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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
January 1, 1942     Golden Valley News
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January 1, 1942
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00x)trR THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS W. R. Bratton and H. E. Enderle Editors and Publishers A  ptb every Tursdy ot Beach, Noth Dakot4t. Erered as moIi  mater a% the ice t Beach, Neigh Dekoba, Ctolyer 7, 1936. under e v of Mamh 3, 1897. Advertising rates furnished upon request. price $2.00 in N. Dak., Minn., Motet, and S. De, Elsewhere $2,50 Sentinel Butte John Boisen arrived in Sentinel Butte Tuesday morning from Missou- a where he is a student and will slY.rid his rata%ion with home folks. The Christmas party, for the W. B, A2s wBs held at the Boisen home Moday arosrnoon. Brkige was played at two tarts with prizes going to Mrs. Mrs. Lyle Martin and daughter Meredith and Julia Martin visited the Burrm family in Wbaux Sunday. .Mrs. Nina Dodge wen to Bismarck Wednesday o spend Christmas there and returned on Friday. Mrs. Win. Gardner took care of the switch board during her absence. Mrs. Olga Lardy erterValned a¢ din- ner the following families at the hotel Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. Prank THE GOLDEN Golva A Happy New Year from Golva and community is extended to all the readers of Golden Valley News and the editing force at the News office. Welcome 1942. Gloria Johnston daughter of Mr. ahd Mrs. Joe Johnston of Golva was xtken to the Beach hospital Sunday [ "'" ws confined to h:s , John TSChlu • I home Tuesday with an attack of flu. Mr. L. E. Curl was taken to the Beach hospital Tuesday. Friends hope he speedily recovers, Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Hammond Mr. land Mrs. Donald Hammond, Mr. and &VIrs. Volney Schmelling, Mr. and Mrs. Reinee Hammond were dinner guests I • at the A. Gustafson home. IAum Gilbert first, and Mrs. Bertha Cook, second. A lovely lunch closed I a pleasant afternn: [ Ba'n Veras, who now ches[ te Osnadian border in Mont- I  to Sentinel Bue Tuesdyl fught his bride with him. They! vtstted, wth the VIc , dohnn and [ k Johnson families oer Christ-] mas alad then left for Valley Cly, to I visit, jorns BJorn used to! in our community and ls a larg, eircle of friends who Join in wling  every happiness and good 1 through his wedded life. Aabony Teacher returned to Sen- ¢lnei Butte Christmas eve after tav- lng spent the past two months in Lo. Angeles. . argaxet.llsen and family We Dtckinson VlSlS "::Wednesday. NehLS, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Waldal. Mr. Friends are pleased to hear Mr. and Mrs, Mike Thiesen and Edward Tony Rising was able to return o and Mr, and Mrs. Nets Waldal. his home in Golva Friday afternoon. Mr and ,Mrs. William Gardner ] Vir. and Mrs. Albert Still and faro- spent Sunday afternoon visiting at I iy, J. M." Stil and son Robert. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Scheffer and Verna the Clyde Polley farn), l enjoyed a fin turkey dinner with Mr. Eleanor Bolsen came home from ll e and Mrs. Erve Breltenfeldt and famiiy lrgo Wednesday where she has corn-'on Christmas day. pleted a six months beauty course. 1 Relatives and friends gathered at Don't forget the New Years dance lthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph at Sentinel Butte hall New Years ; Rising on Christmas day and had a nigh't. Jolly festive time. Guests were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wagner "were!and Mrs, Frank Sxsa and family, Mr. dinner guests Christmas day aX Tom and Mrs, Leo Rising and daughter, Wosepl's. I Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rising and fam- Dorothy Wosepka is spending a few ily, George Sagulla and sons Ed and days at her home to care for hart Joe, Mr. and Mrs. George Rising and mother who is sick with the flu. , family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alexander left! Mr. and Mrs. George H¢mmond Monday night for their home in were dinner guests Thursday of their Iho. I son Reinze and wife Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders are Mrs. George Hammond returned taking a short van€ton from ttlr home Tuesday fr@m ,the hospfltl feel- duties at the gamge and are nmkinglng much improved. 91easant visits with Mrs. enders[ l%obert ragls left Wednesday folks L SOUth of Belleld ,and at Mr:]morning by train for his home in nders home a Zenith. I Chicago. Roaert is employed t. the Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Nelson and Glve airport and has a leave  ab- Mr. and Mrs.' .Henry Sevraid of John, Mr. and Mrs. Win, (ardner and lsence until January 9. . l MO d le In hriSt- Marie, Mr nd Mrs Walt Dixon and I I Fischer held her Ohrist4mes eve and ate {Taristnm i family and Fred Gaebel held their  school program Fridayevehing at the with ,]i's. everolda ,!trext, Mr. and communRy Christmas dinner at Mrs. I Olson school north of Carlyle. *]r: Die WIdahl. 'They returned tODos" 1 Mr. and Mrs. Sanord Paterson and on lridey. This Ohrist4nas Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hess and Mrs. I daughters. M_ ,May Anthony, daugh- aknost a complete family re- Henry Lehman were dinner guests of Cars Volet and Lois, sorm Leland and at tlw Wldhl: home : as all Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hess and family in Bech Chrtmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Paul WischoW and family and Mr. and Mrs. William Roesler attended the Christmas pro- gain at St. Pauls Lutheran church in Bach Wednesday evening. Carlyle Mr. Mark Jacobson who ha ,been attending school at Mlssoula came home Monday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ins Jacobeon. Lester, Ray and Viek Ferapa spent • Christma at the Melvin Hartsc ,home Mr. and M.m. Cliton Kndson of .Kinsey, Montan spent their Christ- Irold, Evelyn, Lloyd and Lyle Welu- rles were six thirty ocock dinner guests at the A. Scheffer home Tues- ! day evening. I and Mrs. Julias Larson and ,Mr. daughters Betty and Marlene spent Christm eve and day at the Jim Thill ham at Beach. Mrs. Flora ,Funk left Tuesday by train for a holiday visit with rela- tives and friends in Minneapolis. ,Mr. and Mrs..Donald Hammond were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mark I.vell and family. Mr. end Mrs. Fritz lschinw and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Drewnik and family, Mrs. Roslna lschlng a d familY were Sunday dinner guam, 0f I Mr: and Mrs. Louis Fasching o$Jl - of  members af the family were together   l who is in I. Angles. Jhn Jo,mon cache by train @hriSt- mU eve to spend Christmas at Frank Johnson's. He is nw,employed on the N. P; near New Salem. Mrs. Fred StaSh entelined the Conffregatlonal IJadies Aid at her Yme Friday. Six mers ,were pre- nt. The armual btin meetg for the election of officem was held. Mrs. Gilbert was re-eieebd president, Ag- nes Hogoboom vice president and Mrs. , sac-treas. , dl.lclous ltmch ' served by the hostess at the close of he afternoon. HaZel Henley "and  and  Jake VALLEY NEWS ' THURSDAY, JAN. 1, 1942 Wibaux ren had Christmas dinner with Mr. C. O. NeLson home TueSday. [and Mrs. Kenneth Melrose and child- Mr. and Mrs. AMe Ferrel an[ their ]ren. children and Mrs. Taiey and Helen James Heaton came home from[ Mr. and Mrs. Sig Pederson and son were dinner guests at Carl Psts on Harvey, N. Dak., where he attenda[atende d Mr. Raisler's funeral iu christmas. ehool, to spend the holidays at the[ Beach Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Ilthrope and parental E. D. Heathen home. [ Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Stair and Mrs. :children, Mr. and Mz. Ern Wiley and Mrs. Elsie Williams was down fro-n{ R. S Eisenbart went to Pa:'rview on son and Mrs. Tom Conner anl Char- Terry to attend the Christmas pro- gram given by Mrs. Gertenon and her pupils a¢ the Hay Creek school last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grass were here from MalLx. MonL. visiting relatives and friends the past week. Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Scammon an son, Mrs. Mary Scammon and dough- Monday to get acquain, ted wgh the formers new grandson as the Banndr Stair home. Mrs. Dan Stockwell and Mr, and Mrs. Roy Amunrud and children weng to Iapid City, S. Dak. to visit the formers dough?or, Mrs. James Philips and husband, Mrs. Bertram Piesik of Billings, Mr. of l.tlon were Msm. even- mas with Mrs. Knudson folks Mr. and lva.  ,11es at the HUgh BoRon home. !Mrs. E. J. Krtmger of Carlyle. . Mr. and Mrs. Volney Mr. and Mrs. Hxry Smith were! .mr. Arthur Krueger left Thursday i and Gloria Jane were  dinner guests at Fred afternoon for Alberton, Montav. I guess at the parental Bmltlm. [ Mr. Ed Pederson and Herman Berg- home. The Mieln family are enjoying field Jr., were dinher guests az the I Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Tang,an of Beach a from other members of Mr. Lars Evanson iome Friday. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wos- family over the vecaion. Mr. and Mrs. Herb trrnlcheal andeplca and family on Cristms eve Dan, who attends the A. dtughter and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nor- and day. teaches in Portal, N.' um and family of Wibaux spent the Leonard Belgley of Beach came Blanche, a teacher in Ante-'Christmas day at the Schrader home down Thursday and reports say hc in Ollie. will work at the former John Shaver and Mrs. Rudy Kunlck and ,Mr. nd Mrs. Art Hartse and family blacksmith shop. te Christmas dinner wlth the and Mr. Irry Hartse spent Christ-! Christmas time is a grand time for Hugh Bol'tn family. mas at the Julia Fisk home. son friends to hear from old friends who POt of Gold winners Saturday p, i Mr. and Mrs. John Hurtse and - are now away. John Denton of Minn- m. were Joan Teacher, Ramona Smitl Clifford left Wednesday to spend epolis, Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Schulte Franzen. Christmas with their daughter Har- f Bltimore. Maryland, Mr. and Mrs. Ms. Vim. Barzel visRecl a riet who has been at Golin for the f John Sharer of California all well last week at the Oistad past several months. I and enjoying €he nice weather and I Mr. and Mrs. Nels Worst spent, climate. Mr. and Mrs. Vie Oarlon and IngtChrlstmas at the Jens Worst home. ! Mr. and Mrs. d Nistler and family n drove t'D to Minor @hrias] Mr and Mrs. J. E. MoDivitt were of Wlbaux were Christmas dinner d9: With the W. R, Verberg family. Chrisnas guests at their niece's faro-guess at the home of Loule lasch- 'd Mrs. Vie Carlson returned ily and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Quale. ing and Mr. and Mrs. Bert tsching n lzldy btrt Ige Carlson remained l Mr. and Mrs. lqrod Owens, Mr. will spend the winter with her I and Mrs. Reese Owens and family r there, and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Still and , 8cherle and family were dlnner family were Chrlstnms guest at the and family were guests at the Tom Wosepke home. ,Mr. Vance Lyles and son Dlckie of ,Union Montana visited at the G. 01t Ohristma dty at the flat-!home of Tommy Owens. Curl and Frank Schouboe homes on t- home in Beach. , Miss rle lIson has .been spend-tThursday and Friday.  and Mrs. cl Leivene atended ng a few days with her aunt, Mrs. ! Mrs. Ed Sheen, Mrs. Hendretta ow in Beach Christmas eve. ofd emmet and daughter Irley, Sheen, Mrs. Loule F'asching and .mrs. Joe Sanders of Mlnot zer. t Frank Schouboe were afternoon visit- Ray Everetts, mld by Mr. and Mr€. Hughie Stark and!ors of Miss Flora McPhee Friday. : dmtown,  'Mrs. l:tn e were ollrs at the I-mmond Then €hey were six o clock dinner et and I:p1e e Friday evening. I guests at the Sheen home. and [ Mr. and Mrs. C, R, Stewart left 'man, PIgul Barthei and angler boy [Wednesday for Great Falls to visit'friend made a trip to Fargo Mon- day a¢ i{Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Davis and faln- day. C flY. [ Adeline Fischer of the St. Alex  will rettmt to . al3d Mm. lqmevel lederson hogal at Bismarck spent her vats. Mrs. John Honnold and amlly were dinner guests Sunday at luge home. ! M. A. H. Itres were Sun- guests at the Ted Rink Scherle visill with Mrs, in tlie evening. Lenard Trester and and Jennie Tresr were Inner guests at Ray Zin- (Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hall of Wlbtu× vlsi',ed with Mr. and Mrs. Nell Ho- boom Sundy evening, .... ,t MtcDonad of Dickinson spent day-at the, J, P. Jordon and children of Fort Peck have been. tion at the home of her parents Mr. ylslting at her home In Carlyle, Mr,{ and Mrs. John Fischer. au Mrs. Tom Fulton. I ,Marceila lnneman of Oasselton N. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Vir of Miss- { D. perrt vimas at home near Gel- ouls spent a few days with his folks va. e past week. [ Mr. and Mrs. Anion Sehtllo nd son Mr. and s.  Minor and two!were guests at the home of Mr. and children spent Christmas with her Mrs. Bts2r in Bech. folks, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stryzwski Mr. and Mrs. A1 Fasching of Dick- of Beach. lnson visited with relatives in Gel- Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Pratt and v Christmas. Mrs. Fasching remain- daughter of G,tasgow were visitors ted for a time but A1 returned to his at her home, Mr. and Mrs. Lind-work at the Villard. strum. ] Mr, Alex Stry,ski and Louise H£1ntley were visitors a,t the Melvin arcse home Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Martin and son Arthur left Wednesday to spend the Chri;hns holidays with their daugh- ter Mrs. Vanat and amlly. Mr. anq Angellne Scvhumacher of Bismarck visited her relatives nuar Golva dur- Tonr anl Victor Bares made a trtp to Mineapolls he past week. Tony re- turned by train Sunday and Victor ieturned Christmus day. Miss Joseph- ine Kuz of Minepolis returned wifl him. M_r. David Davtdson visit- Mrs W, H. wanbro ,accompanied, Mr. and Mrs. John Fischer and niglt at the Ted Rink them as far as Bilhngs. There Swan- family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Snow and bro's visited heir daugh,er Mrs, Tom:family, Mr. anl Mrs. Rhinardt Fischer : Mrs. Nell Hogoboom and St:ark and family. They all retwned ,'were Christmas guests at the Ger-i were Christmas dinner home Saturday evening. at George Flschers near ffolva. .Donald Vh'ts has been holding er- ALStt and dug, h- vices at the OLSon school house the lIrvlew, Monan Game past week and a wtch night service Christmas dinner and is going to be held New Years eve. of a the U. B. ohur- p. the aence of Roy. Ioher, I hardt. Fischer home. Joe Johnston brough¢ their little daughter home from the hospital on Cristas" day. She is now geing along fine. ST. PAUL'S LUTHER£N CHURCH V.H. Dksen. Pasr st. mo ter and Orville Woodhouse wer guests and Mrs. Staimer Pederson and Judy Christmas day at the Glenn --ummon Mr. and Mrs. Lestex:.parker and child- home. , ren, ad Mr. and Mr3. George Zabel Mr. and Mrs. Burton Welh and i spen ChristmaSMcclain,daYsr. aChome.the parental sons Russell and Don were dinnert Clarence guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wink-[ VIr. and Mrs. Jesse Houek and leman near St. Phillip on Friday. Miss Charlotte Fischer came from Crystal Lake Illinois to spend the holiday vacation with home folks. ,Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dick ate Christ- mas dinner with their son John and family. Mrs. Eli Swartz and son were Beach children, Olaf Abraham and chiiSren Arvid Abraham and daughter and Mr. S. Abraham of Beach enjoyed a fam- ily reunion at the Sig Pederson home Christmas day.. lt%e Conner were dinner gues at the C. O. Nelson home Sunday. Mrs. Fern Px)se who is attending ,business hool at Fargo is spending the two weeks vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rose. Mr. and Mrs. CraG. Cox and sons were Beach callers Saturday. • Howard Sark returned home Wed- nesday after spending two weeks in Chicago and visiting relatives at Aus- tin, Minn.. and Moorhead Minn. • Mr. and Mrs. Abe Oenent of So. Dak., are living on the Mrs. Belle Tatleys farm south of Ollie. Mr. Claud Baker and Mrs. Joe Bak er and Joan were in Baker Tuesday afternoon. ' Mr. Ed Schrader is confined to his bed wi, th the flu. Word was received by Burton and I Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Billington were Albion Welsh that bheir nephew, Fred Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hilt of Loyal, Wis. was a vic- Bert Robinsrn. her home with a bad cold Cyril Cullen came from Helena to spend his vacation with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cullen. ,Mr. and Mrs. W, L. Staggs and son and Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Eisenbat enjoyed Cnristmas day a the E. B. Stair home. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ervin and children from Great Falls are guests of Mrs. Ervin's father, Lawrence Nix. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Manning and} F. E. Ellitt is spending his vaca- Patricia left Wednesday for Wyo- tion with his wife and .bheir son ruing to visit their daughter bOrG-Frank and family in Miouia. thF and family, and Mrs. Manning's sister, Mrs. Osborne and huaband. OMC Arthur Lerson and sister LuciPe came from Billings Wednesday and visited their mother, Mrs, Itherine Mr, and Mrs. P. E. Bryson and Ixson and other relatives and'children were gues at the home of friends. They returned to Billings on Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mantley of Glen- Sunday. dive on Wednesday and Thursday. : Dr. E. Dale was called to the AI-] Miss Riva Rest who is employed bion Welsh home Sunday, where he at Billings is spending the holidays dtognosed Neal Welsh's trouble as at her parents home. mumps.  Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Oarmicb.ael Harold Paterson returned to his'anl daughter, Mr. and M_s. Bill Nar- duties at the COC camp at Billings um and sons, nd Mrs. Win. Narum visitors Friday where Billy had den- tim of the Pearl Harbor disaster, He l Mr. anJ I4£n'. E. J. Mar;in and Ar- tal work done. vats a son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hil hur d:ov? :o Laurel Weduesday o Miss Frances Baker is confined to!and was born in Wibaux couney where spend Ch;is'mas wit:, their daughter. he lived until the family moved to Miss Bety Shepherd is spending Wisconsin. He had been in the navy a few days visirl, g .. g.a-dmoher for some time and was a machinstl Mrs. Martha Shepherd at Baker. !mate first class. Miss Marjnrie Nelson woe an over- " Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Shevan, Mr, and night gues , F,:c.ay of Mrs. Tom Con- guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Welver on Mr. and Mrs. Erve Bretmeldt _ :-. Christas. day. family M. Brelteneldt, Sr., J. M. Still and Robert were BumPy dinner- guests at the A. E. Sc lmme. were Cb.Dstma gue.sts of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schrader. [ Miss Anna Sliper arrived Saturday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mls. John SlIwer, to spend Christmas. She made the trip from Washington, D. C.. where she is employed by plane. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie trk and Mrs. era Stark were Baker callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Nelson, Stanley and MarJorie and Mrs. Tom Conner and Charlotte spent Christmas at the D. L. Bfllington home. Miss Ine Sther of Baker spent Christmas With her parents Mr. and Mrs. Artto So, hr. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sherva and mlly were Christmas dinner guests at the Gee. Johnson home. The silver wedding anniversary of Mr. ad Mrs. Carl Rest was cele- brated at their home Sunday. Many friends and relatives were present. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Perry and Phyllis spen Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Nelson and fam- ily were dinner guests at the Archie i Doling home Saturday. ' The Christmas program at the U. B. church Tuesday evening was well atended. The children from the Big Hill community gave several numbers as well as the OMe chidren, The children all received treats. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stark and Mr. }and M2s. Frank Schouboe spent the'r Sunday after spending a few days at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. David Dick and baby of Wol Point, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pedrson of Glendive, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Carlson and children of Terry and Mr and Mrs. Earl Carlson and children spent Christnms day with their pare, Mr. and Mrs. John Carlson. Mrs Clarence McClain Sr., wert to Staples, Minn.. Monday t visit her ]aged mother and other relatives. Schmelling .mrs. Kathleeen Haelon left Thur- Christmas ['Sday aternoon for" Whitehall, Mont., Schmellingto spend a week with her aunt, Mrs. t RalOh Page and family. She writes • that they have plenty of snow there. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Biby had as guests on Chrisemas day, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Chaffee and children of Golva. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McCoy of Beach, Mr. and Mrs Hugh Ohaf and children and Mr and Mrs. Wil- bur Chaffee. Miss Marlyss tllard of Billings visited friends here last week and was a house guest of Miss Oolleen Rein- ecke. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mingel and son 'Mr. and Mrs Albion WeLSh and child- ten and Mrs Annie Mengel were ,guests of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Welsh and sons on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Will Booth and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Booth, Mrs. Katherine Larson and children enjoyed their Christmas day at the Caud Sohouboe Ohristmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. home. Ed Knoop. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Baker. Mr. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Scott and and Mrs. eo. Cox and sons, Mrs. Dorothy Marie returned turday ,Kae Cox, anl Mr. and Mrs Joe k- from Valley City, N. D., where they er and daughter were Christmas din- ner guests at the Claud Baker home. Mr. and Mrs. D. L, Bfllingn were dinner guestse of Mr. and Mrs. Os- oar Paterson on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stark and their children were Baker sh 2*aes- dy. Charles Conner hd dinner at the spent Christmas with Mrs. Scotts .parents, Rev. and Mrs. oerly and other reiatives. Mrs. Nels Wearer who teaches at St. Phillips left lest week to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs.  and other relatives neaw Mtsm)a. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bold and child, ,HOG MARKET I WILL BE AT THE Wibaux. Stock Yards all Day Friday Friday, January 2nd, 1942 AND WILL BE THERE EVERY FRIDAY THERE- AFTER UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE TO RECEIVE, WEIGH AND PAY CASH FOR ALL HOGS DELIVERED TO ME THE FOLLOWING PRICES GUARANTEED TO YOU FOR THIS FRIDAY Top Light Ho,r "0 to 250 !be. $10.00 per cwt. Medium Heavy Hogs, 250 to 300 lbs. _ 7.75 to 9.85 per cwt Extra Heavy Butchers. 275 to 400 _ 9.50 to 9.65 per cwt 1,ight Lights, 1O0 to 180 lbs. 9.75 to 10.00 per cwt 'Fop Light Sows, 250 to 350 lbs ..... 8.65 to 8.75 per cwt Med. Wt. Sows, 350 to 400 lbs ........ 8.25 to 8.50 per cwt Heavy Sows, 400 and up ................ 8.00 to 8.25' per cwt The above prices guaranteed to you regardless of drop in Eastern markets. Any increase in Etern Markets by Friday will be added to the above guarateed prices. JACK BALLARD PI,IBMaN@ AIB' ItTIIB mm a lhl Wm CL&US BOVD _ _ ...... _l ..J ......... j ._ Reading Glasses .... 50c to $6 Gold Glasses ..... $10 to $15.50 Double Vision Glasses $3.50 up GLASSES FITTED G. Gilbertson Optical Specialist Beach, N. D. Theatre .,. Calendar CUREN WEE ROSE GLENDIVE, MONTANA Now Showing THURS.-FRL-SAT.-? Mattiree at 2 p m. Thursday (harlle McCarthy, Edgar Be h 'LOOK WHO'S LAUGHING' with G'Idersleeve, Fibber MGee and Molly. Start the New Year with laughter from your favorite radio stars. SUNDAY - MONDAY UEDAY "YOU BELO/G . Mr' s, arrU  Fun Barbara sum, Tt, kar   Ro C m your u- hies mad see tl riom oomy. WEDESDAT "DR. KILDARE'S /, WEDDING DAY '* starring Lew Ayres, L/oriel more, Lorra/ne Day ton. There's   Dr. film lventure. .... Georce Bmt and   .in "INTERNATIONAL LADY" UPTOWN THEATRE [NEW YEARS SHOW Thur.  & 9 Gene Autry in "SUNSET IN WYOMING" with Smiley Brunette. ALSO "BACHELOR DADDY" wih "Baby Sandy and Edward Everett Horton. Sun - Mon "MOONLIGHT OVER HER SHOULDER" starring John Sutton and BarL ALSO eGerge Sanders and Wemly in 'rHE GAY FALCON" Twe effiettt  htt J le Ca so! is th Be so£ 2 dri, the pas vis ton mR in. fro st he' aiste he he fan m