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January 10, 1935 |
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"Ful,lished every Thursday at Beach, North Dakota
H. E. ENDERLE and D. A. ~,VALL.\(?E, Editors and Puhlishcrs
Subscriptions $2.00 per year in advance
tEntered as second (:lass matter September 18, 1931, at the postollic+~ at
Beach, North Dakota, under tbe Act of March 3, 1879.
Advertising rates furnished upon request.
I~L c~l~i+'~__ __0----'~+~---] \Vi]liam Knezevich, who has l,een
quite ill for the past week, is re-
I~ported as being very much improved
' M
L, rs, Otto Hanson and children of
~olva left last Thursday for Salt
~Lake (?ity, and lhen on to Long
~each, Cal., where Mr, tIanson al-
ready is. They expect to spend the
N'inter in California.
Miss Mildred Kustcr has been both.
~redwith a sprained aukle,
~etting along nicely now
• E. Kastien went to ttebron on
Wednesday night of last week for a
'Masonic installation there.
Mrs. Joe Dieiz returned homo. with
their small daughter who has boon
Beach, 3Ionday.
Elden OIson of Moorhead, Minn..
is a visitor at: the A. R. Thomllson
home, having arrived last Satnrday.
Miss Elizabeth St, eigelberl~ is on
the sick list.
MiSses Evelyn Tlmmpson and llelen
Robertson left an Sunday for Con-
COrdia College in Moorhead to con-
tinue their work after spending tim
:holidays sit homo.
Mi+ss Shells Boulger of l)icI~inson
is a guest of Mi.~s Eleannr Ilo~khLv
for a few days.
Miss Hclen b:uster relurned to h),r
home in Beulait Friday after spend
ing a week here with her ~i~ior.
Mrs. ffess HouReu iv on the sick
list this week.
:rod will probably be able to lie np
and :.tround in a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Vald)er-
heel entertained the employees or ihe
Bnttrey store at a delicious ttlrkey
dinner Tbursday evening.
Tile card party given in the hall
of St. Jotm's church Thursday even-
ing was quite well attended and a
good |tin,! was reported.
Vern Oech left: Sunday mornil~'g
for Minneapolis to resume his studies
at the University of Minnesota.
llHS[ W(!OI( .
The Round Table club met in the
hail of the Catholic church Friday
evening and held a very interesting
m eeting.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Cook were
husiness callers tn Sentinel Butte on
' I
Mr. and Mrs. Ted I)iekinson left serve for Golden Valley county. NOTICE OF LEASING OF STATE
Wednesday afternoon for Staples, Harry bomen was a caller at Nor-I AND SGHOOL LANDS
l~linn, to attend tile funeral of Mrs. man Stedman's Thursday to get tile [ All unteasod State and Schoo~
• I lands in Golden Valley (2ou~tv, N D.
l)ickinson's aunt, Mrs• Godway. I " "
Ford he bought Robert Morris. will be offered for vent ;it a public
Ms. and Mrs. Frank Davidson and Bill Gordon was a caller at David l leasing to be held in the Court House
at Beach in said eounLv, on the 20th
Fh)rence Cameron were six o'clock Dietz' Friday, day of M~lrch, 19,~5, col)llllelleillg :~t
dinner guests at C. J. Eide's on
Friendship Snaps 50c doz. until
Jan. 12 inclusive• No groups. Welch
Mrs. Pearl Page is on the sick
list this week.
Ed Carney was a Review calh~r on
The Saddh Butte thnmqnakers ehfl)
will meet at the holue of 5lFN. Martill
Kittleson tit 112 if(doeR Jan. 17th.
Dr. Titzell will return in a :~w
days from a vacation trip to his for
mer home in Iowa City, Iowa.
b:enneth Kannenberg underwent
an operation for appendicitis at the
I~each hopitat last Friday night.
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.\lisgl-e:lestinel,ingerhasl,e(m C l's H
..,,,,.,i,++,< wi,l, ,,,, n,n..>s for l',,'i ame ump
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(Too L'lte Por l,as( \'~ oek)
()n l:riday afternoon l)e): 21st Mis~
V. Zielinski gave her Christmas pro-
i gram at tile Plain View school house.
The parents were present and enjoy-
:ell it very much as tile ehildrenplayed
l|leir parts very well. Ganles were
Mesdames Hall, Nelson, Wagller, play