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Urgent Need For
Red Cross Fund
Is Stressed Now
The following t,legrm which shos
the urgent need for Red Cross funds,
was received by Chairman M. Tobias
on Monday morrng.
St. Louis, Mo.
Dec. 28, 1941
Marvin J. Tobias
G. V. County Clpeer
American Red CrOss
Beach, N. Ik.
The bombing of lrl labor,
Honolulu, Mnila, the invasion of
the Pltflipines, #he submarine at-
tacks in the Atlantic and Pacific
lve dramatically brouglt home
€o us the cruelties of this war.
W,rever our heroic soldiers, sailo
ors and alinen are so valrttly
defending our soil. There also you
will find the fg of ne Red Cross
um'uried alongskle th stars and
stripes. Rd Cross men are on
every front. Funds are urgently
Imeded to keep infarct these front
Ynes of mercy, the enemy re.peers
neither holidays or week ends. The
Red Cross war fund should be
pushed to rapid over subscription.
Paremhip in this time on need
gives all the people opportunity
to participate. The Red Cross is a
lples partnerslip in a time of
need. It is paeriobism in action to
give to the Red Cross. Miseries
of war cannot be measured by
quotas and mathematical yard-
sticks nor persorml conveniences.
The President, the America lYO-
]ale. and our figtting men expect
much of us. An avalanche of giv-
ing now will help Vhe R, Cross
to deliver the goods.
Nornmn H. Davis
To date, Tuesday, Decen-#ber 30, the
amounts collected at the various
loines in .the county which have been
lesignated as pay stations are as
Farmers & Merchnbs Bank $213.50
First Sba, te Bank (Golva) 34.00
Pilling stations t
Sentinel Buete 8.00
Total 256.00
A quota of $70).00 has been assigned
to the Golden Valley County Chapter
.so it can be seen that we ha just
otten a good start. A number of
counties in North Dakota have al-
reedy mexle tber quotas. RxrLuorn
County of which Lisbon is the counw
seat being the first in tde state to
go over the top.
The American Legion Auxiliary h.s
agreed to sponsor the sollcdting of the
city of Beach for th-s worb'hy caus
• o when one of their representt'-ws
calls on you plc,se give GENEROUS-
LY and CI-IEEP,[/LLY. Solicitors for
en%/nel Butte, &olva and the other
larts of the county bae no ye
ken secured but will be in #he near
fUture. Anyone wishing to volurteer
for this work please contact Mr. Leo-
rrd Reager. who is Chairma of the
Wr Fund Campaign.
The local dranmic club is p,lunntng
to put on a play, th? gross proceeds
of Walioh will be given to the Red
Cross. Such a spirit a this is to be
highly commended. Lots more of us
this spirit and put Golden Valley
County over the top.
Orrin LOVdl,
Dorothy Waldal
Wed At Baker
entinel Buttm--qrothy Waldal of
erinel Butte and Orrin Lovell of
Beech Stole a march on their friends
on the day before Christmas and
Were quietly married a Baker, Mont.,
aP. m. by the justice of the peace
re. After the ceremony a dinher
" enjoyed at the Baker htel and
Defense Council
And T00re Board ]
Organized Here
During the pas week the G31dn!
Valley County Dfcnse Council m
and organized and began preliminary
work here.
The first meeting was held lastl
Friday nigh,t, Dec. 2th, and the fol-
lowing officers wre selected, t
H. B. Lovell. chairman.
Stub Noyes. vice chairman•
C. O. Halvorson, secretary.
Minnie E. Smith, as'st, secretary.
Other members of te board are
as follows: R. W. Johnson, J. P. Jor-
dan, M. C. Teacher, Oscar Clrln,
George Hammond and H. H. Bur-' l
This beard met again on Monday
night and appointed the tL- ration-
lag board for Golden Valley county.
Thoe appoind to this board are as
L. J. Algulre, chairman, Mrs. Ruby
Doerner and James Donaldson•
Mrs. A. W. Kastien
Passes Away On
Christmas Eve
fhks area was shock'.-d Christmas
day .to learn that Mrs. August W.
Kastlen, one of the old time residen,ts
f this section, had passed away the',
off.ceding night t their farm home
uthest of Beach. She was 69 years
of age at #he time of her death. ]
Funeral serwc were held Sunday
'fer.oon from the United Brethren
church in Beach. and interrment
toop pace in th? Beach cemetery.
Pall bea...'rs at €he funeral lncludefl[
the following; Joe Zinsli, Joe I'Sahl, i
Win. Aberne:thy, Charles Winkleman, i
J. W, Gray and Denny Morris,
Rebecca Halerman,'- the ff, th daug-
h*r of Rev. Allen and Mercy Ann I
"al.erman was born July 17. 1872 !n'
Grundy courty, Missouri. Her she
vpe her ea=lv childhood. At the
-'e of eight the family moved to
Bunker Hdll, Illinois.
Her fther being a United Brethren
minister, Rebecca came early $o
know of the teachings of the Savior
and while still a girl experienced the
joy of salvation. This experience
saYed with her thru the long years
that weP to follow and dewth found
her. with still an implicit faith in her
She was untied in fnarriage to
August W. Kastien on Nov. 2, 1898. I
To this union there were born four
children: Ruth, (Mrs• Roddy Kimball
cq Beach) ; Helen (Mrs. Frank Wil- I
son) of Yakima, Wn.; Allen, of Se-
stile. Wn.; and Mercy Hope, whot
died in infancy.
In 1908 the family moved here to
this communi¢y where she has resid-I
She was called home on Christmas]
I Eve, death coming t 9:08 on Wednes-
I day ewning.
She leaves to mourn her deaeh 3
children, Ruth, Helen and Allen; her
husband, August; and a ,ost of
America's War
Appeal for
Yeur Help
First war poster of the new World War. painted by the distinguished artist
James Montgomery Flagg, carries an appeal for a $50.000,000 war fund to aid
the victims of aggression upon the United States and its island possessions
To aid th9 victims of warfare being
waged upon Ame-ic.% a,, 1 a' ,sis,
possessions, the American Red Cross
has issued an appeal for a $50,000,000
war fund. Chairman Norman H. Davis
announced from the national headquar-
ters in Washington.
Mr. Davis urged men, women and
children to give to this mercy fund
through their local Red Cross Chap-
ters. These funds will support toe
Chapter's war work with the families
of men in the military services, as well
as the broad relief program of the
national Red Cross.
President Roosevelt, who is presi-
dent of the American Red Cross, is- I
sued a proclamation urging all citizens t
to give to the Red Cross war fund• I
In launching the appeal. Chalrm;
Davis s3id:
"There are millions of our citizen)
who desire today to demonstrate thei
ill to victory over the enemy. Not a
can be in the armed h)rces, and no
all can volunteer their services fo.
humanitarian work. but all can vohu:
teer their dollars o arm the Ited Cros
to be their representative at the seen
of battle :ud distress,
"Today is the day to demontra:
our high morale, our uni:y, our dete
ruination not algae to stH)l)ort ou
President and our fighting men at th
front, but also to insure to our wound
ed. homeless and suffering fellow citi
zeus in our Pacific Islands that we
stand one huadred per cent ready to
aid them through the Red Cross."
Helen Robert. 'Louis Raisler,
son Married to ! Pioneer Settler
Donald Roberts! Passes Suddenly
A wedding 0f interest to many folks! The on'tire commtmty was sadden-
in this urea occurred on Christmas ed by news of the death of Louis
day a the home of Mr. and Mrs. Redsler, prominent farmer south of
John Robertson of Trotters, when Beach on Christmas nig"nt, death
Miss Helen Robertson, their daughter coming, whfi? he was visiting a
became the brid of Mr. Donald R. dughter, Mrs. Bess Wells and her
Roberts. The ceremony was performed family in Sna Cruz, California. Al-
;a 3 p. m. with the Rev. O. Oisrud, hough he tud not been in the best
pastor of the First Lutheran church i of health for sn¢ months, his sad-
of Savage, Moranu officizting, i den passing came as a shock to h
l Attending theide was Ms Maymany friends and to his family.
Folkvord, of Washtp, D. C. who Louis Baisler was born July 18,
is vacationing at her lYaren,l h)me 186 in Ghicago, Ill., the younger on
ed ever since.
VIrs. Kastien has helen a member Harry Kukowski Calvin Adams Dies
of the United Brethren church for'
many years and her influence and
lifechurchhSandleSt theitS community.impressi°n upon the] Will GO TO Fargo Here On Tuesday
'Harry Kukowski, farmer livingl Tuesday morning of .this week Oal-
noah cast of ach hs been selected
as the Golden Valley County rePre-
sentative for the Adui Farm Folk
school to be held at the North Da-
kota Agricultural College, Fargo, to
s%art January 19, and termirting on
Leaving Beach February 14th.
One yourg married farmer under
45 years of ago with definite plans
'*Monk" Gilman and Miss Loma to operate a farm in 1942 is self,-ted
Clark will leave #o-day to make their from each county in the state. The
home in ,the west, Miss Clark going to school is made possible by the (x)oper-
Mullah, Idaho and Mr, Gilman will taon of the N. Dakota Agricultural
go on to Renton, Oreon wthere ne College and Sears-Roebuck and Co., Bi thd y P ty
will receive emvloyment IO furnishes room and board for I r a ar
Miss Clark fcr the ast year or] *he members during the time of the]
more has been empoyed in the J• C. [school. [
Penny Co. shore while "Monk" hs -- --- About twenty young folks gthered
been employed with his fter on the I DELIVERY SERVICE at the Ohus Mtchels home Fri. even-
at Skatr, N• D• The grooms atten-
dant was Mr. Roy Robertson ,a broth-
er of the bride.
For the occasion the bride wore a
¢hocolate tan afternoon dvss with
dolman sleeves set in with brown and
green, and she had a corsage of tali-
sman roses and baby's breath. The
bridesmaid was clad in an afternoon
dress of powder blue silk and she
had as her corsage pink roses and
baby's breath. The bride's mother
wore a corsage of red roses on her
teal blue dress. The groom and his at-
tendant were attired in the conven-
l lonal dark suits with boutonnaires of
Islngle white roses.
After the ceremony, a wedding din-
ner for six guests was served. Then
, the newlyweds left on a short honey-
moon trip but returned to Trotters to
spend New Year's wi'th the brides itr-
ens. before r,zturning to Lflby, Mont-
ana, where the groom is an instructor
in the high school.
The ,bride is well known in this
area. She graduated from the Beach
high school in 1934 and from the
Concordla college at Moorhead in 1938,
and since then has been engaged in
The groom s the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Rex Roberts of Glendive, Mont-
ana. He is a graduate of the Mont-
ana State Normal at Dillon. and has
done graduate work at Washingto
Their many friends extend congrat-
ultions and best wishes• a helping hand; as a friend he
never formal wanting and his l¢m 'r
ummers| his fellow man and pariotism for
,,.en. s were unbounded.
d M: ; fir A tender lov father; and a proud
indulgent grand father, he synollzed
sadly missed in family circles for all
of John and Josephine Raisler. He -
celved his edcatlo and spet the
early dys of his manhood in O ht¢-
go where he worked as a mester
tool and dye maker. He was st In-
vetive mind and during h Life
time he developed several han:'=-
gets on which he received l¢er
most recent of which is ar
which he pl on the
ng the fall nmnths. As a young man
he was active in athletic r! d.*mmmd
circles and all his life was a .t
lover of mtm ....
.In 1890 he was married to
Stephan, Geor being the son [:
first wife who died shortlY after QO-
rges birth• On September IB,.I h
ws marriud to An C. Currency,
Mrs. Bess Wells being a ctaugter of
his second wfe by a former mar-
riage. Nine children cam to bless
this marriage, three sons, W111l.
Joseph and Louis, Jr., preceedir talr
ather in deah• Mrs. Ralsler paed
away i 1924.
In the all of 1908 he brought his
family to a homestead ten tulles out
esast of Beach where he es%alished
a lovely fmily home and was n-
gged in farming until his death
which came suddenly on Chrinas
night. In his passing, a family o
is sustained which can never be -
As a farmer he was p
and up to date in his methods; as
a neighbor he never failed t ' nd
elms. His greatest happiness during
Mrs. R. R. Haistad of this city has the last years of his life lay in visit-
received .the eelegram received by her
,brother's wife informing them bhat lug his various sons and daughrs
Glen Summers was missing in ation
aster the attack on Pearl Harbor, Dec.
7th. When lust heard from he was
aboard the U. S. S. Arizona/A 1,el-
Cur received by Mrs. Summers from
her husband dwted in November st-
ated that he was expecting his fur-
lough or leave of absence which was
to s.bart on Dec. 5th. Mrs. Halstead
along with many friends here in
Beach sincerely hope tha¢ Glen re-
ceived his furlough and that word will
vin Adams. well known old timer,
!pasSed away at ah'e Beach hospi¢,al Vd"ibaux--Miss Marguerite Oassidy of
ater a lingering illness.
........... ,,, . .^1 to l Wibaux and Leonard Satz of Carlyle
un:,, ,v,w w.. € ,,v - wet "-- in '" -'" li --
....... at the I e marrle me uamo c czaurcn
morrow trnaay) s/ernoon 7t ..... ' " -- "
- "''i - ch ch in Beach a wloaux a s o Clock "YtleSlay
= mevno ur " ' orn id '
re m ing Miss Cuss y is a teacher
Details concerning his dearth a I' '" :- ....... t
I ....... r It In vne 'roufl scnoOm an( Mr. ar .
iacmng as ne luews goes o p ass.
' -- blmt he was 67 "ears old I in one of the progressive farmers nea:
: is .kn.own ...... d;en our !Carlyle" "
anO IS 8UrVlIaKI Dy SlX Cnlla , i .......... az
_ _ _ .... ...... , , _.^_ I .aalss SSlay ano oar. , r are
sons auu bwo cugxr€, am u wm,t, ....... ibaux hi h school
live in this area graauaes oz me w, g
• land the hride also graduated from
Dillon Normal. The young couple has
a hos¢ of friends here who wish them
and enjoFing his grandchildren,
He is survived by four sons, Corge
'John, Stanley and Elmer all of Beach
and four dughters Mrs. Bess Wells
f Santa Cruz, California, Mrs. Elmer
Abraham, Mrs. Ralph WPSOn an of
Beach and Mrs. Thomas Kelstrom of
Duluth. There are ten grand sons
and ten grand daughters and four
great grand children. Two sisera Mrs.
Stnley Ryba of Cicero,
Joseph Jenecek of
be heard from him in the near mourn his passing to
larg concourse of friends. His
future, l al was held from the Sunset
-- ._ of which he was a mem!;
Marguerite Ca00.00ldv I bearers were Oscar Otain, "
..... .7 1 Eckre, T. E, Hudson, ltrry IxWell,
c Imr st James Dontldson and Ed Endle In-
Leoard 00artz Wed!terment in th..-
I Out of town relatives who zne
-- for the funeral were Mrs. Ben Wells
and her daughter Mrs. Domahi Lm]
of Santa Cruz; Mrs. ThomM Hel-
strom of Duluth; Miss Barbara Krup-
icka of Autln, Minn., a neicev
Grace aisr aRd thre duf
3,nevieve, Grace and Oortne from
Fargo and Mrs. Andrew Finnoma
and Mrs. Ar Tinnel of Co.lfay, Wu.,
dughters of Goo. Raisler.
Earl Fasching Is
Wed At Roundup
then he bridal party drove to Glen-
The bride is #he youngest daughter
° Mr. and Mrs. Ole Waldal and has
'aeat lmr entire life in Sen¢inel Butte.
The groom is €he son of Mr, and
MI. H. B. Doyen of Beach, and has
Plly all .his life there.
g,d, from ,Bch high school
WI the of 1941 and during the
atl ha been attending the
slty at Grand Forks, where he
P]lmz to h ednelon. WRIIe
ill high school he was was emtremely
e in spors, particularly football
Gilman Transfer. Both these
folks have grown up is this communi-
ty and have many fr:,cnds here who
wish them every good fortune.
Miss Ira Clark, who teeches at
Mullah, Idaho, accompenied them on
4helr trip after spending the Christ-
mas holidays a the parental Jess
Cark home.
WibauxA shower was held the
Frank Knudson home last week in
Golva--4ends"'ll be surp
young llng of last week to help Miss Anna- December 24 .......... 33 24 hear of the wedding of Earl Fam/_ll
,Effective today a new delivery ser-I belle Michels ee:ebzte her bithday ..........
December 25 29 20 .01 I and Miss Vernet%a £mith. of ,
vice schedule has been arranged by anniversary. The evening was spent Decembe r 26 .......... 25 11 tMontana. Earl gradmzl from. lfit
the Reynolds, Miller and Thompson dencing and playing games offer December 2"/ .......... 28 09 {lva igh school and is the;,
grocery tores. whloh a blrthdey lunch was ervea Deceml:- 28 .......... 28 0 lest son b Mr. nd, Mrs. I.t ]h-
There will be two deliveries each and ML M lchels then pzend[Deeembar 29 .......... 30 06 ling and is well knowl% to t eo-
morning at 9 and llff0 a. m. and one with a n of ru.oay g il to!December 30 ....... ... I$ 01 I muntty for everyone liked !
duringtheafternonatdlm, exeel.. Annabelle.letyesteraay mornn_. - : -- ]spected him very much.: H
Saturdays whene ere will be two[return to her ds at.Detroit, Mien 7 GARDEN CLUB k a Stranger to all arolmd O
deliveries, :one .t $ p:r m. and e-at [ after s1tm- i, holiday sesona : " { it is hod he will bring ]
5:30 p.m. ' : Imr Imramal home. Eurottte she w.fl.! The Garden Club ,will h01d its nextl to his old home to meet all . -
Customem are -,sked: o cooperete vieit friem in Bismre,' ann w lar meeting on Y evening | friends. They wre
as much :poble wi'.tlm mer- so vit xfl@ht with Miss Ethel JanUary 9th, t e ne of ida IB, 1941 at the
.uansm egfot to coop With ¢vlmln, m ¢n c. Thompson. Toptos for the evenin are. Helen Montana .
vne aefene program.
and basketball, honor of the newly weds, Mr. and
k f .. .. rs. Plph Pra'r WhO were recent-
t&me yotmg o=m are weU:v mrrtd in Big Timber where the
and have a wide circle of %ee];--a-teacherm the grade s,'ho',l
fl'lends Who Join in wishing them The bride,'Ferne Knudson is a dsuh"
Well Ill life's Journey together. r of Mr. and'Mrs. Frank IK:ntdon.
Read their ad in this wee issue
of the News.
The fmili of the Scdle Butte
,.,,em,xr,. cub were ntera'ned by.,on
Ferns graduated from WCHS and the
Card Party ,, ,. oo0000o.
€his county before going to Big T'm- , club members at a Jolly Ohr:stmas!(:anty's v.o is unlimited. Any Mr. and Mrs. Mike Finneman and'
bur where she has been the pss ..y given at fly.. • L£tt!e Beaver.ygur mn b-een the ages of 17 sos Bttter plan to leave he first of! America's chence
Te Ladies of the Cetholie Guild t three years. She has many f'".:nLzchcol house. Sunday evening, Dec. 2q ',and 23'4 years, physic-ally fit and the week for Colfsx, W2,, whelm eheyiake lt-end O1W it! The
lll sponsor a card party t St Johns, who wish her and her husband much :rht of progressive whl.t e,:'. cf .eernlng a. tdc., may will vial% with t,helr son Andrew and:lion
...._ on Tuesday.v evening,, , anttaryx , -. !hauginess.. tcebher... :w(r" l'yed ....... at se?en tub;us i ma.e his npg]ieation at the County wife for several weeks and take , t GIVE to'YOUR.:. limit;; ....
,aead of a charge, a donation will ------------ : YTgh prt,es were won by Mrs. David %Vef-e Offi on or before January deserved vaa¢io [ .Albert fle21e
1 " lollowing. . the a.e t[ MIss Ida Holt,he cf DieMinson was , rvi'on and Mr. C2ff 2?,chal. .coud h. . ....... _
wal mrzed and win!up m spend the Christmas vacaion[pries were won ! 'Mrs. L0U Od-i ellak M%he
.._aa the wlnne: . • lt ¢eImrenll Sofs Hat,the horae. re-, land :and. Mr.,.HaOkl Moe. very
_.u TUeeday evepin, Sanity eth]il 4m Dickinson the first of the fine ltmch wm erved-at 11:30 aldl m
Roll Call, Lous offleiatin$. Following tha servicee
CCC Enr lira
o cut rden Rsolttlons for 1942. left for =atle, where Warl is om'
Exhlbt¢, Garden Photogrsly. I plo in an airplane fegtory and
John E. Williams, State Supe.,wlsorl Rexiing and ditsslon of Program here they will maim teir hot't-
of CCO se]ectlon has informed the Ifor 1942. til service calls the boys away.
Cou Welf Office that a CCC, Members are urged *#o a%tend tahis i friends extend their lzarty t-
enrl!men¢ will be made at Dlekin-{meeting. utlons for a lon and happy