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ii i
N the
Hazelton Kenneth Austin. 12,
ran home from a rabbit hunt
a wheelbarrow to trundle from
feld the coyote he had nipped
a single shot from his .22.
Alexander Floyd Van Allen of
Crest farm uncovered a fossil-
rock on which are plainly shown
of nuts and leaves from
pre-historic tree.
Tioga S. P. Wolla tripped over a
he tried to tie up a steer for
sustained a broken jaw
injured neck when the
animal stepped on him.
down the tracks in Me-
Emil Johnson heard muffled
a refrigerator car. released
oriental who had snitched
in the heating compartment.
of Hazelton a stalled me-
forced down the Hartford lines
plane in the pasture of Art Reim-
nseen by the pilot a ditch spilled
damaged it quite badly.
Moorhead the maw of the steam
excavating for the lift station
the new sewage collector system
a skull and petrified bones
what is believed to be an animal of
Grafton Mrs. Bertha Regan,
Dakota's first woman sheriff, is
to maintain a "no-arrest" rec-
the few weeks remaining
husband's term which she is
Casselton Miss Margaret Held-
daughter of Rev. G. A. Held-
left for Bilwacarma, Nicara-
where she will serve as .a nurse
the Moravian Medical center.
Berthold neighbors of John O.
found John's body beneath
of feed which had tipped when
off of a new grade leading
Johnson's house.
S. Hager, former publisher of
Thomas Times and Walsh
Record, will be honored with
in North Dakota's Hall of
this next year.
the John Paulsons were
when Mrs. Biddie emerged
the granary with a brooc
new chicks. The advent of the new
was accompanied by a cold
and snow.
natives were amused at
hat, colored shirt, chaps and
of a man bound for
Mont., from an eastern
He was on his way to visit
wanted to be dressed like a
death in Williston of John An-
as a result of car accident, was
death in two weeks' time
[amily. In California a fort-
a brother of Mr. Ander-
been killed in a train.-auto
Disaster and near disaster struck in
Wolcott confectionery stores
the same time. In one the
blew the door against a ladder
neatly removed the big front
pane. In the other, the
did a neat backward An-
Kellerman over the head of a
when the pulley used to
bunches gave way, as
was standing on the cooler.
Milton the doctor took 27 stitches
the wound in the hand and
of Mrs. A. L. Morken, Mrs.
had caught her hand in the
Washing machine at her farm
GOlden Valley the local news-
Golden Valley American, passed
hands of Blaine Whipple, pub-
the Underwood News~ Mr.
Will publish both papers,
of Golden Valley, will be
of the latter plant.
S. Beighle, Sawyer, felt
when he called up the
to tell him that his ear
after all. Mr. Beighle
remembered that the
not found his car in
parking place was that
into Minor with some-
the Minot park four men offi-
to kill and butcher
elk for economy reasons,
animal in a small corral
of the zoo. shot him. As
was about to thrust his
the leader of the
over the fence.
men, stood defiantly
of his dead comrade.
Dr. E. O. Yri and
Christmas dinner
YrJ could not
a convenient
then offered
8WallOW the
turn.ed it off, and lay in the darkness
| agam.
I She was free. She was no longer
~engaged to Jerry. But did that, after
l all, change things much? She still
L might never see Dean again. She was
going to California tomorrow--tomor-
row morning at ten o'clock.
Suddenly she felt that nothing on
earth could keep her from going to
- - see Dean in the morning--to see if he
Robin felt confused. She went to
the office, and sat there, staring ahead
of her. Her things--drawing mate-
rials and sketches--had been packed,
and her desk looked bare and ugly.
Dean. Dean . ... she had never loved
him so much as now. but things looked
too impossible. She couldn't go back
on Jerry, or go back on Arte Ducamas.
But Dean--"He's not the same, some-
how," old Frederick had said,
There was no doubt in Robin's heart
now as to whom she really loved. And
day after tomorrow Dean was going
to Europe. Tomorrow, she was going
away--going to California ....
Ducamas was giving a little farewell
party for her tonight at her home. She
would have to dress for it. and she
would have to be gay. Oh, well, per-
haps if she went home and bathed
and freshened up a bit. she would feel
better. She put on her hat. and left
her office.
It was Ducamas. Robin had hoped
she wouldn't run into anyone. She
didn't feel like talikng.
"Did you enjoy your lunch with Mr.
Vaughn?" Ducamas asked.
"Yes, I did," Robin answered dully.
Dueamas gave her a sharp look.
"Robin, something's the matter. Tell
me what it is."
"There's no use talking about it,"
Robin answered.
"Come into my office and tell me
about it." Ducamas insisted, drawing
her in.
"There's nothing really to be done
about it," Robin said. "It's--you see,
it's Dean."
Then she told Ducamas the whole
story, from the time Dean had kissed
her to the day Ducamas had told her
that Flo had said that she and Dean
were going to be married.
"How could you have let a few
words from someone like Florence
McCarthy have a part in shaping your
life and plans?" Ducamas asked ,im-
petuously. "How could you, Robin?"
There was s dull ache in Robin's
throat, and tears stood n her eyes.
"Oh, I don't know," she answered.
"It was sort of a defense, I suppose,
getting engaged to Jerry. I was so
angry to think I had been duped."
"Now. what are you going to do
about it?" Ducamas asked laconically.
"Nothing," Robin answered. 'Tm
going to do just as I had planned."
"Robin, are you insane? Why?"
"Because," Robin answered. "I gave
you my word I would take over this
job for you. And in the second place,
even if Dean should still care. I
couldn't let Jerry down. No, Madame
Ducamas, it's too late to do anything."
"Well if you are still planning to go
to California tomorrow, Robin, you
are going on pleasure---not on busi-
"Why--why, I don't understand."
"Because you're fired," Ducama~
Robn looked at her, completely be-
"Seriously, I won't have you making
such a mess of your life." Ducamas
continued. "It's so unnecessary--just
as unnecessary as your having become
engaged to Jerry because you were
Robin went home and finished pack-
ing. She happened upon the little
blue serge suit she had worn when she
arrived in New Orleans. It reminded
her of her first visit with Dean.
"Dear Dean. I wonder if I will ever
see you again," she whispered. "Oh,
Dean, I don't want to go away!"
But. tomorrow, she was going all
the way across the continent, and the
day after that, he was going nil the
way across the Atlantic, for an in-
definite stay. Life was like that. You
discovered, too late, what you wanted.
"I started out with the wrong inten-
tions," she told herself. "Tina put
things crooked in my mind." But did
she? Even to have known Dean--to
have had him hold her in his arms
that day up in the country--was some-
Life was certainIy queer. She had
left the Vaughn home because she
wanted to regain her pride. Now she
had her pride, but love was begging
on the outside.
And Jerry! She wondered what "she
could say to him if she ever broke
with him. He had waited so patiently.
That evening, Robin wore a pale
blue velvet dress--one she had de-
signed herself.
"'You precious!" Jerry said, when he
called for her.
Robin felt guilty- being able to
think of no one but Dean, and having
Jerry adoring her and believing in her
so completely.
It was a gay party at Madame Duca-
mas' home. Now, Robin was truly a
guest of honor.
Jerry held her tightly as they danced.
"I wonder," he whispered, as the
music stopped, "when I'll ever get a
chance to dance with you again."
'Tll be back. I shan't stay in Cali-
fornia all my life, you know," Robin
"I know. but maybe, we shan't be
seeing much of each other again."
"What do you mean?" asked Robin,
Jerry led Robin out onto the porch.
"Were you ever jilted. Robin?" he
asked, as they sat down.
"No." she said. "You see. I've neverI
been engaged before."
"I am afraid you are going to have
to consider yourself jilted now, Miss
St. HiIlaire," he told her.
"Why, Jerry! What are you driving
"Robin. if you love somebody you
can't help that, can you?" "I suppose not."
"I know, because I love somebody,
"But, Jerry--"
"Let me finish, dear," he said. "Du-
camas told me about you and Dean~
about the way you feel about him."
"Oh. I didn't want her to! Oh. Jer-
ry, dear, I didn't!"
"But you do love Dean, Robin?I
should have realized, from the beg
ning, that you didn't care enough
marry me. Anyway, I don't think we
should go on llke this."
"Jerry," Robin said, with tears in
her eyes, "you're the finest person I've
ever known! Something makes me
sorry I lovc Dean, instead of you.
angry with Dean." iT hen things would not be mixed up.
"I do care a great deal for Jerry," As it m. they have been~terribly."
Robin said. "In fact. too much to hurt l "It's this way about me, Robin,"
him now." Jerry said. "You needn't worry.
"Breaking off with Jerry won't hurt There has always been something
him as much as mam:ying him when l pleasant to me about being a carefree
His attempt at swagger cut Robin to
you love somebody else." Ducamas
said. "You can do nothing kinder
than to give Jerry's ring back to him
at once." i
"No" Robin said. "I can't do it at
once. rll remain engaged to Jerry for
a while longer and break off later.
more gracefully. That being the ease.
won't you let me go on to California
and take over the St. Hillaire, as
the quick. She twisted the ring on
her finger, and it went round and
round until it was at the end of the
finger and off.
"You're an old Indian giver--letting
me have this, and then asking for it
back!" she said, trying to be flippant.
"This has been a strange day for me
planned?" I getting fired first, and then jilted!"
"Yes. of course," she answered, "if] "And now, let's go help Ducarnas
that's what you want to do."] with your farewell celebration," Jerry
"I'll finish packing, then, and be at said.
the party tonight," Robin told her.' Robin found it hard to go to sleep
"Jerry will bring me. of course." t that night.
"See you both there, then," DucamasI She tossed and tossed. She turned
said. on her light and read a while, then
A bai,y girl born to Mrs. Grace Blanca, living near Indlanola, Mi~., rounds out
six ge0~erations in one family. Left to fight, front, are: Mrs. M. D. Vincent,
100, gzeat-great-great-grandmother; Mrs. Theresa Mechatto, 74, greet-great-
grand.-nother ,and Mrs. Grace Correro, 59, great~grandmotlmr. Standing: M~
Mary Colotta, 40. ~randmother; Mrs. GraQe Colot~ Blanca, 19, the m0@~,
holdlng her baby, Rosemary, two m~th~
still cared. Now, she could humble
herself without being humiliated. Now,
nothing seemed to matter but Dean~
Dean. lonely, going away to Europe
by himself~Dean escaping something.
She remembered what Ducamas had
said to her one day~"The older you
get, the less you care about what the
world thinks, and the more about
what you want."
Robin wasn't so very old. but she
knew what she wanted.
Mannie, surprised, opened the door
for Robin early the next morning.
"Mannie," Robin said breathlessly,
"is Mr. Dean up?"
"No, Miss Robin. He's not up before
nine most mornings now."
"Mannie, please wake him and tell
him I wish to see him. I am taking a
train at ten." "Yes'm/'
It was not more than ten minutes
before Dean. having hastily thrown on
his clothes, came hurrying downstairs.
But he greeted Robin casually and
"This is a surprise," he said, as he
took her hand.
He seemed so much like a stranger
to Robin at this moment that she for-
got, entirely, what she had intended to
say. Perhaps even if she had remem-
bered, she couldn't have had the cour-
age now.
"You're looking well," Dean said.
"I just came to say goodbye," she told
him. "I don't know whether you
know, but I am leaving for California
this morning."
"I had heard," Dean remarked, "but
I didn't imagine you would see me
before you went, or"~his tone soft-
ened~"I might have gone--to you."
"I don't know whether you know
this, but I broke my engagement with
Jerry--we both broke it, rather."
"Well--" He hesitated.
"Well . . ." She choked, miserable.
He stepped close to her and caught
her hand roughly.
"Are you staying here, or going to
California?" he demanded.
She gave him a little quick smile.
"I guess I am staying," she said. "I
He stopped her words with a kiss.
"l was jilted and fired, both on tl~e
same day, ands"
"--and I love you, precious, beauti-
ful Robin!" he whispered, holding lter
close. "Robin, you did care all the
"l didn't know how much," she
"Oh, darling!"
"I thought you didn't care," she told
him. "I thought you were engaged to
Flo~ that you had fooled me- and
that's why I got engaged to Jerry."
"You funny little redhead!" he whis-
pered. "Oh, you silly .... "
Leader of Munition Probe Con-
fers With Roosevelt;
Emerges Confident
Washington, D. C., Jan. 3. ~ Presi-
dent Roosevelt assured Senator Nye
Wednesday that the administration
would continue to support the muni-
tions industry investigation.
After an hour with the President
Senator Nye said, '~I am confident of
hearty cooperation from the Presi-
dent. As to funds, we will determine
what are necessary."
Locomotive On Mine Train Ex-
plodes; Many Trapped in
Coach by Live Steam
PoweIlton, W. Va., January 3.
The locomotive of a miners' work
train exploded as it approached the
l~horn Piney Coal company mine:
The explosion, followed by a blast-
ing jet of live steam from the broken
boiler, killed thirteen and injured 42
others of a four-coach train, owned
and operated by the company.
Fifty-three men were in the car. All
the injured were taken to the hospital
at Montgomery. Most were suffering
burns and lacerations, but a few had
compound fractures. One of the in-
jured died, others are in a critical con-
Italian Plane Drops
Bombs; Is Fired on
by Abyssinian Guns
Geneva, January 3. -- An Abys-
sinian appeal to the League of Nations
to intervene in its frontier dispute
with Italy was foreseen today after an
exchange of charges between the dis.
putant nations over Christmas.
Italy, charging that Abyssinians fires
on one of its airplanes, admitted that
the plane dropped two bombs on the
outskirts of an Abyssinian fort.
Abyssinia said that Italian soldiers
were advancing through its territory
from Italian Somaliland.
It was believed that if the situation
continued to grow worse Abyssinia
would aplzml to the 1 _e~._,. under at.
flele eleven of the leagues covenant.
This article authorizes summoning of
the k.qWe eouncn in arty .q.ue~lon
wh/eh Is bru~lht to the leo4~s s att, m-
lion as ~ war.
i i ii
Fliers Puzzled by
FERA Pointer, Ask
to Have It Changed
Three men, flying from Cleveland
to Yorkville, located the field there
only by chance, they said, after being
I , , p
Nothing Cou~ Be Worse for
confused by the sign directing fliers
to a point 21 miles away. They en-
tered a protest to the U. S. Depart.
sent of Commerce. The men had
only a few minutes' gasoline su~ly
fat the time--
Mandan Productmn
Group Meets Jan. 10
Members of the Mandan Production
Credit association will assemble Jan.
10, at 10 a. m. o'clock at the Lewis
and Clark hotel in Mandan, North Da-
kota, for the association's first annual
meeting, it was announced here this
week by A. B. Larson, secretary-
treasurer. This is one of the 12 sim-
ilar associations organized by farm-
era in North Dakota under the Farm
Credit Administration for the purpose
of affording themselves a source of
funds for putting in crops, to purchase
livestock, feed, equipment, supplies,
etc, and for other general farm pur-
Since the association was formed
early this year it has gained 102 mem-
bers and had made loans totaling $41,-
000.00 up to Nov. 30, Mr. Larson said.
The board of directors and the offi-
cers chosen at the organization meet-
ing last spring were named to hold
office until the first annual meeting.
Every member, that is every borrow-
er, of the association is entitled to
one vote. The association has mem-
bers in Burleigh, Morton, Mercer, Mc-
Lean and Olivet" counties.
American People, Relief
Administrator Says
Washington, D. C., Jan. 3. ~ The
suggestion of business leaders that the
dole replace work-relief in caring fbr
18,000,000 needy was rejected by ad-
ministration spokesmen.
"I don't see how anybody could
have made a suggestion worse for the
American people," Harry L. Hopkins,
relief administrator, said.
"I don't think much of it," Harold
L. Ickes, PWA administrator, said.
The suggestion was made by rep-
resentatives of the United States
chamber of commerce and the Na-
tional Manufacturers' association meet-
~ng at White Sulphur Springs, W. Vs.
The joint conference urged the dole
as the cheapest method of taking
care of the nation's needy.
"As far as I can find out." he said
in regard to the conference proposal,
"they think the only use for govern-
meat money is to lend it to railroec~-
Engineer and Crew
Man Killed in Wreck
Columbus, Ohio, January 3. ~ The
Cleveland to Cincinnati
train of the Pennsylvania lines wlm
wrecked when its locomotive ran
through a switch for sidetrack. The
engineer and road foreman were kill-
ed, and ten injured.
Classified Ads
Buying or Soiling--
They Get Results
Over 55,000 circulation in
70 North Dakota
8c per word~No ad for leu tkan
$1--for each Insertion.
14c per word for two insertions.
60 per word for sul~sequent is-
North Dakota
ing, repalrins; gun and Ioeksmitk.
Otto Dirlam. Bismarck, N, D. p||tf
Bismarck, N. Dak. 12tfw
BAKI~RS FOOT R~bfEDY for perspir-
ing tender feet 650 postpaid, l~ee
Booklet. Burkett Agency, l~rgo, N.
D&k. p-tf-1Ow
SHOE repairing, delivered Daroel Post.
Low rstes, first olJum work. J. D.
8hoe Shop, BigmLrok. N.D. e-ltf
let BeT AND WORMS kill them by
spring? You can get twelve Hofer's
Unconditionally guaranteed. Aver-
age $1.00. Investigate. Foster, Hen-
ning, Minn. xp-l~-17
Bet and Worm Remover Capsules for
$1.50, postpaid. Order now. J. W.
Hofer, Wishek, N.D. 15-16-17-18
SEE ACK'S for your auto frost shield.
radiator repairing, door and wind.
shield glass. Let us check your cool-
Ing system for anti-freeze solutions.
Ack's Radiator 8hop, Bismarck, N. D
N. D. Newepaper Association, Bls
marck, N. D.~15--34.
WANTED---We are in the market for
your used car. Will pay cash. Rled-
inger Motors, W. Main. Mandan, ptf
CASH FOR OLD GOLD Teeth, orown~
bridges, Jewelry, by return mail.
pay the most because I reflne lnt@
dental gold. Satisfaction guarant~
or shipment returned. Free'4nform~
on. Licensed by United Slates GoT-
ernment. Dr. Welsberg, Gold R@fll~o
ins Co., I60S, Henneptn, Mlnne~ooUa
, . ., ,,
MILLS. Several types and sizes to
meet e v e r y grinding requirement.
Algoma Implement Co., 2324 University
Ave., St. Paul, Minn. xp - 15-16-17
Singer ann other makes. $10 _~p.
Write for prices. Singer Sewing Mst-
chine ~o., 808 New York Building, St.
Paul. Xp-12-1S
WOLF AND COYOT]~ extermlmttor
capsules got nine coyotes one ni8~ht,
and brought $1~1.60. Free Formul~M~
and Instructions, George ]~dw~
Livingston, Montana. . p - 4~
REMEMBER i1~ YO'J ~]~D ~n~
parts for your auto. truer ~,.: t.~u~~-
tor. (Yes, we l~ve it,) We ~ure th@
largest auto wreckers in western _II~-
nois. We undersell the town. C~tl~
write or wire. Elmwood Auto Wr~ko
Ing Co., Inc., 640 Mulberry St. GLIeS-
burg, Illinois. (Dept. C, P.) ~[~r
TURKEYS--Listen, look for our Ira,
nouncements. Your Interest~
our interests are alike; old friend@
and new friends plan to support O|1~
program. Mandan Creamery & l~o-
duce Co., Mandan, Bismarck. Mlnbt,
Jam~town, Dickinson, Wil|lston. and
Hettlnger. ~Itf
OlRI~t--Beauty culture bring~ Irre&t-
.__er returns for your money lnvbstedL
Write today for special tall rat~a
Christie Beauty ~chool, Dept. C, Big-
marck, N.D. pltf
marck, an up-to-date offioe tra~-
tng school. Our pupils get the posi-
r ~;ddse And Lining Fer $t~60
ell s qlg vqiP |~ I
, Robs 60 z72" v
Making Fur Coattb 816.00 Beef Hides
fo~ Hem~7 Lace Leatker, $8.5@. De~,
Calf, and Goat Skins Chrome qPalmed,
76e and ~]p. Making Gloves o~ ll~.
tens, ~0e a pair andup.-- H~ms
Leather at low price. ~t~eu
tags on rcquem/.
UB]8~R TANNING CO., Owatonna, MJ~t,
,, Lj = ' i ,
Twin-engine ~ 10 Imssen~er ~ All-metal Lockheed Elect~m ~ modern
and comfortable high speed transport planes ~ two pilots ~ two wsy
Enjoy luxurious travel in sound proofed cabins comfortably heated.
Direct air connections at Chicago for Eastern cities.