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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
January 10, 1935     Golden Valley News
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January 10, 1935
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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H.E. ENDERLE and D. A. IVALLACE, Editors alld Pnbllshers Subscriptions $2.00 per year in advance :~ntered as second class matter September 18, 1931, at the postollice tit l~each, North Dakota, under the Act of March 3, 1879• Advertising rates furnished upou request. L V Mrs, Otto Hanson and children of :~Qolva left last Thursday for Salt ,]Lake City, and then on to Long ,~each, Cal where Mr. Hans:n al- ready is They expect to sped the ~inter in California. i Miss Mildred Kuster has been both- ~red Wi~h a sprained ankle, but is petting along nicely now. LA. E. Kastien went to Hebron cn twednesday night of last week for a ~M ~ asonie installation there. t Mrs. Joe Dietz returned home with ~h " ~thmr small daughter who has been ~a Beach, Monday. } Elden Olson of Moorhead, Minn., ~s a visitor at tile A. R. Thompson !home having arrived last Saturday. p Miss Elizabeth S~Jeigelberlg is on ~he sick list. Misses F.velyn Thompson and tlelen Robertson, left on SUnday for Con- ic°rdia College in Moorhead to con- tinue their work nfter spending tll~! holidays at home. Mi'ss Shells Boulger of Dickinson its a guest of Mi~s Eleanor Becklcy ~for a few days. Miss Helen Kuster returned to her home in Beulah Friday after spend. lng a Week here with her ,~ister. Mildred. Mrs. Jess Hougen is ou the sick list this week. The filling of your PRESCRIPTION Is our most important buslnese YOU CAN GET IT AT KENNEDY'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Sentinel Butte, N. Dak. SAVE tWilliam Knezevich, who has heen quite ill for the past week, i's re- ported as being very much improved Dickinson's aunt, Mrs. Godway. Ms. and Mrs. Frank Davidson and Florence Cameron were six o'clock dinner guests at C. J. Eide's on Wednesday. Friendship Snaps 50c doz. until Jan. 12 inclusive. No grouPs. Welch Studio. Mrs. Pearl Page is on the sick list this week. and will probably be able to be up Ed Carney was a Review culler on and around in a few days. iWednesday. , Mr and Mrs. Kenneth VanDer- • • I The Saddle Butte Holnemakers club h)ef entertained the employees of the .......... _, ., " " - twill meet at tile ilome oi mrs. _~lal'tln Buttrey store at a delicious turkey , ....................... • " I%ltItPSOH at la O'CLOCK Jail . lttll . dinner Thursday evening. Tne ....card party given m the tl Dr. Titzell will return in a :ew hall ldays from a vacation trip to his for of St. John's church Thursday even- mer home in Iowa City, lows. ing was quite well attended and n good time was reported. Vern Oech left Sunday mornD~'g for Minneapolis to resume his studies at the University of Minnesota. Miss E~nestine Linger has been |mfferivg~, wi{h the mumps for the past week. The Round Table club met in the hail of the Catholic church Friday evening and held a very interesting meeting. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Cook were business callers In Sentinel Butte on Monday. Mesdames Hall, Nelson, Wagner, I and Anderson of Sentinel Butte at-I i tended the Auxiliary meeting at thet home of Mrs. Mary Noyes Monday~I evening. Mesdames A1. Schroeder, Stub Noyes, and Art Beekley called on friends in Golva vicinity Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. A1 Schroeder aud son Larry and Mrs. John Schroeder were guests of Mr. and Mrs Frank Nehls Sunday. Miss Lucille Kukowskt left Monday Kenneth Kannenberg underwent Christmas at Dick Pendleton's. an operation for appendicitis at the q~I'r, and Mrs. Otto Will had as Beach bopRal last F'riday night. New Year's guests Mr. and Mrs. W. fill. " R. Conboy and Burt Melh|s. • J. R. Ratilbun spent New Years Camel's Hump at Enlil Kuncks. r I Miss Pauline Will was a caller at ~-~,-~-~-~--~.~-'~-~,~-x-~,-~ [J. S. Rathbhnn's on Thursday. (Too Late For Last Week)I Margaret Chesley and Miss Mary' On Friday afternoon Dec 2Jst Mist Polly Dutch were callers at Mrs.. V¢. V. Zielinski gave her Christmas pro. R. Con,boy's Wednesday afternoon. gram at the Plnin View school house ] Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dietz of Belfietd The parents were present and enjoy ,,were Sunday gnests at David Dietz'. ed it very much as the children played their parts very welt. Games were played after the program, then the shades were drawn and the candles] lighted on the tree and the gifts and treats were given to the, children. School began again on Thursday, January 3rd. Ford he bought Robert Morris. Bill Gordon was a caller at David Dietz' Friday, W. R. ConVoy Went to Beach on Friday. Geo. Coyle and Taylor Cook went to Sentinel Butte Friday. Jess Homak tru'¢ked OUt feed for W. R. ConboY~:hnd J. S. Rathbun on Saturday. Harry Huseby Iirought out a load of feed for J. S. Rathbun Saturday. Taylor Cook's" took their baby in] to the doctor Saturday. It was nee-I essary to keep the child in town asl it was quite seriOUSly ill. [ Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Wright spent[ Christmas with his parents. J. R. and J. S. Rathbun spent Mrs. Mary Hopper was a caller at Mrs. W. R. Conboy's Monday. John and Sam Will and Charles Lomen went to Beach on b~lsiness XVednesday, Bill Gordon was a c'dh.q" at Jes,~ I Touek's Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. ,lohu lh:rg took[ Hel,ort of the condilon ,,f th*, their two sons Johnny and Donahl [ FIRST STATE BANK, GOLVA, N, D to Beach all V~'ednesllay Io haveI st:it (lolva.tlle (.loseill theof bllsillossState of Dec.N°rthgl.Dttli°ln'1924. their lensils and adenoids relnoved.I RESOURCES i I~oans and diseount~ .~ 35.12S.0: They stayed over night at tile hos- ] ( );liill ill/SO- l)ilal, retarlling the next day. t cured l.t5,.t¢I ~,Va rrttll is. St O('kS l~lX oerlifl- I George Frallze~n. was in towql on [ c:tte.'< vlai|ns, t'l('. 159.10 ( ;ox,-~,rn ll]e n L iSslles I300.0Q I Sattlrday. i~/rifting hOllSe, ftlrniI ure and fer Fargo where she will attend a! Mr. and .Mr.~. Ole Berg, Jr. were business school the next few .months. shopping in town last Monday. Miss Ehzabeth Russell returned to s Eer uld fa n " . " { Mr. and Mr,.. Jolm .. g : " - tile Agriculture College to continue ohn Blown s • " " ~ily spent Christnlas at J • 's. her work there. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnstone gave Mrs.-'2Ce6h H. Kremers of Golva a party Thursday evening in honer visited her daughter, Mrs. floe Gru-I of Linfred Ness an, d Guy th)nnoht man the first of the week. She re- turned home Tuesday evening. Those attending the card party in Golva Tuesday night were Mr. lind Mrs. Mike Schwagel, Mrs. James .Odenbaugh and daughter Elinor, Wi]- who have been spending th0 Christ- mn,~ holidays al lheh" home. They h,ft on Saturday for the CCC camp in Missouri where they have been employed for nearly three months. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Johustone ma Kremers, Florence Cameron and and infant son attended llle llarty Mrs. Frank Davidson. Thursday eveniug al the Ros.~ John- THESE ARTICLES MONEY BY BUYING Wine Glasses Sherberts Fancy 9 in. Bowls Potatoe Ricer Egg Beater Milk Pitchers Tumblers Picfure Frames 2 for 2 for 15c 15c 25c 25c 20c 25c 6 for 25c Kodak Size 10c AND MANY OTHERS AT THE SAME LOW PRICES AT VA R IE T Y F. T. REYNOLDS CO. W~ DELIVER PHONE 75 Apples, fancy Box $1.69 : chillings Coffee, lb.30c Sweet Potatoes, fcy. 4 lbs. 25c 7,,Cranberrms'2 lbs. 55c abbage, lb. 21- c2 7-... tomatoes, No. 2 can 3 for 29c 'omato Soup, can 5c Umpkin, fcy. 2 1-2 lb. can 1 lc _Fruit Jello, 4 packages 19c Macaroni or Spaghetti, 10 lb. box Sic S_ ahnon, fancy 1 lb. can 1 lc C__rackers, 2 lb. box 19c COTTON CARE , ALFALFA H, Y & MIXED FEED stone home. Mrm John Brier from Joliet. Monb suprised her relatives and many friends by arrivinghy train the day :~t'ter Xntas at her (latlght.ers, Mrs. ,loe Middleton in Beach then to her brothers home• W T. Brown. On New Years day, Mr. and Mrs. ~V. T. Brown, William and Mrs, Brier mot- orod to the letter's son's home. Ray Ih'ier, where the3" were guests ta dinner and where Mrs. Brier will will visit several days before makil]g ~thor relativo~ a visit. S. Tvedt. lver Ness and Ray Brier motored 1o town Saturday• Mr. and Mrs. .Howard VanHorn took their year old baby sen to Dick- inson to have his adenolds removed. but as the baby was .~o 3"oung, just one adenoid was removed and tile other will he taken some time later. Mr. and Mrs. John Bel•u and Herb Jol'nsteno nlotm'od to Dickinson on Saturday. Westerheim fixhlres ~flmO Oil ()thel" real esHtle .10I)0.00 (Too Late For Last \reek) ltarry I.dHnen was a shopper ill l/each on Men(lay. Ernest Chesley's children are sick with colds. Eugene Dietz is quite sick this week with the flu. Robert Morris was a caller at Nor- man Stedman's on Mondayy. C. L. Staley and Mr. and Mrs. Fed I)el msiI I nsm'a]/-i* ('nt.p. 142.7~ ('llocl':s llllll ottler ('fiSh it~'lllN ('~t~i/ }1t1¢1 dill' l'l'Olll oth('r l~;I lilts ?,7.(Hli| 19 27.3g';. g, lands in Golden Valley County, N. D. will be offered for vent at a public leasing to be held in the Court House at Beach in said county, on the 20th Tlay of M~reh, 19~5, eonnneneing :1I 10 o'clock A. ~I. All unleased lands will be leased te tlte highest bidder for a term of one to five years. Tile first year's rent 1)las tile legal leasing fee lnllst |)e lta;d in :tdvanee. A list of saeh lal/ds" tO ~'~2~ will be on file witll the "Pr~,~ said county for lmblle iuspe~.~ ,e,~s than two weeks l,e, or~:~1; ,1~, of leasing, also instruetl0ns ~eg~.'(] to the terms, etc., under wi~ thos, lands will t)e leased. 1~.~" Tile I'~oa I'd of l:)dvt,rsi~ rtnC School lands reserves the viK~" to re- jeet any and all bids 2 .... lhtted al Bismarck N. ;~., thD 2Sth day of December, "193|. II. H. "HANSON, : S'I'ATI'~ i,~.ND ¢'()MMISNI()NiCI: Jan. 10---17-- 21--3/ b'el}. 7 11 -2t--2! Trotters News K- * ~ * * * ~- * -~ ~ -X-X- * * ~ ~ * •~- * +~ .~- ~ * * ,-~. ~ The South Side L. A. S. met at the chureh parlors last Thursday. The (lay being very coht not a very largei uunlber attended. However, the an- ual election of officers was hehi with the following results.. Mrs. s. Stevens President. Mrs. M. Lawhead. V. P.I Mrs. Andre, Secrelary. Mrs. ('ar~'ie] Sperry TreastJrer. - , , ] The Feburary meeting will be at the Stevens home. Bernice Sperry has heen quit(,, ill but is better now. Mrs. L. tl. Callen(Ior is snff~7"rlng with the Prevailil~g l'lu, being con- fined to her bed qt this wrtting. The New Year's dinner, given bS" the I,utheran Aid aI Skaar Church, was ve, ry well qtlended and those l)l'eS,qlt s])ent a very l)teasant day and a dinner which will ]lot hc for- ffollen soon. Miss Helell Robertson returned to ,ludie,; at ('oncordia College, after Sl)onding tlm holidays at her homo h " r L' . lt(,v. Nelson preached an impress- iw, New Year's seruloll to a fllll hol]m, llere Su!lday afternoou. .............. Isabelle Olive nnd Carrie Nelson T(,l:tl ~ ~.26'1 :> LIABILITIES (2al]it:lt stock I)ai, in JS00( .0¢ *~'2~ II r |) h 1 g fllnd 7dl0r) . O( l:n(ilv!ded t;rofits, tes~; O~:l)en~;,-s :*ud tllxes imid :',997,,; Wed . Deposit Tnsurarw~, {'OPp. t42.7( Individual deposits Slllljecl to ,.Is.el; 2 I.M}2. lg "l'ilIw ,-ertiflc:lt~-s of d+*pos;t 22.R59,90 (':,s]lior's ('lw('ks OlllSlalIdillg 2"i58.68 60,121.0e 84.260.38 Tolal ,'q'rA'FI.] ()F NORTtI DAKOTA ~'ounty of Golden Valley, ss. r j s. Tschida. Cashier of the abev¢ named bank, do solemnly swear that the statewlelqt is trtle, to the best of mY knn~vled~e and belief. * J.S. TSCHIDA. Cashier. ,~[~sel'il)ed alld sworn tO before me thi,'-:--*'.dh day of .lal, uary. 193Y~. P. .l. ~C'ttlI,IA). Notary Public ,~ly (*onlll]iSNiOll expires Jll)le'2"2. 1927 t'(,'reet. Attest: 1,1C()N H. Nt/EMEfLS, [ ,q. "r.~cttIDA Directors. David Dietz wcre guests at W. l~,. rasses to [ ple,,thal Conl)oy's CbrJ slmas, ing The Cook families had I?hristmas__ lenti dinner at Tayylor Cook's. tn U S Lands[is' .lohn and Sam \Vill were guests at a • har Math Brown's Christmas• th~ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Satrie wereay of the plants thrive under con- gro guests at H. II. Ols(,n's Christmas: ~ .... "~ ..... +~.~ fn,md *;~. Mr. and Mrs Dick Pendleton were GAINS 25%LBS, callers m J. R. Rathbun's Sunday. IN TWOMdfiITHS The first of the week All)ert Alh,n a(.conlpanied Ira \Vilson who was COD LIVER OIL--Once a listing land for the government re- Punishment--NowaTreat DEAFENED HEAR Without Ear Drums NewAm~:ifled Acousticon usesa newouditory iooth ---bone conduction, detourin~ ear drum end mlddleo(~r meehonism. You con beer con- versotion ftorn oil angles ond 0t stealer dis. tance, eni~Y radio, talkies, church services. A h~lDl0Y rele¢lse from present handh'cps. Com- plete infc rmation end Freo Booklet "Defo~ting Deftness on recue'J, wr~--- ACOUSTICON AMPLIFIED HEARING AID5 5g0 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK, N. Y. returned lo Beach Sunday after spending two weeks here at the farm with their father. A numl)er of friends nlet at thel Gasho home last Saturday evening last Thursday on bUsiness. While here they atteuded the Aid :Meet|ng at the chnrcb. Mr. and Mrs. Barkland or?]~nn~ View came up to attend the party at Gasho's Saturday. Walter Ware, who is employed -.., :ut Fort Peck spelt the holidays with r( iatives here. Word has t)een received that Harohl ~Laveh~!ad was to leave San Fra~lciseo ~i~ I]awaii Saturday, Jan uary fifth. Mrs. (;serge (qements and Mrs. ,h)hn Robertson are among the recent , flu sufferers. OPTICAL SPECIALIST G, GILBERTSON Glasses fitted--Any broken lens duplicated; --Frames repaired. Beach, N. D., F'lrst door cut of Overstad's Hardware store. WEAK AND SKINNY MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Saved by new Vitamins of Cod Liver Oil in tasteless tablets. Pounds of firm healthy flesh in~,toa,t e f bare 8eravgy bones ! :New vigor, vim and energy instead of tired }istlessneesl Steady, uuiet nerves l That is what lheusamts cf people are getting through scientists' late~ discovery-the Vitamins of C~I Liver O!| ('oncentrated in little sugar coated table~l without any of its horrid, fishy tame or smC1. McCoy's Cod Liver Oil Tablets, they're ,'alled I "Cod Liver Oil in Tablets", and the' simply work wonders. A little boy of 3, set% ously sick, got well and gained I0~ il~. ~:~ just one month. A girl of thirteen after the same disease, gained 3 ]bs. ti~e 0rst week ~r,d 2 lbs. each week after• A young molber ~h~ could not eat or sleeo after beby same gC(. nll her health back and gained 10 ibs. in lena Lhan a month. You simply must try McCoy's at nr, ee. Remember if you don't gai~ at lea~t 3 Ihe. (f lirm healthy flesh in a month get your m~ne~" back. Demand and get McCoyq,--the original and genuine Cod Liver Oil Table~a -approved by Cood Hou~eh~pi~g Institute, Refuse all I~uh~titute~-- insist on th~ nriginal McCoy'Iv-- ,.__ there are none better. I "I work all the time and]eel strong...'" [ You yan Escape Permdm Upsets ~i)!:. .iiiii~! Women who must be on the job e~ery day need Lydia E. Pinkham s Table~s~ They not only relieve periodic pain and ~i:~:!i::?::::::~::~?17:::,.:.: ........ i~:!!!::!}~i:i~iii discomfort.., they help to correct the ' :'::::: ..... " "'":~S "" ...... ...... :::::::::::::::::::::::::: CAUSE of your trouble. If you take ibem regularly.., and if yours is ~ a surgical periodic upsets. Chocolate coated.., convenient.., de- pendable. Sold by all druggists. New small size--50 cents. "1 am 27 and a textile winder in the mill. I had cramps so bad that I had to cry many times. I used to stay in bed two ~.._~_*~k, days a month. Lydia E. Pinkham's Tablets helpedme wonder- fully. For the first time in my life I do not suffer. I can work all c the time now and feel strong.~,Mrk. Bonnie ~oates, 1963 Ter, race St., Afuskegon, Mich. ~*~*'~ LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S TABLETS A Uterine Tonic and Sedative for ll"ome** I lil GEM THEATRE WlBAUX, MONTANA Sat.-Sun., Jan. 12-13 "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Palch" Stop trying to force your children to take rmsty- WITH tasting tishyflavoredeodJ,veroil'.Gtvetbcm W C FIELDS ZASU PITTS CocoCod--thecodliver~ilvdtliade cieus ] PAULINE LORO chocolate taste--and walch their bodies grow daily with vigorous, athlctlc ~trcngth. Mrs. ~ I I MerderoIMilwaukeesays:,,BCore .:y d,;:d took EVELYN VENABLE ANO KENT RYLOR Coco (2"ods/~o?~/3' u'eig bed 80 Ibs. Now, i~ two ~nonths" trine, .~he weighs ]05~/~ lbs, and she kas not & en i~? sDWC.'" Ot her cod liver oit~ bare ,mdy Vllamins A and D, SHORT SUBJECTS but Coco C,~l is ah::J rich in Vitamiu B--the s,pe,i,e ~,l ~:o~th "'SOMETHING ABOUT A SOLDIER'" NEWS pronmting vitamin. Start yourchildren with Co~o c~ad,,g~o,, 7:31} and 9:00 P.M. A 5c GOGO GOD d.,,. 3 111mCOd Uver O,"lThat Tastes Like Ctmcolade I [~ i -'-~"-;'--'