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otal Taxable Sales &
I St Qttartcr 12nd Quarter
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Sales in most area
counties again increase
By Richard Volesky
Counties of southwestern North
Dakota experienced a mix of
changes in taxable sales and pur-
chases during the third quarter of
A recently released report from
2013 and 2014, according to county:
• Adams, $6.9 million, decrease of
1.92 percent
• Billings, $20.57 million, in-
crease of 51.4 percent
• Dunn, $20.9 million, increase of
61.67 percent
• Golden Valley, $7.16 million, in-
the state tax commissioner$,offie:, crease of.24.39,percent . -
Compare's]taxable saies and pur- • Hettinger, $3.15 million, de -
cl'iaSs Of July, August and Septem- crease 15.94percent
ber, with the same time period of
2013. Counties in the region that are
further from the primary oil and gas
producing :area experienced de-
creases in total sales.
A comparison of the taxable sales
andpurchases of the third quarters of
" • " 5ii:]-
• McKenzie, $95.28 million, in-
crease of 38.32 percent
• Slope, $232,059, decrease of
13.19 percent
• Stark, $425.66 million, increase
of 22.11 percent
Statewide, total taxable sales and
purchases for the third quarter of
2014 were $7.67 billion, up $715
million from the third quarter in
2013, an increase of 10.28 percent.
Twelve of the 15 major sectors re-
ported taxable sales and purchases
gains when compared to the third
quarter a year ago. The mining and
oil extrtio sector:b-.i
$226.2 million (a 19.62 percent in-' I
crease), the Wholesale trade sector in- !
creased by $242 million (a 13.54
percent increase), the accommoda-
tion and food services sector in-
creased by more than $44.3 million
(a 9.23 percent increase) and the re-
tail trade sector increased by $78
million (a 4.5 percent increase).
The driver of the Queen Elizabus speaks with his co-worker, the upper level tour guide, as they
get ready for their next group of passengers. (Photo by Jane M. Cook)
Exploring anotl00,.00r town's holiday tradition
... ::By Jane M. Cook tive Fridays and Saturdays and the
.... : ]- .... . :':';Rep0rter Sunday after Thanksgiving. dressed the part for the festival. "The
GARRISON - Art annual festival
here: can take visitors back to the hol-
iday.tradkion s Of the 1800s.
Garrison's Dickens Village Festi-
val was irl its 21st year this past sea-
son. Theevent turns the community
into a Victorian town from the era of
Charles Dickens; beginning Thanks-
givfng :week i for the three consecu-
The festival offers carriage rides,
vendors, rides on a double-decker
bus, house tours, parade, live per-
formances of a Charles Dickens play
and other activities.
Sisters Anine McCallum and Bar-
bara Simonsen from Ismay, Mont.,
came to sell their wares, which in-
clude Montana moss agates and pet-
rifled wood jewelry. They even
most wonderful and kind people
we've met here," said McCallum.
Going to the upper level of an old
double-decker English bus, it was
soon filled, as all the passengers
seemed to want to experience the
(Continued on Page 8)
Above: From left, Gladys
Berger, Mae Muckle and Jim
Muckle listen to the music at
the Christmas Party at the
Golden Valley Manor.
At left: From left, Jowayne
Nunberg, Christine Finne-
man, Roland Raisler and Ray
Chaska take part in the
Christmas music at the
Manor. (Photos Courtesy of
Marlene Muruato)
nfluenza00cases now wideSpread
BISMARCK - The North Dakota
Department of Health (NDDoH) is
reporting widespread influenza ac-
tivity for the state.
As of Dec. 13, there were 332
cases of laboratory-confirmed in-
fluenza reported, with a large in-
crease in the number of cases
reported in the last two weeks. Sev-
eral community outbreaks have also
been reported in recent weeks.
"For the third season in a row, in-
fluenza activity is starting earlier
than is typical," Jill Baber, influenza
surveillance coordinator for
NDDoH, said in a Dec. 23 an-
nouncement. "Because the influenza
season may very well continue for
weeks, it's important that everyone
take precautions to avoid spreading
the flu, including getting the flu vac-
It is common for different types
of flu strains to circulate each season.
Nationwide, the majority of flu cases
have been caused by influenza A
H3N2 this season. However, this cir-
culating A H3N2 strain has changed
a little, or drifted, from the A H3N2
strain used to make the vaccine, ac-
cording to the Department of Health.
"At this time, no cases of the
drifted strain have been identified in
North Dakota, but it is likely that it
is present in the state," said Baber.
"We want to reiterate that vaccina-
tion is still advised." The vaccine is
effective against other influenza
strains circulating in the country and
may still provide some protection
against the drifted strain.
In years when the circulating in-
fluenza viruses differ from the vac-
cine components, treatment with
influenza antivirals becomes espe-
cially important. Treatment with an-
tivirals works best when begun
within 48 hours of getting sick. For
this reason, it is important people re-
ceive prompt medical attention if
they think they may have the flu. An-
tivirals may also be given to people
at risk of severe complications of flu
if they know they have been exposed
to someone diagnosed with flu.
Influenza can be a serious illness
for some people. Complications of
influenza and pneumonia contribute
to the deaths of over 400 North
Dakotans annually most of whom
are older than 64.
However, a large number of in-
fluenza cases occur in children
younger than 10, many of whom re-
quire hospitalization. "You should
talk to your doctor promptly if you
think you may have symptoms of in-
fluenza," said Baber. "Common
signs and symptoms of influenza in-
clude abrupt onset of fever, muscle
aches, sore throat and cough."
To help prevent the spread of in-
fluenza, the Department of Health
urges everyone to:
• Get a flu vaccine as soon as pos-
sible if you have not had one this sea-
son. Immunization is the best way to
prevent influenza. As a reminder, it
takes about two weeks for the vac-
cine to be effective.
• Wash hands frequently with
soap and water. Hand washing is one
of the best ways tO prevent all dis-
eases, including influenza.
• Use good respiratory manners.
Cover your mouth and nose with a
tissue when sneezing or cough-
• Stay home from work, school or
recreational activities when you are
ill. This will help prevent'the spread
of influenza :to your friends, co-
workers and family.
For more information about in-
fluenza activity in North Dakota,
Texas towns find themselves disrupted by boom
By Kevin Killough
The (Crosby) Journal
NDNA News Exchange
Texas has a place like the Iverson
well south of Tioga. It's called
Spindletop and sits on a hill south of
Beaumont near the Gulf Coast.
It was there in 1901 some oil
drillers bit into a pocket ofoil and pro-
duced a gusher of oil. It was a monu-
mental success that followed a lot of
failed explorations.
Spindletop was the largest gusher
the world had seen, and a boom in the
area quickly followed. Beaumont's
population rose from 10,000 to 30,000
in a mere three months and eventually
climbed to 50,000. It was the world's
first modem oil boom.
As is the nature of the industry, the
boom Spindletop produced was
mostly over by the start of World War
I. Other booms and their subsequent
busts would follow, including one
most recently in the 1980s.
While North Dakota has a history
of oil, its discovery came in the 1950s
and with the exception of a few bright
periods, it's been a secondary industry
to agriculture. Texas has been steeped
in oil for over a century and is again
swimming in it to the tune of 3 million
barrels a day.
Despite all the experience it has
with the oil cycle, Texas towns and
communities are getting hit hard with
all the problems that North Dakotans
have come to know too well: unaf-
fordable " housing,, overwhelmed
schools and law enforcement, crum-
bling roadsl and labor shortages.
How could a state with an oil his-
tory like Texas' get caught off guard
by a new boom?
"It's very difficult to respond to oil
and gas booms, because they come
without warning," says Diana Davids
Hinton, professor of history at the Uni-
versity of Texas.
She's written six books related to
the oil industry, five of which deal
with Texas. She is working on two
(Continued on Page 8)
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We Wish You A Happy
New Year
In the spirit of the season, we thank all of you for your business,
loyalty and friendship. We look forward to serving you in the years to
come. Warmest wishes to you and your family and Happy New Year.
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