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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
January 5, 1950     Golden Valley News
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January 5, 1950
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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AGE SIX THE GOLDE I VALLEY NEWS. BEACH. N.D. THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, @ ........ . .... ===i and en-l"o" T I tertai, ned relatives at dinner NewI P~t. Thomas Odenbaugh arrlv-I Olhe News ~ Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hudson and1 Year's Day. ] ed home Ohr4stmas eve from/ Fort Ord, Calif., ¢o spend Christ-/ 1 Mrs. Byron Hudson } [ children were enterta'ined at dln-, mas visitlng his parents, IMr. andl .................. ~ ner at the Sam Fisher home Surf- Mrs. Cyril Ode~baugh, and also~ day. other relatives and friends. He~ ................ Mr. and Mxs. Hubert Rustad left again for Fort Ord Thursdayl Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wang and took Heir t~tHe son Bernard to ~iffh¢~ ions and Mr. ,and 'Mrs. Pat Plush., Beach ~o consult the doctor, he mar avLd oh41dren were suppe~ had trou,b~e wi4h ~his eyes. Leave For Hancock--- fuest~ at the Harming Steen due to ,an infection. Mr. a,nd Mrs. Clarence Over- home ~aturday even4ng and ob-I Mr. and ,Mrs. Byron HudsonI stad left this morning, Thursday, $¢~ved ¢he arrival of the New and children were Baker shoppers] for Hancock, Minn., where they Yea~'. I Saturday" [will spend the remainder of the AHaxt Cameron left Friday to' Mr. and Mrs. Kermeth RustedI winter,at the,home of his mother, return to Texas and ¢~ne Army Air and children were supper guests[ Mrs. A. Overstad, and also at- %rl~." a, nd M~s. Clinton Baker ,a*t the Ralph Rusta~! home Wed-~ ten, fling to business matters nesday evening, t ~here. and girls were Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hudson a~d vlsF~ors a¢ the Francis Plummet children motored to Beach Men- A GOLDEN OPPORTUNrrT ~ome. 2qhe ~ladies of the local W. S. W. 8, were hostesses to their bus- ,bands, children ,a~d friends at a p~vty a~ the E. U. B. church pad- {ors Thursday evening. Games a~d visi¢iv~g were engaged and a delicious htnch was served. ]~ron Hudson and Children were business ochers at the Saqaher .home Frid,ay. Mr. and {1V~rs. ~VI. Rustad .a~d ohlldren were evening visRors at the Gordon Rushd ~ome Wed- nesday. Mrs. Willis kPreston and Ernest Hudson motored ~o Beach Wed- ~eeehy. Mr. and Mrs. P~andoli~ Pent and children were Baker shoppem Saturday. day and visited at .the Dewey Fisher home. Percy Bryson accom- panied ,~hem home. The Beaver Valley Homemak- ers Club met at the home of Mrs. Alvin Woodsend Wednesday. Saq- urday even4ng these members and guests gathered at the Grove Ltttts ,home to visit and .greet the New Year ,a~ mJdrti~h,t. Mr. and ~Mrs. WH,lis Prest(m and girls were Sunday dinner guests a¢~ the La~ren~e Maus home at Golva. Birthday Sub.-- 'Mrs. Ben Pierzffra renewed her father, C. A. Foster's subscription to the News, ~s a birthday gift 1,ast Thursd,ay. 'Mr. Foster nowI resides ~t Erhard, M, inn. ,and l celebrated his birthday J~n. 1. I Here's Your Chance To Buy a MODERN NEW DANCE HALL Combined With TAVERN and FOUR. LANE BOWLING KLLEY and Modern Living Oum'lers. Located on State Highway No. Eight Half-WaT Between the Progressive Cities of Matt and Richardior~ North Dakota. Very Good Business See or Write HALF-WAY RECREATION CENTER John F. Dukhom, P~op. Lefor, North Dakota - ATTENTION - O New Custom.Made Havoline Motor This Oil has a very low pour point, and flows . freely in subzero weather. For easy starting use New Custom-Made Havoline 0il No. 10 H. KETTNER, JR. BEACH, N. DAK. Schulz Chevrolet Co. Beach, N. Dak. Ken's Texaco Beach, N. Dak. Fischers Garage Golva, N. Dak. By's Service Sentinel Butte N. D. Noyes Modern Cabins Beach, N. Dak. Trotters Store Trotters, N. Dak. WE -- -- WE FINANCE One 1949 Four door Chieftan Sedan 8, low mileage. One 1948 Pontiac Streamliner Deluxe 8 Coupe, priced to sell. One 1936 Chevrolet Two Door Sedan. A little rough, but good motor and lots of service left. Priced right. One 1941 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan. A good car. One 1946 4 door Hudson, Radio and Heater. Also Good Rubber. One 1942 Two door Chevrolet, see this one. Now is the time to have that tractor serviced and overhauled. Don't wait for Spring. Ballard Bros., props. Beach, N. D. Herman Pops-- Guest From Sidney-- [Visiis Classmates--- classmates. His parents, Herman Bury, who with his Mary Margaret Healow of Herb Johnson, jr., now a coach and ~VIrs. Herb Johnson, wife is x~acaVioning in Sanford, Sidney, Mont., is a guest at the a.t Leeds, spent a week here re- children, now of Fla., made g~od his threatened Gerard Mugg~li home here. cen,tly visiting his many former er Beach residents. promise of sending the News staff a box of Florida oranges direct from the orch,ard there--- thanks, Herman, they were very good, as usual. Ai Son's Home--- ~Mrs. Amanda Jusola of Far- go is visiting here at the home of her son and v¢ife, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Simonson, and family. THE Colden Valley .# News • ntered as Secono C~as~ matter at the Pos~office at Beach. North Dakot~ October 7, 193fi, under the Act o, March 3, 1897 A Weekly Published Every Thursday WALTER R. BRATTON Editor - Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year ...... t" ", Six Months ....... l.St" T¢ addresses with North Dal..o~ and Wibaux and Fallen Coun~es Jr Montana: One Year ........ :~2 ~ To addresses out, ida of North Da~=,t~' One Year ........ ~3 ~ FOR SALE 3-ROOM HOME and 75 ft. Lot, GOOD WELL Fine Neighborhood Priced Right. See Art Holland Atty. Ecl{cs 24 -- CAll 51-J In fact bring us all your cold weather troubles. Our Expert Mechanics will relieve you of all your car worries. Car Painting and Body Work a Specialty. We have a number of good used cars that are priced right and conditioned to give you a lot of Service. JOHNSON MOTOR :! Phone 10 Beach, N. D. ~q No wonder they're co/ling them You¢ Key ,~o Greotee Value POWER WITH RERL PUN@ff l Here,s just one parr of Buick's three.waF power story for 1950 -- the brand-new They're greater in power-higher in compression-a strai t i h,. :!i:ilili out performer of tha season, here is still standout in styling-dreams to drive-and now there's w.,,op ,hotSU,E.o st.nd. :i::ii:iii! higher compression and ~r polar a Butck beauty for 1950 to fit practically any budget ii / in no--- greaferover. iii i=i= o. ,,,a. we just couldn't hold back the That there are more than a dozen-and-a- ,ili!ii u models. fiiii::i:i! in ;24 hp with $y8- I whole big Buick line for 1950. half models to choose from. That there !ili::i!i ¢hre-~eM; trans- ' " ar • . ~:i::i::iiii mission, 128hpwith They re too good-looking-too much fun e three power plants m the Buick line i~iii::~ill DynaflowDrive.e to drive--too jam-packed with stepped-up, -all of higher compression, all stepped iiiiil;i: opt$oval at ez~s ~o~t on 8U15~ ~d KfSK~L mode~. higher-compression, ready-to-ramble power-to be kept under cover. So maybe you've already seen some 1950 Buicks on the highway. Maybe you've noticed the extra "git up and travel" they have--glimpsed the wide, curvmg windshields (one piece in most models)--noted, approvingly, that the typical Buick taper is now found in all Buick fenders. Maybe you've even heard some things... up in power. That all models are big and roomy inside --some rear seats are better than a foot xvidcr than before ! --yet in every instance, slmrter over-all, so easier to handle, park and garage. Al o,,c all, maybe you've heard of excking news on price... That Dynaflow Drive, for instance-- standard on ROADMASTER models, op- tional on all others-now costs 20% less than on 1949 models. That in the full Hne--SPECIAL, SUPER and ROAD~¢ASTER series-there is a Buick to fit practically every budget above the very lowest! Pictured above is the 1950 SUPER 4-door Sedan. one of the new Buick body types for 1950. At your Buick dealer's are moro actual models, the whole story on others. Hadn't you better see him-right now--- and see if you, too, don't find Buick "top choice for 1950"? PPJO LOTS OF LUGGAGE SPACE, phn a hlgh-fashlon rear-end treatment, graces Buick tourback Sedan models fa~ 1950. This is the ROADMASTER, and above is the SUPER version of this much-wanted 4-door, 6-passenger Sedan. Phone '74 I I • Beach, N. Dak.