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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
January 13, 1944     Golden Valley News
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January 13, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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3 ~i!¸¸¸ ~ ~ursdav January 13 1944 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS PAGE FIVE asketball - .Friday ., Jan. 14 ch High School Gym at 8:00 Beach Bucs vs. Dickinson Model Hi Adm. 35c and 17c I ~~ Imer Howard of Fairview, Mont. p ..................... WANTED TO RENT.--S~aall modern /:| | ..... | was visiting in C~Iva Wednesday.. l . • . . ~m~ • • TWT W zvm W ~n house by April i. Mrs. Frank vet 't:l I P~IVI ~Wq I Mrs. Howard came from Fmrv,ew ~ ~# ~ 0 -- AL-- --I ~-- • .-- ~ WAl~'i' A II~ Kukowski, Beach. 16-2tp =~,| UVUII~k J[]UIIJJ ~ to attend the funeral of George ~4~ {]_ ~ | 0L'~ 0~#l-0~ ~,.~J~~ ..... ~. i| w..., w~ok. Renorter ! Wassmann I~'~ • ~ ~ w~ v ~ • TWO CENTS PER WORD ru~ ~t~---rne ongmal wJam~ Pearl Kirkpatrlck, lleporter t " ~ ¢ ..... • ............. ~ --" -as-etball "-ams made #a ~ PEa IBmu= ranch. 4480 acres of deeded land ~:i,~, e-~=_:_:==:: ~ -: : .... 1'he ~olva D K r~e ..~ o -- .o .o . ~-- ~n 'Bi~'~! : ........... ~ trip to Ollie Friday evening tiaa a amam me omer mgn~, ~ if yon wan~ to hu~ or ~n ~;;, $~r, anti Iv£rs. I~llC jonnson anu ..... ^ "n ~ ..... ,. ,.. ~ • , .i made a business trip to "me ~oys game score was v to z z Anti K gave me suell a Lrlga~l 1~wv~ ,I~'~r'Jx~u gw,,, Hi ] also 150 head of Hereford cattle.. something: if you need help Call or write box 11~ J. D. Wood, Wibaux, Mont. 16-4tp Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schmitz are proud parents of a baby boy, the past week at Bismarck. A large number of the people this community attended the in Sentinel Butte Friday. Pfc. Jimmie Kreiting~r left Mon- evening, after spending the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kreitlnger. Albert ~reitinger left Wednesday for Fort SneKing, Minn., Where he will be inducted into army. Mr. and Mrs. Alard Sheffer and favor of Golva and the Golva girls won 34 to 14. The following were guests at the Johnnie Fischer home Sunday af- ternoon: Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kreit- inger and family, Flora and Dunk McPhee and Lyman Page. ~-V,~ Outlook For War Chest Drive in County Still Bad and Mr. and Mrs. John of Rhame were visitors at Still several hundred dollars short the Ed. Fischer home Wednesday. of its War Chest Fund quot~,, it ~: Mr. and Mrs Ralph Sloan for- looks ~ery much as though Golden ~erly of Golva and now residing Valley county would be classed as Alaska, are 'the proud parents one of the slacker sections of the 1 ~ a baby girl l state, despite the contributions of On Thursday evenin~ the Golva many of lts citizens. We some- h~h school boys basketball team times wonder just what the 340 or made a tri- to Beach to play- more people in the armed services ~/ O~lva lost ~he game the sco~~ from Golden Valley county are beh~ 11 to 29. ' "'lgoing to think when they read how , ....... their home county has fallen down :~: ,~ r~reweu par ]e. t Lloyd Weinrels L ~ t E;i~' Zdght in honor a [[J ~: f~nfo~d Peten ~ I'~ Ntunerous frient me, :~ ~kle time was alaska. RS: A farewell party was hela al the Lloyd Weinrels home on Saturday ~ht in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Peterson and family. Ntunerous friends attended and a time was had by all. Mr. is being tranMerred to Report of Condition of FIRST STATE BANK OF GOLVA o~ ~lva the State of North Dakota at the of business on December 31, ASSETS I. Loans and discounts (In- eluding $171.02 o v e r - drafts) .................................... $217,933.71 2. United States Govern- ment obligations, direct and guaranteed .................. 16,000.00 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions ........ None 4. Other bonds, notes, and debentures ............................ 19,797.50 • ]. Corporate stocks (In- cluding None stock of Federal Reserve Bank) ...... None 6. Cash, balances w i t h other banks, including reserve balances, a n d cash items in process of collection ................................ 215,369.55 7. Bank premises owned ~ 6x50.00, furniture a n d tures $350.00 .................... 1,000.00 (Bank premises owned are subject to $ None liens not assumed by bank) 8. Real estate owned other than bank premises ............ None 0. Investments and other assets indirectly repre- presenting bank premises or other real estate ........ None 10. Customers' liability to this bank on acceptances outstanding ............................ None 11. Other assets ........................ None I~. TOTAL ASSETS ................ $470,100.76 LIABILITIES 13. Demand deposits of in- dividuals, partnerships, and corporations ................ 346.277.31 14. Time deposits of indi- viduals, partnerships and corporations .......................... 66,560.85 1~. Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) .................... None 16. Deposits of ~tates and 1 political subdivisions ...... 17,849.35 7. Deposits of banks ............ 5,000.00 18. Other deposits (certified and officers' c h e c k s, - etc.) .......................................... 4,445.22 19. TOTAL DEPOS- ITS ........................ $440,132.53 29. Bills payable, redis- counts, and other lia- bilitles f o r borrowed money ..................................... None 21. Mortgages or other liens. $ None on bank premises and .$ None on other real estate ........................................None 22. Aceel~mnces executed by or for account of this bank and outstanding .... ~one 23. Other liabilities ................ 861.62 24. TOTAL LIABILI- TIES (not including sub- ordinated ob 1 i g a t i o n s shown below) ...................... $440,994.15 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS • Capital ................................ $ 15,9~.1~ i Surplus .................................. 13,500.00 27. Undivided profits ........... 543.52 28. Reserves (a n d retire- ment account for pre- ferred capital) .................... 83,09 ~m. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ........................ 29,106.61 ~. TOTAL ~S AND CAPITAL AC- COUNTS .......... ~..~ ........~0,I0¢,~ • This bank's c~d' ~ 76~:~ zrtrat preferred st~Jf with total ~l~a~ Value of $ None. to~al retir~ble value ~ ~ None: S~2ond preferred stock with - ~ par value of $ None, total reflrable value of $ None; Capital :: ~otes and debentures of $ None; • ~m~non stock with total par value • ~ $15.000.00, MEMOR~J~DA " ~k (a) On date of Teport the required legal reserve ...... ~ deposits of this bank was .... /. ........................ $ 40,857.52 4b) Assets rleported ~Ibove : ~vhich wer~ . eligible as ~':' /_~/~ J. L. Tschlda, Cashier, of the " a~Ve-rmmed bank, do solemnly swear ~..~tdt the abOve statement is true, that it tully and correcuy re- lzreeents the true state of the sev- ea'al matters herein contained and to the of my now ~dse and belief. Correct--Attest J. L. TSCHIDA B. E. T~hida L. Tschida. Directors. .mko~, ~,,~ before m this humanitarian drive. Below is the final list of contri- butions as furnished by County Chairman John Keohane: P~a't. Name Oscar M. Clarin ................................ $10.00 woodward Bros ................................. 10.00 B. T. Piesik ........................................ 10.00 Mattie Thompson ................................ 10.00 Hemran Brockmeyer ........................ 8.00 I J. C. Penney Employees ................ 5.001 Ivar Carlson ........................................ 5.00 5:00 ' Albert Jepson .................................... Alfred Reinholz ................................ 5.00 Horncomb Olstad ............. : .................. 5.00 5.00 Hjalmar Johnson ................................ 5.00 Leo. A. Nielsen ....................................5.00 Godfrey Pesha .................................... Bonnie View Homemakers ............ 5.00 5.00 ~E. Houck ........................................ M. Adams .................................... 5.00 • 5.00 Lyl~ Adams ........................................ McDanold .................................... 5.00 • " 5.00 Elmer Abraham .................................... Olaf Abraham .................................... 5.00 Frank Tosner ........................................ 5.00 5.00 Ed. Feldmann ........................................ Victor Strzywski ................................ 5.00 5.00 John MeCaskey .................................... 5.00 Alex McCaskey .................................... Mrs. John A. Johnson .................... 5.00 Lewis E. Odland ............................... 5.00 5.00 Albert Still ............................................ Lorenz Sehulte .................................... 4.65 G. E. Sehallock ................................ 4.00 Frank Lechler .................................... 4.00 Cecil Metcalf ........................................ 4.00 4.00 L. D. Page ........................................ Ovide E. Grenier ............................ 4.00 4.00 Mrs. Clara Oswood ............................ Kermit Still ............................................ 4.00 Mr. & Mrs. W. D. Adamson ....... 3.00 3.00 E. Mary Johnson ............................ Fred H. Stacker ................................ 3.00 3.00 Sophie M. Jahr .................................... 3.00 Fred Reinholz ........................................ 3.00 Fred Donaldson .................................... Win. Fred Hake ................................ 3.00 Mrs. Dan Cafferty ................................ 3.00 Dwight Snow ........................................3.00 Eugene Uelman ................................ 3.00 Mrs. Jennie Dempsey ........................ 3,00 Tom R. Johnson ................................ 3.00 Roman Finneman ........................... 3.00 Bernard Dinger 3.00 ................................ 3.00 Mathias Decker .................................... 3.00 John M. Haugen ................................ 3.00 Math Dietz ............................................ 3.00 Mary Tibor ............................................ Grant Rourke ........................................ 3.00 3.00 Anton Kreitinger ................................ J. R, Larson ........................................ 3.00 Mrs. Edward Wosepka .................... 3.00 Mrs. Edward Wosepka .................... 3.00 3.00 Harold Smith .................................... Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McManigal .... 3.00 3.00 M. J. Zimmer ........................................ 3.00 Gerhard Fischer ................................ 3.00 George Syguila .................................... Dewey Fisher 3.00 3.00 Ralph Mosser ................................... W. A. Campbell ................................ 3,00 3.00 Carl Davis ............................................ 3.00 Leo Tobias ............................................ 3.00 Frank Kannenberg ............................ Carlot Nellermoe ................................ 2.50 Mrs. R. H. Haistead ........................ 2.50 O. W. Granat .................................... 2.00 Nick Gamroth .................................... 2.00 Ju~ty Oswood .................................. 2.00 Mrs. F. F. Schmeling ........................ 2.00 Pete Jesok ........................................... 2.00 Margaret Fischer ................................ 2.00 C. S. Schmitz ......................................2.00 Frank Schrom .................................... 2.00 Joe Hartse .......................................... 2.00 A. M, Hayden ........................................ 2.00 Chas, J. Hoyden ................................ 2.00 Chas. Haijsman .................................... 2.00 Mrs. Norbert Bares ....................... 2.00 Ed. Koshney ........................................2.00 Earl Palmer ........................................... 2.00 Mrs. V. H, Koch ................................ 2.00 June Noyes ............................................ 2.00 Ellen J. Arnold ................................... 2.00 A. C, Mogle ........................................2.00 Edward Justesen ................................ 2.00 Norman Nellermoe ........................ 2.01} J. F, Crook ........................................2.00 Arvid Abraham ................................ 2.00 Mike Kramer ........................................~00 Hubert StIII .......................................... 2.00 M. O. Wallace ......................................2•00 M. J. Toblas .......................................$.00 Chas• Lingk ........................................2.00 Donald Kittelson ................................ 2.00 Win. ~udera. Sr ................................. 2.00 ~hillp Szudere .................................... 2.00 :,~a~ stun ........................................ ~.00 ~-~ ~almng .................................... 2.00 "0. H.° moe ............................................ 2.00 Charles H. Slocomb ............................ ~.00 Mrs. Ray Kukowski ........................ $.00 Mrs. O. W. Youells ............................ 2.00 K. J, Higgins .................................... 2.00 Floyd Bosserman ................................ 2.00 H. B. Finneman ................................ 2,00 Lewis Drewniak ................................ 2.00 Richard Knopp .................................... 2.00 Ed. Fisher ............................................ ~.00 Martin Schillo ................................. 2.~} George Rising .................................... $.00 Ralph Finneman ................................ ~.00 Louis Fasching ............ : ....................... 2.00 M. A. Finneman ................................ 2.00 C~o. Oas ................................................ 2,00 Pearl Harp ............................................ 2.00 Am. Flanagan .................................... 2.00 Mabel Early ........................................ 2,00 2.00 Charles Smith .................................... 2.00 Frank Dykens .................................... Harry F~ Olson ....................................2.00 Ed. Dietz ................................................ $.00 Lloyd YateS ........................................ 2.0[} Peter A. Lardy ....................................2.00 2.00 Anton Lardy ............................... ~ .....~.00 Mrs. Ted Rink Otto Petersilie .................................... $-00 Carl Johnson ........................................ 2.00 Howard Vanhorn ................................ 2,00 ~.~ Gregory Decker ~ ................................... Fred*" C. '~R~ ............................ Peter Wlr~eld ......................... ~---- $. M: ................................. - .... Dreamed a ship left you and me On an bland far at sea; It was lonely, bleak and small-- No inhabitants at all;, Not so bad, ~mtil the day Rescue boats took you away; Someone said that, if I'd learn To be friendly, they'd return-- Said that people seldom knew Such delightful friends as you, And that leaving me behind Might impress it on my mindl. It's a dream I'll not forgetl Gladys Goddard ................................ 2.00 John Alguire ........................................ 2.00 L. Babcock ........................................ 9-.00 Mrs. Mary Schutte .......................... ,. 2.00 Mrs. Minnie Sorenson .................... 2.00 Herman Ketther ................................ 2.00 A. E. Kastien ........................................ 2.00 Win. Jandt ............................................ 2.00 Mike Goodale ........................................ 2.00 Cecil Gross ........................................ 2.00 O. G. Johnson .................................... 1.50 Frank A. Jerzak ................................ 1.50 M. I. Lack ........................................... 1.50 Mrs. May Anthony ........................ 1.50 Mrs. Easton ........................................... 1,50 Leo J. Nistler ........................................ 1.50 R. Ridenhauer 1.50 Mrs. Theodore I~:n:c::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1.50 Olga Moyer ........................................ 1.25 E. O. Barkland .................................... 1.00 Ernest Johnston ............................... L00 Mrs. Gerald Gilman ....................... 1.00 John Pierzina .................................... 1.00 1.00 Jane Johnstone ................................... Vernon Hatlmway ............................ 1.00 Forrest Gonia ................................... 1.00 Frances M. Simmons ........................ 1.00 Natalie Adamson ................................1,00 W. D. Adamson ............................... 1.00 Gertrude Kriedemann .................... 1.00 Clara Skaar ............................................ 1.00 Walter Grunewald ............................ 1.00 Phillp Moore ........................................ 1.00 Carrie Moore .................................... 1.00 Melvin C. Nelson .............................. 1.00 Jack Callahan ................................... 1.00 Mons Stone ........................................ 1.00 Mrs. J. C. Butterfield ........................ 1.00 Martin Ueckert .................................... 1.00 Lou McManigal .................................... 1.00 Jack Northrop .................................... 1,00 John Billick ........................................ 1.00 Glen Olson 1,00 Mrs. W. O. Jandt ............................... 1,00 George Fakler .................................... 1.00 Richard Nagle 1.00 D. McPhee .................................. 1.00 Harvey Higgins ............................. l.O0 C. G. Johnson .................................. 1,00 O. C. Schmitz ........................................ 1,00 R. R. Lorenz ....................................... 1.00 Mrs. Catherine Lorenz .................. 1D0 Margaret Fisher ............................ 1.00 Mrs. C. Madison ............................... ],00 Anton Schillo ................................ 1.00 Carl Otremba ................................... I (,0 Joe PopieI .......................................... 1.00 Mrs. H. Shoen .................................... 1.00 Alvin Finneman .............................. 1.00 Hannah Lund ..................................... 1.00 Mrs. Martha Miske ........................ 1,00 Mrs. R. Axline .................................. 1.00 Ed. Shenko ..................................... 1.0¢),, Scott Hill ................................. l.t*9 Mr. and Mrs. Matt Ganser ......... 1,00 Win. DeVrzes ....................... 1,00 Lawrence Kirkpatr~ci~ ......... 1.00 Joe Streitz ................................ 1.00 Jennie Lambect .................... J .00 l&O Myrt~ce Olson ....................... Helen Higley 1.00 E. M. Mikelson ............. 1.0o Vera Rost ..................................... 1.00 Ole Waldahl ....... 1 00 ................ 1 O0 Edw. Carney ......................... Ed. Oswood .................................... 1,00 Mary A. Evans ................................. 1.00 E. H. McGhan ................................... i.00 John Schulte ........ : ..................... I ~X~ Leo Kremers ............................... 1.00 John Schmeling ............................... 1.00 A E. Scheffer ............................. 1,00 l(X) Ed. Sygulla : ............................. Don Hammond ........... 1 00 John Barthel .................................... 1.00 Delphlne Barthel-..,, ................. 1.00 Ted Wise ................................ J .00 100 G. M. Brown ............................ Clarice L• Oppegard .................... 1.00 Coe Neudeck ............................... ~'00 1.00 Joe Odenbaugh ........................... 1,00 M_~s. Ben Thompson .................... ~.00 Rev. ~n .................................... 1,00 Mrs Lechler ................................... , ms: Ni~ Lundin .................. i.~ Troy Las~li Davld~on ............................. ................... ,'" 1" flo Mrs. BJorne 1"~ Hubert SchieEer ........................ Hess ......................................... 1.00 Charles Jandt .................... 1.00 Mrs. Ed. Stull ........................ 1 00 ..... 1.60 Mrs. Woodsend .................... 1 00 Mrs. L. R. Menk ...... • .............. Warren Clark .................. 1,00 1.00 Mrs. Wilson ............................. 1.00 Theo. Maanum .................. . ..... J:..:: 1,00 C. G. carlson ........................ 1,00 E. Moore ....................................... L00 Curtis Mott .................................... 1.00 W, M. AbernethY ..................... 1.00 Harold Feldl~u~en ....................... ~.00 Henry Fel..dhu~en ................... 1 00 Clayton waJlace ........................ 1.00 H. Hollar ....................................... Hazel Vinqui~t ............................ 1.00 W E. Allen ...................................... ' I:{~ Frank Novotny ...................... 1 00 Helen B, wynmn ....... Mrs. Ovide E. Grenier "-:::-.-:--.:.-::::': 1.09 1,00 Mrs. OlaUS Rir, hovd ................. 1.00 Gene HathawaYe ................... .70 A. G. Brockmey r, ..................... ~--.. Mr. and ~..L. ~: ~ga,... ................. Mrs. Mary Mcmam~ 7 &0 L. Bartholomew ............................... An~vmoU~ ..,-----.-?. ............ "?" ............. Mrs. ~ms ........... ~ ............................... Mr. Hoffm~n ....................................... "~ |~alth carew ..................................... :~5 Jot~n G!ower..- ...................... i ! GARNER NEWS Mrs. Fred assman, Cor. !, (Too Late For Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Schmeling entertained at dinner and supper New Years day Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Johnson and son, Enock Anderson, Adolph and Axel Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schmeling and family, ~r. and Mrs. Voiney Schmeling and family, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Schmellng and family, Gerald and Carol Schraeling, and Geraldine Schrneling. A duck dinner was served with all the trhnmings, A1 Dietz spent Saturday night at the Tony Barthel home, H. L. Babcock and Harvard were callers in this community on Sat- urday. Walter Wassmann and Johnny Stuil hauled hogs ~o Beach on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wassmann re- turned to their home Thursday night after having spent a few days in Beach. Miss Dorothy Barthel returned to her home Sunday morning after having spent a few days at the Joe Dletz home. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Brown re- turned to their home near Golva ~aturday afternoon after having spent quite some time visiting at the F. Wassmann home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wassmann and Carolyn Lee returned Thurs- day morning from Dell Rapids, S, D., where they have been visiting the past month. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Trester and children, Mr .and Mrs. John Stull and Davie. Mr. and- Mrs. Tom Woscpka, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Krause. Mr. and Mrs. Thorwald Vieland, Mr. and Mrs. Ewald John- son, Mr, and Mrs. F. F. Schmeting, and Mr. and Mrs. George Wo~pka and children were Beach shoppers Friday. V SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Sabbath School 11:00 A. M. Church service 12:00 Noon. Prayer meeting Wedn~y at 7:30 _P. M. --V If pigs are kept in reMonably alean .lots and pasture they ere not DXaly.~o su~r f~om worms or many other common allment~ As a s~feeuard, If frozen canned food has stood after thawing, it is well to boil at least 15 minutes betone tasting. I i I r WORK GLOVES You ean get them at the or want a Job, you can get results from News Wanf Ads. No ad accepted /or lass lhan 2.5c per Insertion. A service charge of 25c will be made for "'blind" ads. FOR SALE---Red bull. Paul Mogie, Beach• 16-1tp FOR SALE~Bed Jmd spring; also a room for rent. Mrs. Rube Clark. 16-1tc SAW FILING and setting ~t reason- able rates. Frank P. Theisen, Beach. 16-2tp WANTED TO TRADE---Cattle for small band of young sheep. A]- bert Allen, Sentinel Butte. 16-3tp FOR SALE---Two boar pigs, six months old. Harry Smith, Sen- tinel Butte. 16-2t~ LOST--Truck endgate between m~] place and stockyards. Max Beg- ger. 15-2tp FOR SALE---Servel Electrolux Fri- gidaire, 8 foot, first class condi- tion. A. F. Wosepka. 15-tfe FOR SALE---New chicken brooder. Walter Feldmann, Phone 158M, Beach. 15-2tp FOR 8ALF.e--12 ft. RmnIey comb/he, in good condition. Clinton Baker~ Ollie, Montana. 15-2tp FOR SALE--Reglstered Dm~e Jer- sey boar. Will sell reasonable. Roland Raisler. 15-2tp LOST--Box of tools between Beach and my farm north of Beach. Substantial reward for return. C. H. Stecker. Phone 84W. 16-1tp FOR SALFe--La~e model Norge electric washing machine, in A-1 condition. Ronald Johnston, Tel. 17F31, Beach. 16-1tp NOTICE--Party who took wrapped jacket from Red Owl store is known. Return to Red Owl store and nothing will be said, 16-2tp FOR SALE--Two 4-year-old reg- istered Hereford bulls, also some registered bull calves. Ralph Moaner, Trotters. 14-3tp I I I LOST--Registered 3 month Collie. Brown and white. Large dog. Answers to the name "Cappy", $10.00 to anyone who can give in- formation to return of our dog. Bill Rabe, 04 7th Ave. W., Dick- inson. 13 -4to FOR SALE--4)ne 1941 Chevrolet Special Deluxe Coupe. This car is in excellent condition, and is privately owned. Equipped with radio, heater, defroster and com- plete accessories, including new prestone, Tires very good. Car can be seen at McGarvey & Schneider Garage at Belfield, N.D. 16-2tc i , , ,,, PERM~NENT.W~kVE, 59c--Do your own Permanent wlth Charm-Kurl Kit. Complete equipment, in- cluding 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy to do, absolutely harmless. Praised by thousands, including Fay McKen~le, glamorous movie star. Money refunded if not sat- isfled. WOodward Brothers Drug, Beach, N.D. 10-10tp I I H ):i Frozen foods may be cooked without any previous thawing, thawed sl~Wly~ in a household re- frigerator and held for a day or two before cooking; or thawed in the open ~r and cooked at once. ' The general recommendation is to cook thawed meats promptly. V--~ North Dakota's 1944 production goal for turkeys is 15 percent greater than the total of 788,000 raised in 1943. ~.~ Year in and year out, coves that calve every 12 months produce more milk than cows that calve less frequently. L iii i Paper Drive - - will be sponsored by THE BOY SGOUTS at Golva Sat. January 15th Be sure and TIE your papers in bundles and leave them at the Town Hall. The Scouts will appreciate your cooperation in their efforts to do a good "Help the War" deed. II NOTICE TO COAL USERS e Place your orders for coal now, while we are still able to get it. Fill Your Bins! Our coal storage space is limited and our stocks will disappear fast when cold weather hits. Last winter we had" to get the City officials to get coal from the Northern Pacific Rail. way during a short cold snap. Let's not let that happen again. It is hard to call it an emergency when we have only been out of coal for a few days, as happened last year. If we don't have orders on hand, then we don't who needs coal. This is no sales campaign, we just hope that those who need coal after a few weather will see fit to order it now and we will do our best to get it. Even if we do get your order we can't guarantee delivery, but the mines have assured us some coal. 7;