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~',]qTINI" ':' ~ ~-L BUTTE1 CARLYLEl
iminin imBw~imdiB| A Fuurth Class Po~ster Exam-|
~ t [ fnd~w0~ ~, former local rest- | !nation which closes January 27, 1939/
dent, accompanied by Mrs. Underwood,| is to be held at Baker. The examin-
were overnight visitors here Wednes-|ation is to fill the vacancy at Carlyle.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schouboe and
Delores, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schef~r
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
C. R, Stewart Sundsy afternoon. At
day of last week. They went out to j
visit his son, Art Underwood, south of1
town. They were enroute from theirr
home at Columbus, Montana, to Kan-,
~s City to visit their daughter Molly.
The condition ef Mrs. Lois (}rimes, I
who has been confined to bed as the lt
result of a paralytic stroke, has ira-I
proved to the extent that she was
out for an auto ride re-I
cently. I
Einar Waldal left Monday for Glen-
dive to resume his employment withI
an extra gang on the N. P. Railway. I
See a wonderful drama, "Her Junglef
Love," featuring Dorothy ~maour, sJnd]
Ray Mllland. This is in technicolor.I
lkm~ mi~ it at the School Theatre,1
Sentinel Butte, January 14th-15th.
Norman Runions left Saturday on
an auto trip to South Dakota. He
was accompanied~ by George Fletcher,
"who visited a brother at Hot Springs,
• 5outh Dakota. They returned .Men-
P~Ul Wagner and Roy Doyle were
among those from this county who
attended the opening of the legisla-
tive. session and the inauguration of
Governor Moses at Bismarck last
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ottesu~ were
down from Wibaux Sunday visiting
loe~ friends.
Mrs. Harry Huseby has been con-
fined to her home the past few days
as the result of a skin rash which
~fflicted portions of her face.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Campin spent
~a few days over the yearend holiday
vlslting their son and family at CUl-
~ertson, Montana.
Willlam I)eVreis has returned from
Bismarck, where he has been employed
,~at a federal work camp, and expects
to spend a few months in this vicin-
Bud Boisen has been confined to
bed the past week as the result of
~a Jaundiced condition.
. . ~ -- _ - _ _,
~~'_-.~ ~ ._~.~ -: _~
Mr. and NLrs. Ellis Ayers and Mr.
~and Mrs. J. M Stecker and Tom Grant
were Sunday dinner guests at tre J S.
Schauer home.
Mrs. Herm Brown returned home
from Bismarck on Thursday after
spending four days there wlth her
husband who is a member of the legis-
A group of young folks gathered at
the dam for a skating party, and. at
midnight everyone enjoyed an oyster
supper at the J, M. Stecker home on
Saturday night.
Mr. Tom Grant, an old railroad
friend of Mr. Ayres, has been a pleas-
ant visitor at the A. E. Ayers home
for the past few days. Mr. Grant is
a retired engineer.
"Olaf Abraham was a caller at the
Z. M. Stecker home on Friday.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs, Frank
O'Rcurke of Wibaux extend their sin-
cere sympathy to them in the loss of
their son. James. The O'Rouke fam-
ily homesteaded in Saddle Butte town-
ahip in 1905. James was one of the
first pupils to attend the Saddle
Butte school.
Every worker in th state, including
~ho6e over 65 years of age, should have
~t SOcial Security Account Number. A
worker's a~ has no beartug on his
rights to unemployment benefits.
6 o'clock they motored back to the
Scheffer home were they were sup-
per guests and spent the evening vis-
iting and singing.
Mrs. Leo Rising is enjoying a pleas-
ant visit at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. AugUSt Ooroskl.
On Thursday afternoon sere r a l
neighbors dropped in at the George
Gearey home where cards and dainty
refreshments were enjoyed. Those at-
tending were Mesdames Frank Schou-
bee, Thee. Maanum, John Shafer,
George Hammond, Alfred Scheffer,
JuliUS ~arsen and Bdrt ~over~. A
pleasant afternoon was enjoyed oy all.
Mrs. George Hammond and Mrs.
Bert Covert .visited friendS at the
Airport Mo~lay evening.
A meetin~ of the members of the
Sunny Vale Telephone Line was held•
at the Frank St~sa home on Tuesday
night. Business matters were dls,
Mrs. Bert Covert was a caller at
the Scheffer home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. ~ Rising motored
to Dickinson Wednesday where they
had dental work done. Martin susa
did chores Thursday evening during
their absence.
M2~. C. R. Stewart of Carlyle re-
cieved notice the past week that she
had been appointed ,postmistress at
Carlyle until after the coming ex-
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Douglas were
callers at the Scheffer home Tuesday.
School began again in the South
Valley rural school Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Weinreis and
Lyle were Sunday evening guests at
the home of Mr. and M~. Rudolph
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Stewart were
Beach visitors Tuesday.
Mr, and Mrs. Otto Hanson who
have been ill during the holidays
with the infuenza are able to be up
and around again, and Elaine and
Johnnie are much improved, Mrs.
Menke snd Dorothy Schulte assisted
the family during their illness.
A, M. Peterson was a dinner guest
of L. D. Page a~ the Wallace Page
home in Golva Sunday.
The ~eachers have returned from
their vacations and all report a pleas-
ant time. School has reminded and
everything is again going along
Eel Fischer and family and Marg-
uerite Krei~inger were guests at the
home of John Kerupevik at Rhame
Sunday. It was a nice trip which
was shortened by being able to cross
the Little Missouri on the ice,
Mrs. Flora Funk returned from St.
Cloud, Minnesota, Sunday evening
after spending a week there with rel-
atives and frieuds.
Mr. and Mrs. John Tschida, Mr. and
Mrs Bert Covert and Mr. and Mrs.
Jul],ds Larsen enjoyed a whist party
out cf town Saturday evening.
Mrs. Wallace Page is recovering
from a badly sprained knee which
occurred while she was at Barnesville.
She reports plenty of snow and |ce
in Minnesota which made it seem llke
a real Christmas.
Greetings came as usual Christmas
We Deliver
RICE, fcy Blue Rose, two 3 lb
ROLLED OATS... two 48-oz
Phone ~5
pkgs 49c
CORN FLAKES, IGA ..... 3 pkgs. 25c
PEAS, IGA, hney .......... ~, eans ~c
RED"A'COFIqgE ....... 3 lb. bag 4~e
CATSUP, Carol .... 2 large bottles 1%
PEACHES, ........... No. 10 can 39c
Texas, seedless 10 for 2%
large navels ..... 2 doz. 45c
Bananas, firm, ripe ......... 4 lbs. 2%
See Our Four-Page Circular for other
Big Food Barg~
from old
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Haigh, Miss Mar-
gie Funk and brother Harry were in
Beach Sunday night,
Bernard Majurus left the first of
the week for California where he will
attend a baseball training camp.
L. D. Page was m Beach on business
Mrs. Maanum, Mrs. Schafer. M~.;
Covert and Mrs. I-~rSen spent an on,
joyable afternoon Thursday at~
George Oearey home playing
A lovely lunch was served.
M~,ss Jeanette Forguson and Mrs. J.
Larsen were Beach visitors Tuesday.
Miss FurgUSon is taking treatments
for a foot ailment.
John Schulte and family have mov-
ed to the Bill Glazier farm. Mr. Glaz-
ier is an uncle of Mrs. Schulte.
,, ,,,,i
friends who do not forget who spent the week end at her home.
The card party and dance held a~
the Westerheim school house was a
decided success• A large crowd a~-
tended, including several from Sent-
inel Butte, an all reported a dandy
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Will, Mr. and
Mrs. Eddie Cook and Mrs. Harry LoW-
man came out from Sentinel Butte
last Friday. They were accompanied
on their return by Mrs. Jennie Phillips
Harold and Harry Lowman were
Sentinel Butte callers Monday•
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Brown are the
proud parents of a baby boy, born
January 3rd at the Beach hospital.
Mother and child are doing nicely.
Harold Hollar and Richard Moore
were over in the sub-marginal area
Monday rounding up horses,
Mr. anl Mrs. Dick Pendleton called
at the Albert Allen home last Thurs-
~: Albert Allen is moving the old Tom
Harmon house to the Cash V~n Ea-
ton homestead on Section 6 in Wana-
gan township.
Phil Cock and M. E. Northrup left
for Sentinel Butte and Beach Sunday.
Phil attends the Sentinel Butte school
ad Mr. Northrup makes his home in
Beach during the win~er months.
A. C. S~one and son Bob called at
the C. 0. Carlson and J. E. Cook
ranches last W~dnesday. This is BoWs
first visit to North Dakota since leav-
ing for Trona. California, four years
Doll ]~Lle[] inst~li[/eo [o leave for
Portland, Oregon, Monday where his
father resides and where he intends
ro ~et employment.
A card party is to be held at the
M. A. Brown home, Monday, January
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sathre and
children were Sunday callers at the
Ted Cook home.
~ Bwm~ ~ Cus V~u T~u~s V~m
CHEESE, American, pound .... 17c
Grapefruit, dozen ............. 33c
APPLES, Winesaps, lug ....... 33c
PEACHES, No. 10 Can, the best .... 49c
COOKIES, assorted, plain, 2 lbs. for 25c
PEACHES, sliced, two 30-oz cans ..35c
Super Suds, Red Label, 19 oz. pkg. 19c
Sweet Potatoes, honey sweet, 4 lbs. 25c
ORANGES, medium size, dozen ...29c
LETTUCE, solid, crisp, 2 heads for 19c
BUTTER, use more of h, 2 lbs. 57C
THURS_DAY, JAN." 12, 1939
Mr. and Mrs. George Stull and T.
Vleland helped butcher at the Schmel-
ing home Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wassmann and
family visited with Fred and Herman
Wassman and friends the past week,
returning home Saturday afternoon.
Dick Stull and Fred Wassmann
were Beach visitors Friday. Fred
stopped at the John Fakler home for
the week end and helped them with
their butchering.
Mr. and Mrs. George Stull and
boys visited at the Cole Mattie home
Mr. and Mrs. Art Underwood and
family and Joan Orstad were Beach
visitors Saturday.
Olaf Orstad ad Delores and Leo
Ntstler were Beach visitors Friday and
while there Delores had dental work
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Drewnick and
Robert, Ed Shoen, Vick Renstrom,
ad Adolph Johnson were Beach vis-
itors Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Vieland and Mrs.
Pete Vanvig and Ellen Johnson Were
Beach callers Thursday.
Leo Nistler was a caller at the F.
Waesmann home on Thursday.
Mrs. George We~raann and child-
ren, Mrs. ;Herman and Mrs. Fred
Wassmann called at the Joe Dleta
home Friday.
Enoch Anderson, Axel Johnson,
George and Herman Wassmann and
Adolph Johnson spent Thursday with
Vic Renstrom. VIC returned home
from Bismarck Wednesday night.
Mrs. Laura Strahon was a Beach
visitor Saturday.
The Garner school district held its
meeting at the Lundin home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A] Hogen and child-
ren and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Olson
and children were Sunday visitor~ at
Olaf Oreetad's.
Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Oistad a~d
daughter, *Bud Petersflle " and John~
Kline were dinner guests at the Ed~
Sheen home. l
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Wosepka an(l~
Edward, Dorothy, and Kenneth visited ~"
relatives in Sentinel Butte Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wosepka and1
Harold were callers at the Shoen andj
Wosepka homes Monday.~
Mr. and Mrs. John Fakler spen~
Sunday at the Fred Wassmann home,
Kenneth Wosepka visited the Lun-
din school Friday and spent the week
end with Ho]ger Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Woseplm and
son Edward, spent Sunday evening at
Shoen'5. , I
We extend our deepest sympathy to
the Y~ank O~ourke family ~n the
los sof their son and brother, James,
at their home in Wibaux. The O'-
Rourke family formerly resided in the
Saddle Butte community.
Teddy Blue and Ern Daily and Joe
Hudecek were callers at the J. C. But-
terfield home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Butterfleld and
grandchild called at the Wendle Ytmlis
and Volesky homes Sunday.
Mr. an Mrs. Clifford Stecker and
children were callers at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Stecker Sunday.
Mrs, J. C. Butterfleld shipped a
twenty-pound turkey to Carrie WIt-~
zig at Chicago, for their big annual ~ .
after-holiday celebration
Mr. and Mrs. Theo Kunick ar~lr]
daughters and their guests, Mr. an~
Mrs. Jaska of Belfield, Demonic Ku-~
kowskt and Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Butter- !
field and Zena were callers at the
Vincent Volesky home Monday even- l
ing and all enjoyed a pleasat time. I
Against Them By The Latest And
Best Methods
Let Us Tell You How
Phone 31
F. T. Reynolds Co.
Beach, North Dakota
We Deliver Free .1- Phone 75
COCOA, all-purpose, 2 lb. can .... 19c
Pineapple, large, No. 2 ]/~ can ..... 1%
Cove Oysters, N. J. C. 5 oz. ean ..... l~e
Corned Beef, Loyal brand 12 oz can 19c
Morton's Smoked Salt, I0 lb. can.. 78c
Oranges, sweet navels, 2 doz ...... 29c
Grapefruit, sweet, juicy, l doz. .... 39c
RHUBARB, Fresh, per.~...~. ...... 10c
Salad Dressing, Harvest Moon, qt. 29c
CHEESE, Swift's, 2 lb. box ........ 45c
LARD, SMh's, 4 lk err. .......... 47e
CRACKERS, National, 2 lb. box .. 16e
Coffee, Shillings or Nash's, lb. .... 28c
POTATOES, Early Ohio's 100 lb. ~.~
Fresh Oysters, Salt Fish, Spiced Fish
and Fresh Tastyloins