C~lld-
reu and Mrs. Petiole also read s
paper on Irsurance.
The next meeting will be with
Mrs Jesse Still on January 28th.
flghtting what C0L Henry L. 1
hetty, national ehalr~an
Tomorrow (Friday) evening the lo.
Round Table club of St. John's
church is sponsoring a private dane.
lng party In St. John's hall and a
pleasant time is anticipated by all.
Good music has been secured and
everyone who is invited can come
expectJt~g a re~ rune.
We wish to thank all our drip,de
and neighbors for the kindness shown
during the illness and death of our
darling baby, Margaret Ann. The
bouquets, cards, and other remem-
brances are g~eatly appreciated.
A number of neighbors gathered at
the Dart Cox home last Friday night.
They Spent a verY pleasant social
eYe,lag ~nd after a delfcions lunch
was served ,-they departed for their
homes at a late hour.
A group of young men and women
surprised Cecile Cook on her birth.
day the Uth_ The ev~enin~ was spo~t
in pla~lng bridge and at a l~te hour
delicious refre~l~ente were ser~d.
Monday morning A, R. ~eon
and son Randal left by tra~ ~o~
ca~'~:party at St. John's hail nextI Minneapolis where they plan to at-
o~ ~ cord~d~ invited:te~nd.~~ [~rm~ tt~ w~lt. .......
Just as we go to press, we are
i~f0rmed that the Infant daughter of
M~,. and M~s. Ed Stuil who had
,been very seriously ill for over a
Week passed away at the Beach bus.
pilaf about six o'clock las[ e~'ening
(Wednesday). Sincerest sympathy is
extended the parents in their hour
of bereavement.
The local P. E. O. Society has
just refurnished their room at the
Beach hospital with new linens, in.
eluding sheets, pillow cases, and
dresser scarfs. The hospital manage
meat has indicated that the interest
of the P. E. O.'s in providnig for
the room so nicely is greatly apprec-
Louis Ralsler, ~r., left by train
on Friday night for Los Angeles, Cal-
ifornia where he plans to sojourn
for a couple of .......... ~n~ndtvg the
~tme at Glendale and Santa Cruz
with his daughter, Mrs. Glenn Wells,
and family.
On Thursday evening Mr. and
Mrs. Albln Sartz l~rought their In-
fant son into Beach to the doctor.
The baby was ill with pneumonia and
was taken out to Mrs Ssrts's pat~
eats, Mr. and Mrs. Chas..HaiJsman
to be taken care of till he improves.
Dr. Natchwey of Dickinson was
called in cons~tatlon here Friday for
the Stull baby who has been seri~u||y
ill in the Beach hospital the past
two weeks-
last regular meeting:
Oracle ............................... Faith Menke
Vice Oracle ............................ Ina Still
Past Oracle ................. Lillian Smith
Chancellor ....................... OliVe Nutter
Recorder ................. Nellie Woodhull
Receiver ...................... Minnie Smith
Marshall ............................. June Noyes
A~tt Marshall ........... Mary Noyes
Inner Sentmel ...... Helen Raisler
Outer Sentinel ...... Esther Raisler
Manager for three years ..........
................................... Olive Miller
Physicians ...... Drs. Bradley, Morris
Faith ........................ Kathryn Gilman
Courage ........................ Luella Sticks
Modesty ............................. Olive Moyer
Unselfishness .............................................
................... Elizabeth SPlegieberg
Endurance ...... MarJorfe gielsdorf
Flag Bearer ...... Laura Stlcka
Musician ................ Irene Rhyner
Juvenile Director ...... Helen Raisler
New Excursion bus fares to De.
troit, Pittsburgh, Washington, New
York and principal cities in Easter~
States will be in effect on and after
January 8th, we are informed. The
reduced rate tickets will be on sale
every day this month and return
privileges on round trip tickets will
be good until June 1. 1935.
The Dickinson Production Credit
Assocation's office is being moved on
January 21, to new quarters in the
Merchant's National Bank building
Sec'y F. A. Garfoot has announced.
The new location is at the corner of
1st St. W. and 1st Ave. W., across
:he street from Montgomery Ward.
The P. E. O. met at the home
of Mrs. O. R. Niece on Tuesday
afternoon. A 5:30 dinner followed
the afternoon session at which time
Mrs, John Hall~kat was honored ]~y
a bridal shower. Mrs. Halbkat was
the recipient of many useful an~
beautiful gifts..
Mrs. Edwin Benner of Honolulu is
Appraisals Already Started
In Parts Of Golden
Valley County
The government sub-marginal land
~uying program, Including general
phases of the work as well as the
local project in the GoMen Valley
Billings and McKenzle ~ounty area,
was thoroughly explained here on
Monday by N. T. Flndahl of Medors
who spoke In the afternoon at the
court house and at a Lions meeting
that evening. The court roomwu
Jammed to overflowing wRh intreat.
ed listeners in the afternoon at the
three hour meeting during whiclt
time Findahl ~lscuased the work
completely and answered all quest.
ions which members of the audience
cared to ask concerning the ~,
W'ntle there are s~
of the
of prime
was the
clear at le~t $1r~
lz~d committee, tha~ s
part of G~lden Valley is in-
eluded is due, Flndahl
to the work of Pat
Sentinel Butte in making
arranging other .details for as,
plication. At present,
in Golden Valley county,
a strip ~lown the entire eastern part
of the county, a strip across the
the north and another partly across
the southern part, are In the project
area. The area in the two counties
of Golden Valley and Bllli~gs con.
talns 677,000 acres, 22 pal;cent of
which is owned by the residents, 2~
families reside in this territory, a~d
it IS recommended that 93 ~mJH~
be removed, and put on mote l~ro~u~
ice land. The land in this territory
should be used for grazing, the gov-
ernment has decided, and the land
which it buys will later be lea~ed cart
for that purpose.
In outlining the proceedurc, Flndahi
explained that an appraisal of the
value of the land is first made bY
Federal Land Bank appraisers, they
being followed by the optionera who
make an offer on the basis of th~
appraisals. The maximum amount
which can be Paid for land in this
area is $15 per acre while the min-
imum is 66 cents.
It is expected that six appraleerg
will work in Golden Valley county|
and the estimated time for the com.
pletton of that phase of the work fll
in the neighborhood of three months.
The appraisal work was started in
the northeastern corner of thecounty
last week. The appraisers :rWill be
followed by the optioners who make
an offer for the land on the
of the appraisal, and then,, if
resident Is willing, takes a ~iX month
option for the government on tl~
land. At the end of the six~mo~ths
the government then must either a~
cept or reject the contract.~
The gov~-nment originally Set nsld~
25 million dollars for the. ~mrchm~
of submarginal land, but since tha~
time an addlUonklLet~ht or nine roll-