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the Beach
fast n~g game. The
even throughout, Beach enjoying a
at the half, with the score
at the third quarter,
being 27 to 30 1~
vas outstand-
eked out a
d. and Doug Evans was
man for the Bantams.
tied at 13-all. ~..~
The local checker club will meet
7 FG FT PF next Monday eveh'lng at its old ten-
0 0 4 dezvous, the Corner barber shop, and
4" 5 4 all fans are ~rged to come.
3 0 4
0 1 2
0 0 :
0 2
1 1 4
8 9 21
0 0~
0 0 2
0 0 3
4 3 2
3 0
0 7
0 0
7 10 13
Harry wass.
, at the Andcew KohIer
wtih her sister thero~
Alpha News
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. White and
son Arthur were Sentinel Butte and
Beach shoppers Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kennedy and
Mrs. H. A. Olsen and Harold visited
at the J. C. Northrup home Sunday.
Milton Ziebarth returned Monday
from Selah, Washington, where he
spent the last several months.
Herb Flnneman and family visited
relatives across the river on New
Year's Day.
Mrs. Alex LaSota kas been sick
with the flU.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Zlebarti~ en
tertained at New Year's dinner Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Johnson and son, Mr.
.and Mrs. Leighton Nunn, Aul Nunn
Thomas Gamreth and the R. L.
Johnston family.
The married folks whist club me!
at the Jerry Kouba home Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wflkins were
Monday evening when
their neighbors and fl~iends came in
and daughter Mar.
~[arcella Fisher were visit.
Saturday evening.
It was a great shock to people
learn of the death of Mr
Fa~hing cot:. ~o: tl~e tereaved,• parents. ]
and Mrs~. Tony Schmltz ang~
• ~ ~famlly of Beach and, Mr. and Mra/]
~t~@~-~t~t~4t~t~¢~¢~ ~t~JL0uie Knapp were Sunda dtnn~'~I
Golva News
. guests at the Pete Schillo Yome. t
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fisher entertained
at a six o'clock: dinner Sunday, Mr:.
and Mrs. John Tschida. Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Funk and son. Mr: and
Mrs. Murdock Cameron and son, Mr.
and Mrs. Tony Kreittnger, Dune and
Flora McPhee, Mr. and Mrs. George
Randash and Mrs. Henrietta Sheen.
Whist was the entertainment of the
evening,' with prizes being won by
Mrs. Sheen and George Randash.
Word has been ,received from Miss
Kathleen Cameron who is working at
Billings that she is coming home soon
Torn Wo~ePka enter-
Whist Club las~
tables were
Miss Vera Heath of Beach was vis-
iting her friends in Golva last week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gearey and
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Weinrets and f~m.
ily were New Years dinner guests
at the home of Mrs, Welch~
John Tschtd~ went to Minneapolis
business lasE ~vee-L
Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Fahistrom
and family were New Years dinner
at the Theodore Maanttm
Mr. Hadfield arrived here Wednes.
day and employed a few local m~
to help him a few days at the airport.
'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davidson of
Beach and Art Schmitz were New
Years dinner guests at the Murdock
Cameron home.
Miss Lillfan Maanum, who has been
working in the Palace Beauty Shoppe
in Beach, has returned to her home
in Golva,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kreitinger~g~
family were New Years dinner guests
at the Tony Krettinger home.
Art SchmRz and Florence Cameron
were in ellis Wednesday, Florence
staying at Tom Connor's while Art
took the census of the cattle in th~
ellis vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fishe~
Years dinner guest~ at the~
John Fisher.
Murdock Cameron was helping
Tony Kreitinger put up ice a few
days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nistler entertain.
ed at New Years dinner. Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Fasching and family, Mr.
to help them celebrate their 25th and Mrs. Fritz Nell. Louts Nistler
wedding anniversary. Cards and dan- and daughter Marie, George and
cing were enjoyed to n late hem" Marion Wosepka, and Earl Schmitz,
when the guests served~ a delicio~ Miss Lorena Hurd returned Fri-
lunch after which everyone departed day Stem her Xmas vacation at Shaw.
wishing Mr. and Mrs. Wllkins many rout, Montana. _
Mrs) Dav~ Howle and
inore haPpy years of wedded life.
Among those who attended the ~ were NeW
submarginal, land meeting in BIs-
Sunset Sentinel
• Ernest Feldman went to Beach on
Wednesday aEternoon.
Jesse Still was a caller at the Win.
Ueckert farm Thursday morning.
Clyde Poll~y Was on the sick list
last week.
There is a correction to be made iit
last week's news. Glen Coots and
wife were not guests at the Wantke
Mr. and Mrs. Vim. Ueckert were
callers at the Clyde Polley home on
Friday night.
The card party and oyster supper
and dance sponsored bY Floyd Wilson
at the Zook school Friday night, was
well attended. Eight games of whis!
were played at ten tables. High
prizes were awarded to Ervin Ueck-
art and Mrs. Henry Thoemke, and
Feldmau received low. Fol-
lowing the card games was the de-
licious oyster supper, and last but
not least was the dance, with music
furnished by George Raisler and
Donald Wilson.
Albert Ramsey and Fred Smith
were callers in Beach Friday.
Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Ueckert ent-
at six o'clock dinner Sunday
and Mrs. George Hanson and
and Mrs. Ed Shermap of Wib.
and Mrs. Win. Ueckert and
visited relatives at AI.
at a fine pha Friday.
Harold Zietmrth has been ill W!th
Mrs. Paul
and Mrs. Loule
home of Mrs. Aud
Most ot
roll call and
made for a dinner to be
7, in the basement of
In ~onnection with the
appointed to
entertainments their respective homes have returnea
to their duties,
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Miller and
Harry ttiglin were dinner guests at
the Lievens' home on Saturday even-
)eoPle's meeting was held
for a large young people's
held ~ tl~e near future.
n spent the week
end at the ranch,
The ,WBA zhonthly business meeting
was held at the home of Mrs. Chas.
Reed on Wednesday of last Week.
filter ~he busieess mee)ting bridge
wa~ played resulting in Mrs. Peder~
son winning high score, Mrs. Jordan
second high, and Mrs. Lehmann con.
solution. A delicious lunch was
As Math Tescher started hie car to
socially 'and leave the church St~day morning,
the door, being insecurely fastened,
flew Open and the little girl, Johamm,
fell out. She received a bad cut on
Is her forehead but luckily Dr. LYons
was Just behind them and she re-
ceived immediate medical care.
Mrs. Grimm, who has beez~
lng from ear trouble for the last
week, was taken to Dickinson on FrL
where an abscess in her ear was
returned t'e her home
this time Is f1111y recovered.
Several. 9eoPle, inelOding the b8~
ket ball team and most Of the faculty
attended the mRertalmnent
Normal on Tueeday
~ho rabbit hunt banquet and dance
~ team will be
Saturday. They
to Taylor where she
~r. and
tertained Mr. and
at New Years dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. H.
Schmltz home over 1
Mrs! Sheen an~l
Bublttz and Win.
tended the annual meeting of the
St. PauFs congregation at the church
parlors Monday:
Miss Lucille Kukowski left Monday
morning for Fargo where she will at.
tend college.
Johnny Ortner is employed a~ the
Ch,de Polley home during Mr. Pol-
ley's illness.
Robert Wantke, after spending the
holidays at the home of his parents,
returned to Rtchey, Mont. Sunday tc
resume his school studies. This
is his high school senior year.
... a New. Two Psrt Residential Rate
which, means a s~bstantial reduction in the
e0tt of electric service to practically aH of our
Residential CmComer~.
•.. thilnewrlto ethers ladnp from 15%
a price ~o
nmeuSry to deprive
eeavesdeneee of eom-
Beach Quint Plays On Even
Terms First
Half ~'
Monday night tl~e local De~Io~ay
basketball team went to Sentinel services of William Knezevleh,
Butte and there lost to the Powerful has been ill, and with him back
Sentinel Butte independen~ squad by their line-up later on, they
a score of 33 to 20. The game was prove a potent factor in
fought on even terms throughout the eirele~ this season.
first half, this period closing with a
count of 13 all, but the Sentinels
managed to pull away and maintain
a lead in the final half.
Victor Thompson was the ace man
in the De~[olay attack, registering
three field goals and two free throws
for a total of eight points before he
was forced from the game with four
)ersonal fouls. Bob Russell also per
formed well for the Beach team.
Alex McLain was high Point
for the Sentinel Butte quint,
tllv~e: field goals and three
throws for nine points. The
bribers and Tony Miller also
formed well.
The DeMolays played Without
Thompson's Store •
FIG 81 $, 2LBS. 25¢
m lilt
! Tear ,
CRACKERS, o. o, LB, BOX 29c
i tit L
II[ [ i
, DOZ, 59c
We have again obtained tractors and other farm tlzt~e,
monte which we are reconditioning for sale. Our policy 'in
respect to the recondRiontng of these machines is that they
must be 100 percent overhauled. In fact,-we feel-that they are
in such good condition that we have and will continde to ~lve
the same guaranty on these rebuilt machines that a ma~ufg~
turcr gives on a new machine. And our
aomethin~ because.we are "on the spot."
In analysing values, most farmers look-~ond the lnRlal
cost of their investment. They know tl~at th~
alone in the purchase price but in the expense of
and this becomes a deciding factor in their ~I~L~ of
ntachine. Realizing the 'importance Of this trntlt,, we are. f~
to continue to handle the McCormick DoerIfig Hue and go eon-~
tir.u~ to sell rebuilt machines which we can guarantee 100 lmr-~/.
e ~.t to farmers at a price which will be fair and ~e
consider!ng the ~aet that the rebuilt maohines are pracUcally
as guod as new machines. In many i~tlg~ces, o~r ~)eo~d~
machines and tractors will sell I[OV about ~q,~ktl~ tl~ ~
a new machine,
, " ~ j
ii!! i iiii~¸!