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Beach, North Dakota
January 8, 2015     Golden Valley News
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January 8, 2015
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Golden Valley News January 8, 2015, Page 8 0 Playing Polish poker From left, Jan Weidner, Ethel Kippley, Vicky Hardy, Mert Popiel, Germaine Ueckert and Vera Kruger play Polish poker during the community New Year's Party held on Dec. 31 at the Beach Community Center. (Photo by Richard Volesky) Boom (Continued from Page 1) Meyer. population of the entire state of North Cuero, is very hard to come by. But otherwise, they let developers Dakota. The town has about 20 man camps proceed with their projects. In two The nearest city of over a million outside its limits, Chavez says, and years, eight hotels went up. There are to the Bakken is eight hours away in there are some RV parks around the also several man camps in the area. Minneapolis. Some people do com- area. An RV spot goes for about $400 Unlike the massive lodges in Williams mute an hour-and-a-half from the a month. County, most of these camps are 50 to cities to work in the oilfields around With the housing problems in 100 beds. Cuero. But an hour and a half from the town, local businesses are busing peo- The rapid development of tempo- oilfields of North Dakota won't get pie in sometimes 50 miles away to rary housing has taken a lot of pres- you anywhere near the better rates of work in Carizzo Springs. Some of the sure off the rental market. Rents for a Bismarck and Fargo. workers come from Mexico to work one-bedroom go for about $800 a Out West in restaurants and other smaller busi- month. On the other side of the Eagle Ford nesses, where unskilled jobs can pay It's high for a small rural town in Shale play, 180 miles from Cuero, is $10 to $13 an hour. It's an opportunity Texas, but not nearly the $1,500 to Carrizo Springs. It's much more re- that makes the commute worth it. $1,800 rates for the same size apart- mote than Cuero. The city is also trying to get a grip ment in Tioga. The town is two hours from San on businesses that try to skirt the per- "The only thing we can do is en- Antonio and an hour-and-a-half from mitting process. Some places set up courage people not to be greedy," says Laredo. Rents there have increased without the proper licenses, which de- Meyer. three-fold over the period before the prives the town of sales taxes. The town has a few other advan- latest boom, with one-bedroom apart- And then there are the sewer and tages to keeping rents down. Cuero ments now going for $1,500. trash disposal challenges. It's a famil- has a year-round building season. It's not just apartments. Prices at iar to-do list to those in the Bakken. Summers can be quite hot, with tem- grocery stores and restaurants are Like North Dakota, Texas is reap- peratures in the triple digits for weeks, climbing, ing enormous benefits while trying to This restricts construction work in the Mario Chavez, assistant city man- surmount rapidly escalating problems. afternoons, but projects can start dur- ager for Carizzo Springs, has a word The price of addressing the needs is ing any month, for it that's similar to our "Bakken often steep, and when looming over The town is also less rural than the Premium." He calls it the "Eagle Ford every budget decision are the ques- Bakken. Just 30 minutes away is Vic- Price." tions about how long it will last. toria, a city of about 60,000 people. Despite a longer history with oil, As much confidence lies with the And they are within 90. minutes of the current boom caught them off industry, Texans remember in the three major metropolitan areas - guard. 1980s when there was a similar Houston, Austin and San Antonio. We didn't know we'd be affected amount of optimism. The entire region is home to over 10 this much," says Chavez. "Seems like all these oil booms go million people, fourteen times the Single family housing, as with in cycles," Stoddard says. Parents can now sign up for kindergarten program Lincoln Elementary School in cation classes. Parent topics in- reading/literacy. Beach will be offering the pro- clude brain development, earlyThe program is free of charge. gram "Gearing Up for Kinder- literacy, guidance and discipline, At 5:30 p.m. a meal will be pro- garten" starting on Feb. 4, 2015. responsibility and self-help vided for participants and child- "Gearing Up for Kindergarten" skills, numbers/math/shapes/col- care will be offered for siblings is intended for families with a ors, social and emotional devel- on-site. child who will be entering opment, nutrition and school If you are interested in partic- kindergarten in the fall of 2015. success. Preschool topics include ipating in this program please The program offers parent/child math activities, science explo- contact Lincoln Elementary activities as well as separateration, motor development, sen- School by calling (701) 872-4253 child preparation and parent edu- sory development and to sign up. D ismissal hearing for Jan. 12-13 By Richard Volesky request from Lamprecht's attorney closed doors, giving a small pack- Editor/Reporter to dismiss the discharge effort. The age of pills to a student, and asking BELFIELD - The on-again, off- board decided the matter should a student about her sexual activity. again hearing involving the Belfield proceed. The Billings County Pio- The allegations were akin to viola- School Board's effort to dismiss the neer asked School District Superin- tions of the bullying, disorderly con- high school principal is on-again, tendent Wade Northrop for a copy duct, and/or stalking laws, a BCI A secret administrative hearing of the .document in which Lam- report said. A BCI agent said in the for the dismissal of Jeffrey Lam- precht's attorney asked for the dis- report that although there were be- precht is now rescheduled for Jan. missal. Northrop refused, saying the haviors that were criminal in nature, 12-13, at the Roosevelt Room of La document was confidential, the appropriate action would be to Quinta Inn & Suites in Dickinson, Board members, the school su-remedy the matter within the school with the hearing to begin at 8:30 perintendent, and Lamprecht district. The Stark County State's a.m. each day. haven't fully elaborated in public re- Attorney's Office agreed with the The board decided in June 2014 garding the circumstances under agent that no charges should be to suspend Lamprecht and to pursue which the discharge effort is based, filed. his dismissal. A hearing was sched- As for the hearings and meetings In a 2014 discussion with the uled for Aug. 21, but was delayed related to Lamprecht, the board, Billings County Pioneer, Lamprecht when Lamprecht's attorney asked through its attorneys has cited a state denied doing anything wrong and for more time to prepare his case. law that says this type of school mat- said there was a matter in which he The hearing was rescheduled for ter must be kept from public view. tried "to help some people." Sept. 29 30,'but the h&afing was Earlier in 2014, the North Dak ta The school district has been again postponed. No reason for the Bureau of Criminal Investigation without: a high school principal second postponement was disclosed. (BCI) looked into allegations of in- since the time that Lamprecht was However, a special, closed meet- appropriate behavior by Lamprecht. suspended. Northrop has been fill- ing of the board was held on Oct. 16 That allegedly involved having long ing the additional role. at which time the board discussed a meetings with students behind© 2015 GVN-BCP From left, Florence Finneman, Whitney Hardy, Christine Finneman and Donna Sygulla select from a table of refreshments at the Golden Valley Manor New Year's Eve Party. (Photo Courtesy_of Marlene Muruato) By the time you are reading this, the Howard, Linda and Moriah Riden- 9 a.m. in the Chapel. Word and Com- holidays are finally over, memories hower, munion followed at 9:50. Cards and have been made, and it's time to take Carole Frasch went to her daugh- game time in the Dining Room began at down all the decorations. But, now we ter's home for Christmas. Many family 2 p.m. with coffee and treats served at 3 are beginning a new year filled with so members were there including Patty p.m. Darry and Candy Austby visited much potential for good ahead of us. and John Thompson, Ella and Eva with Fern Austby. Gary and Brenda It's also time to think of those dam Zachmann, Kerry and Andy Zach- Maus brought cookies to Christine New Year's resolutions. Make them mann, Travis, Kelsi, Torren, Diane, Finneman and helped her with some er- easy to keep, like - wake up, get up, eat, Mark, and Brett Nellermoe. Norita rands. Vema Tosner went to visit Jerry and take naps! Just sayin'... Kress came to visit her morn, Frances and Sue Tosner. Reading With Sharon Thursday was Christmas morning Kress, and stayed until Sunday. Loretta Dietz started at 2 p.m. on Monday af- 2014 so there were no Manor activities Wyckoff celebrated Christmas with her ternoon. Tuesday morning exercises today. Dorothy Stolberg visited Clara daughter, Marlys Updike, at her home. began at 9:45 a.m. in the Activity Room and Joe and other nieces and nephews Friday, Joyce and Tom Ray came to with Deb leading. At 2 p.m. most of us and family at the farm. Steve and Marie visit Christine Finneman. They brought were in the Activity Room for an early Kremers had lunch with Dolores Kre- her twojars ofjam and a special box of New Year's Eve party. Wonderful mers and Florence Finneman. Carol chocolates. Dolores Kremers went to goodies were served with coffee.We all and Paul Weyer joined Gwen Lorenz, Fargo to visit her daughter, Vicki Hardy, sang "Auld Lang Syne" with Whitney morn and grandma, for dinner and a grandsons, Jarod and Jayce Hardy, and Hardy at the piano and had a toast to the nice visit. Gary Riederer went to his sis- great-granddaughters, Norah and Ade- new year with yummy Martinelli's. ter's, Jean Hardy's, home for supper, laide That should ensure a great new year for Jessica Savini went to Belfield and Hardy, and their mother, Stephanie all! Devotions began at 7 p.m. led by spent Christmas with her aunt. She also Hardy. Pastor Maxted in the Chapel. Karen went to work with her. Jessica had Saturday morning exercises with Maus came to visit.Whitney Hardy vis- Christmas supper with uncle Herb and Loretta Wyckoff leading our move- ited with Christine Finneman and at- aunt Ruth Plunkett. She came back to ments began at 10 a.m. Coffee and tended the New Year's Eve party Vith the Manor on Sunday. Nicole and treats were served in the Dining Room her. Whitney also played pinochle after Zachary Tosner visited with Verna at 3 p.m. Chris, Megan, and Marilyn the party with Violet Tosner. Vern and Ellyne Tosner also from Casper visited with Orville Moe. Schmeling, Kayla Dolyniuk and yisited with Verna. Gladys Berger had Marilyn and Chris Moe visited with Christine Finnem,an. , many family visitors- grandchildren: Christine Finneman and Florence Wednesdaymomingw hairtkne Gwen Dahlen, Mark Ridenhower, Finneman also. Bernice and Rose Kre- at 8 a.m. with Judy Ridenhower and Katie, John, Michele, itinger visited Christine Finneman and Jessica Savini as our hair ladies. Jim Paul and Jodi Ridenhower; great- brought her yummy cookies. Verna andMarjorieWyckoffvisitedwithFem grandchildren: Joleesa and Joshua Tosner's son and wife, Joe and Ciara Bacon. Jessica Savini went to a Ne'w Dahlen, Casey Rieger, Sage Riden- Tosner, visited her. Jenny and Justin Year's Eve party at her church at 7 p.m. hower, Brooklyn and Sheldon Rieger; Tosner also visited with Verua. Sis Rojic's granson,Trevor Viarea, vis- daughter, Judy Ridenhower, and Sunday morning Adoration began at ited with her today. The weather we have been experi- the weekend so the family can enjoy Friday. encing as we welcome the New Year a belated Christmas celebration to- On Friday, Joe, Arlys, John,Mike has turned much colder that it has been gether, and Becky Kreitinger and family left for the past week or so. The young On Saturday, members of the Jim for Denver to attend a Denver Bron- folks may have braved the cold to cel- Schulte family met at the La Playa cos game. Much to the delight of es- ebrate on New Year's Eve, but us older Restaurant at noon for lunch. His son pecially Mike and Zeke, (who were folks were happy to see the new year Kevin was here from Minneapolis, grinning from ear to ear) the Broncos injustsittinginfrontofthefireintheir and his daughter RaeAnn came from won. A co-worker of. Mike's pro- homes or watching the "ball drop" in Duluth, Minn., to spend the Christ- vided the tickets for their family, and Times Square on their TV. mas holiday. After lunch they both Joe's niece, Lindsay, who lives in Almost everyone in Golva was left for their homes. Others who Denver, was not using her tickets, so happy they were not living in Beach, joined them for lunch were: Jerry and Joe, Arlys and John also got to attend Wibaux or Sentinel Butte on Tues- Susan Erlenbusch from Circle, Larry the game free. day during the time there was no nat- and Shirley Schulte from Golva and The group returned home on Mon- ural gas flowing through the pipes Brandon Schulte from Beach. An- day evening. That evening, their into the homes and businesses, other son, Derek, his wife Amy and daughter-in-law, Raynette Kreitinger, Electric heaters were a very popu- their children, Ethan, Tyler and Sa- and her three children arrived from lar item that day. vannah were also here for Christmas. Fargo to spend a couple of days with Ashley (Bostyan) and Noah They met with Jim and Lori and Joe and Arlys. Wheeler arrived on Tuesday to spend grandparents Larry and Shirley on Tom and Joyce (Clarin) Ray from some time with Ashley's parents, Christmas Eve. After spendingCanada spent some time here visiting Rick and Charlene Bostyan. The Christmas Day with Mike and Susan Joyce's sister Beverly and her hus- Bostyans' sons, Charlie and Jamison, Zier and other family members, they band Jerry Noll and other relatives in and their families plan to join them on returned to their home in Bismarck on the area. !