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January 8, 2015 Golden Valley News Page 5
Hat Tips
By Dean Meyer
Billings County School
Unofficial Minutes of Regular
December 9, 2014
The regular meeting of the Billings
County School Board was called to
order at 9:35 a.m. MT, Tuesday, De-
cember 9, 2014, at DeMores School in
Medora. Present were members Lynn
Arthaud, Brenda Burian, Joey Kessel,
Stacey Kessel, and Julie Reis. Also
present for all or part of the meeting
were Principal Soehren, Eric Fewson,
West Plains Engineering, Daryl Kudrna,
Farmers Union Insurance, Jim
Wosepka, CPA, Kerry Bittner, and Tom
Burian moved, Stacey Kessel sec-
onded, to approve the consent agenda,
which included the Minutes from the
November 19 meeting, the attached
check list, financial statements, and the
addition of one item. The motion car-
ried unanimously.
16973-16975 Dec.
Payroll Checks $554.11
Direct Dep Dec. Payroll $75,778.54
16976-16986 Dec.
Payroll Vendors $30,951.16
EFT Dec. Payroll Taxes $25,606.29
EFT AFLAC $796.27
EFT JP Morgan
Credit Card $20,107.71
SCHOOL DIST. #1 $93.75
BLUE SHIELD $1,125.45
16989 CITY OF MEDORA $380.16
16990 DENNIS O'BRIEN $10,727.60
16992 GARY MEDUNA $5,191.20
16995 JAMES J
WOSEPKA PC $3,520.00
16996 JOHN MARTEN $417.00
16997 KATHY MALKOWSKI$6,546.40
16999 KERRY BITTNER $45.00
& REPAIR $178.00
17003 MARCO INC $3,526.24
17004 MARLA JOB $32.48
17005 MEDORA
17008 OLSON'S SERVICE $6,026.40
17009 PETER ODERMANN$4,943.52
17012 TIFFANY FINNER $36.25
17013 TOM HUTZENBILER $45.00
17014 WAL-MART
17016 EDWIN EGLY $384.25
17017 KASEY MALKOWSKI $384.25
17019 TAIT OBRITSCH $384.25
Seal bids had been solicited for fuel
oil. No bids were received. Burian
moved, Arthaud seconded, to purchase
at market rate. Roll call vote was taken
with all in favor.
Eric Fewson, Electrical Engineer
with West Plains Engineering, pre-
sented a cost quote for engineering
services for the DeMores fire alarm sys-
tem project. The quote was broken
down into five separate phases: Proj-
ect Start-up/Site Investigation $2,400;
95% Construction Documents Phase
$3,800; Final Construction Documents
Phase $2,000; Bid Phase Services
$1,900; and Construction Phase Serv-
ices $7,000. Burian moved, Arthaud
seconded, to approve securing the
services of West Plains Engineering for
all five phases. Roll call vote was taken
with all in favor. Joey Kessel requested
that staff look into obtaining grant funds
to help defray the cost of the alarm sys-
Daryl Kudrna, insurance agent with
Farmers Union Insurance, discussed
the coverage and exclusions in the Dis-
trict's liability insurance policy.
Jim Wosepka, CPA, met with the
board to discuss the audit conducted for
fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, and
the audit report developed for that pe-
riod. An adjustment was noted for the
investment fund, increasing the General
Fund ending balance. Mr. Wosepka
also discussed the problem of trying to
obtain accurate cost basis data for the
building fund so, therefore, recom-
mended that both the General Fund
and the Building Fund investment ac-
counts be reported at market value and
adjustments made accordingly. These
adjustments reporting both funds at
market value were also included in the
revised financial reports contained in
the audit report. Burian moved, Joey
Kessel seconded, to approve• the audit
report and approve the revised FY2014
Financial Report as corrected per the
auditor's recommendation. Roll call
vote was taken with all in favor.
Principal Soehren provided a hand-
out to the board on an article providing
information on "blended learning" which
is a way to blend technology along with
traditional teaching modalities. Mrs.
Soehren reported that the teaching staff
at both schools are participating in a
book study on Conscious Discipline and
RESP provided training at the Novem-
ber In-service on utilizing student data.
The DeMores Christmas program will
be held December 11 and the Prairie
Program will be held December 16.
Kevin Lawrence, KFYR Meteorologist,
visited Dinah Ridl's classroom at Prairie
in November. A "Climb" lyceum was
held at Prairie School with both schools
in attendance. This program was con-
ducted by a theater group who per-
formed skits on various social issues
such as empathy, bullying, etc.
Tom Hutzenbiler provided the board
with a report and recommendations
from West-Tech Supply & Services for
the underground propane tanks. It was
the consensus of the board to follow the
recommendations from West-Tech and
proceed in the spring with excavation
beside the tanks and assessment of
whether replacement of the tanks is
Business Manager Simnioniw pro-
vided information on insurance cover-
age for boiler and mechanical systems
through the ND Insurance Reserve
Fund. Arthaud moved, Burian S§c-
onded, to approve adding this coverage
to the District's property insurance pol-
icy. Roll call vote was taken with all in
Simnioniw informed the board that a
comprehensive inventory of both
schools was needed. Burian moved,
Arthaud seconded, to approve employ-
ing Amanda Costas temporarily for the
purpose of completing an inventory for
both schools and to serve as backup for
teacher's aides at the hourly rate she
was receiving for her previous duties as
teacher's aide. Roll call vote was taken
with all in favor.
The meeting recessed for lunch at
11:45 a.m.
The meeting reconvened at 12:20
Several policies were reviewed and
acted upon.
Stacey Kessel moved, Burian sec-
onded, to rescind the former Patron
Complaints About Personnel policy
(KACB) and to approve the second
reading of Complaints About Personnel
policy (KACB). Roll call vote was taken
with all in favor.
Burian moved, Stacey Kessel sec-
onded, to approve the second reading
of Administrative Leave and Suspen=
sion policy (DED). Roll call vote was
taken with all in favor.
Joey Kessel moved, Burian sec-
onded, to approve the second reading
of the Classified Staff Intent to Rehire
policy (DBD). Roll call vote was taken
with all in favor.
ArLhaud moved, Burian seconded, to
approve the first reading of the Con-
tracts Superseded Policy and Regula-
tions policy (BDAA). Roll call vote was
taken with all in favor.
Arthaud moved, Stacey Kessel sec-
onded, to approve the first reading of
the Savings Clause policy (BDAB). Roll
call vote was taken with all in favor.
Kerry Bittner provided a draft for re-
view on an iPad Policy, Procedures and
Information policy. The board asked
that staff look into the cost of the District
providing insurance coverage for the
iPads and will consider incorporating
language regarding insurance coverage
into the policy. Action was tabled until a
future meeting.
Bittner and Simnioniw reported on
applying for an E-Rate grant. Arthaud
moved, Stacey Kessel seconded, to ap-
prove submission of an E-Rate grant to
upgrade all wireless units at both Prairie
and DeMores sch0ols. Ro!!ca.l!.vote
was taken with all in favor. .~ .... ,
Burian moved, Stacey Kessel sec-
onded, to name Tammy Simnioniw as
authorized agent for the E-Rate grant
application. Roll call vote was taken
with all in favor.
Bittner reported that Billings County
Emergency Management purchased six
security cameras for the schools. Two
will be placed at DeMores School and
four will be placed at Prairie School.
The board members expressed their
gratitude for this donation.
Stacey Kessel reported that there
was nothing to report for RESP as there
was not a meeting this month.
Reis reported that she had dis-
cussed with Mat Larson, Billings County
Education Association President, the
board's wishes to conduct a formal con-
tract negotiations process this spring.
Mr. Larson will discuss this with the
teacher's association.
It was the consensus of the board to
conduct a work session following the
January board meeting. The time of the
regular meeting was changed to 9:30
a.m. at DeMores School in Medora. The
meeting date will remain as scheduled
for January 13. Work session topics will
include contract negotiations, facility
rental policies, addition of an "Old Busi-
ness" category to the agenda, and es-
tablishment of board meeting times
(winter and summer schedules). No ac-
tion will be taken on discussion items at
work session.
The board members then did a site
review by touring the building and
Burian moved, Arthaud seconded, to
adjourn the meeting• All were in favor;
the meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m.
Julie Reis, President
Tammy Simnioniw, Business Man-
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Happy New Year!
I know you are not supposed to
air your dirty laundry in public, At
least that's what my mother used to
tell me. But I just have to get this off
my chest. Shirley says I am starting
to act like Grandpa Jack and Uncle
Hugh. Two of my favorite people of
all time. You see, they always found
work for us to do on holidays.
They would decide to preg check
cows on New Year's Eve. And it
would be done up on the rez in the
A. I. Pasture. The pasture was on a
hill overlooking Moccasin Creek. In
the winter it was always cold and
windy. In the summer it was hot and
windy. I guess it was built to keep
the flies away. The only thing I
could figure out.
Or they would decide to trail
cows home from Charlie's on St.
Patrick's Day. Or start a roundup on
Thanksgiving. Or brand the first
week in July.
And she accused me because l
was looking at the forecast for the
next week-or so and trying to pick a
day to preg check our cows. While
nieces and nephews and kids are
around to do a major part of the
work. Christmas week was out be-
cause of family dinners and family
travels. I'm not just talking Christ-
mas Day or Eve. I'm talking the
week. There is sledding and skiing
and ice-skating and snow boarding
and dinner at every relative and
some people I don't even know.
So I looked at next week. Can't.
New Years. What? Why not New
Years Eve? We will be done mid af-
ternoon. I mean how many Tom and
Jerry's can you drink? Someone
might invite us over. Oh.
I guess she is right. She usually
is. And it won't hurt to feed those
old cows up a little after that cold
snap last week. And by then, I might
find someone to nail shoes on a
horse anyway.
As usual, you just start getting
over Christmas and New Years pops
up. Now, if I were in charge, I
would space them out a little better.
You should have like a month in be-
tween major holidays. I would cele-
brate New Years in August. We
don't have any good holidays in Au-
gust. You could go to the lake. Go
golfing. Rope steers. Have a family
picnic. I mean, the whole world is
waiting for a good August holiday.
Instead, we celibate, I mean cele-
brate, but that too, in the winter middle. But, as men sometimes do
when it is ten below and snowing! after a couple of hours of watching
• You .have to sit around in the dark crazy people walk by, he wandered
for hours w.aiting for the stroke of off.
midnight so you can hug and kiss Thanks to the miracle of cell
people you don't really like and phones, his wife called him quite a
wish them well. Spreading HINIbit later.
and drinking sticky drinks! Give me "Where are you", she asked?
August and a drink with ice in it. He quickly replied, "Remember
I guess I'm not the only one that that jewelry store we shopped at be-
sometimes gets a little testy over fore our tenth anniversary? The one
the holidays. Had a friend telling that had that beautiful Black Hills
me about his shopping the other necklace with our brand on the pen-
day. It was the same friend whose dant? The one you said you wanted
wife was looking through the more than anything in your life?
kitchen window in that storm. Remember?"
He said he never liked shopping. His wife was breathless! She
I mean if you can't get it at the was taken aback that he would re-
House of Booze or the feed store, it member! "Oh God", she squealed!
most likely isn't needed• I'm a lot "I do remember! I love you so
like this friend• much !"
Anyway, he and his wife had "Well", my cowboy friend
gone to Billings to Christmas shop. replied, "I'm in the bar next to that
They were in that big mall and she store".
separated from him to do some se- Happy New Years,
rious shopping and he sat downDean
next to that pretzel machine in the
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• 89% believe state and local government should
publish public notices in the newspaper
• 70% would not read public notices if they had to
go to a government website to find them.
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