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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
January 6, 1944     Golden Valley News
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January 6, 1944
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~ursday January 6, 1944 P[I J I- i L THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Do You Know Them All? Help Us Down Memory La.e by Sending in the Names the Persons Whose Pictures Appear Below COAL: Rationing Possible As the OPA drew up plans for pos- sible coal rationing, John L. Lewis' United Mine Work- ers and Secretary ~i:i:: of the Interior Har- old L. Ickes' efface found themselves in disagreement on the nation's supply. ::: ~.!::!:i:~ ::: :::~b.~ A UMW spokes- ~.~ man declared that shortages of some by- product coals used by industry may exist, but ~ro- John L. Lewis "Juction from other mines would more than make up for such scarcity. On the other hand. Ickes' office sa~d weck~.y production would have to be iucrcased if total supplies for the year were to ap- proximate estimated needs of 600 million tons. It was said any in- crease was questionable in view of the constant loss of miners to other industries. RATION POINTS: Increased Sharply Because of declining production, the office of price administration has raised the point value of butter from 12 to 16 points, the total al- lotment of red points per person each week. At the same time increases in points on nine items, and reduc- tions in four others were announced. The following increases have been ordered, based on the No. 2 size can: Apricots, from 27 to 36 points; red sour cherries, 14 to 25; other cherries, 14 to 23; figs, 13 to 21; grapefruit juice, 10 to 18; plums and prunes, 7 to 15 points. Grape juice was raised from 3 to 6 points a quart. Asparagus and mushrooms also were elevated in point value. Reductions were ordered for canned green or wax beans, down from i0 to 8 points for the No. 2 can; corn, from 16 to 13, except for whole kernel vacuum-packed, which went down from 20 to 18 points. Dried peas and lentils have been placed on the unrationed list. 0PA: Dealers Licensed Only farmers, fishermen and gov. ernment agencies are exempt from federal licensing following an OPA order that all persons or concerns selling services or commodities un- der price controls are required to have licenses. Most wholesalers and all retailers automatically were licensed, and the recent order was designed to take in canners, meat packers, auction- eers, brokers and other agents. Licenses of operators found guilty of price control violations can be suspended for as long as 12 months. NAZIS AND JAPS: Strength Greater "... Recent victories have failed to affect in any vital degree the strength of the en- emy . . " With these words Under- secretary of War Robert Patterson summed up state- ments of Gem George C. Marshall, Gem H. H. Arnold and Maj. Gen. George V. Strong to a gathering of ranking industrial- Gen. H. IL tats, labor leaders Arnold and newspaper executives. As chief of military intelligence, General Strong revealed that the Nazis now have three times as many combat divisions as they had when they invaded Poland. and their dom- ination of conquered countries has given them a labor force of 35 mil- lion workers. Despite recent heavy losses, the Nazis' air force exceeds its pre-.war strength, Japan can call upon four million soldiers for action, General Strong said, and, like the Nazis. her con- quests have given her a vast pool of manpower and natural resources, RUSSIA: Last Ditch The Dnieper river reached, the Nazis dug into its western banks in an attempt to throw back the charg- ing Russian armies. Failure to hold the line along the ?50-mile Dnleper river would compel the Nazis to withdraw to prepared defenses on the H~%9 pre-war bouno daries. No sooner had the Nazis reached the broad Dnieper, however, than Russian units forced their way across the river at several points, and paratroopers were dropped be- hind the German lines on the west bank. The Nazis sought to wipe out these detachments before they could establish footholds. In the oil rich Caucasus, the last German troops were thrown out, re- lieving the threat to the Russian fuel • supply. In all the Reds have re- gained over 300,000 miles of the ter- ritory overrun by the Nazis. REAL ESTATE: Enjoying Boomlet Rising selling prices in 87 per cent of all cities in the country, and in- creased sales in 71 per cent, dis- tinguish the current real estate mar- ket. Realty is in greatest demand in cities with war4ime industrial ac- tivity, and buyers' interest has not been dampened by ceilings on rent- als. Inquiries for btminesm proper- t~s have decrltaHd because of goods shortages. PAGE SIX MINIATURE TOOL MAKEI~ CHICAGO, ILL. -- Yo un g Bil I Meyers, 4 years old, models and appears at Mills Industries, Incor- porated, here, as a miniature tool maker. His father Bill is an expert at the trade and also a champion War Bond seller. Bill. Jr. is one of the few children ever to appear in a war plant and observe dad at work. He hopes to follow the same career when he comes of age. Co-workers of Bill senior fashioned the tool-maker's apron which the young man is wearing, CALL FOR BIDS The Board of Trustees Of the United Lutheran Church of Beach, N. D. will receive sealed bids for the sale of a parcel of land des- cribed as follows: 129.31 A. situated in the SE*,% of Sec. 26 in Twp. 140N. of Range 106 W. of the 5th Principal Merid- ian formerly a portion of the E. E. Mickelson property adjacent to the City of Beach. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check of 5% ol the bid and must be filed with the under- signed not later than 8 o'clock P. M. Friday, Jan. 28, 1944. This is to be a cash transaction. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. C. O. HALVORSON, Secretary of Board. (Dec. 30, 1943, Jan. 6, 13, 1944) NOTICE ANT) CITATION, HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT AND DISTRIBUTION OF ESTATE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ) )as County. of Golden Valley ) IN COUNTY COURT Before Hon. James Donaldson, Judge. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ANNE E. EISFELD, also known as ANNA EISFELD. DECEASED. John Keohane, as Adminis- trator with the Will An- nexed, Petitioner. VS. Grace K. Waggoner. Mrs. Robert Taylor, Leon L. Strause. Maurice L. Strause. and all other persons inter- ested in the Estate of Anna E. Eisfeld also known as Anna Eisfeld, Deceased. Respondents. THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED RESPON- DENTS: You. the said above named Re- spondents, are hereby notified that the final account of the Administra- tor with the Will Annexed of the Last Will and Estate of Anna E. Eisfeld. also known as Anna Eis- feld, late of the City of Miami, fun the County of Dade and State of Florida, Deceased, has been render- ed to this Court, therein showing that the estate of said deceased is ready for final settlement and dis- tribution, and petitioning that his account be allowe~i, the residue of said estate be distributed to the person thereunto entitled, his ad- ministration closed and that he be discharged; that Monday, the 24th day of January A. D. 1944 at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the Court Rooms of this Court, in the Court House in the City of Beach, County of Golden Valley. and State of North Dakota. has been duly appointed by this Court for the settlement thereof, at which time and place any per- son interested in said estate may appear and file his exceptions, in writing, to said account and petition and contest the same. And you, the above named Respon- donts, a~nd each of you. are hereby citedand required then and there to De and apppear before this Court, and show cause, if any you have, why said account shall not be al- lowed, the residue of said estate distributed, the administration of said estate closed, and that said John Keohane, Administrator with the Will Annexed, be discharged. Let service be made of this Cita- tion as required by law. Dated the 5th day of January A. n. 1944. BY TIIE COURT, JAMES DONALDSON, Judge of the County Court. [(SEAL OF COUNTY COURT) I KEOHANE & K~D, ]Attorneys for Administrator [ Beach, North Dakota. [ Jan. 6, 13, 1944) NOTICE AND CITATION, HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT AND DISTRIBUTION OF EflTATE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA County of Golden Valley IN COUNTY COURT to said account and petition contest the same. And you, the above named spondents, and each of you, hereby cited and required then there to be and appear before thiS Court, and show cause, if any yott have. why said account shall not be allowed, the residue of said es- tate distributed, the of said estate closed, and that John Keohane, Administrator wiU~ the Will Annexed, be discharged. Let service be made of this Cita- tion as required by law. Dated the 31st day of A. D. 1943. BY THE COURT, JAMES DONALDSON, Judge of the County Cour~ ,SEAL OF COUNTY COURT) KEOHANE & KUHFELD, Attorneys for Administrator Beaci]. North Dakota. ~Jan. 6, 13. 1944) CITATION AND NOTICE HEARING PROOF OF FOREIGN WILL STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA County of Golden Valley IN COUNTY COURT Before Hon James Donaldson In the Matter of the Estate of C. Hatllorne, Deceased. Edna Iva White, ) Petitioner, ) vs. ) Albert H a t h o r n e, Mrs. ) Adrian Hathorne, Elwood ) Hathorne, Mrs. C. J. Cush- ) ing, Mrs. Judson Hathorne, ) Marian Savage, Judith H. ) Rice, ttarr'iet Hathorne. ) Fred Hathorne. Hartley ) Hathorne, and all other ) persons interested in the Es- ) tate of Lou C. Hathorne, ) Deceased, } Respondents. ) THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOT TO THE ABOVE NAMED DENTS • You, and each of you, are notified that Edna Ira White, Petitioner herein, has filed in Court a copy of the Last Will Testament of Lou C. Hathorne of the City of Glendive, in the of Dawson and State of Deceased, and the probate thereof the State of Montana, duly ticated, with her petition, for the admission to probate said document as .the Last said deceased, and for the to Edna Ira White, of Montana, of Letters thereon, and that the said and the proofs of said Will will be heard and sidered by this Court on the 24th day of January A. D. at ten o'clock in the forenoon that day, at the Court Rooms this Court, in the County House, in the City of Beach. of Golden Valley and State of Dakota; and You. and each of you, are cited to be and appear before Court at said time and place show cause, if any you have, the prayer of said petition not be granted. You are notified that the residence decedent at the time of her was at Glendive, Dawson Montana. Let service be made of this tion as required by law. Dated this 4th day of January 1944. BY THE COURT, JAMES DONALDSON, Judge of the County (SEAL OF COUNTY COURT) JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Petitioner Beach. North Dakota. (Jan. 6, 13, 1944) NOTICE AND CITATION, OF FINAL ACCOUNT AND DISTRIBUTION OF ESTATE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA County of Golden Valley IN COUNTY Before Hon. James IN THE MATTER OF THE ,)F H ~I