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~efore thi
)]d hors~
ago. Th~
Trester at
THURSDAY, JAN. 12. 1939 "L~E GuLD~:N VALLxsY hr~vv~
- ~ Mr. and Mrs
: :; .... : :== + =+==++ + ........ .... ++ +:++ .... ++- LOCALS
e,o + Traffic Death Toll Low in State During Year of 1938
+ng cattle
~ectlon 32 ' Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Reinholz, ac-] of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Relrtholz on
d grante~ ::: .... - ........ :=:= ...... --:-: .... -:-=-- .... - ...... -- :=- - .... ::-:: --:-::--: compan~ by Ruth, Mary, MargaretINew Year's Day. Bob Ridenhowerl
of offic~ and Fred Reinholz drove to Dickinson dropped i~ later in the day ~ also
proved a5 last week Tuesday. Fred took the bus spent the night with them.
rd and a~
m m~ m
~~ -I-----I --~='--~- "r~_~----'-~-~ T ---~--:~-
-- --,~u~-. ' i~' • '~:~.~ ~" from there to Wahpeton, where he isI
Attorney~ [_
+loner o[ taking a cotlr~ in Auto Mechanics[ Following a two week's visit at the
! [ ~--:...a. "--"t and Welding at the State School offhOme of her mother, Mrs. Anna Ol-
stoner of -I ~vl .~'~--~ Science. He has been enjoying his [son, Myrtle Olson left Sunday to re-
of th~ ] ~ ~.a-~ Christmas vacation a~ ~rie home offsume her duties as an instructor in
: ~,, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur lthe public schools at Jamestown.
berlntend.I Reinholz. , Bob Stone left Friday for Trona,
of Deeds,i l~r. and Mrs. John Denton of Gglva California, after a visit of two weeks
Clerk ofI j returned on Tuesday of last week at the home of his parents, Mr. and
Ldont ofi I from Minneapolis, where they have Mrs. A. C. Stone of this city. While
.dJOurned~+ been visiting for some time, and left here, Bob spent a few days in Minne-
M. Tho~ Thursday for Bellingham to visit at spoils with friends.
ners met the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oornell Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huber ttrove to
with alli Eide and other friends at that place. Sentinel Butte Sunday for a visit at
solutions~ I ~ ~ ; They plan to be gone about six weeks, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Downs.
"91~'~ ,willi |
Mlddle~ You'll find MORE pages ...... Misses Doris and Gloria Janze re-
r a term MORE news ...... MORE features turned to their home in Killdeer, N.
~e work ....... in the SUNDAy CHICAGO D., after spending the past few weeks
the pre- ~ and EXAMINER. Make It visiting friends here.
werQ &~
$180.~0~ ~~ , ,~','m~
$~.0ej:+ GF_~ and BETTER Sunday Newspaper. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pederson and Mr.
quont+ Every Member of the Family Will Ell- and Mrs. Wm. Gardner of Sentinel
~°llect0d[+ joy the SUNDAY OHICAGO ~ Butte were business callers in Beach
munt of, AND EXAMINER. Friday.
t¢ wltJ Word was received by the News of aSaaVMnUnHJ .
Audito: North Dakota stands an excellent hlcles and 42 passengers. There were i highway officials anticipated an even the birth of twins to Mr. and Mrs.
to ]~mi chance of again winning national hon- 13 fatalities under the age of 18, and lbetter showing in 1939. Lester Gerard of Laurel, Montana.
'-104 fol
1941. ors for its efforts in reducing loss of 17 persons over the age of 60 were The state's 1938 record for coopera- Mrs. Gerard will be rembered here
as Lorraine Scgler, former resident of
Rradle~ llf~ suffered in motor vehicle acci-killed. There was not a single school.tion
) at t
rrk a~ dents, says Walter J. Brophy, Safety bus fatality though a number of bus12.3 percent increase in moving traffiC]Barbara Alice,BUtte'a ~oy,TheRoberttWins' William,a girl,
a [ Sentinel
rone~d mere.iN Partment.Engineer of the State Highway De- toaCCidentSnegligence°CCurred'and infaultymany equipmentCases due plus a gain in gasoline consumption, and mother are doing nicely. ~R|~[ []~[~ [~l~I
|9 at a aThis state last year was awarded used. Brophy stressed the need for co-
siqm~ ~bronze plaque by the National Safe- A total of 1,428 persons required operation from all law enforcement
on£an1 ~ Council for having had the best hospitalization or a doctor's attention, officials in carrying on a program
6N~4 o| R~affic death record of 13 states in the The number of persons injured would and system of accurate and complete
, W~+ IDAddle west. l tmdoubtedly be larger if all accidents motor accident reporting and rec- _]a uary _ .Pemanent ~nec;als
A department analysis of 1938 shows had been properly reported, Brophy ords. He pointed to further develop- n
Seetlon I 108 persons died as the result of said. ment of uniform warning signals and
s~o.1 ~otor ~e~e~e accidents within the Norm Dakota in ~93S ~+~rod an m~rkin~, route and directional m~r~- ~ New Ray 75
E~ o~[ state's boundries last year. There were economic loss from motor vehicle ac- ers for guidance of the motoring pub ............ $4.
~ of ~ ~ persons permanently injured, cidents of nearly $3,000,000. With the Ec on city streets, county and state ~ (MACHINELESS)
Of the 108 persons who died, 19 were state having shown a reduction in its highways, as an important means of
~f See-i! Pedestrians, 47 drivers of motor ve-
traffic deaths both in 1937 and 1938, reducing accidents.
" ~ t - .... Zeno ...............$3.75
er were Sunday dinner guests at the --- , -- ---' -
.~oun~ i Burton Welsh home. (MAC~SS)
'°"+ Wibaux News PLEASANT VALLEY
Mr. and Mrs. Fraflk Elllott and son - ~. ~-- ~;
.*Y o~ i -- " " autoed to Glendive one day last week. Carl Waldal spent a few days with Machine Permanents ....... $3.00 and
~4~0 of! I III III _ The ~. W. Club met Tuesday evening his brother, Clyde, last week.
,w~ oi Mrs. Bertha Johnson of Carlyle was w:th Mrs. Earl Dunsworth and enjoy- Mr. George Lardy called at the End Curls ....... $1 50 andup
ho~ a week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. e~ their fancy work and lunch to- Fred Kannenberg home Thursday.
u~t ~ John Mingel east of town. g_ther.
mado Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Steele and Mr. Mr. ~nd Mrs. E. D. Welliver enter- Floyd Wilson of Beach was a busl-
,d ~o and Mrs. Glenn Seamingn and da:~gS- ~aine:i Mr. and Mrs. Marian Bushman hess caller at Charles Slocomb's Sat- Shop open from 9:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m.
~d by ter were Beach visitors Tuesday. ~nd sons aud Mr. and Mrs. O. E. urday.
as in- Ray Herrigstad from near Hodgc~ Ericl:son of Savage at Sunday dinner. Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Rogers and Mrs. WORK DONE EARLIER OR LATER BY SPECIAL APPO~
~ed to was calling on ~rJends in town Sa~- Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Scott took Eunice Rogers arrived at the Slocomb
+ Urday. ..*heir little daughter, Dorothy Marie, home Saturday from Marshfield, Wis
Frank Beeler sold his farm sou'h- to Beach last week where she was a consln, where they had been 7isit-
~u~- east of ~own last week to John I-=ahl p)tient at the hospital over night, ing with relatives and friends over 0AS & PALACE BEAUTY SHOPS
s, Elmer Presthus and sister werelshe is much better at this writing, the holidays.
down from Glendive Tuesday visit]~I The Woman's Club met Monday ev- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kannenberg cal- "To Please You Is Our Pleasure"
relatives and friends, ening with Mrs. Hazlewood. Mrs. Wm. led at the Charles Slocomb home on
i E.L. Watkins and son were bus~ness ;~,~anning was the leader. Mrs. Carroll Sunday.
visitors in Sidney Wednesday. I read a paper on "Proper Diet," ~nd ~ ~ ~ ,~, ~
Mr" and Mrs" George Bass and R°-ia game °f True and False was enj°y" Wlbaux visit°rs Friday m°rning 17~lli~~
~S .~bert Baird were Beach visitors last'ed. The hostess served delicious re- were Mrs. T. E. Hudson and Irene.
~hursday. freshments.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hartse and Mrs. Percy Gibson came on Monday~ App~n the lrt ! ! fi !! T U C I T r
children spent the week end with rela-+ from Missouri to help care for her ]state are protected against the econ-
tives at Carlyle. i mother, Mrs. Schell. ~omic hazard of joblessness by being
Mrs. Ella Lewis had the misfortune Miss Marian Ebely and Erling Er- covered under the North Dakota Un-
to fall Sunday morning hurting her linson came from Fargo Saturday and employment Compensation Law. Beach, North Dakota
ankle quite badly, visited the former's sister. Mrs. Ralph _
The Young People's Bible Study club Mueller and Mrs. Walace Scott and; New Seats Air Conditioned
met with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Scammon families. They motored to Circle on Saturday Is ....
Monday evening. +Sunday where they teach school.
" tty M "
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Welsh and Rus- Miss Betty Sherman of Olendive, Be ogre Day
Sell autoed to Baker to visit relatives spent last week with her grandpar- Tune in KFYR-9 a. m.
and enjoyed a delicious elk steak ents. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. White.
dinner at the Roy Mengel home. Mr. Mrs. Beaman Sherman entertained Every Saturdaymorn FRIDAY SATURDAY
Mengel went with others from Baker several ladies at her home Saturday We Sell the Products
to Livingston and the group brought afternoon and served dainty refresh- Betty Moore Recommends
back six fine elk. merits. GOLDEN VALLEY Saturday Matinee at 2:30 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Oleson of Yates James Griffith left Saturday for
were Sunday dinner guests at the Minneapolis where he will spend a LUMBER CO. "NANCY ~,~..~,,r~v~ur,
John Mengel home. weeks vacation ....... - ..... -:- .... --:~
J. C. Kinney, a former resident of
Wlbaux arrived here from Arizona CAST: BONITAGRANVILLE, JOHN LI-
~ond~yandlsbusyrenewlng old ac- FREE CASH DAILY/! TEL..
~in~ Two amateur sleuths in this enjoy-
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Winkleman ~rom able him.
~ear St. Philips were business visitors
.oo on o, $100 AND UP/IAlsoa Comedy and News
ends. •
Fred Reinecke and Russell Welsh Community Oividend /! ayl/lli
autoed to Carlyle Saturday.
Sam Carlson who lived here for
many years, came from Billings on No. ,=
4 Saturday morning and visited friends
here and in Beach for a few days.t|trnedMr, andfromMrS.their J" W.visitMeyerSwith haVerelativesre- WALL DRUG C0. l! MATINEE. 46 SUNDAY AT 2:30 P. M.
Mr. and Mrs. Rube Clark were lnl Prescription Specialists )i
from the ranch near Hedges on Tues-
~XS. Ray ]~t,~enbart was hOStess tO Phone31 Beach NoDak]l
the ladies of the W. C. T. U. at the , • • ALLEN JENKINS. Hear and see Louis
E. B. Stair home Tuesday afternoon. ~= -- ~ Armstrong and Maxine Sullivan in Swingt l--
She ~erved dainty refreshments at the n;
close of the meeting. ~ ~._~ besides Dick Powell in one of his bes c-
o. A S~ and s~my S~m~on tures. Some of the new music is "Say it
were mnong those on the sick list
o,,e~ me ~k end. With a Kiss" and "Jeepers" "ureepers."
Md~ Violet Beeler returned from l 0 t
Iowa last week where she had been ohn Deere Tractor wners: Alsoa Comedy
visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Welsh took their
daughter Jeanette to Glendive Satur- If your tractor needs any recon-
day where she will resume her duties W d d Th sd
a~ instructor in the grade school, ditioning before you start your spring e nes ay- ur ay
Dorothy Manning and Marjor~e
l~tltemeyer also returned to their work, now is the time to have it done. • _~
Work in Olendive. The Glendive Don't Forget The Cash Drawm
SChools reopened for work Monday. Come in and let us give you an estim-
'1"0111.Hubert Still was acarlyle Saturday. business visitor ..0 L I D A Y
ate. We are well equipped to do good 661_1 ,
Mr. and Mrs. David Baird and work.Only Genuine John Deere
dau~ters were Beach visitors Satur-
daY" Tractor parts will be used. DON'T CAST: KATHARINE HEPBURN, CARY
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Schuett left last
week for California for a two months DELAY! See us at once. GRANT, DORIS NOLAN, EDWARD EVER-
~es ~y =~ ~rn Sm~on~ came Your John Deere Dealer BARNES. A delightful comedy with not-
Friday from Glendive to visit their
aunt. Mrs. Chas. Katis and family, ably fine performances by each member of
They ~eturned sunday, the cast.
Mr. and Mrs. Schell and children
to ViSitUp°m.ell'.Dlckins°n.otheragain SundaYwho COMMUNITY GARAGE Also AComedy
quite ill at the home of her daughter,
Mm. AI Meek.
" Mr. and M~. ~1 ]~er and dau~t~
~ ~t or ufim. You get mm~t
fire starting every time you
step on the starter.., bemum
Phillips 66 Poly Gas is higher
test.., lots higher. Ye~
not a penny extra, since
Hps is the WORLD~ LARG'
high test gasoline. .