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January 11, 2018 Golden Valley News Page 5
Notice 34511 CLEAN SWEEP 19.96 Anthony Krebs, Board Presidentthe changeover, a.nd Commissioner Dietz seconded.
34512 CREATIVE ENERGY 1653.26 (January 11) Motion carried.
34513 DAKOTA BOYS AND Joe Failer and Darcie Handt with ND Commissioner Dietz made a motion
OIL & GASAucTIoNLEASE ONLINE GIRLS RANCH 4375.00 Notice i~ cares met with the Board to extend to adjourn and Commissioner Maus
34514 DEPT. OF PUBLIC their appreciation for the County joining seconded. Motion carried. Chairman
The Board of University and School INSTRUCTION 725.72
34515 FLINN SCIENTIFIC 454.36 These vehicles have beenim- the ND Cares program. Handt pre- Tescher declared the meeting ad-
sented the Board with ND Cares pins journed at 2:00 P.M.
Lands will conduct an online oil and gas 34516 FOLLE'I-I" SCHOOL pounded by the North Dakota Highway and a certificate recognizing Golden The following vouchers were audited
lease auction for fifty-one (51) tracts in SOLUTIONS, INC 771.04 Patrol and we are seeking the rightful Valley County as a ND Cares Commu- and approved for the month of Decem-
Billings, Bottineau, Burke, Dunn, 34517 FOOD SERVICES OF owner, nity. ber:
McKenzie, MountraU, and Ward Coun- AMERICA- MIN 2060.88 Vehicle: 2008 Mazda 3 Weed Control Officer, Kirby Maus -99933 North Dakota
ties, ND with viewing beginning De- License Plate: CA: 7XNP905
cember 22, 2017. Bidding will 34518 GEIGER, ALAN 164.78 met with the Board. Discussion was State Treasurer 1070.23
commence January 30, 2018 at 9:00 34519 HARLOW'S BUS VlN: JM1BK344881869002 held in regards to the snow removal he -99932 Social Services80.00
a.m. CST and end February 6, 2018. SALES INC 7699.34 Location: Hwy 85 MP 100 agreed to do for the County. Commis- -99931 JPMorgan Chase
34520 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN Date of Impound: 11/6/2017 sioner Dietz made a motion to purchase Bank NA 491.98
The link to view the tract and participate HARCOURT PUBLISHING CO752.96 Place of Storage: East End a blower to help with the snow removal -99930 JPMergan Chase
in the auction is: 34521 JABLONSKY, SHIRLEY 34.46 64 10th Ave E and Commissioner Dietz will pick up the Bank NA 659.73
34522 JACOBSEN MUSIC INC 13.96 Dickinson, ND 58601 blower and will be reimbursed for the 75888-75889 Collections
http:llwww.energynet.comlgovt list- 34523 JW PEPPER & (701) 225-4206 cost at time of delivery and Commie- Submitted 1920.66 SON INC 239.13 Impounding Agency: North Dakota sioner Maus seconded. 75890 VOID
34524 KEMPS LLC, DBA CASe Highway Patrol Sheriff, Scott. Steele met with the 75891-75899 Collections
A 2% convenience fee will be as- CLAY CREAMERY 1461.66 Southwest Region Board to give them a CRIB update. Submitted 6566.53
sessed. Anyone needing auxiliary aids 601 Channel Drive
34525 KRAMUCH-KUBALL, .~ Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld met 75900-75901 VOID
and services should call Rick at (701) KRISTI 128.40 Bismarck, ND 58501-7757 with the Board. Discussion was held on 75902-75903 Collections
328-1948 by 112212018. 34526 KREBS MACHINE & (701) 328-2467 or Toll Free (844) the process of Right of Way negotia- Submitted 359.59
1212112017 Is~ Jodi Smith REPAIR 5067.13 474-6347 tions. The DOT has set the minimum 75904 VOID
Commissioner 34527 LIBRARIANS' CHOICE 258.80 Registered Owner: Obesocordonva price at $300 for temporary and $600 75905 Office of Attorney
(January 4, 11 and 18) 34528 LOOKOUT BOOKS 381.28 Jesus Nabor for permanent easements. Commie- General 293.00
34529 MAKEMUSIC 180.00 PC Box 614 sioner Dietz made the motion to appoint 75906-75930 Social Services
Meeting Notice 34530 MENARDS 862.33 Jamul, CA 91935 Wirtzfeld as the person in charge to Disbursements 6695.89
34531 MGM RURAL Lienholder: None Found document the easement process for the 75931 Golden Valley Co
NOTICE OF ZONING HEARING SANITATION, LLC 600.00 County Impounded: Billings Beaver Creek Bridge BRO-0017(019) States 1358.33
34532 MONTANA-DAKOTA Owner and/or lienholder have 30 project and Commissioner Maus sec- 75932 Golden Valley News 231.80
The Billings County Planning & Zon- UTILITIES 5663.64 days to claim the vehicle from the date onded. Motion carried. 75933 Lawson Products, Inc. 1168.37
ing Commission will hold a public hear- 34533 NASCO 61.95 of publication or the towing/storage Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld and 75934 Dion Steinley 35.00
ing on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 at 34534 NORTHSTAR business or LE agency will be granted Engineers Andrew Krebs with KLJ and 75935 Darrel's Body Shop 68.00
1 ;00 PM in the Commissioner's Room TECHNOLOGY GROUP 4011.76 legal ownership of the vehicle. Jeremy Wood with Northern Plains En- 75936 La Quinta Inn & Suites 81.90
at the county courthouse, Medora, ND 34535 PENNINGTON, ERIN25.14 (January 11) gineering and Byron Richard met with 75937 Dakota Dust-Tex, Inc 16.20
to consider recommending to the Board 34536 PLANBOOKEDU 19.00 the Board. Discussion was held on the 75938 Productivity Plus
of County Commissioners the approval 34537 POPP BINDING & Golden Valley Beaver Creek Bridge project and the Account 1103.56
or denial of the following items: LAMINATING INC 124.69 Right of Way for that project with Byron 75939 DMC Wear Parts LLC 881.64
Andeavor Field Services, LLC: Ap- 34538 POSTMASTER 11600 County Commission Richard. Richard agreed to donate the 75940 Alan iuckle 362.98
plication to rezone 17.0 Acres in Gov't 34539 PRAXAIR 141.44 Right of Way acres to the County for the 75941 BOSS Inc 461.19
lot 3 of section 3-142-99 (12860 18th St 34540 QUILL CORPORATION878.04 BOARD OF project. 75942 John Deere Financial 506.08
SW) from Agriculture to Industrial. 34541 REALLY GOOD STUFF 34.94 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Discussion was held on gravel that 75943 W Dak Parent & Fam
Property is owned by Dale Baranko and 34542 REISENAUER, JANE 522.72 MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS Baranko Construction has at Byron Resource Ctr 1251.02
leased to Andeavor. 34543 RESP 150.00 December 5, 20179:00 A.M. Richard's Pit and the opportunity for the 75944 Dawn Ueckert 187.79
Old Business: 34544 RUNNINGS County to purchase this product at 75945 Powerplan 364.08
Arvid Hecker: Renew Application for SUPPLY INC 218.56 Chairman Troy Tescher called the $8/yd. Commissioner Maus made a75946 Wallwork Truck Center 291.60
a Variance to allow an industrial use in 34545 SAX MOTORS CO 768.99 meeting to order. Commissioner Don- motion to purchase the gravel and pay 75947 Troy Tescher 636.12
an agricultural district, NEI/4SWl/4 34546 SCHIENO, HEATHER 342.40 aid Maus was present. Richard the royalty of $3/yd direct to 75948 Noll Construction, LLC1860.00
section 10-141-98 (2560 123rd Ave 34547 SCHOOL DATEBOOKS226.60 Commissioner Maus made a motionhim and the remaining $5/yd to Baranko 75949 Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson,
SW). Use is temporary for the storage 34548 SCHOOL SPECIALTY 227.35 to accept the agenda as is and Com- Brothers upon the review and approval Inc. 5165.06
of rig & oil field equipment. 34549 SOUTHWEST missioner Tescher secended. Motion of the topographical measurement by a 75950 Dakota Dust-Tex, Inc 58.25
Albert &Anita Kesseh Renew Appli- BUSINESS MACHINES 190.26 carried, drone and Commissioner Dietz sec- 75951 Harvey Peterson 40.00
cation for a Variance to allow an indus- 34550 SPARTAN STORES LLC133.00 Commissioner Tescher made a mo- onded. Motion carried. 75952 Henry Gerving 14.98
trial use in an agricultural district, 34551 TEACHER DIRECT 553.23 tion to approve the November regular Discussion was held on the 5 Point 75953 SW Multi-Co Correction
NWl/4 section 17-143-99 (13050 Meg- 34552 THEMES & VARIATIONS and November special meeting minutes Bridge Project and the core permit is Center 5400.00
pie Rd SW). Use is temporary for the INC 149.95 and Commissioner Maus seconded,completed and ready to be signed by 75954 Texas Refinery Corp. 324.50
storage of rig & oil field equipment. 34553 TREND ENTERPRISES 55.59 Motion carried, the County. Commissioner Maus 75955 Southwest Business
Other Business: 34554 US Commissioner Maus made a motionmade a motion to sign the core permit Machines
Review terms expiring in 2018. FOODSERVICE, inc 1119.73 to approve the prepaid and current and send it in for the 5 Point Bridge Ink, 879.86
Election of officers. 34555 VIKING GLASS OF ND 48.44 vouchers for payment and Commie- Project and Commissioner Tescher sec- 75956 Southwest Business
The board will also address poten- 34556 WILLIAMS, WENDY 40.46 sioner Tescher seconded. Motion car- onded. Motion carried. Commissioner Machines 198,00
teal & pending zoning violations and rec- 34576 CENTURYLINK 240.72 reed. Dietz made a motion to hire Jeremy 75957 Dawn Ueckert 61.25
ommend any action needed by the 34577 CHASE CARD Current business brought before the Wood to do the hydrology study and the 75958 BOSS Inc 17.98
Zoning Director, State's Attorney, or SERVICES 1772.34 Board: required permitting for the Rocky Butte 75959 ND Association
Board of County Commissioners. 34578 WAL-MART The Board set December 27, 2017 Bridge Project and Commissioner Maus of Counties 195.79
Applications and ordinances are COMMUNITY/RFCSLLC 491.72 at 1 pm for the date and time of the late seconded. Motion carried. 75960 City of Beach 346.95
available for review during regular office STUDENT ACTIVITY December meeting to pay the final bills Discussion was held on the gavel 75961 MDU 3262.39
hours at the Billings County Court- 8035 ALL FOR KIDZ 1109.00 for 2017. available at the Abraham Pit. Commie- 75962 Midstate Communications,
house. If special accommodations are 8036 COCA-COLA BOTTLING326.45 Commissioner Tescher made a sioner Maus made a motion to pur- Inc. 1205.25
needed, please notify the auditor so 8037 D & D ENTERPRISES 1197.00 motion to continue with one precinct chase the 9,756 yards of gravel from 75963 Reservation
that appropriate aids can be made 8038 DISTRICT 8 FFA "f~:~ ~:: ~168'.0ff and the potling prace attbe Beach City the Abraham Pit at $6.75/yd paying Telephone Coop 40.00
available. ~ ~ ,4 8039,FF~SH=,~, :,~= :,u~; (~<~ Nail-for the 20181~lectionsend Corn, $3.75/yd to Noll's fOr the crushing~and 75964 City ofBeaoh ~ ~300i00,
Dated at Medora this of ALTERNATIE F~UNBFIAtSlNGS"~S&2Smissioner Maus seconded. Motion car- $3/yd royalty to John Abraham and 75965 Rachel Keohane 80.05
December, 2017. 8040 FULTON, CONNIE 45.41 reed. Commissioner Tescher seconded. Mo- 75966-75972 Library
Stacey Swanson 8041 GREAT AMERICAN Commissioner Tescher signed two tion carried. Disbursements 45195.47
Zoning Director OPPORTUNITIES 4385.55 County Deeds to the new property own- Commissioner Dietz made a motion 75973 PharmChem, Inc.25.00
(January 4 and 11) 8042 INKD APPAREL BY ere of the property that was sold at the to hire Noll Construction to crush 75974-75975 Weed Control
SARAH 85.16 November 21st auction. 30,000 yards of scoria at the Under- Disbursements 84.00
Belfield Public School 8043 LOGO MAGIC,552.00 Commissioner iaus made a mo-wood Pit at $3.20/yd and Commissioner 75976 Beach Food Center 29.25
8044 MINNESOTA WOODS tion to accept the bid of $2,100 for the Maus seconded. Motion carried.75977-75988 Golden Valley
PRODUCTS 4982.03 property that has been forfeited to the Commissioner Dietz made a motion County 16445.71
REGULAR MEETING, BOARD OF 8045 MINNTEX CITRUS, INC1987.88County for delinquent taxes on Lots 13- to adjourn and Commissioner Maus 75989-75995 Payroll Liability
EDUCATION, 8046 NAT FFA 14 of Block 1 of Hunter's 1st Addition seconded. Motion carried. Chairman Disbursements 35304.45
BELFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOL ORGANIZATION 161.50 City of Beach and Commissioner sec- Tescher declared the meeting ad- 75996-76001 Cafeteria Plan
DISTRICT #13 8047 SPARTAN NASH 2215.25 onded. Motion carried, journed at 3:15 P.M. Disbursements 1716.64
DECEMBER 14, 2017 8048 ST BERNARD'S 250.00 Commissioner Maus made a mo- 76002 Aflac 266.16
SCHOOL LIBRARY 8049 BURLY'S 239.50 tion to amend the Veteran Service BOARD OF 76003 NDWCA 130.00
Unofficial 8050 CHASE CARD Budget by $1,000 due to paying drivers COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 76004 Human Development
SERVICES 191.05 with the grant money for the van and MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS & Family 625.00
The meeting was called to order by 8051 INKD APPAREL Commissioner Tescher seconded. Mo- December 11, 20178"00 A.M. 76005-76008 Library
Board Pres. Krebs at 7:00 P.M. BY SARAH 86.76 tion carried. Disbursements 1691.46
Present: Curt Buckman, Keith8052 WAL-MARTCOMMUNITY/ Commissioner Dietz joined the Chairman Troy Tescher called the 76009-76013 Social Services
Buckman, Terry Johnson, AnthonyRFCSLLC 16.00 meeting, meeting to order. Commissioners Don- Disbursements 918.84
Krebs, Dan Obrigewitch, Supt. Supt. Northrop noted the school had Commissioner Tescher made a aid Maus and Dennis Dietz were pres- 76014 Information Technology
Northrop, Bus Mgr. Berger, Elem. Prin. purchased a Ford Expedition for school motion to move the January 2018 regu- ent via teleconference. Dept 601.45
Lorge and HS Prin. Kurle use, that the fire inspection has been lar meeting to January 4, 2018 and Commissioner Dietz made a motion 76015 Dennis Dietz 151.94
M/S Obrigewitch/K Buckma~ to ap- completed with a few repairs needed, Commissioner Dietz seconded. Motion to accept the agenda as is and Com- 76016 North Dakota State
prove the November 9, 2017 regular the bleacher project has been com- carried, missioner Mausseconded. Motioncar- University 216.00
minutes. Motion carried unanimously, pleted to the point that it can be used, Commissioner Tescher made a reed. 76017 Farmers Union Oil 14659.02
M/S K Buckman/Johnson to ap- that he was looking for information for a motion to reimburse DES, Rachel Keo- The purpose of this special meeting 76018 Golden Valley News 36.48
prove the agenda with addition of buses new fire alarm system. He also noted hane for travel for a meeting held De- was to discuss the Christmas Holiday 76019 BOSS Inc 367.61
under unfinished business. Motion car- the school has received a $48,212 cember 11th in Dickinson when break. Commissioner Maus made a76020 Matthew Bender & Co
reed unanimously. Rapid Enrollment Grant and that Ed submitted to the Auditor and Commie- motion to grant the employees an addi- Inc. 483.22
Pres. Krebs welcomed the students Roller has decided to retire at the end of sioner Maus seconded. Motion carded, tional day off on December 26, 2017 76021 Wallwork Truck Center 83.24
from the senior class and park board the school year and he would like to hire Discussion was held on the error and Commissioner Dietz seconded. 76022 Mainstay Suites 158.00
representatives, someone a few months early to train that was submitted to the County for the Motion carried. 76023 Henry Gerving 295.53
Discussion was held on ,the sale of under Mr. Roller. SW District Health levy. 3.37 mills was Commission Tescher made a motion 76024 Golden Valley County
1996 Bluebird bus and the 2002 Collins Supt. Northrop had attended the submitted incorrectly and should have adjourn and Commissioner Maus sec- Treasurer 72636.80
bus. M/S C Buckman/Obrigewitch to Great Western Network annual meeting been 3.73. Due to the taxes already onded. Motion carried. Chairman76025 Noll Construction, LLC36585.00
advertise the buses for sale. Motion and a RESP meeting. Both groups are being ran with the. incorrect levy the Tescher declared the meeting ad- 76026 Goldenwest Electric
carried unanimously, working on summer and next year proj- County will need to make up the differ- joumed at 8:07 A.M. Cooperative KWH, 820.00
Richard Zacher and Mike Hieser ects. ence. It was agreed the Board will dis- 76027 Dion Steinley 37.50
were present to discuss the park Discussion was held on the football cuss this issue at the January regular BOARD OF 76028 John Abraham 29268.00
board's desire to build a new softball scoreboard. M/S C Buckman/K Buck- meeting with States Attorney, Christina COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 76029 Powerplan 64.02
field. They gave information and asked man to purchase a new football score- Wenko. MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS 76030 Prairie Lumber Beach 215.00
if the school would be interested in board. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion was held on BCBS pre- December 27, 2017 1:00 P.M. 76031 Dennis Dietz 419.93
making this a joint venture. The board There a community members who are miums and what is offered to the em- 76032 Soil Conservation
will take this under consideration, willing to do some fundraising to help ployees. Chairman Troy Tescher called the District 1500.00
Elem. Prin. Lorge noted the second pay for this scoreboard. Various road topics were discussed, meeting to order. Commissioners Don- 76033 Northern Plains
grade has been split with Mrs. Pi- An electronic marquee was dis- Richard Volesky with the Goldenaid Maus and Dennis Dietz along with Engineering, 4000.00
otrowski taking over the 2nd group, cussed. M/S Obrigewitch/C Bud(man Valley County News joined the meeting. Social Service Director, Maurice Hardy 76034 Northwest ]3re Inc 3051.56
The fundraisers were successful, the to purchase a 3x8 electronic keyboard. Due to the weather and road condi- and CliMe Golberg were present.76035 John Deere Financial 1073.38
Christmas program was enjoyed by Motion carried unanimously, tions the agenda was changed to give Commissioner Tescher made a mo-76036 NDSU Livestock Judging
many and the 5th and 6th grade will be Policies FAAB through FGDE wereJoe Failer and Darcie Handt time to get tion to accept the agenda as is and Team 10.00
starting a Safety Patrol program, reviewed and discussed by the board, to the meeting so the Board will meet Commissioner Maus seconded. Motion 76037 Ashley Ueckert 345.63
HS Prin. Kurle noted the second Be- M/S K Buckman/Johnson to adopt the with Tax Director, Henry Gerving at carried. 76038 Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson,
mester starts after the 1st of the year. following policies with one reading as 10:30 and Joe Failer and Darcie Handt CliMe Golberg with Buffalo Gap Inc. 7637.08
He noted the HS Christmas program written to expedite the completion of the with ND Cares at 10:45. Guest Ranch met with the Board to 76039 Donald Maus 399.11
was a success, that Mrs. Custer's room Belfield School District Policy Manual: Tax Director, Henry Gerving met with renew his beer and liquor license for 76040 Cenex Fleeteerd851.48
moved to the 3rd floor to allow room for FAAB Eady Entrance Requirements, the Board and presented the Board for 2018. Commissioner Tescher made a 76041 Golden Valley County
the extra 2nd grade room and that he FCAA Accommodating Students with review of the new soils abstracts with motion to approve the renewal of the Treasurer 3900.00
would be out on sick leave for a few Allergies & Special Dietary needs, changes for each township. It was beer and liquor license for 2018 and 76042 AT&T Mobility 39.65
weeks starting Jan. 8th. FCAE Suicide Prevention, FCAF Con- agreed that Gerving wilt discuss these Commissioner Maus seconded. Direct Depos Golden Valley
Bus. Mgr. Berger presented the fi- cussion Management, FCBA Student new abstracts with the Townships at the Commissioner Dietz made a motion County Employees 59112.34
nancial reports for November 2017. Dismissal Precautions, FCCB Student Annual Township meeting held into approve the final vouchers for 2017 ATTEST:
She noted that the school had received Transportation Safety & Supervision, March. Two abatements were pre-and Commissioner Tescher seconded. Tamra Sperry, County Auditor
$6,780.63 in reallocated funds that had FCBD Student Custody, FDA Education sented to the Board. One for Dusty and Motion carried. Troy Tescher, Chairman, County Com-
been applied for. Also, the auditors of Home Schooled Students, FDC Edu- Dana Tescher for a tract in NW Sec Current business brought before the missioners
were in the past Tuesday to gather in- cation of Migrant Students, FECB Gifts 23-140-103 due to the parcel was en- Board: (January 11)
formation for the 2015-16, 2016-17 and Awards to Students, FFC Bus Con- tered into the tax software twice and Commissioner Maus made a roD-
years audit, duct, FFI Student Use of Personal one for Kenny and Cecelia Stedman for tion to appoint Judy Ridenhower to the Notice
M/S C Buckman/Johnson to ap- Technology, FGBA Released "lJme for Lots 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 Block 8, Woodhulls Library Board for a 3 year term and
prove payment of the bills. Motion car- Outside Instruction, FGCA Searches of 1st addition of the City of Beach due to Commissioner Dietz seconded. Motion
reed unanimously. Lockers, FGCB Searches of Students the error of the exemption to expire in carried. Financial Statements Notice
34501 KLEMM'S CARPET 1545.67 & Student's Personal Property, FGCC 2017 and not 2016 tax years. Com- Commissioner Maus made a mo-
34502 ACME TOOLS 67.03 Student Interviews, Interrogations, and missioner Maus made a motion to ap- tion to amend the Library budget by The Financial Statements for Billings
34503 ACTIVITY FUND BHS19410.00 Custody by School Resource Officers prove the two abatements and $48,150 for a transfer from the Library County for the Fiscal Year ended De-
34504 ADVANCED BUSINESS and Outside Authorities, FGDC Stu- Commissioner Dietz seconded. Motion Reserve Fund to the Library Savings cember 31, 2017 are on file in the
METHODS 69.99 dents of Legal Age. This list shall be at- carried, and for new computers and Commie- County Auditor's office at Medora, ND
34505 BELFIELD PLUMBING tached to the minutes from this meeting Veteran Service Officer, Henry Gerv- sioner Dietz seconded. Motion carried, and are available for public review dur-
& HTG. 1268.45 of the Belfield Public School. All poll- ing presented the Board with the 2018 Discussion was held on a Human ing normal business hours. Statements
34506 BILLINGS COUNTY cies containing bracketed language van user's agreement and the 2018 Service Aide at Social Services. Corn- of Revenues, Expenditures, Transfers
PIONEER 174.00 have been addressed. Motion carried DAV van schedule, missioner Tescher made a motion to and Fund Balances are included.
34507 THE BISMARCK unanimously. 911 Coordirmtor, Henry Gerving hire a Human Service Aide and Com- Dated at Medora ND this 5th day of
TRIBUNE 389.88 The next regular meeting is sched- gave an update on the progress of the missioner Dietz seconded. Motion car- January, 2018.
34508 CENTURY LINK 14.28 uled for January 11, 2018 at 7:00 pm. power and gas that has been installed reed. Marcia Lamb
34509 CHOICE FINANCIAL Meeting adjourned at 8:47 pm. into the new communications shelter (~ Commissioner Tescher made a Billings County Auditor
INSURANCE 476.00 Date Sentinel Butte Hill and that TAB ElelF motion to transfer $3900 from the wire- (January 11)
34510 CITY OF BELFIELD 1100.45 Alice Berger, Business Manager tronics will be out next week to review less 911 fund to the county 911 fund
The following are cases closed
in Southwest District Court in
Billings County in December:
Simple assault: Clinton P. Law,
41, Medora
Failure to give immediate no-
tice of reportable accident: Joseph
J. Frenzel, 70, Dickinson; Clinton P.
Law, 41, Medora
Reckless driving: Clinton P.
Law, 41, Medora
Duty upon striking highway
fixtures or other property: Clinton
P. Law, 41, Medora
2017 tax
booklets, forms
available online
BISMARCK - The 2017 North
Dakota income tax booklets and
forms are now available online at
"North Dakota typically begins
tax season when the IRS does,"
Rauschenberger said. "However,
with the passage of the Tax Cuts and
Jobs Act of 2017, the IRS has de-
layed releasing the date. Normally,
the IRS begins accepting individual
income tax returns around mid-Janu-
Taxpayers may call (701) 328-
1243 for help accessing income tax
booklets and forms online.
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