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Page 6 January 7, 2010
What is the most memorable news of 2009? 0or.on
Corlene Olson, Beach, N.D.
"The Beach 100th and all the
bands were good and the local
Judy Vincent, Beach, N.D.
"My pipes freezing during
Blizzard Alvin on Christmas Eve."
Carol Weyer, Beach, N.D.
"The Centennial in Beach
because of the history and all the
people that attended the event."
Thomas Sheppard Jr.
Fortuna, Calif.
"Michael Jackson's death, air-
plane terrorism and a black presi-
Michael Dexter, Elkton, S.D.
"The world wide economy crisis
and large numbers of unemployed."
Downhill fun
Jared Kohanes and Jordan Kohanes slide down Knox
Hill west of Sentinel Butte along Old Highway 10 after the
Christmas weekend blizzard, (Photo by Richard Volesky)
Jan. 7,1960:
Resident a skilled gardener
Sylfest Oygaard, well known in
Medora and Sentinel Butte, is now
making his home at the beautiful new
St. Luke's at Dickinson. He is pos-
sessed of more than average skill in
gardening, a fact which met with suit-
ably publicity recently, when he was
featured in a special story in the publi-
cation "The St. Luke's Messenger."
Ry Noyes forwarded the interesting
article to the News recently.
This spring they planted 8,000
shelterbelt trees at St. Luke's, and they
are flourishing under Oygaard's care.
He also helped cultivate and care for
the big garden, which supplied the
kitchen with fresh vegetables all last
summer, and was also busy keeping
weeds and dandelions out of the lawn
there. He was born in Norway, and
came to the U.S. when 21, arriving in
Sentinel Butte in 1903, where he
worked as a hired hand.
Later he homesteaded and worked
his farm, caring for his gardens and
cattle for 15 years, developing his own
irrigation system, which brought him
good retums in even dry years. He
then ranched in the Medora area,
finally selling it because so many of
his cattle were stolen by rustlers, los-
ing 48 at one time.
Premium Barley ........... $2.10
Feed Barley .... . ........... $2.00
Race Horse Oats B .......... $2.00
Race Horse Oats C .......... $1.90
Agency tryi00lg new marketing strategy
BISMARCK - The North
Dakota Tourism Division is kick-
ing off 2010 with a new creative
strategy, taking its "I am
Legendary" theme to another level
as a part of ongoing efforts to mar-
ket the state.
Initially launched in 2008, the
"I am Legendary" concept will be
stronger with new creative execu-
tion and will be more fully incor-
porated into all communication
elements with a fresh look and feel,
according to the Tourism Division.
"I am Legendary" will set the tone
of all components in the 2010 cam-
paign, with the development of
three new TV ads, a print ad series
promoting specific North Dakota
experiences, a newly designed
2010 Travel Guide, a new 2010
Hunting & Fishing Guide and
a "RULegendary" Web site landing
"For almost a decade, we've
been aggressively marketing
North Dakota as a great place to
live, work, play and conduct busi-
ness. Of course, tourism focuses
on playing here," said Shane
Goettle, commissioner of the
North Dakota Department of
Commerce. "How fitting that as
we celebrate a new year and a new
decade, we kick off a brand new
marketing campaign for North
Dakota Tourism."
"The shift from Legendary to "I
am Legendary," personalized the
campaign, allowing the viewer to
not only be motivated by 'the brand,
Milling Oats ............... $1.70
Feed Wheat ............... $2.50
Woody's Feed & Grain
S. 7th Ave West • Dickinson N.D. 701-225-5161
Annual Meeting
Sentinel Rural Fire Protection District
8 a.m., Jan. 12
Health Unit
Sentinel Butte Fire Hall
Election of Directors to be held
Billings/Golden Valley County
health clinics for January will
be held as follows:
WIC at the Public Health
Office, 9 - 12, 1 - 3 p.m., Jan. 13
call for appointment schedul-
- Beach Senior Citizens Center,
10:30 - 12:30 p.m., Jan. 19.
Golden Valley Manor in
Beach, 9 - 12 p.m., Jan 20.
- Medora courthouse, 9 - 12, 1
- 3 p.m., Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29 (Please
call for appointment schedul-
- Beach health maintenance at
the Public Health Office, 9 - 12, 1 -
p.m., Jan. 11,21,26 (Please call
for appointment scheduling).
offered screenings at these clin-
ics may include blood pressure,
pulse, shinglesvaccine immu-
nizations, fasting blood sugar,
hemoglobin, urinalysis, etc. For
a complete list of services
provided, please call (701) 872-
Also on Jan. q, the Health Unit
will be holding a mass H1N1 flu
clinic from
2-6 p.m. at the Beach
Ambulance Building.
mus, danc, se/emc, anab
January t 0 - April 11 • 2 p.m.
fexeept Easter)
State Museum
North Dakota Heritage Center
, Bismarck, ND
Choose from one of these professional schools:
Allied Health, Justice Studies
Business • Technology and Design
We're committed to providing the best value in
the marketplace with competitive rates, valuable
products, high touch and high tech service,
knowledgeable staff and profit sharing.
but to become part of it," said Sara
Otte Coleman, director of North
Dakota Tourism. "This next step
taps into the desire people have to
experience something truly unique,
and we'll show them how they'll
be changed by their North Dakota
Otte Coleman adds thai this
application of Legendary is about
the audience: connecting to them
and drawing them out of their day-
to-day lives.
New for the 2010 campaign is
the integration of a trackable Web
component. All three TV ads and
all the print ads in the series will
direct the audience to a Web land-
ing page.
Those who decide to accept the
challenges are asked to submit an
online form and to share their
efforts - and their North Dakota
experiences - by submitting their
videos, photos and stories.
In addition to the "I am
Legendary. RU2 " challenge, the
Web site landing page will direct
the audience to the North Dakota
Tourism Web site to start planning
Audiences in Minnesota,
Wisconsin, South Dakota,
Montana and Canada are the tar-
gets for the 2010 campaign efforts.
This year's campaign will kick
off with the outdoor-themed TV
ad, along with the distribution of
the 2010 Travel Guide and the
2010 Hunting & Fishing Guide.
The remaining elements of the
campaign will follow.
(Continued from Page 1)
election contest this year. A rumored
Republican candidate for the posi-
tion is Gov. John Hoeven.
"Frankly, I think if I had decided
to run for another term in the Senate
I would be re-elected," said Dorgan.
"But I feel that after serving 30
years, I want to make time for some
other priorities. And making a com-
mitment to serve in the Senate for
the next seven years does not seem
like the right decision for me. "So,
2010 will be my last year in the
Senate. I will continue to work hard
for the best interests of our state and
country during this coming year.
We need to get the economic engine
restarted and put people back to
work. We need to reform our finan-
cial system to make sure that which
happened to cause this deep reces-
sion will not happen again. And we
need to get our fiscal and budget
policies under control. The federal
budget deficits are not sustainable.
But even as we face all of these dif-
ficult issues, I am convinced that
our country will rise to the chal-
"Byron Dorgan has produced
important and lasting results for
North Dakota," said Sen. Kent
Conrad, D-N.D. "Nationally he has
been a foremost advocate for fair
trade, fiscal responsibility, and eco-
nomic growth. If his warnings had
been heeded, the economic down-
turn might well have been averted.
Over and over, he has been proven
right on economic policy, trade pol-
icy and so much more. Although
Senator Dorgan is leaving the
Senate at the end of 2010, I have a
feeling that this will not be the last
of his public service. It is my guess
he will be on a short list of future
Cabinet nominees to the Obama
administration in the coming
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