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January 1, 1942 |
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I ll'l I
Gil Jensen and His Radio Players
-- -- , : I _.,,2=. rll ,
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1942 Happy New Year 1942
So--Make it "Happy" by enjoying a I
good home cooked meal with us i
Irlq II I I II Illl " "
, ,i l1 1 ........ i'i
Bonnie View Trotters
"No Cooking or dish washing at home"
1'he winter visiting relatives and fri-]
, The pupils of the Bonn- View I
--r rix T - / T n . • . I chool are enjoying wo weeks of vaea-'
ALq--Luncnes, ice ream, rasterles, etc, tion during the holidays. '
: [ Charley Pesha, who has been em-
ploped near Big Timber, Montana, for
..... the past four months retmrned to i
:" ' | ,k[ I Miss Thressa Llevens came up from his home last week on Monday to
' : " nd spend the holidays with his family
ILJIUF I Bismarck ..Monday evening to spe •
A lme.tav af the Yats community several days visiting at the parental x. and Mrs. Frank Nehis were
" :?°.€o;7"evetlln- of this week for :1 T.ievens hom no.beaSt of town. I gue eet the home Of Mrs. John Sch-
left ty . ng. . "'" n- She will return to Bismarck to-mor- roeder in Beach Sunday l
Co, non City, (9o10. wnerl ne w,,, ape a row
.... "' - ....... ' Dick Kerr and son Max were guests
is)rile lzne vlstti.g 1Ms (Iaugnr wo
is in ahazave '-of the X:ray Dept all Mr. and Mrs. Msurice Rohma re-let the Leo Nielson home on Christ-
the St..Thomas--- Moore ital. "Mr-l. turned to. Beach Mon. after spending mas dey.
Bercley has been, in Ill heaRh for the holldays at the parerttal John J John McCaslmy recurned to his
same time and is in hones the Colo Oalnan home in Bismarck. Their lit-lhome lust Sundey after being em-
-^ 1 -* will ,-,,rove his con -file son remained there to spend a[ployed for the past six weeks near
_ sew says wren ms granaparents i Cody, Wyoming.
dltlo M ' "
• - ..... are r. and Mrs. D. E. Pierce of Glen-I Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pesha, Jr. enr-
The Kouba Bros. oi iv hris
d e were C tmas day dinner guests[ ....
drivdng a new Chevrolet truck which " tained Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pesha, Sr.
.... at th Claus Rishovd home in this
they purchased recenly. !city. , i Mr. and Mrs. Gbctey Pesha and son
Orville Nellerm has been here the l Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Evans spear IWeyne and Charley Pesha at their
past fw days spending sometime Christmas day and Friday at the Dr. !home Tuesday evening.
visl¢lng his brothers Art and Carlot. Blatlaerwick home In Van ttook, N. ] The McCkey f#maily spent Christ- i
Miss Marcella Finnecnan of Cssel-i J:)ak. They returned here Friday even-I nmsnear theMr. SteVeand Mrs.StrzywskiEarl Minorh°me
Son, N. Dak., arrived Tuesday even- iing [ and family of Carlyle, Mrs. Jake i
ins of last week to spend Christnas Mrs. Daisy Rice zs confined to her l
a't thet parental Mike Finneman home home with the flu this week. Hunley and Miss C1emmie Huntley
In the Golva community. She return-! Mrs. C. C. Hollstein informs the i of Tucumcari, New Mexico were also
ed to Cassel.ton lktay where she is News tha her daughter Mrs. J. K. [guests there that day. !
employed in the bank there. !Strong of Seal Harbor. Maine, gae Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pasha Jr. left I
Eddie Koub of Alpha returned birth to a daughter, Elizabeth Ruth, spendbY earchristmasWednedUyatfOrtheJamestown,home of thet°
from te Twin Cities Wednesday of on December 2th.
last week with a new Chevrolet which I ,Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Miller of Wi-
he went down to drive holn@ for his nona, Minnesota, and Mr. and Mrs.
sister, Mrs. Win. Swan. Enroute home Eldon Ennis of Terry, Montana were
he stopped at Sisseton, S.'Dak., where guests at the Earl Miller home m
he vlstted his brother Frank and Beac from Wednesday to Sunday of
family for a few days last ,week.
" GOODSz,00
The Value of the Year!
81" x 106"
.Fine selected eounwoven into
'lb rim, sturdy she¢as! Women ev-
Ik= .erywhere prefer ls feumous
• .. Ntion-Wide quality ! Long-
!1 s - ........... .o,
l/ //o'- c.--s .............. ZTe
1" Sheeting .......... yd 3e
Pad and Cover
for ironing board. 79
elp-on eover-kntt pad
Cotton Crinkle Bedspreads
Colorful and very prac- 69©
fluff---easy to wash!
Honor* Cheesecloth
Ideal for many nsesl In 21
handy paclvage. 5 yds
Flour Sack Suares
w and Slehed m"
Amazingly low priced!
Outing Flannel
Ligh¢ and dark figures! 1So
Warm!" 36" wide. Yd
I 1
White Ovtin Flann- ::
Sole add fluff:," Makeo.., 10C '=
t, nins fr b3.b::. -.
RufflEd pr.%cilla or nm 98
tailored 5y!,::s. Pr
Sbeer :T,.q ui:et e
Figures do'is and 15c
} novelty weaves. Yd
Mo-De-GI)v Prints
lh'aotical and Chrifty! 19c
Vashfast ! 36" Yd
Sturdy Terry Towe|
i, ty for everyday use! "
*Rg. U. S. Pet. Off.
Nuf Said!
win Adtmson ,ere evening cullers hospital last week. He had been ill
i there, with a serious heart condition for
Mr. W. A Campbell enjoyed a fine several mon'hs. He hs made his
From the
Don't forget the New Year's Baseball
Benefit Dance To-night Wednesday at
the City Hall and the Sentinel Butte
Firemen's Dance at Sentinel Butte
Thursday evening, Jan. 1st CARLS0N'S ICA
Keep 'em Flying--Buy Defense Bonds' Sentinel Butte, N. Dak.
lt.ters parents, Mr. and Mm. Helm-
stetler near there. They also plan i1,,, & lt ..
to viM#; ilaukee, Wisconsin and
Chicago, Illinois before rturning .to
their home heu, Abert Tosner and
Clifford Jendro of Alpha are looking
after the ranch during theflr bsence.
Ir. and Mrs. Prank Nehl spent
Christmas day at the home of Mrs.
Olga Lardy in Sertinel Butte.
Olenn Fakler spent Frtby evening
a¢ the Leo Nielsen home.'
H spltal Notes
Virginia Oarol, ,he daughter of TVIr. TO CONSERVE RUBBER GASOLINE
and Mrs. Carl Otremba, has been in ,=
a few days for treatmen¢.
The baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Lechler span€ a few days for
treatment the past week.
"le best Christmas presen, t 'received
by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Feldhusen
was a fine nlne b. 5 oz. baby boy,
born Christmas morning. He has been
named Gerald Henrv.
Mrs E. N, Schmi, tz and bali girl
'ent home lace Tuesday aferrmon.
L. E. Curl is doing fine eat home
atr spending a few days in the h6s-
Joan OsCerloth had a speedy re-
covery from her surgery and wen
l'mme Monday, Dec. 29 to Wibeux.
Arrton Rising of Oolve has returned
home after a few days treaent.
Donald lPders Is in for treatment
of a" severe throat inection.
Mss lye Wenberg, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Hazard Wenrg, has
been in for a few day treatment.
ys the enemy: "America cares
only for money/ Responds America:
"Here's our Fifty Millon Dollar an-
swer---he RED CROSS WAR FUND.'
GI%E. yr share.
Hq'IiI,;l', WANN;,]It ;rraduatod
:[ \\;vi]l.-k .. ,,, higD sc'hool,
th , \\;1'1 1",.\\;1. ', )3*.MI;J{ [AL
'();,[,t](1[: ,r ];!.t::,ru+i:. :,j D.,
tt;t,] x'is ]]*1 [J + Ill *]OytleTlt
in F'iI.t Nu',:t:I [::nk of WiI-
tnn N i
Latest ut:,,nt ,a!] for Defense
()re:,.. x,\\;- .1( .,1, s ',,tlleN froln
',' "l':t] i ;ll l'el H O[ Invetiga-
Bismarck. North Dakota
F. G. Oft. M.m|nler
Hrvey N. Jonson. Registrar
,. , : -
First trip leaves all stores at 9:30a. n
Secod trip leaves all stores at 11: a. m.
One trip on week days at 4:00 p. m.
Two trips on Saturdays at 3:00 and 5:30 p. m.
We wish to thank oar patrons for your co-op.
eration in this service
,____ ,,__:_ l._ - - ..... I
May we %xpress our sincere
appreciation of the fine pat : "
ronage we have received dii ''
ing the past year. We
want to joint in wishing you
and yours a happy and pros-
perous News Year.
A number of friends gathered at Mr. and Mrs. Georg ClEmentes en-
t,l:,, Bonnie View school house. Satur- joyed a fine Christmas dinner wih Christmas dinner ac the Ralph Mos- home north of Trotters for several
day night to attend a farewell party Mr. and Mrs. Bill Voyen. [ser ranch, years so is well known in this com-
glvEn in honor of Glenn Fakler. who Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Metcalf enter- P.V. Moore has receiad word from munity. We all share a feeling of
left Sunday evening for Minneapolis ained Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf Nels Nelson that he will not be call- sadness a¢ his passing.
for a finat examinat on before his in- and sgns, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Metcalf ed for army training until April so Rudolph Pries was a caller at the
ducti9 into the army. The evening and ctildn and Donald MetcIf with he plans o regurn to the Moore home J, F. Crook hone on Sunday.
was spen't in dancing, Leo Nielson, a bounteous Christmas dinner, where he will again be employed. The Kyle Sperrys are enjoying a
Godfrey Pesha, Marvin Dahl and Bob Mr..and Mrs. Bert Sperry spen Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Sperry drove to new radio.
Still furnishing the mumc for the 1,heir Christmas vacua)ion wih their Bismarck on Saturday to get their Mr. and Mrs. Madison planned to
occasion. For th past year and a daughte's Grace and Nora Belle. a infan't son who has been at the Bis- spend their Chrismas vacation wibh
half. Glen has been the teacher a Bismarck. They planned o reurn to marck hospital for several months, rela'tives in Iowa.
the Bonnie View school, and has made thir home on Saturday. Les MeClen- Mrs. Gifford states that they have
many friends in t'he community, who ahan was chore boy in their absence, received no word from their son Irvin The annum business meeting of the
,'grEt his departure very much. but Mr. and Mrs. Bob Steplens and since the ou¢ break of the war with First Congregational church of Beach
wto wish him the best of luck in the the J. F. Crook famil% we Christ- Jpan. He is in Hawahi and naturally will be held on n, ex Tuesday, Jan-
future, mas dinner and SUl)pec guests a the she is ra'ther amxious, uary 6, at the church. There will b
Mike Nielson who has spent the Kyle Sperry home. A very delicious Friends of Fred Klawson were sorry a dinner t 12 noon and all members
past year at the home of his brother diner it was too. Mr. and Mrs. Dar- o hear of his death at the Glendive and their friends are inved.
Leo. left about wo weeks ago for
Minnesota where he plans m spent WWWWWWWWWW