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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
January 3, 1935     Golden Valley News
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January 3, 1935
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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BEACH R.m'Vm'W C. T. Simmons and V~qn. Doyle l shipped a (:arload of horses last Sun-I day to Wisconsin They expect to . , ] ship more soon. 1 O. E. Griffith and family retUrned l home Wednesday after a holiday via-1 it With relatives and friends in South Daota. Miss Phoebe Strom of Beulah. N. t Dak., second grade teacher at VVat. iford City schools and sister o[ Mrs. tB. T. Osborne, is spending this wee]< • e~ad of the Holiday season at adv. Oshorme's home. Miss Emma Rea Simmons want to ! Olendive last Saturday for a week's ~sit With relatives and friends there. :Mrs. Effie Purvis i~as been quite i ill the past week. The Beach Homemakers club will {meet at the home of Mrs. Edgar { ohnston next Tuesday, Jannary S. The Legion Anxia]iary will meet ~next MOnday January 7 at the home ~of Mrs. R. A. Noyes l Mrs. A. M. Brier of. Fromber~, , Montana. is in the city visiting at ~the 3. W Middleton home. She Came on Saturday. The ladies of the Catholic Guild ~are sponsoring another of their de- lightful card parties in the St. John's hall tonight. Everyone welcome. Mrs. Gall Clark of Richardton speut ithe Holidays with the Mogle family ~sOUth of town. Mr. and Mrs. Irving GOrdon and son Glendon took her ihom~ today (Thursday). Miss. IIelen Gearey of Golva. 8th ~grade teach er in the Dickinson ~eChools, is visiting this weekend at !the Methodist Parsonago here, Social Hour will meet January S. at the home of Mrs, Carl Halvorson. The Ladies' Aid of the United Luth- eran Church will be entertained on Friday. January. 6. with Mines. Henry[ -,'tad Richard Thompson as he,teases at the home of the former. Tim Middleton is ill with the fin. Miss ,hilts Benson, who spent the holidays visiting her parents, Mr. land Mrs. Bennie Benson. in Beach, I returned t~ Bismarck on Wednesday i to resume her duties as teacher in the business college there. On Men (lay of this week Miss Benson visited her friend Miss Ethel Bryson in elite. attending the dance H~ere that night. The l{enneth VallDcrhoels sl)vn' Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Wicks and Miss Mary Paula spent Xmas at the Felix Wicks and Patricia SokolosRi homes. They returned to Halleck. Minn. last Thursday, Miss Paula going on to Winnipeg, Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Miller, Sr.. and daughters Betty and Barbai'a and son Bruce went to Bismarck today. Mrs. Anna Meyer ham been con. hned to bed the last week with a Christmas with relatives in Willimon. [had flu attack. t Miss Marie Keohane returned to he: The Girl Scouts had a most enjoy- istudies at Minnesota University i:~ M)ie party and candy pull at the 'Minneapolis yesterday after a pleas. IDewey Rhynm" home on Monday. ant holiday visit here with her par ents and family. Rev. and Mrs. Gisvold and family left this morning for their new home l,es|er Thompson and Mrs. Mack. ~at ~Vahpeton, N. Dak. The Gisvolds lin of Rislnarck left last week for have made a host of friends during ! iMr' and Mrs" Ted DiGkins°n enter'IHleir h°me after having spent a vaiHleir time in Beach and aH ~incerely tained at New Year's dinner fm Mr. 'cation visit with the,.':" parents her~,!regret their leaving. ~a nd Mrs. Jess tIotlgen and family, Mr. and Mrs. T H. Thomps ,n _- !and Mr. and Mrs. B, E. Dickinson "~ FIRESIDE PHILOSOPHER" By ALFRED BIGGS Insensitive people are nearly always ~tupid. Nature fines yea heavily for breaking her laws. Mental blindness is worse {has sight- less eyes. * $ $ The move ym! use your mind, the more it will work. A nell fr(m~ an honest mall is worth more than the embrace of a flatterer. If he says he doesn't like praise, don't believe him. m~ I LIGNITE COAL! $2.00 Per ton, delivered Evell I]i,, r:;Mt()l;~ "'lllall ell the tlying II'q])ezP" Collie[ |3ko ]~':W ~]IS IB daring rroln "daredcwil" (',,~mh,t of France, the w(H'hl's ~'IIIIIlIDi~HI II!tHol'i-ycle stunt- |st. Speedill;~ a]olig :1 ctlrve(l road at 50 IlIJ]P< "ill ]HHII'. ]H' ('/:llt}t~ (~fl a fl'alxle- work .~vveral feel :;Imve tit(, handle- Ihll'# ill' hi~ IllOlIH'¢'V,'Jt,. ,~tCPI'Jlt~ by the bahtnCng of his arms ".nil body. Sunset Sentinel The Y. C. L. of the Chandler school are sponsoring a card party and oyster supper on Friday, Jan. 4. Progro~,~sivo slaying will hegin at 8:30 p. m. sharp Chas. Kramer had the misftwtm~e of losing two goo~l work horses last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Polley and daughter Ella were visitors at the Win. Ueckert home Thursday evening Charles and Georgie SmitlL Ervin and Eleanor Ueckert attended the dance in Sentinel Butte Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dykins were visitors at the Win. Ueckert home on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ueckert and Mi'. and Mrs. Win. Ueckert were en- tertained at supper at the home of Dr. O. R, Niece l son Darell, and Kenneth Kannenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wandke had as their guests New Years day M'~7"and Mrs. Fred Bublitz, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Trester and family, and ~Ir. and Mrs. Glen Cutts from Rlchie, Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ueckert were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sherman last Monday evening at Wibaux. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Zook enter- tained for a few friends last Saturday evening in honor off Mrs. Bob Nramer. =,, i M|'. and Mrs, ]~ob Kr:Hno~ moved ~o Dickinson last woek whore Bob i~ o||lplO3"(qt ~tS elo(.tri(.i;Hl. l{ol),~rl ~Van(ike frunl Richuy, Mont Sl)oll| |Jlo halt(Pies n| lho holllO el [11~ ])arents. Mr, and Mrs. \Vnl Wan(ire 511' and Mrs. :\tfred lTeekel't enter- ~aiHed last Sumlay rut Mr and Mrs. M;~rtin Uocl{or( daughter Irene and son Carl. also Nels Ness and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Schaal and fam- ily. and Mr. and Mr.~. Win. I'evkert and family. Mr. and Mrs. F|'ank Zook and i family and Mr. and Mrs. Ade Neu- deck and Family drove |~) Dickinson las| Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Ueeker| and family were eutertained at supper on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Schmeltng, staying to watch the old yea|' out and the new year in. ('harlie Kramer had as his guests New Years Day Mr. and Mrs. Frank ~ook and family, Mr. and Mrs_ Er"¢ in Mi'ckle and Mr. and Mrs. A0e Neudeck. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Smith enter- tained at New Years dinver for Mr. and Mrs. Wro Ueckert and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ueckert and Dr. W. C. Bradley PItYSI(JlAN AND SURGEON BEACH North Dakota Dr. Frank C? Titzell General Surge~3 ~r~, (tttult- ations Office, El|son Bldg. with Dr. Lyons Photxe 95 BEACH. NORTH DAKOT~ DENTIST Modern X-Ray Equlprnan'~ Beach, North I)akott Dr.V.G. Morris BEACFt PHONIB HOUSE--~0 OFFiC~---,4~ OPT$£. SPEI]IRIST G, GILBERTSON Glasses fitted--Any broken le~ duplicated; --Frames repaired. Beach, N. D., First door ~t of Overstad's Hardware store. I I I 1 ! Vaughan Morris and VerR Oech Miss Dorothea Golliet. who is at- went to Billings last Friday for a fewl teuding the MacPhail Seho'ol of ~days visit With friends there. From' Music in Minneapolis, spent the her there VaUghau will coa~tinue to Mis-liday vacation here with her parents. :~soula to resume his studies at the Mr. and Mrs, Peter Qolliet and family i! University of Montana there, andt ()|-in Stockwell returned ~o the Vet. Vern Will come back here and thel~ go ieran's CCC camp at Mandan on Sat- Ire MinneaPolis to cdntinue his studies urday nf|er a pleasant vacation visit . at Minnesota University. lwith relatives and friends here. F. T. Reynolds Co. Where You Buy Better Mdse For Less Milk, tall cans, 3 for 19c l~odized Salt, 3-2 lb. pkgs. 19c Meat Salt, 50 lb. sack 85c Oatmeal,_ 25c size for 19c 1 lb. Coffee, Cup & Saucer all for 33c G. B. Corn,. 3 cans 33c ~lack Berries, No. 10 can 49c Pin-~2.eapples, No. 10 can 65c i FBESB OYSTERS ANB LIIDEFISK We have Cotton Cake and baled Alfalfa Hay PHONE 75 i Quick, Competent Service Dry Kindling Wood Block or Chopped AARON SNOOK PHONE 117-R GEM THEATRE WIBA0*, MONTANA ! Sal Sun., Jan. 5 & 6 I Damon Runyon's "The Lemon Drop Kid" WITH LEE TRACY BELEN MkgK BABY LEROY "'SOCIETY NOTES'" NEWS 7:30 and 9:00 P. M. SHORT SUBJECTS "MAD HOUSE MOVIES" III Adults 35c I -i i ~ it I I The Beach Review... is Judy equipped to handle ANY PRINTING NEED OF II THIS TERRITORY r NO JOB is too &rge or too small! I Illi II II