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January 11, 2018     Golden Valley News
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January 11, 2018
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Page 4 Golden Valley News January 11, 2018 Billings County over their monthly reports. N D. A.C.O Resources Missouri Valley Petroleum, D Clarence Sitter and Jack Marquart Group, Inc. 014023 3,365.40 Inc. 014110 16,155.60 Commission were present from TRMF for the public NDLTAP - UGPTI/NDSU N D. Association of Counties / hearing at 11amen the MIDA bond re- 014024 150.00 014111 75.00 BILLINGS COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 5, 2017 The meeting was called to order at 9:00A.M. with Commissioners Kasian and Kessel in attendance. Chairman Arthaud was absent. Others present during portions of the meeting were: Kyle Shockley, Justin Hyndman, Clarence Sitter, Jack Mar- quart. Kasian moved to approve the min- utes from the November 7, 2017 regu- lar meeting. Kessel seconded All voted aye. Commissioner Kasian went over a conference call that he was on regard- ing House Bill 2020 in which the State cost share for the NDSU Extension Service goes from a 50-50 split to 60% county, 40% state. This would take ef- fect in 2019. After review of a Court Facilities grant application prepared by Recorder/Clerk of Court Chris Johnson for interlocking chairs in the courtroom so that they cannot be thrown, Kasian moved to approve the application and matching funds required by the county. Kessel seconded. All voted aye. The board reviewed County Beer and Liquor license applications from Club 85 and Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation. No complaints have been made over the previous year. Kessel moved to approve the li- censes. Kasian seconded. All voted aye. Auditor Lamb stated that the 2016 elections went smoothly in the polling places of Fairfield and Medora. The county had 87% voter turnout with mail- in voting in 2016 which was the highest in the state. Kasian moved to approve the voting precincts with applicable polling places for the 2018 elections. Kessel seconded. All voted aye. Precinct names and polling locations are as follows: #1 Medora Precinct - Voting Place - Billings County Fire Hall in Section 10 Township 142, Range 99 - 12825 20th St SW Fairfield or Courtroom, Court- house in Medora - 495 4th St Medora. Precinct includes Townships 137, 138, 139 and 140 Range 102; All of Town- ship 141 Range 101 and 102; the south half of Township 142 Range 101 (sec- tions 19 through 36); all of Township 142 Range 102; all the territory lying west of the Little Missouri River in Town- ships 143 and 144 Range 102; and the City of Medora. #2 Indian Springs Precinct - Voting Place - Billings County Fire Hall in Sec- tion 10 Township 142, Range 99 - 12825 20th St $~ o~r (3ourt-, room, ~ed~ra'=:~95 4th~ St Medora. P(ecinct inciude~ T0wnship~ 141 and 142 Ranges 98 and 99; the north one-half of Township 141 Range 100 (sections 1 through 18); Township 142 Range 100; the north half of Town- ship 142 Range 101 (sections 1 through 18); Townships 143 and 144 Ranges 98 through 101 ; all territory lying east of the Little Missouri River in Townships 143 and 144 Range 102 #3 Fryburg Precinct- Voting Place - Billings County Fire Hall in Section 10 Township t42, Range 99 - 12825 20th St SW Fairfield or Courtroom, Court- house in Medora - 495 4th St Medora. Precinct includes Townships 137 through 140 Ranges 100 and 101; the south one-half of Township 141 Range 100 (sections 19 through 36). The board set the end of the year special meeting for 9am on December 20, 2017 to approve final bills and pay- roll. Auditor Lamb presented a budget amendment and transfer. The State now pays Federal Aid funds directly to contractors, instead of to the county as a pass through. Kessel moved to ap- prove the amendment and transfer $748,785.26 from Special Road and Bridge to Road & Bridge and close the Special Road & Bridge fund. Kasian seconded. All voted aye. A request was received from the Salvation Army for an annual donation from the county. Kessel moved to ap- prove a donation in the amount of $1,000.00 as was done in the previous year Kasian seconded. All voted aye. A request was made by an em- ployee to carry over 14 days of vacation until April of 2018 due to a special cir- cumstance. Kasian moved to approve the request in this instance. Kessel sec- onded. All voted aye. Auditor Lamb presented Sheriff Pat Rummel's monthly report. After review of the parcels owned by the Theodore Roosevelt National Park that are taxed by possessory interest, three parcels require abatement of property tax. Kessel moved to approve a 100% abatement for two of the parcels that had no occupants in 2017 and a 5 month abatement for one par- cel. Kasian seconded. All voted aye. After review of the compensated time policy that will be reviewed and ap- proved at the January commission meeting, Kasian moved to pay all com- pensated time accrued by individuals throughout the county down to 80 hours to carry over into the New Year. Kessel seconded. All voted aye. There were no zoning applications that were reviewed in November. The board received and approved the following permits with road superin- tendent conditions: ARW Permits: Tesoro Corp.- Section 3-139-99 along 18th Street SW Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation - Section 10-139-102 along Bible Camp Road Road Superintendent Jeff Iverson and Justin Hyndman from KLJ went Not too bi,nor foe srnelll With/he .x2 Network, tou can 'ern a/1/ Put Your Money Where Your House Is~ local independe~t ,~[~.~ ~treng~en our businesses are ~ commun;ty yOUr be3t va,ue a~3#our economy quest. No one appeared for or against the bond request. There is no financial responsibility to the county to authorize TRMF to use the county's bonding au- thority for this project. Kessel moved to approve the bond request Kasian sec- onded. All voted aye. Discussion en- sued regarding the project scope The following claims were approved for payment: Blue Cross Blue Shield of N.D. 013954 3,296.50 N.D.P.E.R.S. 013955 53,927.92 3D Specialties 013956 3,444.70 Acme Tools 013957 109.98 AcquiSign 013958 450.00 American Welding & Gas 013959 69.54 AmeriPride Linen Service 013960 539.34 AT & T Mobility 01396188.66 Belfield Automotive Supply, Inc. 013962 1,635.61 Belfield Sportsmen Club 013963 200.00 Belfield/Medora Salvation Army 013964 1,000.00 Best Energy 013965 10,687.25 Billings County Rural Fire District 013966 188.57 Billings County Auditor 013967 74.90 Billings County Historical Society 013968 675.75 Billings County Pioneer 013969 419.88 Billings County School District 013970 1,930.68 Billings County Sheriff 013971 313.64 Bound Tree Medical 013972 9,384.01 Brooks & Associates, C.E. 013973 6,091.81 Butler Machinery Co. 013974 208 60 Cashman Nursery & Landscaping 013975 8,016 00 Clyde, Katie 013976 600 00 Code 4 Services, LLC 013977 8,551.47 Creative Energy 013978 328.19 Crop Production Services 013979 486.00 Crowell & Moring, LLP 013980 18,503.80 Dakota Farm Equipment, Inc. 013981 1,529.71 Deans Distributing 013982 3,678.58 Denny's Electric 013983 300.93 Dickinson Public Library 013984 4,951 01 Fisher Industries 013985 138,641.59 Fisher Industries 013986 2,488.50 Frieze, Brenda 013987 40.66 George's Tire, Ltd. 013988 12,535.00 Hlebechuk Construction, Inc. 013989 22,975.00 J and J Operating, LLC 013990 3,708.73 J P Steel & Supply, Inc. 013991 117.60 Jamestown Communications 013992 2~020:90 Kadtri18s, Lee, & JaoksOn~K ; :~ ~:- In ff13993 ~, ~ ~ ~,~22~101.78 Kasian, Michael E, 013994 110.75 Kessel, Joseph L. 013995 151.41 Kohler Communications 013996 200.00 Lamb, Marcia 013997 193 94 LaPaglia, Patricia 013998 717.96 Little Missouri Restaurant & Saloon 013999 283.50 Lyle Signs, Inc. 014000 801.32 Mac's, Inc. 014001 424.75 Matthew Bender & Co Inc. 014002 241.61 MBI Energy Logistics 014003 260.00 MBI Energy Rental, Inc. 014004 500.00 Menards - Dickinson 0140051,197.37 M6M Rural Sanitation, LLC 014006 220.00 Midstate Telephone Company 014007 1,212.69 Miller Insulation Co Ine. 014008 8,124.60 Miller Machine & Welding 014009 60.00 Millie's Stitching & Crafts 014010 18.00 N.D. Association of Counties 014011 93.68 N.D. Attorney General's Office 014012 285.00 N.D. Cowboy Hall of Fame 014013 200.00 N.D. Department of Transportation 014014 20.00 N.D. Department of Transportation 014015 11.50 N.D. Department of Transportation 014016 11.50 N.D. Department of Transportation 014017 10.00 N.D. Department of Transportation 014018 10.00 N.D. Department of Transportation 014019 11.50 N.D. Department of Transportation 014020 10.00 N.D.P.E.R.S. 014021 4,628.04 N.D. State Treasurer 014022 496.21 Nelson International 014025 2,212.67 Newby's Ace Hardware 014026 83.84 North Star Steel, Inc. 014027 1,775.00 Off Road Software, Inc. 014028695.00 Prairie Auto Parts, Inc. 014029 6.69 Prairie Implement & Equipment 014030 322.68 Prairie Lumber Company 014031 4,882.11 Pump Systems, Inc. 014032 45.65 Rauschenberger Consulting, LLC 014033 2,300.00 RDO Equipment Co. 014034 1,927.51 RPM Auto Repair 014035 771.60 Rummel, Keri 014036 553.29 Runnings Supply, Inc. 014037 323 73 Sax Motor Company 014038 34,801.00 Sax Motor Company 014039 207.30 Share Corporation 014040 195 60 Southwest Business Machines 014041 351.25 Southwest Multi-Co. Correction Cen 014042 780.00 Southwest Water Authority 014043 709.85 Southwest Water Authority 014044 34.78 Southwestern District Health Unit 014045 Steffan Saw & Bike 014046 1 Stein's, Inc. 014047 Tab Electronics 014048 TMI Storage Systems Corporation 014049 Tom's Service Center 014050 Total Safety U.S Inc. 014051 Tractor & Equipment Co. 014052 Tyler Technologies, Inc. 014053 U.S.D.A. Forest Service 014054 Van Horn, Carmen 014055 Vanguard Appraisals, Inc. 014056 Verizon Wireless 014057 Vogel Law Firm 014058 WaI-Mart 014059 West Dakota Oil, Inc. 014O60 Westlie Crossroad Truck Center 014061 Westlie Crossroad Truck Center 014062 Zonar Systems 014063 Zuercher Technologies, LLC 014064 N.D.P.E.R.S. 014068 AmeriPride Linen Service 014073 Balco Uniform Co Inc. 113.43 125.97 399 19 150.00 9,745.00 1,816.90 214.93 242.99 7,644.32 165.10 300.00 2,375.00 2,282.02 3,519.00 1,626.12 19,114 48 514,293.00 12,126 02 1,800.00 1,125.00 34,652.76 370.39 BoespflugTrailers & Feed ~, #: ,: 3,90o 00 Bound Tree Medical, . LLC 014076 1,335,71 Butler Machinery Co. 014077 308.53 Century Link 014078 547.69 Code 4 Services, LLC 014079 791.99 Consolidated 014080 44.97 Creative Energy 014081 143.71 Crowell & Moring, LLP 014082 11,484 50 Dakota Dirt Works 014083 1,428.00 Dakota Farm Equipment, Inc. 014084 597.04 Dakota Insurance 014085 2,352.00 Dakota Tool & Machine, Inc 014086 554.28 Dickinson Parks & Recreation 014087 200.00 Dickinson Public Library 014088 7,352 80 Discovery Benefits, Inc. 014089 99.75 DWS, LLC 014090 2,850.00 Ebeltoft.Sickler.Lawyers 014091 540.00 Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. 014092 4.86 Fisher Industries 014093 900.00 George's Tire, Ltd. 014094 4,142 00 Golden Valley County 014095 9,378.35 GoldenWest Electric Cooperative, I. 014096 511.00 Hlebechuk Construction, Inc. 014097 3,590.00 Honda West 014098 74 34 Information Technology Dept. 014099 9.36.55 J and J Operating, LLC 014100 45.59 Kasian, Michael E. 014101 117.70 Klym, Emily 014102 255.73 Kohler Communications, Inc. O14103 200 00 Mac's, Inc. 014104 285.38 MBI Energy Rentals, Inc. 014105 500 00 Medora, City of 014106 257.32 Menards- Dickinson 014107 115 67 Metro-Billing Services 014108 168 00 Mid-American Research Chemical 014109 129 10 N.D. Association of Counties 014112 35 00 N.D. Association of County Engineer 014113 150.00 NDACO Resources Group, Inc. 014114 2,365 21 Nelson International 014115 1,029.54 Neutron Industries 014116 122 45 N~wby's Ace Hardware 014117205.11 North Central Ambulance Sales 014118 2,101.41 Off Road Software, Inc. 014119 695 00 Pakor, Inc. 014120 1,917.99 Pump Systems, Inc. 014121 4,425.79 Quality Inn - Bismarck 014122 87.00 Radisson Hotel- Bismarck 014123 245.70 RDO Trust 80-5800 014124 286.47 Red Rock Ford 014125 615 15 Reservation Telephone Cooperative 014126 41.19 Roughrider Electric Cooperative 014127 2,065.88 Rummel, Keri 014128 35 00 Rummel, Patrick 014i 29 52.50 Runnings Supply, Inc. 014130 533.63 Shockley, Kyle 014131 38.50 Southwest Business Machines 014132 2,296 36 Total Safety U.S Inc. 0141331,178.33 Tractor & Equipment Co. 014134 ~ 352.47 Verizon Wireless 014135 30 06 Visa 014136 1,580.52 Visa 014137 807.83 WaI-Mart 014138 199.73 Warne Chemical& Equipment Co. 014139 3,775 00 West Dakota Oil, Inc. 0141402,723.28 Westlie Crossroads Truck Center 014141 2,640 44 The board approved the revenue vouchers for the month of November: Sheriff $30 00; Recorder $13,834.10; Zoning $400 00; Court $180.00. Revenues for materials and/or serv- ices rendered in November: Edward Schwartz Construction $11,679.73 sco- ria; Bill Palanuk $173.25 scoria; Ed Ro- manyshyn $2,268.00 rip rap; WEED SPRAYING $43,342 11. Revenues for the month of Novem- ber: Sheriff $29,844.31 permits; Sheriff 24/-7 $55.00; Highway Tax Distribution $12,887.89; State Oil Impact $46,333.84; Oil & Gas Production Tax $403,266.94; Interest $7,068.35; Roy- alties $24,113.31; Unorganized Oil & Gas Production Tax $60,833.76; Maps etc. $127.36; City of Medora $15,000.00 housing loan payment; EMS $13,372.32 ambulance payments. Payroll in the following amounts were approved for November: General Fdhd~$t78,435.17; Road and Bridge Fund n~$165~11!03~75;~ :wee~l ~y~und $~,462,05, With there being no further busi- ness, Kasian moved to adjourn the meeting at 1:05P.M. Kessel seconded. All voted aye. Joseph Kessel, Vice-Chairman Attest: Marcia Lamb, Auditor/Trea- surer BILLINGS COUNTY BOARD OF " COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SPECIAL MEETING DECEMBER 20, 2017 The special meeting was called to order at 9:00 A.M. with Commissioners Arthaud, Kasian and Kessel in atten- dance. Others present during portions of the meeting were: Sheriff Pat Rummel. The board discussed the January meeting which would normally be scheduled for January 2, 2018. The meeting was changed to Thursday, Jan- uary 4, 2018 at 9am. Election of board officers for 2018 began with Kessel moving to appoint Arthaud as Chairman. Kasian sec- onded. All voted aye. Kessel moved to nominate Kasian as Vice-Chairman. Arthaud seconded. All voted aye. Auditor Lamb stated that the docu- ment preservation fund budget would need to be amended by $2,400.00 due to revenue and expenses over budget. There is enough in the fund for the budget amendment. Kessel moved to approve the amendment. Kasian sec- onded. All voted aye. The board reviewed a contract for TimeCIock Plus which will be a new timekeeping and scheduling system for the county Kessel moved to approve the purchase. Arthaud seconded. All voted aye. With there being no further busi- ness, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 A.M. James Arthaud, Chairman Attest: Marcia Lamb, Auditor (January 11) Run an ad fhis size in ALL NORTH DAKOTA NEW.O, PAPERg for onkj $7OO! (Re~ion~ al~o available.} . Confaof fhis paper for derails. . City of Medora Financial Statement FY 2017 Fund BeginningExpendituresRevenues Transfers Ending Balance Balance General $ 2,995,179.50 Outdoor Recreation $ 68,779.53 Public Utility $ 49,255.03 $ Highway Tax $ 297,239.46 i $ Occupancy Tax $ 126,196.47 ! $ I/2 %SalesTax ~ 541,668.94 $ 2%SalesTax $ 1,715,744.31 $ Cash Reserves $ 475,354.77 ! $ TOTALS $ 6,269,418.01 $ $ 1,137,775.99 $ 33,000.61 $ 1,286,229.15 $ 12,939.52 $ $ (40,000.00] $ 952,53 $ 3,103,632.66 48,718A4 228,243.67 $ 164,217.25 $ 40,000.00 $ 25,228.61 103,291.03 $ 76,713.77 $ $ 270,662.20 99,515.37 $ 111,684.78 $ $ 138,365.88 $ 130,678.59 $ $ 672,347.53 201,335.98 $ 522,714.24 $ $ 2,037,122.57 $ 476,307.30 1,803,162.65 $ 2,306,129.83 $ $ 6,772,385.19 p J wh in 2018 More acres have been planted to per acre in the south-central and soybeans than any other crop in southeast regions. The east-central North Dakota the past two years, and northeast regions show returns says Andy Swenson, North'Dakota of $9 and $2 per acre, respectively, State University Extension Service and Red River Valley regions project farm management specialist, losses of around $5 to $10 per acre. Soybean acreage should increase Canola and flax project positive further in 2018 because it projects a returns from about $10 to $30 per positive return to labor and manage- acre in the northwestern, southwest- ment in all nine crop budget regions ern and north-central regions, and of North Dakota, averaging $26 per about $5 per acre in the northeastern acre. region. Hard red spring wheat, which is Oil sunflowers only show a pos- the second most popular crop in the itive return to labor and manage- state, also should see an increase in ment in the southwestern region at acreage. Spring wheat projects a re- $12 per acre. Highest projected re- turn of $14 to $20 per acre in most turns for confection sunflowers are regions, is breakeven in the north- $35 to $40 per acre in the south- west and north Red River Valley re- western and south-central regions, gions, and shows a slight loss in the $6 per acre in the southeastern re- south Red River Valley region, gion, and about a breakeven return This is a notable improvementin the north-central and south Red from last year's projected budget for River Valley regions. spring wheat, Swenson says. Lentils and small chickpeas proj- Drought concerns elevated spring ect positive returns to labor and wheat prices, management, averaging about $45 Acreage of corn, the third largest per acre in the regions for which crop in the state, may decline be- they are budgeted. cause all major corn growing regions Projected total costs per acre, on of the state project negative returns average, were about 2 to 5 percent to labor and management, ranging higher than last year's projections. from minus $21 to minus $47 per Interest expense and fuel, fertilizer acre. Only the northwest and south- and some seed prices, such as for west regions, which have lower costs spring wheat, flax, durum and but higher production risk, show re- canola, were higher. Most seed and turns approaching breakeven, chemical prices were relatively fiat. Durum wheat projects a positive The situation on the revenue side return in five regions, led by the was mixed. Yields have increased southwest at $30 per acre and the noticeably in many instances but south-central region at $25 per acre. prices for several crops are lower. Malting barley typically projects The most favorable crop budgets a profit but is subject to substantial were in the southwestern region, price risk if the crop only makes feed where 12 crops projected a positive quality. This year looks much more return. One reason was lower pro- pessimistic because of lower malt jected fertilizer use after last year's barley prices, Swenson says. drought, Swenson says. The north- The northwest and southwest re- central region had nine crops that gions project.a modest $3 per acre projected a positive return. The Red return to labor and management. All River Valley regions had the fewest other regions project losses ranging crop options projected to generate from $16 per acre in the north-cen- positive returns. tral and south-central regions to Swenson cautions that the budg- about $65 per acre in the Red River ets estimate returns to labor and Valley:regions :, ::: : : management with no consideration Dry beans, like malting, barle.y,of price and yield variability 0LriL, k, typicall shmv, a-grofit butprojected A perfe l ::' 'apple-to-apples" compar- prices for 2018 make the outlook ison of crops is not achieved be- more challenging. The strongest re- cause different levels of labor and turn to labor and management is pro- management, and risk, exist. jected for the north-central region at The budgets are available at $43 per acre, followed by about $20,Budgets. Belfield first semester honor roll The Belfield School has an- Chruszch, Katie Fulton, Rebecca nounced its first semester honor roll Green,Ashley Gross, Corey Hutzen- for school year 2017-18. beler, Abby Kessel, and Sean Ross. Seniors: A honor roll: Caleb Freshmen: A honor roll: Alex Chruszch, Danyka Malkowski, Costas, Sierra Decker, and Kaylee Logan McMahen, and Alexis Urias. Obrigewitch. B honor roll: Carlee B honor roll: Ethan Black, Liegha Hutzenbeler, Samantha Lapp, Johnson, Chantel Kessel, and Joseph Siomary Rodriguez, and Tehya Richard. Rubke. Juniors: A honor roll: McKenzie Eighth grade: B honor roll: Jordan Buckman and Anton Krebs. B honor Buckman, Melanie Hoon, Reese roll: Emily Hlebechuk, Tyler Kahl, Hugelen, Gracie Kahl, Jordan Kuntz, Logan Quimby, Noah Rhoads, Korbin Nelson, Braden Obrigewitch, Jonathan Schuhrke, Cauy Shypkoski, Jaden Peiffer, and Memphis Tessier. and TobyWolf. Seventh grade: A honor roll: Sophomores: A honor roll: Tyra Colton Edwards and Lee Obrige- Boltz, Jacob Hutzenbiler, Justin witch. B honor roll: Austin Buckman, Hutzenbiler, Madalynn Redig, and Luis Garcia, William Hoon, Braden Afton Shypkoski. B honor roll: Jade Kessel, Peyton Moore, Ethan Ruffin, Anderson, Kathryn Brevik, Lane and Nadiia Sas. BSC BISMARCK - Bismarck State College has announce d the President's Honor Roll for the fall 2017 semester. Students must maintain at least a 3.50 grade point on a 4.00 scale while enrolled in at least 12 semester hours of classes to qualify for the President's lists President's Honor Roll Honor Roll. Students from the area include: - Scott Lund, Sentinel Butte (4.0 GPA) - Samuel Stoveland, Golva (4.0 GPA) - Gabriel Rodakowski, Fairfield Have something that may be newsworthy that you'd like to share or submit to the Golden Valley News or the Billings County Pio- neer? We won't know about it unless you tell us, and we welcome submitted news items! It's easy. Just give us a call, e-mail your item and a phone number, or mail a photo and the text that goes along with it. Golden Valley News/Billings County Pioneer: P.O. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621 (701) 872-3755; I