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January 7, 2016     Golden Valley News
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January 7, 2016
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Page 6 Golden Valley News . , mm. January 7, 2016 Neameyer said. "They initially had me on two IV antibiotics. Several times my blood pressure and fever was so high and due to the infection, my kidneys started to shut down that they couldn‘t give me any other medications, so they had to pack, ice on me to get my fever under con‘ trol." The only thing keeping Neameyer out of intensive care was that he was still able to breathe on his own and cough out the fluid from his lungs. Nathan's wife, Lisa, was there to monitor the struggle. She said the first couple of weeks Nathan was exhausted and slept most of the time. Life-threatening circumstances As if the treat of an intensive care stay wasn't reason enough to worry, the Neameyers still hadn't heard the worst—case scenario. After five weeks of antibiotics, Nathan's kid- neys were taking a beating. Doctors weren't certain if the treatment had knocked out the pneumonia yet, but they were out of options. "That was a particularly scary moment because the infectious dis— ease doctor told me that five people in North Dakota had died of this condition that year," Nathan said. "All but one were healthy people in their 30s, all of whom had gotten in— fluenza, which turned into pneumo— nia, and they did not have their flu shot." It was ominous news for the Neameyers, parents of three young girls. Somehow, Nathan bucked the odds and begin to make progress, but only after spending 15 days in the hospital under intense care. "I was strong enough to come home but wasn't out of the woods," Nathan said. "1 had to hook myself up to an IV with another antibiotic twice a day for another three weeks right during the time when 1 should have been putting my crop in. I could go to the farm for a few hours Flu (Continued from Page 1) Maggie, Hannah, Grace and Lisa. (Courtesy Photo) but couldn't do any physical labor. Luckily my dad (Rocky) and a few others were able to get the job done when my livelihood was on the line." A long comeback Nathan was 39 at the time of his illness in March of 20l3. He said it took him until the fall months of that year to fully recover. "Just the fact that I couldn't do anything physical for about four months was hard to recover from. not to mention the internal things." Nathan said. Today, the Neameyers are busier than ever with their three daughters, and life on the farm. One aspect of the ordeal, however, still haunts Nathan. "I had never gotten a flu shot be— cause 1 never get sick.A1so. because I've heard that they don't always put the correct strains in the vaccine, I thought it might not work anyway.“ Nathan said. "Of course I was wrong. The doctors said that it was very likely that even if the vaccine wasn't the exact strain for that year, it would still have reduced the sever— ity of my flu enough that pneumo— Flu vaccinations way down By Jason N‘ordmark Of The Star At least one Rolette County med- ical agency is concerned about a drop in flu vaccinations this year. Barb Frydenlund of Rolette County Public Health said there are several factors which could explain the 14 percent drop in the number of vaccinations administered by the agency this year compared to 2014. Form August 1 to December 14 of this year, RCPH dispensed 1,339 vaccinations. During that same pe- riod in 2014, 1,549 people received flu shots. Frydenlund said there are addi- tional providers, including some pharmacies, offering vaccine this year. Also, she mentioned a shipping delay from manufacturers as well as what she conveyed as a risky as— sumption. "There is not a significant amount of respiratory illness in area yet this year, thus people feeling that there is no need for concern," Frydenlund said. "An annual seasonal flu vac- cine, either the flu shot or the nasal spray flu vaccine, is the best way to reduce the chances that you will get seasonal flu and spread it to others. When more people get vaccinated against the flu, less flu can spread through that community." Another circumstance regarding last year‘s flu vaccine also might be causing some people to skip the shot this year, according to Frydenlund. She said last year's vaccine wasn‘t "spot on," but pointed out that is al- ways a chance given the enormous amount of variables involved with the disease. "There is still a possibility you could get the flu even if you got vac- cinated. The ability of flu vaccine to protect a person depends on various factors. including the age and health status of the person being vaccinated, and also the similarity or 'match' be- tween the viruses used to make the vaccine and those circulating in the community," Frydenlund said. "If the viruses in the vaccine and the in— fluenza viruses circulating in the community are closely matched, vaccine effectiveness is higher. If they are not closely matched. vaccine effectiveness can be reduced. How— ever, it‘s important to remember that even when the viruses are not closely matched, the vaccine can still protect many people and prevent tin—related complications." There are other flu vaccination misconceptions out there, Fryden— lund said. She pointed out that there needs to be a better overall effort to educate the public on the importance of the process. "There are many individuals who vaccinate for all other preventable diseases then decline the flu vac— cine," Frydenlund said. "There seems to be a belief that is not a seri— ous illness or not a risk for young or healthy people, that the vaccine is not effective or that it causes illness or side effects.“ Frydenlund also advised people not to depend completely on over- the—counter medication, such as Tamiflu which she said give the per— ception that the flu can be cured by a pill. "(Tamiflu) is a second line of de- fense.“ Frydenluud said. "it's not a primary prevention . " Frydenlund could not stress the importance of flu shots enough. pointing specifically to the serious— ness of the disease. "(The flu) can lead to hospitaliza- tion and sometimes even death. Every flu season is different. and in— fluenza infection can affect people differently," Frydenlund said. "Even healthy people can get very sick from the flu and spread it to others." According to data collected by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). the estimated annual flu—associated deaths in the United States range from a low of about 3,000 to a high of around 49.000. The numbers cover a period of 31 years. The elderly are particular suscep— tible to the flu. During recent sea- sons. between 80 and 90 percent of flu—related deaths involved people 65 years of age and older. People in that age group do have an option for a higher dose of the vaccine. The CDC began taking an ag- gressive stance on the disease in 2010 when its advisory committee on immunization practices voter for universal flu vaccination in the United States to expand protection to more people. The recommendation was rather simple: "Everyone 6 months of age and older should get a flu vaccine every season." By evidence of the RCPH vacci- nation numbers and other state-wide information this year, however, it‘s possible area residents aren't heeding that advice. Based on data entered into the North Dakota Immunization Regs istry between August 1. 2015. and December 14. 2015. 4.176 Rolette County residents have received a flu vaccination from a North Dakota Provider. During this same time frame last year 4,519 Rolette County residents had received an influenza vaccination. That translates into a drop of nearly 8 percent. Frydenlund said the decrease in vaccinations is a concern because the typical flu season is approaching its peak months of January through March. She said health care providers are encouraged to start ad- ministering shots by the end of Oc— tobcr. but stressed that it's never too late. "As long as flu is circulating. vac- cination is recommended," Fryden— lund said. "It will be take about two weeks from the time of vaccination for you to. be protectet ." nia wouldn't have developed." If that wasn't enough, Nathan only had to look across the table at his youngest daughter, Maggie, to learn a lesson. “During the time I got sick, Mag- gie, who was 5 years old at the time, also tested positive for influenza; however since she had her flu shot she was able to recover within a few days," Nathan said. The Neameyers perspective of life also changed after dealing the Nathan's illness. "We live in a great community. Many people were praying for us," Nathan said. "Also we had lots of help from many people and our whole family is grateful for all the assistance given during my illness." Nathan said he thinks about his family's experiences at the dawn of every flu season. "it just bothers me that I could likely have saved everyone the trou- ble if I would have taken five min- utes to get a flu shot," Nathan said. "I just don't see a downside to get- ting it." HOM ESTEAD PROPERTY CREDIT & RENTER’S REFUND FOR SENIOR CITIZENS & DISABLED INDIVIDUALS ‘ 1’ TAX CREDIT rent you pay; NORTH DAKOTA HOMESTEAD PROPERTY ‘ You may qualify for a credit to reduce your ’ property taxes or a partial refund of the Teachers — (Continued from Page 1) possible for mid—career professionals who already have a bachelor's degree to obtain the academic credentials they need to be licensed as teachers, through graduate—level coursework. The Board of Higher Education has approved allowing Valley City State University. Mayville State Uni- versity and Dickinson State Univer- sity to offer MAT degrees as part of their course offerings. The three schools are still awaiting approval from the Higher Learning Commis- sion, an accrediting agency based in Chicago. The task force is taking steps to market the teaching profession to North Dakota’s young people as an attractive career option, including ad— vertising the profession and develop- ing a central website of job opportunities. Winter anglers reminded to clean up ice The North Dakota Game and Fish Department reminds winter anglers to clean up the ice after fishing. This not only applies to trash, but fish as well. It is not only unsightly, but it is i1- legal to leave fish behind on the ice. According to the fishing proclama— tion, when a fish is caught anglers must either immediately release the fish back into the water unharmed. or Yousaidit, NuihDakdd NOTHING WORKS LIKE HEWWAFER ADVER'I'IHHG. TliE WillTER THE BLUES WARM 111“ Wild llllR fiREhT RfiTES llllll FIEXEBLE TERMS ill! YflllR NEXT HEW iIfiR, TRUCK 11R REBREilTiflllill. llEiilEIE! WILLISTON DICKINSON HEBRON BEACH l GLEN ULLIN l RAY WWW.WCCU.ORG ND BENEFIT: tefimd. rovides a partial refund ' r quarter's or for a mobile - Refund be up to, but not exceeding, $400. RENTER’S REFUND OyALIHCATIONS: For a husband and wife who are living together, only one may apply for the refund. Only the spouse applying for the refund needs to be 65 years old or older, or disabled. - Renters must meet the same income requirements as homestead applicants. There is no asset limitation for renters. - No refund may be made to a person who pays rent or fees for any living quarters, including nursing homes, that are exempt from property taxation and for which payment in lieu of property taxes is not made. - Heat, water, lights, telephone or furniture costs ' may not be considered as part of your rent costs. If your landlord pays for these items, you must deduct the cost of these items from your rent when you apply for a refund. If you pay for your utilities and furniture yourself, you may not add the costs of these items to your rent when you apply for the refund. ~ In order for you to receive a refund for part of the rent you pay, your annual rent payments must use a certain percentage of your income. Here is how the formula works: When 20% of your annual rent exceeds 4% of your income, you receive a refund for the overpayment of rent. Example: A renter pays $450 ' per month in rent ($5,400 per year), and the renter’s income is $18,000.00. 20% of $5,400 is $1,080 4% of $18,000 is $720 Because $1,080 is $360 greater than $720, the renter is entitled to a refund of $360. CREDIT BENEFIT: credit will reduce the cris’taxable value according to the Taxable reduction of of truodk ' ,hy taxable value, flul'va‘lue Maximum Maximum reduction 3' the word out 3 about your business! county director of tax equalizatio (or as soon thereafter as possible) in , which your property is assessed and fo the credit is requested. Renter’s Refund: Renters must file an application for a refund with the Office of State Tax Commissioner ‘ before June 1 following the year for whi ’ refund is claimed. Applications must be income net-profit from any lihsiness, including ranchingand farming. reduce them to their daily possession. It is common practice for some an- glers to fillet fish on the ice. which is fine. as long as fish entrails and other parts are taken and properly disposed of at home. In addition, all trash, including aluminum cans and Styrofoam con— tainers, should be packed out and taken home. Call. us today 701-872-3755 .for details! western Cooperative [3 F! E D I T U N l D N 13v Rpm/a. lit, N 0 38505—0 "considered ’ric‘ome under 118, inherilan as, life insura ance policy proceeds For "‘ Qualified homeowners receive a credit to reduce ' property taxes on their home and qualified renters receive a partial refund of their rent. , ELiGiBILITY RECLUIREMENTS (APPLY TO BOTH THE HOMESTEAD CREDIT . ‘ AND THE RENTER’S REFUND): ‘ You may be eligible for North Dakota’s . Homestead Credit Program if: - You are 65 years of age or older (unless you are permanently and totally disabled) in the year for which your application is made (or the year refund is claimed). 0R - You are a permanently and totally disabled person. DISABLED lNDWiDUAL REQQTREMENTs: - Proof of totalsdisability must be established with a certificate earn a licensed physician, or a written determination of disability from the social security admmiStration or any federal or state agency that has authority to certify an individual‘s disability. - You may be either 'a homeowner or renter, There is no age requirement for the permanently and totally disabled applicant. - A disabled 110me must meet the'same requirements, except forage, as a senior citizen homeowner (see-the section on “Homestead Credit Qualifications”). ' A disabled renter must meet the same requirements, except for age, as a senior citizen renter (see the section on “Renter’s Refund Qualifications”). 35625 $125000 , ‘H‘u . it: ,. ,_ ,. ., _u_’§‘3,§75 $75 000 if ,-v38,000 A ._ $1,i25 $25,000 i _ «Jr goproperty tax credit is subject to ‘ ’ustment, equalization and abatement in the manner as other real property .isafarmstrucmre , taxation. ‘ . or casualty losses to property child support, federal fuel assistance. renter: refundpayments, food stamps, veteran’s " { disability payments, payments for foster, ‘ of a qualifying child or adult or for diffic: care, Festcr Grandparents Program, Reti Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), Companion Program and Vista Program. — Medical expenses ctuail paid ' year are deducn ‘ “ No person s tax credit if the owner is tempo m‘ “it