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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
January 14, 1932     Golden Valley News
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January 14, 1932
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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rue " .t ' , '2.' Mrs. H. p. Crossman. |{oDorter PA~_~E SCHOOL NEWS f~er ~ ~w9 weeks Christmas U~C~tiC'm_ th0 .Dvn~I¢~ Se~}~q._C~ ready to ~0 to work with renewed vigor. Ending the fourth month of school those on the honor roll are: "/th grade: Victor Bares. 6th ~rade: t,,~eqle B-qrg~ Adeline Fi?cher and i Rcinh~rdt Fischer. Tb~ retails of the Pa~e school l are glad to say that they have h,~d ] "~'"~qqt DPrf'~t a~enda,,ee the ~t fmlr months qnd hotfoot att~n- dance the pabst month. ] .P, einhav~t Fischer ~rou ~'::- Omlevs wore Sunday visitors at his back yard and would core OUt'| e s ce ~ud6n't'%~ve many thlngs t° at" empt fr°m tuking them" the R"iehert h°me" Framklins call" i °f his °ffice' pick uP his ax and I'Ou C t~t ~, ~ton from ~ho01! Thc~se students who are i~tr:'~t- ed ther~ in the afternoon, too.perhaps not make more than one and mittt.~T~ training ~ut{l ,be ! ed in declamation have cnrolit.d B'.:!I Reiehert haloed Ed. Frank- [ whack at the stick, would drop the r ; [r strict and they wquld h~ve to tendi~nd different selections have been I~n butcher n hc~ on Monday. as it was and re~urn to his of- t0 businer~, I~ teaches u ~t~flent {~ent ~r, f4r them to study R eichert vi.~ited Mrs. Franklin that lice. to be obedlerg anti" respectful. It ] ! day. We carry a complete stock of would develop leadership among DEPARTIVIENT NEx,,~ Nell Lawhead spent Saturday Chris Stacken visited ac the Vie-TEXACO G~S .~ the nupils. We have phvsical edu- Th^ Pr ........... " .... - nigh+ and Sunday with her triendtar Renstrom home "last week. Mr v coc**u u~ty ~l'oblemsCla~%-.." %~ ,-, ,--~- -- + / * " " ' lvla~ ~en r~lcneru. cation in high schools and why not~ mm tell the down-trodden fermen~ ~v P,o~coewill hold t~/reeular' Renstrom took Chris. to Sentinel ~u~t c~I,I~T" (~:ltll|P$ enlarge th}s make e.m-et ning the rome,lies that should :be appned .ervggs it @o i" -,JhoT Butte Monday where he too!,: the Wozthwhile ou,~ of the student.!~o their 1)light If of "hou _ . ~ ...... train for home. . ---~ames S,orn'. t i . [ ,~ . - ' -~ ,-_ ' se on January 17/ All are in-Mrs. William Schaloek is visiting • b,~ cu , es~ea coma ~e put : cited to at" -" ~'^-. ~"^:---'- '•~,o effe..'t they az'e m~re results m~.sages ar~e~.~s e~ell~°;%°r~.l~ at the tmme of her daughter, Mrs. F. Schmeling. • %~_4E 'RUSH IS ON :v'¢, :~fld .... fo~o',v . .