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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
January 13, 1944     Golden Valley News
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January 13, 1944
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PAGE EIGHT THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Thursday, January 13, Paper Drivel Paper Drive! Paper Drive! The Boy tities of paper have been collected we are still far short of a carload. A last appeal is residents and farmers,of the Beach community to assist the war effort by bringing in bundles to the Surplus Commodity building behind the Courthouse, which is the paper quarters for the Boy Scouts. Scouts will again be around Saturday morning to pick up paper bundles. Although large quan- made to the their paper drive head- ,i f ,i Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fahistrom of! Golva were shopping in Beach on Friday. Richard Bryce of Belfleld visited Beach friends Tuesday and Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Dealing of the Edgehlll vicinity were visitors in Beach Tuesday. F. J. Donaldson was a business visitor in Glendive on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Franklin Smith was the guest of Mrs. Henrietta Wallace in Dickinson Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Polley were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Olaus Rishovd Sunday. Jack Ballard returned Monday from a visit with his family in Billings. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Halstead and i Mr. and Mrs. Emil Miller spent the !weekend in Bismarck. Mrs. Ed Dietz of Sentinel Butte is spending the week with her mother, Mrs. George Wasamann. Herman Wassmann left Sunday night for his home at Tacoma, Wash. A son was born to Mr, and Mrs. Earl Schnfltz of Beach on January 7th at the St. Alexlus Hospital in Bismarck. Mrs. R. A. Noyes left for Livings- ton, Mont. on Monday evening to visit her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Fish and family. Gerald Gilman departed Saturday for Camp Carson, Colo. after spending his furlough with his :i / LOCAL NEWS Items of interest picked up here and there by our News reporters. We are always glad to get your news items. PHONE 39 Mrs. John Conway visited rela- tives at Medina last week. Miss Pat Loebe spent Saturday evening with friends in CHendive. Miss Avis Lasalle spent the week- end with friends in Bismarck. Guy Lee has returned from a business trip to Bismarck. Cliff Wagner, rancher near Gor- ham, spent the weekend in Beach. Dan Cafferty was tra.ns~ting business in Glendive Tuesday. Mrs. Mark Freese was a Glendive ~.attor Tuesday. Miss Olivia Wagner visited Wi- baux friends Tuesday. On Wednesday-l~t, Mrs. J. R. Otfford had as her guest, Mrs. Chas. of Olendive, Mr. and Mrs, Lelaht~ Nunn and Mr. and Mrs..Boel"~k~ of Alpha were Beach vlaltors Saattrday, Joe Peplinski and John Soko- lOf~l made a bn~tness trip to Dick= Monday. Mrs. Frank O'Rourke and Mrs. Teeters, Sr, of Wibaux visited Beach friends Satur~4h Mrs. Louise Larson of Wibaux and Mrs. Claire Samson were din- ner guests at the R. H. Welsh home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Ostby and sons and Mr. and Mrs. tester Zopfl of Wibaux were Beach visitors Sat- urday evening. Mrs. Anna Moyer, who is em- ployed in Glen Ullin, is attending to business and visiting her daugh- ters in Beach, this week. Mrs. Mary Johnson entertained at dinner Monday evening, Mrs. T. L. Dickinson and daughter Helen and Miss Olga Moyer. Mrs. P. J. Schillo was hostess to the Beach Homemakers club at her home on Tuesday afternoon of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baird and the former's sister, Miss Marjorie Blair of Wibaux, were shopping in Beach Tuesday. Put. Leonard Boehlke arrived from Fort Dix, New Jersey, Sat- urday night to spend his furlough with his parents at Alpha. Cpl. Don Hardy is home on fur- lough from Fort Washington, Md., before being transferred to Miami i Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Olaus Rishovd and Mrs. Claire Samson visited at the Die Helvik home in Wibaux Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Alfano who were enroute from Olympia, Wash. !to East St. Louis, Ill. spent the past week with the latter's mother, Mrs. Vera Wright of Sentinel Butte. Mrs. R. H. H~istead and Mrs. Halgh and Patsy were Glen- dive vlsltors Saturday. Mr. and Mxs. ~lott Nellermoe and family visited Sunday with Mrs. Nellermos's parent~ in Savage. T. L. Dickinson went to Minne- a~ Sunday, where he will atte.ud Market week. Mrs. H. A. Oison of ~a spent last ~eek in ~ ~wlth her broths, Neff Kennedy. ,Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ottensen of V41baux 'spent Friday at the Frank Neh~ h~- :l~'. and Mrs. L. D. LaBan Visited Sunday with the fornmr~s mother at family here. Miss Betty Hellemons, who sub- ............. mitred to an appendectomy at the • ~ome ~re~s oI wloaux .... "---I*-" '- "~l--~ive Th - " "' " -- 1 ....... I ,ix. z'..rlU~ t~t UX U ~lttt tuS- vLsn~ea Sunaay wtn her sm~er, mrs k e r ......... I day of last wee , 4s r po ted as Ja. A. ~arrow, who m a pa~len~ re[getting along nicely. • the local hospital • ] MISs Marcella Finnem~ arrived Rev. Clifford Olsen departed on[Monday from Qasselton for a visit Monday for his home in Norfolk,] with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wls, after a visit with his parents, ]Mike Flnneman of Golva. She is Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Olsen of Alpha. ]enroute to San Francisco MI~ Pearl Harp and mother, Mrs. Lydia Harp, spent Sunday with Mrs. Anna Harp and family In Wlbaux. A son, Douglas Henry, was born Do cember a18t to It. and Mr~ L. H. HLldebrandt; ~, ~randt Is in the dental department and is sta= tinned at ~3amp M axle, Texas. MrS. A. M. McDonald and chil- dren, Mrs. H. McDonald and Mrs.i Frank Morasko, all of ~lendive, spent last Saturday witl~ Beach friends. Mrs. John Sokoloksi left Mon- day morning for~, where she visit her daughter, MarJorie, who is employed by the Western Union in Billings. Mrs. R. T. Coutts, accompanied Coflon or, Rayon Prelty'E~.ghto 1¢8 Go Everywhere! ¢ Wear them on the home front ~ow--and everywhere com~ Spring! Charming, well-fitting tailored or softer styles ,.. button-front, shirtwaist or basque.., of fine quality~ charnbray~ ginsham, poplin, Seemuck~r, pique and ~inene. Fast-oolor etripe~ prints, c,h~~ or solid colors. 12-52.~ 8, Fat, Of. by her sister, Mrs. Mattie Schroe- der of Billings, left Friday morn- ing for Minneapolis to attend Market week. Mrs. Herbert Babcock, assisted by Mrs. Donald Klttelson, Mrs. Matt Tesoher and Mrs. Henry Franzen entertained the War, mann famlly~ at a four o'elock dinner Friday. Mrs. F. J. Donaldson, Mrs. Geo. Oas, Mrs. Franklin Smith, Mrs. R. T. Coutts and sister, Mrs. Mattie Schroeder, spent Thursday evening in Dickinson. Mrs. V. H. Koch was hostess to [the Dessert Bridge club at her home Thursday evening of last week, when three tables of contract were in play. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Berg visited the latter's father, Tom Gilman, enroute from Ashley to Golva, where Mr. Berg will be in charge of the Golva airport. Bob Hardy has completed hk~ course at the Huron college at Huron, S. D. and is awaiting as- signment, according to word re- ceived here. Mrs. Bess Welch received a sur~ prise telephone call from her grandson, Put. Franklin Barnes, in Fort Banning, Ga., who expects to be sent overseas soon. First Aid classes, with Joe Dodson as instructor, are being held in the court rooms this week. The course consists of five three-hour lessons. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Carlson and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hathaway have returned from Minneapolis, where they visited the former's son and the latter'-s daughter, Corp. and Mrs. Robert CarLson. Paul A. Thomas attended the funeral of his cousin, Mrs. Paul Sonsalla, at M~rmarth on Friday of last week. He was accompanied by Ed and Joe Sygulla and their father, George Sygplla, of Golv.a. Mrs. O. Schmacher returned on Tuesday evening from a two weeks visit with relatives and frlends in Mineapolis and' St. Michaels, Minn. She also attended the wedding of her daughter, Miss Angeline Schu- reacher to Emery L. Vetsch. Mrs. M. J. Gilman returned Sat- urday night from Minot, where she spent the holidays at her parental home. While there Mrs. Gilman fire which burned one stores in Minor. seventh disastrous and all have been withi~ -bloclm of each other. Friends and neighbors helped Mr. and Mrs. John Brettin celebrate their eight wedding anniversary on Tuesday of last week. After several hours of whist, a delicious lunch was served, concluding a most en- joyable evening. On Thursday evening Mrs. Clar- ence Overstad was hostess at a waffle supper when she had as her guests Miss Sea Gilman, Miss Clara Kippley, Miss Olga Moyer and Mrs. Lena Readinger. The evening was spent playing fantan. Service men home on furlough include: Robert Parker, Casimer and Tony Nunberg, who arrived in Beach from the east Monday night to visit their respective par- ents, Mr. and h~_rs. Clam Parker, and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nunberg, south of Wibaux. On Sunday, January 2rid, Mrs. George Keller, Jr. was honor guest at a bridal shower when about 40 relatives and friends gathered at the home of her mother, Mrs. Philip Wicka. The afternoon was spent visiting, after which a delic- ious lunch was served. Mrs. Keller is the former Lucflle Wicka. Mrs. C. E. Winkleman and Mrs. G. O. Hemnes were guests of honor when Mrs. Anna Grifflth entertain- ed at a lovely birthday dinner at her home on Tuesday, January 4th. Covers were laid for eighteen guests. Visiting was the diversion of the afternoon, after which the honor guests opened their many gifts. Late in the evening, the guests de- parted for home after wishing Mrs. Hemnes and Mrs. Winkleman many more happy birthdays. MIss Regina Podoloskl, who has been employed as a telegraph Opo erator in Bremerton, Wash. and her sister, Miss Agnes Podoloskl of Wi- baux, visited at the Frank Michels home Monday. Regina, former as- sistant postmaster at Wibaux, has enlisted as a Wave and after a two weeks visit with relatives and friends in Beach and Wibaux, will leave for New York. They are the di~ughters of Mr. and Mrs. Joe l~doloski, who reside in the St. Philip community. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHIJ'l~it V. H. Dlssen, Pastor Divine Service 10:30 A. M. Sunday SchoolLl:30 A. M. FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH O. L. Olsrud, Pastor Tel. 154 Reach: Sunday School 10 A. M. Services at ii A. M. Sermon theme: "The Curse for Worry". The confirmation class meets Wednesday after school. Sentinel Butte: Sunday School 1:30 P. M. Services at 2:30 P. M. --.V~- METHODIST CHURCH Rev. D. J. MacTavish, Pastor Sunday Services: Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Preaching service 11:00 A. M. ReD. Fredrick G. Morris, district super- intendant of Bismarck, will preach. Young People's meeting 8 P. M. Junior Bible and Catechism class begins Wednesday at 4:30 P. M. Choir rehearsal Wednesday at 8 P.M. ~,V.-- CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH So long as people go to sleep when they hear talk or read ar- ticles about good government, they are likely to pay plenty of taxes and find things to complain of. Albert Johnson, who has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Mary Johnson, departed Sunday evening for Sidney to visit his sister, Mrs. Roy Williams and family, before returning Mont. Word has been received by friends that Earl Miller, Jr. been assigned to submarine amphibian duty in the USN has made one trip to the terranean. He ia back in the for four months training. He the son of the late Earl and Hylda Miller, former Beach dents. Mrs. Miller is with to his home in Butte, daughter, Mrs. Eldon Ennis Yuma, Arizona. OH QUICK COOKING Crackers hi-ho lb. 5 MACA YEAST 2V&"S' BAKES BR~TER BREAD FASTER HOT MUFFIN MIX '~W.~ Full of Rich Golden ~.uice. SIZE 'I DOZ. Start the day right with a glass ,nn eg this health-~iving Ju/cel '~'~' GR WEFRU T e-- LETTUCE crisp Arizona 2 heads 27¢ CARROTS Calif. green tops bunch 10~ CELERY pascals, per bunch 19¢ mGH PROTEIN CEREAL FOOD ~ ~ Grand for Bahing-K Quz©h- Cooking Cereal g SIX GREEN STAMPS NOW.VALID--D, [, F, G, H a~d J--FROM BOOK Na. 4 100 lbs. $4.09 Rev. John Roberts, Pastor 50 lbs. $2.05 ~ I~]~1~1 [ | 1~ Beach: MORTON'S K church School at 10:~ A.M. IBBIES |. ...... Morning Worship service at ii :00 OVEN-TOASTED 2-LB. ~1¢ A.M. DOGFOOD PKG ,,. | CORN - OiNTS o:11, Young People's meeting at 7:30 ~ ~. ~1~ T~T~~~- "LAKE ~ILLS" CREAM STYLE Choir ,.aotlee Wednesday at | CORN- I..TS ,.O.c,Nl@ 7:30 P.M. NEW AA~ ~ "TIMELY" WHOLE KERNEL Sentinel Butte: "SOAPY- 24-OZ. "~-~% ~----a... ~7," -- ..A Afternoon service at 2:00 P.M. "z.=,~ - I~EAN~ ~1~ RICH), PKG 15 POINTS O~ ¢ Young People's meeting Monday ~ ~_~ VAN CAMP'S VEGETARIAN STYLE at 7:30 P.M. LUX FLAKES~ Me~o~'a: FOR WASHING S-OZ. liJll~( ~ [[~I II i ~I~ Sunday School at 10:00 A.M. ~ ! U'A" ~KAN~ FINE THINOS PKG. JLV'* "~ CHOICE OF 19-OZ. - Afternoon service at 4:00 P.M. LUX TO~T SOAP =- STR'NOLESS c~ 14¢ | O~ ~a ~. ~ WAX OR GREEN . im CAKES f == U'~EBUO') ?~ ~U ~liilHIIIIIlflllliiimfiiil liilHMilllmll I IliilfllflHHlIHiHHi] • Ig'L',f*I;q~i']g,'~l~.'Yig.~.~,r,B~i_ ~.'t:"~ SUMMER S~U.)AG| Pigs by U~ingc~ |i FRESH CERVELAT LB ~t 6 POINTS " ~rJ~~' Solution we ~ ~~-~V~ ,POINTS LR. ~.7' Prepare HERRING SPICED--WITH 1~0~,~=¢ ONIONS--NO ~TS. IAR ~ BUTTE DRUG -- - • _ a QU%NTITY RIGHTS RESERVED