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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
January 3, 1935     Golden Valley News
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January 3, 1935
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Star As the sport's week, with a number intersectional tilts on was Ala conquest of Staifford in of Roses game Rose Bowl at Pass- by "Dixie' Howell who team's touchdowns, and who 'ith devastating ac- Southern Wave, the' un- power drives o£ greatest ex. even in the 40 the annual competi. md by virtue ration, won victory. The Crimson corn- record of com- 10 out of 13 attempted ~asses, )f 216 yards. I benefit football i the West's 4 a three4oueh- ia ihe first half, spectacular / lhe ca, stern all-stars, ~',,,c Mi~mesota U. and Beng~ton, th(~ East team. ~,u[ annunl S~tgar bowl z ck~s~ic at Tulane Stadium, / callers at the Glen Allstot home on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wassman and girls called at the Roy Snow and J. Hollenbeck home Sunday. 5. La., Pop Warner's Bill Wassman was a visitor at the Owls were de-iGlen Allstot home SUnday. university in a , ...... I theodore Stull and Gordon Schmel- t4, wrote BUCK- ' .... ia-~ 26 0 ling were visitors at Waiter Wassman's O[ £¥1 Illl, " ' ~ t " " e.I and Earl Allstot s Friday. bO~VZ gam,] Edwin Lemire was visiting his bro- the ~U. of California's [ ~ " ". defealed by the U. of ! l b y a score of 14-0. I ~NK 1 6 B. Link iu the campaign recent. "-'~IRB, BOB KRAMER. visitors at t het Y I ms was a visitor at tile a few days la,~II ~ntex- Whist Club Friday IIar~T ~Vassman high. and family Glen Allstot and Fred hOmes Thursday evening. Allstot and fern- were dinner the few days last week at the Fred W'assman home Thursday, thor Joe during vacation, returning Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dietz and family Mr. and Mrs. Matt Krause were t~ his home in Sentinel Butte Sunday l spent Christmas Day with Mr. and ] Joe and Edwin L~mire were callers lMrs.] Cle0 Burgett west of Carlyle. at the Lewie Drewniak and H. Funk; homes Wednesday. { FEED RELIEF Luella Hollenbeck is visiting at her Continued from Page 1) home during Christn~as vacation, farmer can appy to the Far~ Cred~ Wilils Stull was a visitor at the Administration for a loan. Roy Snow" home Sunday. farmer with only a few ]lead ..... teck, insu~cient to obtain a Farm SUBSCRIBE FOR TI~I~ REVIEW Prese~ti~g a Medal to ~_co~evelt John L. Merrill, president of the Pan-American society, placing the ~ucie, ty's ~edal about the neck of President ltoosevelL Spruiite Branden, member of the society's council, is directly behind the President. The award was for Mr, Roosevelt's work in promoting frlendship among the nations of the Western l~emisphere. the Current News Administration loan, can ob. tain feed reief from the county ERA in the form of cash for work per. formed or in relief order form for which the farmer voluntarily signs an agreement to work out the amount of ,relfef. The farmer whose livestock is mort- gaged must first obtain a nontdis- turbaned agreement from the mort- gagee effective to Jan. 1, 1936 to pre- vent :the mortgagee from taking the @t0ck or any farm mae~i~l~y nece~- for successful farm operaffous. Once the farmer has obtained the agreement he has no difficulty in Ob. taining a loan if he has shown go5~ faith in repaying or attempting to repay previo~s government feed and seed loans. ,The farmer feeding his livestock tl~ough relief orders, however, under son explained. no circumstances e~m he Obtain" re.i Farmers who have been unable lfef in exc~-ss of $25 per month, ~ obtain loans from any one of Farm Credit Administration ~ash loans are based on the number of head of livestock the farmer has. The farmer can get a maximum loan of $3 per head per month for cattle and $4 per head per month for horses. The farmer must give the FCA his personal promissory note to repay. Much trouble in connection with feed loans can be attributed to the fact that some farmers instead of us- ing their cash loan to ~uy feed spent it on automobiles, trips and other purposes for which the money ad- vanced them was not intended. In cases of this kind. the county feed loan committee has refused to approve further feed loans. Mr. Will- agencies enumerated are In position as a man who is refUsed loan at the bank for lack of for failure to repay previous loans through inability to secure ~urbance agreements from gagees. The Markets WHEAT .................................................J ....... ,. RYE ................................................................ OATS ................................................................ BARLEY ......................................................... CREAM, sweet ............ 28. sour EGGS ............................................................... BUTTER ..................................................... . ..... Ill LOOK At These BIG 5C VALUES lOc ill _ . MACARONI, 80l PKG, 5c SEEDLESS RAISINS, 70Z, PK, 5c DESSERT POWDER, PK, 5c GAMAY SOAP, BAR 5c e CORN FLAKES, LARGE PK, 10¢ u KIDNEY BEANS, 181 NO, 2 CAN 10¢ WAX OR GREEN BEANS, NO, 2 CAN 10c i i ALL CANDY BARS, 3 FOR lOc COCOA, WALTER BAKERS 1-2 LB, l Oc u| i BANANAS, RiPE 3 LBS, 25c ORANGES, I.AFIGE 2 gOZ, 59¢ LETTUGE, GELERY, ORANBERRIES,.GRAPEFRUIT \ See Bargain Circulars For Other Big Values Thompson's Store THE NEW FORD V-8 for 1935 l l OUTSTANDING FEATURES SMART APPEARANCE. "" • SAFE137 GLASS IN ALL CARS. • CENTER- POISE RIDING. • IMPROUED EASE OF I • NEW BODY INTERIORS. i;~. ! t [MPROUED CLF.~qR UISION BODY UENTILATORS. ~. • MORE POWERFUL BRAKES. " REQUIRING A COMPLETE REOISION OF ST~tNDARDSOF S137LE AND BEAUTY IN THE MEDIUM AND LOW PRICe FIELDS. Now On Display AT THE