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• The G Ide
o n Valley
A ¢mtinustion of The Beach Advance and The Beach Review
W. R. Bratton and H. E. Enderle
Editors and Publishers
A weekly published every Thursday at Beach, North Dakota.
Bntered as second class marl matter at the Postoffice at Beach,
North Dakota, October 7, 1936, under the act of March 3, 1897 4
Advertising rates furnished upon request
Subscription price $2.00 in No. Dak., Minn., Mont., and So. Dak.,
Elsewhere $2.50
When. You
-'~,~- When days ~re dark an' the clouds har~ 10W,
An the road is rough an long;
When problems face ~mlon every hand,
An' your plans have all gonewrons;
When troubles come, an' your luck looks bad,
An* you don t know what t' do--
Oh, then it is that you understand
What a true friend means t' YOul
When times ~e ~., an' you're foelin"
P t"
Aa thesun mmhinin brigh,
When every day ~ ylm some new Joy,
An' the world k quite all rilht~ ,
You'~ glad t' know that yottr frt~ds re nl
An' will join you in your tun,-
But you never learn what a true friend la,
Till your troubles have begum!
A lot o' folks treat you mighty well .
While Tou have the ealh t' spend,
But p~ ~ou ~ with a ua~lMa nod
When you rally need d friend;
They fall ~ then, astl~y always will
In fl~ time o' deep ~
TO th~ an ~lfl~eea
I've hM n~ ~ o" the ups4n'*dow~ • That we,U ~ ~ in life,
Or ~ care an ~lfe,
somo 2__nd bp_?me with, chee n' ram.
An hal ~ me see it through--
brecht relief in the t/me o need.
As our ~ friends always de.
S. LL~ White and Mrs.
and son were dinner
the Jerm Oronnin~ home
Retold Schouboe of Carlyle is vis-
Iting at the home of his sister, Mrs.
Oloyd Bury and family.
Mrs. Edwaxd Fasclflng was a Dick-
Insert visitor Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe ~manski and
Of Mound spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. White.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kouba and
daughters spent Saturday evenhlg at
the John Iron.home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Z/ebarth, M. B.
l~gfl~oom and Maurice, Mr. and Mrs,
Oloyd Bury and family were guests
for dinner at tl~e H. A. Bury's Sun-
Mrs. John Irons were
Bury home
Mr. ~ .~ Heart Sonnek and
sons were I of Mr. and Mrs. John
~ sunday.
After a pleasant visit at the home
@f her parents, Mrs. John Adams and
~um returned to their home at New
~Dastle, Wy0., Friday morning.
Harry Haden spent a couple days
,visiting at the Bury home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John KnaPp enter-
lathed at a six o'clock dinner Wed-
needay evening. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. ]
Oamroth, Mr. and Mrs. John Jesok,
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jesok and daugh-
ter, Alice, Elmer and Eddie Kouba,
M. 13. Hogobocm and M~urice and
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kouba and family
Were the guests of the evening. Cards
~ere the diversion.
Nels Langdon and Andrew John-
~tOn entertained for dinner Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Mert Buckley and Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. Hail of Oldie, Mr. and
Mrs, ~harlte Bohn and family and
Mr. and Mrs, Otto Johnson and
I" I +
Mrs. Mike Lardy entertained the
Friendly Neighbors club last Thurs-
daY. Seven members were present,
and a lovely lunch was served at noon.
The next meeth~g will be held with
Mrs. Jimmy Johnstone on February 2.
Phllltp Lardy and Frank Balducke
were callers at the George Lardy
home Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wirtsfelt are the
proud grand~xent~ o~ twin bays born
te, ~ d~tlgllter who lives near Port-
4and, Ore.
~0nald Lardy, small son of George
Lsrdy, has been ill, but is better at
this writing.
Mrs. Ben Maus and Peter Lardy
were on the sick list last week.
Herb Johnstone is visiting at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. John Berg
and family.
~Henry Hdghes is working at the
Mark Reamer home.
Ted Rink and Ralph Kirkpatr/ck
were sawing wood in this vicinity on
Mr, and Mrs. Mark Reamer and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Van Horn and family were supper
g~ests at the Jimmy Johnstone home
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gallus were
Sunday visitors at the Mike Lardy
The people north of Sentinel Butte
are enjoying their telephones which
they have just had installS, Andy
Carlson has been doing th~linc work.
Mr. and Mrs. Nels Ness are the par-
l ents of a 9- pound baby girl, born
December~ 27th.
I Mr. and Mrs. Henry Feldmann and
family and P.alph Sweet were Sunday
visitors at the Jack Still home. ,
No employer can avoid contributions
for t~employment insurance this year
l~rnes, by ~ucing his staff to less than 8
The Whist Club went to, workers if he had eight or more for
Ollte and played t the required time in 1938.
t~,m~ Pane at the
Alpha hall Sunday afternoon,
The Alpha I~lies Akl will+meet
with Mrs. Ed Stioen January 19th for
Bonnie View
M~. John Callahan who has spent
the ~ months at the home of her
d~ughter, M~s. Jack Still, left Tues-
day morning for Ra~Id City, South
Dakot~ Where she will spend the re-
maind~--r of the winter with another
Callahan and son ROger, of Beach,
drove to Rapid C!~y taking the eider
rs, Callahan there. They returned
the same evening.
RaXph Sweet. who has been em-
ployed at the Emil Kunick farm dur-
~g the past year, is visiting at the
Henry Fvldmann home at present,
Joe Pesha returned ~rom a two
• ~eeks vacation which he spent at
Minor and other eastern points.
came up from Dickinson
made several calls
View neighborhood that
Stien was the teacher
View school last year
Denver, I
in Dick- /
FO~t SALE OR TRADE--Piano in ]
good condition. Inquire at the NewsI
office, . 14-~tp.
want TO nVr--SmaU tab I
Inquire at News office. 6_t~
FOR SALg---All modern 5 room house
tn good cond/tion. Write Mrs. Edith
Sparrenberger, Portage, Wise., or see
Dr. Lyons for particulars, 10-tf
THE PARK CAFE for good meals,
lunches, etc. Also beer. pop, candy
and cigarettes.
desired. Mxs. W. C. Bradley, 13-1to
FOR SALE--Stock saddle, g(~d as new.
D. M. snow, Beach, No, Dak, 14-3tp
Stomach Gas
One d~ ~ A.DX~RIKA qui~V.lY r~.
~level ga~ bloaung, elean~ out BOT~
ripper and lower b~wels, alIoww ~Ott t@
action, yet ent Y gnt and safe.
Sheet and Metal Work
No Job Too Laxge Or Too ~ai,,
"- -- , |,~u
NewsOddmes ....
by Squier"
Carlyle -- The Golva Homemakers'
will meet at the home of Mrs. George
C~arey on Thursday, January 12th,
when the project le~ders'~--'w~"~lve
their first lessons on "Homemaking--
A Real Profession. "
Deductions from pay checks in N.
I~k., are for old age insurance and
I~K)T for unemployment compensation.
In North Dakota the worker
nothing for unemployment compensa'~
Report of the condition of ']:he
at Beach, in the State of North Da-
kota. at the close of business
December 81, 1938.
1. Loans and discounts
(including $7.68 over-
drafts .............................. $150.576.26
2. United States Govern-
ment oblli~atlons, di-
rect and guaranteed..~ 12,818.76
3. Obllgation~ of States "~"
and political subdi-
visions .: .......................... 21,759.04
4. Other bonds, notes,
and debentures ........ None
5. Corporate stocks (in-
cluding None; stock of
Federal Reserve bank) 9,950,00
6. Cash. balances with
other hawks, including
reserve balances, and
cash Items in process of
collection ....................... 70,820.06
7. Bank premlnee owned
$12,000.00, ~urnlture
and fixtures $4,826.70 .... 16.326.70
(Bank premises owned
are subJe~t to None
liens not assumed by
8, Real estate owned
other than bank pre-
mises .............................. 6,351.50
9. Investments and oth-
er assets indirectly
representing b a n 1~.
premises or other rea~
estate ............................ None
10, C%tstomers" liability
to this bank on ~e-
acceptances outstand-
ing ................................ None
11. Other assets ................ None
12. TOTAL ASSETS ........ $300,480.56
13. Demand deposits of
individuals, partner-
ships, and corpora-
tions ................................ $118,728,18
14. Time deposits of in-
dividuals, partner-
ships, and corpora
tlons ................................ 108.679.61
15. I)epo~lts of United
States Government (in-
eluding postal sav-
ln~g s) ................................ 5,000.00
16. Deposits of States
and political subdivi-
sions .............................. 15~g55.29
17. Deposits of banks .... None
18. Other deposits (cer-
tified and officers'
checks, etc ................... 1,905.77
1@. Total Deposits l~lg.elk~
20. Bills payable, redid-
counted, and other li-
abilities for borrowed
money ............................ None
21. Mortgages or other
liens, None on bank
premises and none on
other real estate ...... None
22. Acceptances executed
by or for account of
this bank and out-
standing .................... None
23 Other l]s~bllitles ........ None
24. Total Lia,bllitles (not
including obligatione
shown In item 33 ............ 249,633.85
25. Capital ............................ 45 000,00
26 Surplus .......................... 5',00~.00
27. Undivided profits ........ 810.71
28. Reserves (and retire-
ment account for pre-
ferred capital .............. None
29. Total Capital Account 50,816.'/1
80, Total Liabilities and
Capital Account ............ $00.480.56
This bank's capital consists of
$20,000.00 of capital notes and d~ben-
tures; first preferred stock with
total par value of $20,000.00, re-
tireable at $20,000.00; second pre
ferred stock with total par value
of $ None, retlrable at $ None: and
common stock with total par value
I~,~t I25,000.00,
31. Pledged assets (and
securities 1 ca n e d)
According to your doctor's Orders
We Deliver Phone 31
THURSDAY, JAN. 12, 1939
(book value):
(a) U. S. Government
obligations, direct and
guaranteed, pledged to
secure deposits and oth-
er liabilities .................... None
(b) Other assets pleged
to secure deposits and
other liabilities (in-
cluding oozes and bills
rediscounted and se-
Curities sold under re-
purchase agreement None
(c) Assets pledged to
qualify for exercise of
fiduciary or corpor-
ate powers, and for
purposes other than
to secure liabilities .... None
(d) Securities loaned .... None
(e) TOTAL ...................... None
32. Secured and prefer-
red Liabilities:
(a) Deposits secured by
pledged assets pursu-
ant to requirements
of law ............................ None
(b)Rorrowlngs secured
by pledged assets (ln-
clu d 1 n g rediscounts
and repurchase agree-
ments) ............................ None
(c) Other liabilities se-
cured by pledged as-
sets ................................ None
(d) Deposits preferred
under provisions of
law but not secured
by pledge of assets .... None
(e) TOTAL ...................... None
33. (a) Unpaid dividends
on prefrred stock and
unpaid interest on
capital notes and de-
bentures, accrued to
end of last dividend
or interest period,
not included tn liabil-
ities or reserves above 3.147.12
(b) Other obligations
not Included In item
24 which are subor-
dinated to claims of
depositors and other
creditors ........................ None
34. On date of re-
port the required legal
reserve against depos-
its of this bank was 39,064.80
(b) A s s e t s reported
above which were el-
igible as legal re-
serve amounted to ...... 70,820.06
I. P. J. Edkins, Cashier, of the
above-named bank, do ~olemnly
swear that the above statement is
true. and that it fully and correct-
ly represents the true state of the
several matters herein contained
and set forth, to the best of mY
knowledge and belief.
Correct Attest:
R. T. Thompson.
T. E. Hudson, Directors
State of North Dakota, Count~j of
GOlden Valley, ~,s:
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this 6th day of January, 1935, and
I hereby certify that I am not an
officer or director of his bank.
My Commission expires April 22,
• Notary Pu'bllc.
Gaff Clark was a Bonnie View vls-~
itor on Saturday.
Sentinel BUtte, N. DsiL
V~ Veins- llem~rhol~
Office Phone ~9 ~ Pho~
Phone 1~
Beach, North l~kota
W. 12. BRADLEY, M. D.
Physleism and Surgeon "'I
Glasmm Fitted
Beach, N.D. .... :
Phones: Office 13; Rwiden~ 1~
People tell us the PARK CAFE is the
most friendly and enjoyable Cafe in this
vicinity. Come sample our hospital-
ity and enjoy our fine meals. You,
too, will like us.
E. F. Hasbrook, Prop.
Second Big Week
Our famous long wearing sheets at
Nation Wide Sheets
Size 81 in. x 99 in.
2 yd.
Buy Now while our stocks are still complete.
69 ach
Pillow Cases 19c each
Table Damask
21/2 yd. 3 yd Lengths
$1.23 $l.47
Towel Special
llllllllllllllllliililiilllllll ' ~ _ - : -. - " I
A Towel value you should not miss. Large Thirsty Tow-
els, 18x36
Stock Up Now!
One Week Left .................................... 10c
36 in. MUSLIN Unbleached
A chance to lay in a supply of muslin at the low price of only
Per Yard
Limited Quantity ................................... 05C
, ~. - _ ,