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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
January 5, 1950     Golden Valley News
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January 5, 1950
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PAGE TWO THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS. BEACH. N. D. THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1950 . t034 a hadeloc i ,yTtorial ,o su* *h,s o*erl !I and C ooll Mr and Ors H i*oh k ![ WithYour ~ 'but teddy 'the °pp°si'te is tanle--' The remainder °f the evenirrg| I * / and daug'hter Ilene vbsi'ted h't the r~ted the h°use v~hich James vvvvvvvvvvvv" Extension ]!80 perce~of all farms l~avecen-l~as spent tw~rli~ng batons. | [ Wlbaux News Albion Welsh home FNday. They Kramer recently purchased from SAW and I tral electric service, ,but only 40t TILE; * * * * had visited Mrs. Connell's par- Earl Fasehing. County Agent i oercent h,ave ,telephone service of' LONE er~ts, Mr. ,and Mrs. A. H. Cowles The Rueben Amunrud family .any kind, the U. S. Department HOMEMAKERS CLUB ........ - ....... ---=-" at Eagle Bend, Minn., and were returned to Bozeman Monday, SH RPI By R. M. Miller of Agriculture reports. Of the 40 Mrs. James Kreifinger, See."Miss Delline Eustace returned on their way home in W.arreaa, ~,here LeRoy a.nd Arla Mac at- L percen¢ having phones, proba, bly ,Mrs. Norbert Finneman was Saturdav from Spearfish. S. D., Oregon. They visited Mr. Con- tend school. I Work Guaranteed. Crop. So~s Meeting Scheduled-- a third to a ha,lf have poor ser-[ hostess to fourteen members and where she spent her vacation nell's reloJtives in rural Modern, Mr. and Mrs. Beals, Ethel and Farmers are invited to at~nd vice because, of 4nadequate or two visitors a,t a meeting held on with relatives, and plamaed to spend Saturday Charley left the first of the week Leave Tools at a'neetin~s on crop varieties and out-of-date equipment of other December 14. This was a social Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Steele were wit`h their daughter and family for their ,home in Minnesota. i Rohan's Hardware soils ¢o be. held J.anuary 9, a~t Sen- facili,ties. ~ meeting with the exchange o~ Glend4ve visitors Saturday. at Trotters, and leave for home ~inel Butte. January 11. Beach, The new law provid,ing for Christmas gifts. A Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barnaby ,and Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fallman re- or at ~nd January 12. at Golva. All rural telephone loans patterned l~ackage w, as given to the Old daughter went to Beach Friday Mr. a~nd ~Js. Owens and sons turned to their home at Aber-' lneetin:~:s will be~-in at 7:30 p.m., afWr the rural electrifioartion pro- Folks Home in Beach. Mrs. Fred and brought their son Gary h~xne spent their ~aeation in Dillon, deen. S. D.. 1,ast week, after vis-BEN axtd. will be held i~a the school ~ram. is expected to change these Nell will be hostess to the next from the hospi~t, v?here he had Mont. They were accompanied as i~i,ng the tatter's parents, Mr. and (hou~_~. figures, l.,oa~ns wi, ll be made .to meeting, been confined with ~ heart a~l- far as BHlings by Mrs. Wright Mrs. Herman Storkel and her sis. BEACH, N. DAK. q~h~More Tborson. soil censer- extend and improve telephone men,t, and son. Mr. Owens and Mrs. ters. Mrs. Wayne Ba~iley and f,am- vationist for the (;olden Val,le.v service in rural areas. Thy bear To Plentywood-- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hubb]e WrigWt ,are instructors in the lo- ily and Mrs. Howard Finkle. jr., 16-$tP ~qil Conserwd:ion Di~riet, will 2 percent interest and must be Mr, and Mrs. Ted Thorson and and baby from rural Beach were cal high school, and family. ~~tL~k.~.~ ~LA vVvv'~vvvvvvv'v" d~scus~ lhe n.ature of soils and top.aid over a maximum period family spent the week end at New Years dinner guests of Mr. m I I 1 II ~heir fetid'Lion to efficient farm- of 35 years. The Rural Electrifi- the home of his parents in Plen- and Mrs, Donald Anderson. - • tng operation~g~ R. M. Miller. (,ation Administration willad- tywood, Mont. Mr. Thorson is Ned,1 Welsh ,took the bus to Bis- county a'~ent, will report on the minister the program. [head of the Soil Conservation marck Friday a. m.. w`here he results of the crop variety trials * * * * * office here. ~boarded the a,irliner for Wash- a~ the Dickinson Experiment SI~3- C L UB O T E S ingion, D. C, He will now be sSa- tion .and vvha~ ~o expect in the ~t~ Stops In Beach-- tioned at Fort Bvagg, N. C. way of new varieties for the com- LONE TREE 4-H CLUB Oscar Krueger of Butte, Mont.,] Mr. ,and Mrs. Carl Settle and ~ng year. . . . , , Donna Mae Fulton, bee. t formerly a rancher south of Gel- sons were business ~sitors at The Lone Tree 4-H Club met ca, having left here 25 years ago, Iiebron. last week. Livestock l~r¢~jram On Air.--- on December 5, a~ the home of was a Beach visi,tor Saturday J.D. Woods returned from Bil- Dr. T. O. Brandenburg, State Patty H,a,igh. Pifteen members', hfternoon, tings, Wed~esd~ay, where ,he spent Veterirmrian, states th,a~t ,a radio and one visi, tor were present. TheI ~ ~ ___ Christmas with his daaag~h.ter and program dealing with ~he con. I club decided to start bal.~ twirl-[To Fla. For Winter--- family. Mrs. Woods .and children ~rol of contagious or infectious ing. Camps, all day ,hikes.~t~,~ and[ Mr. and ~VIrs. A. J. Beiers of remained un,til the week end. diseases of an.imals can be heard picnics are to be held when ~lae this community, left this Sa~:ur- Mrs. HolHs, who teaches the over slation KFYR every Tues- ]essorLs on sewir~g are flntshed, day for points in Florida, where Hay Creek school, returned Su~- day morning at 7:15 CST. It was decided to use the money they will spend the remainder day from Williston, where she Dr. Fred M. Sh.igley and other in the ereasure for corduroy ma- 9f ~he winter, spent ,her vacation. veterinarians will appear on the ~VEss B. Keith returned from ,program dealing with veterinary i Beach Monday, where she spent ,topics of interest to all farmers HANDSOME ~LAST~C her vacation with friends. .and ranchers. The progra.m is under the• Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Stair re- direction of Charles Murphy, ceived a unique clock for Christ- KFYR Farm Edi¢or. ] mas from their son Calvert and .... . family who have been stationed Income Tax Time Here-- ~ When you purchose in Germany. Cal has been re- Nearly 50 copies of Farmer's leased from duty there and is 1949 Income Tax circulars have~ b --''SIs1 urY' NOW IN expected track in the U. S. before been distributed. Several farmers very long. who have secured lhe bulletin . STOCK Mr. ,and Mrs. Wm. Swartz left ~a¢e ~hat it has been very help- Monday for Bozeman. where they ~ul 1o them in making out their te, aah at the State College. They zeports, spent their vaea,tion at the p,aren- Hammond' Super Valu tal homes here and in Sidney. secured either ~a.t the Keohane S 'Mr. and Mrs. Beals and child- Abstract and Title Co., Beach, or .__,_ i. Dak. ren of Pine River, Minn., Rev. ~the County Agent's Office in ~eacn, and Mrs. Dick B~als, Mr. a~nd Beach. ) Mrs. C. E. Winkleman of Beach * * * * * ~ and Mrs. Nick Soabad aaad son LOANS TO BE MADE 1 and Mrs. Frank Fager of Glen- FOR FARM HOMES ~ dive ~isbted Mrs. Welsh ,and Rus. Twice as many farms ~h, ad tele- sell last Thursday. Ardeaa Amunrud teR via .bus Monday a. m., for .Mi~meapolis, B U I L D I N S: ,~ T~J~ ,ROV~dI~ vchere he will resume `his studies I~A~ at Northwestern Bible School. MOVED I ,hazy Size Any Place ,---- ,o. FREE ESTIMATE[ Serve "Gold Bell Call ' fflCKlnson to t wrmu W/d[/TE PORT ilURQUNDT House Moving 8I, IERRY TOK.AY Dickinson, N. Dak. : ANDAN BEVeRAgE CO. --- II b .llmtora mm A Hearty Welcome Always Awaits You At FINEST Door Prizes of $5.00 -- $5.00 & $10.00 At 5 p.m., 9 p. m., and 12:00 Midnight On Monday and Friday Nights. i Wibaux, Mont. STOCKMAN Lawrence Hoffman, prop. /n/mducin.g EIL au/oma/ie ffansmisst'on PHONE I0 i NEW "HUSHED" 100 H. P. V-8 Yes, you can even hear Ford's quality • . . in the new quiet of Ford's new "hushed" 100-h.p. V-8, the only V-8 in its field. It's the type of engine you find in America's costliest cars . . . yet It's yours for hundreds less than most "sixes." NBW "HUSHED" RIDE Sound-condltioning all around, plus Ford's "Lifeguard" Body (now 13-ways stronger) make the '50 Ford so silent, you can talk in whispers. It's the one fine car in its field. FORD AUTOMATIC OVERDRJVE--opti0nal st extra cost, pays off in savings and smoothness of operation It's an automatic fourth speed or cruising gear Engine speed drops ~0% whik~ the Cat speed remains unchanged. BEACH, N. DAK. Chevrolet for '50 brings you the best of everything at lowest cost . . . greater beauty . . . finer perform= anca with conomy . . . outstanding driving ease,, comfo and" safety! Here, in Chevrolet for '50, are the finest values the leader has ever offered to the motoring public. These thrilling new Chevrolets are available in 14 surpassingly beautiful Styleline and Fleetlinc body- types. They bring you a choice of two great engines anal great drives-the Automatic Power-Team* and the Standard Power-Team-described ill detail below. And they also bring you quality featu quality feature of styling, riding comfort, safety and dependability ordinarily a sociated with higher-prio ears, but found only in Chevrolet at such low prie and with such low cost of operation and upkeep. Come in. See these superb new Chevrolets for 1950 --the smartest, livefiest, most powerful cars in all Chev- rolet history-and we believe you'll agree tla 'o FIRST AND FINEST AT LOWEST COSTI ONLY LOW-PRICED CAR TO OFFER A CHOICE OF STANDARD OR AUTOMATIC DRIVING THE AUTOMATIC POWER-TEAM* THE STANDARD POWER-TEAM (Bugl by Chevrolet--Proved by (O~ndie~ far Shmdord Drlvb~.Eom Clmvrob~.-r:~dudv~ fo Ci~vrolet) ... Performance... and Ecommly) NEW POWIIRGLIDE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HIGHLY IMPROVED, MORE POWERFUL VALVI~ -/or finest, Automatic Driving witJa no clutch, no gear- IN-HEAD ENGINE, with Power.let carburetor an~ shifting. It s the simple, smooth and thrifty automatic large exhaust valves, brings you more responsive pick-up transmission coupled to a N~W 105-H.P. VALVE-IN- and greater all-around performance.., phm outstandi~. HEAD ENGINE with Power-3et carburetor and Hy- economy. This fine standard Chevrolet engine--now mane draulic valve-lifters--the most powerful engine in the even finer--is teamed with the FAMOUS SILElffI" low-price field. You get sensational performance and-- SYNCHRO-MESH TRANSMISSION and It~md-~ with a new Economiser High-Reduction rear axle--tra- shift for simple and e.~y gearshifting. Owners say it's the ditionM Chevrolet economy in over-all driving, easiest ear operation next to automatic driving ittmiL sOptional on D~ Lux~ Models at Extra Cost .Amew'ca:r .~es/ J'e//er ./Ime~'cak ~Ye~/.Z?uj, Phone 74 Beach, N. Dak. i | t !