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January 1, 1931 |
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;~i¸/; :~ y~ ~ :
tractionepplicant.CANUCKhas~~A lv~*L~g ~i:;~U~; VV iiitIC; A AvJ~O~ ~A~l O [ done0fthe HEN and Later he came back and I in Br°°klyn and asked f°r his l°w" ] s bestir' LAIDANDfurnace Callf., themselves Dec.,COUld ODDiTiES27.-- ]be to ;!:1tMUSIC Senatorial can beFEDERATION watched, candidate, 0F will ~iF~ any bring way : /|]~lljIiILfiI~: ..~.~. _ .~.._~_~~ i!~i!~i::!iiii~i!~iiiii~!:!iiiiii~i!~@{ii~::::g::ii% t PLAN ~ Ifi i *:: i;iiiiiiiii::i ~/'/~ /]/~l ~~ ~ .... inn '1 '~~~'~~ " "-- r "JJI~ ~[ &U~ ~ t .r., ii :J
• ,,,, ,m " Jay B. Page home in Beach. Jess 5,Ir. and Mrs A J Ziebarth
" ' '*~ ~ | } 'r_ ~ • . ~! | ,family, Howard Hurd and Homer went skating over near B
: I ~ /Y | -i f~lr ~ i'g~ |r | I Madison and Mrs Ellen Welch Butte Friday All reported a
| ~ | 1 Mrs. ~ess Page is visiting at the ~me.
BeverlyllHllls" ]Page left before Xmas for Min- family Mr and Mrs A1 Irons a
~t~ ] ~, ii ieapolis, Minn., to take nerve family' and Ed. Eide were dim
Mr. and M~s. Harold Lloyd say theyI ~ ~ ~ .: ~| | ! t~'ea~mems from his physicians guests at the Hogoboom home
are preparing for an addition to, New York.--Mrs. Annie Boettger~!l~ ! ![ ~ I~.~. He expects to remain three Sunday.
their family in March. "We expect drives a near beer truck and likes ~ii! I I! ~. ]ji~ i ve~" ,, ~ua~ Xm ~ ~. gr~qn ~ s ~rem niR2b:rr: sC:;WgandhUElyss~de~l
a" visit from the stork some time. it.
early in March," Mrs. Lloyd, the[ Her husband, who died several ~il | I! ~ ~ # I Mr~:"~rge ~!~'is~e"aser~ of Mi~: ing the Xmas holidays."
former Mildred Davis, film actressI years ago, owned a small bottling ~]i | | t J l / ~ 1 J~:l~ t neapolis to her friends here stated Mr and Mrs Bur were cal~
said,last night. "And I hope it's a works. Mrs. Moettger took over MI i I ,I % ~ s',,o "-'oul s ' ~" " ' Y
~| ~, I ,! ~ ,~'~ I ~_~! IF' ':'' d ~pe~d the hol~ ~th at the Odman home Sunday eve
boy,' the rbespectacled film corned- i tim business and now her regular ....... • '~ ~ m uT~.- nor aaugn~r umsyce in ~oum ua m .
|an added. The Lloyds have two customers have grown quite ac- ~. ~ I ~! ~i '#~ ~ I aceo;n,an- l~e'r~ .................. ' .... Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Johnston ~
da~hters, Mildred Gloria, and l~er customed to seeing her pick up a ~ I ¢ ~ ~- ~. .~', ". ~- $ ~ l ~i:e real Xmas spL'~t prevai ed in ~ ..... u::~ o+ +~ o ...... ¢~+~,~
adopted sister Mar|erie Elizabeth, 5. ! 70-pomld case of bottles and toss it ~i e $ ! I| .... '"'"'., ~ "Z. "" ~ ~ " .. daughters Mildred and My~
It may be noted in this connection lightly on~o her truck , - ~ -. a~ : .- I1, . . w .................... ~ ..... ,
~, : > ~ ~' [~'"'~':'. .... }]" ~ *s [the hearts of httle Earl and Lores - ~ - ~
that pre-announcements of this: "Say a lot of men's jobs are soft~ " " ~ " "'::'" "" ! /" ' • nome aunaay.
/,~" " ~ ~.(:1"~ :.:'.. ~ ~[[~i[ l Yaschmg Xmas eve. ~hev too~ a j
kind are now all the fashion in!compared to what any women with ~; ~ ~ ~ /'~ .y".: , - .~x~ ~Jl I friend who is ill a smali Christ- . Mr. Bill Austin was. poorly
high society, a large family ,does," Mrs. Boett- ~ i , : [. , ~l:::'""' 2~:..j: )g~ ~ ~ I I I mas tree all decorated and abox of i ~ng.. Xmas:. but at th,s writing~
Iger said today, and lots of house- ~.! , I L: |~/~:~..~fi."}:. ..~.A1 i]~ ~ll Inice cookies, and it was certainly! ~e~mg ~e~u~er. in this vlcinlt ~
Macon, Ga.--Andrew Beecher t wives might find bricklayinga :P ~ | ~ ~ ~ ~///..::':~):. :" f'ff.~Hi~M ~ ~ | [ fully appreciated Many times old- I s Y
sat on a tree limb and sawed-- I pleasant and easy change." i ~ ' ~ ~1 ~ ~:~.~=~" .::.:: ,~l/[.k~[~ l[~ ~[~ [ er one~ neglect those littl~ ~.~ ~i making use of the nice went|
on the wrong side -- between! Her real confidante, friend, phil- I .~. ~ | ] ~ V..)j;.:f~.?:::: ~[k~W ~[~ ~ [ kindness. ] and roads. ]
him and the tree. He died the t osopher and critic is a cat which] .~' ' ~I I I ~. ~/i*::i:':.::' ~J ~ W'~ ~ I Mrs. Leo Tobias is spending a _Mxs: Angl.iss left_Wednesd.ay
next day. ~ always rides on the seat beside her I ' ~ - ~ e ~ ~ m~_ ~ ~ ~ ~ t few days with h~r moth~ ,~h I ~,enalve wnere sne m~eno~
Belier did not regain con.] in a basket. ] ..... , • I !! .: ~ ~ ~ ~,~ ~ I of Beac'h ........... I spend the Xmas holidays with |
, , "-- I ~'~ : : ~ ~ i~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I Golva played Alpha basket ball[daughters" :
"He Just didn t think to 1 Yorktown, Va. --- The tiny] "" ~- ~' i~~: ~\~ ~.--~ ~ |team Monday night and won by a!
: ' ' '' :~ ' " seer
change Ms position in time,"I brick c~to~ house that was . ; ,l ~ ~ ~ ,--~. ~ ~ ] e of 30 to 38 m favor of Golva.
one witness volunteered to pc-the birthplace of American I !:~i:~' .: • |. i~~i ~- ~ ~_ . I A number of young people at [_
lice. trade ~24 years a~o, was dedl- ::':.: " ' : 1"~ -~|~I~ ~'~ ~ ~lg~ [ tended the midnightmovies at •
.' . -- ,, , eated as a national shrine. Gov. I ".:i:.:i i! ;. ! ~I •~ ~ ~'.!~' ~ ~ ~..... k ]Beach Sunday night. • ~ ~ •
Detroit.-- Poor, but honest, is i ernor Pollard of Virginia de- I ('.:.:~ i ~ i [d I ~l I V~-'~ I ~|1 . ~ Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kreitinger ! '~;l
not a meaningless espresslon to one iivered the address ] Si' i ~ r,I E~E~ Y~¢ Ell • Imma~ll " ~ and family• were dinner gues~ at [ I ~kl[ ~ ~ - .-'.
I~troit needy man. ----- ] !ii:~ ~ ~ | [ [ ~_ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ J the Matt Kraus home Sunday. [ M [] ~. ~ "![ ~ T~
I il I I Mr. and Mrs. Wanace Page, Mrs. I I • •
Mrs. H. H. Prenzlauger, super-i New York.---Last June Gardner l
~I ~ d I i~ iRB{ ,\~ /L . vltllll~i~i[I | ~ t Loretta Nelson Miss Edna Mac I | • ~i I g II
vistor of the Jewish Emergency Re- 1 Yerkes, 62, a retired chemist, call- [ ' ,, ~ '
5,. ,, l I[ I!1~~~ I r ~ IPeterson and Lorena Hurd attend-l~ d~ • V • • :
~ef Depot, doled out a shirt toanled on Undetraker Jerie J. Cronin] |~ ,, I[ ~ ~ ed the show in Beach Monday eve- ~ , '~
said that while he appreciated the lest price on a cremation. MarkingI ~, [[ ~ (. V
article he did not feel justified in[his visitor's frailness and wanness[ , 1 ............... . • ~ ~ ~e
keeping the diamond cuff links. Cronin set his lowest figure. Just] i It ALPHA
-'--- I before Christmas, Yerkes called| IS the time ]
Haswell' Parish' England" -- I again at ttle parl°rs and asked if oo I[ / i I to give ] SIl,~
The town eoancil has placed i tile price still held. Being assured,
flre extinguishers on lamp posts it did, he replied: "All right, You'll, tl I~~ ~ ~ it.~-~ii I ~
so nome owners can put out hear from me very soon now." Ti~e [ ........ --~_ --------=- ~ -----------=:: : --- --I Glo~'d Bury -eft Sunday to spend I ~'~ /Iyra ~ t ,
their own fires, other nigt~t police found his body[ --~-~2----- ~)- ~ ---~-----~1 • ~:~ _ I • ,~ , .-- • . , ~-i a few days with Harold Ziebm~h [ ~.,~ g~l~ ~|Ka ~ ~ ~E
It~q~'~WIF S ,,~ ~~|~ ..'~T~ ~ ~IOF(1 '~n0I:2SK,~ n~le and he z~y ~ and Delbelt Ho~e ~ il
l is a vacant apartment with a bet-} tJ[aaJtlaaayy ~,~a¢~taa~.a ,~.,aa~,~aaaJ[,~,aa ~.,~.,~A[~ I ~ "" ", '.' L . " ," "' "'. 1 2 h
Dortmund, Germany. -- AfterI tle of poise,1 lying nearby. The ~ ~.~ io "~l,,m~v " - flf'tom~ mnnfh-nld t all(l '.~een}s gmo to oe ~ack at Go1-! A large crowd enjoyed the eom- ~ TO CHILDREN J/~ I ~irl
years of Iwbor at the blast furnace i undertaker's card was there, tool "::=A:~-'*'~nStl~'.~'ieer:'eci~l';'edt'l~'e":~r:lnli ____~fiv:~:: iv:~..LOreS nas ~een picking corn]munPy ~chooI program at the A1- [ // :l ~)le
~,~,u~: .... . ?. : : . , ":.' . .. ,~'!~'_ ~~ [tbe las~ eight wee~:sat the old ~ha i'~al{ Tuesday night After an a , -/ :] ~ £h
of the Dortmunder Steel Works, i and a note asking that Yerkes be I cnamlnon a~ the mternauonai Ltve bWe~~~:.: - I hnm~ ~)]-~ I . ". ?. - " . _ 1 ; ,/ ~ ~
-~ ~ ..... ln~erescmg program ~an~a passea ~ ~ 1 v
Robert Germann came to feel a ~ crematedand his ashes scattered / show In (hiea~,o. He is held by his breed- Iiq[$1~~~..%~-..Nl~iIll • ~. , , m . //. ~ '
great affection for the furnace. To-1 afar. I er, J. F. McKenny of King Cily, Me. The ~k~~ I Mrs. Ellen Welch was a guest att out the treats. ~ --. /o , ~/ - .-~ ]Lh
day he told companion workersI __ [ champion steer weighs 1,065 pounds. I the Weinreis home over Xmas. t. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ziebarth and ~ "xne/~uns/~ays are wea~ ~ ~ ne
' that it seemed to be calling him.IClarksburg, W. V.--To collect I ..... /~~ [Mrs. Olaf Johnson and daughters t~m~Y ,~ere, d~nner guests ~_.!he I Ultr~iffolet Rays, sogive the] t~
Later they saw him jump into the, a 25-cent election wager, John I /~!~"~ I urn ano oesme, ~eo£ge oearey and I ~" ~" oum,~u~ z~,uzx.~e .,.~muo uay. El :] ~ ~ s
white hot molten steel, t Dyer, of Webster Springs, who/ ~~:~i. -- ~:~i~ l family and Mr. and Mrs. Tungs-I~ Mr. and Mrs. Neff Hogoboom of ~ Children COD LIVER O~ ~ a~
g~~~r~ ~~;~:: I vlck of Alnha were also Xmasl~entinel ~utte spent Xmas at the I - I [in
NO motive beyond the fatal at-I bet on a winning Democratic / ' ~~!i!~ I guests at the Weinreis home. I M. B. Hogoboom home. | which is rich in ] ~
~~i~ ~~ I,eM)'s l : nabell ~.avidson g~ve a cameup from Dickinson Saturday to l V|+.mltl a *.a ~ 1~
ascribed to the act. I suit against Dr. J. B. DodrIll. ] Josephine and Roland Gronning • • ~ 1 ~1~
~~=,~'~ ~ ~[J~. " - =- .':- _: ~=: I ' 5 1 e san~ cara par~y a~ ner, visit with the Alpha folks for a I --l~aaaa~ata • • ~u~ ~ |'
Tulare, Cal,--Mrs, H, J. Lum- I Kansas City. -- Dr. John D. I ~~i# .~I~II~~~ I home Saturday night. Those who few daw ~ @ "
Icy, wife of a rancher near here [ Brooks, aviation enthusiast, made | [~~[~ ~,~ ~:..~ :~ , ... ~. -~-" I attended were" Mrs Cameron Mrs Mr an" M J h Ir n - so ] I / ' ~ l:
has a Rhode Island Red cock- I his 365th consecutive daily airplane / ~:*~:*':~"~: The Golden Valley Shipping As ....... One lot of coats to be sold [or $10
~ ,!~ ~ ~ ~. sociation has shipped thirty-three g-~g'~T ITA i~ . FORMERLY SOLD FOR UP TO $25.00 S
i *:I:: L:I;:,!: I l ' ,- • ,
cars of catt e sheep and hOeS dur-'
~ ~;S!~':: ~::;:~~~ ling the year'1930 The net re-! Lorena One lot of coats to be sold for $15
"!'~~ amounts to $58,418.48. It is est,-t Mr. and Mrs. Bundren of Glen- ~I~ / ~e'~O ;Lr~f fl~lC ~r'[l,['~#~' t'[~ KO ~:l~Lr~ #i'~Ir l~'~q ,
~,: . ,. : ~ .... ~. ,~:~:~,:~ mated that tl~e association ~s saw '', ontan , 0 ha e ee ~. " "~ J LD F TO 50 00$ ~'
'~ :~""•~'/~- ~":'~ ~: ~in~t the livestock shippers fifty[ guests at the Bundren home near ~ , FORMERLY SO OR UP $ • " n
.......... ~":~ ':~ :'~ ~ ~ t cents oz" more per hundred weightl A!pha were Gol~a catle~'s Monday ~ ....... f~ .__ ~ ]~ ~ ~....... ~ L~ ~ l~ ~ii~i~~ ~ ~ !
4~-:~:~!i~: over the local market price. The]M~s:_~ hazel Bunaren, a sister was i~ ~IL~ tot OJ ~IC33~3 LU OC 3UL~ JUt[ ~.~ a
>'!~!~. :::~!::: total thus estimated as being sav-} wltll them. • : ~ FORbl[ERLY SOLD FOR $16.95 ~1
ed this year is over $4,000. If it[ John Schillo has been d~ng car-: ~ r~ . P ~ ~ ~ e ~...A :
~ ~}":::':;:i:!:~ were no~ for the activities of thei penter work for Harry Furlk the ~ tot ot dresses to De sotd tor : 10 ~
I!i "~ :~ ...... local organization ti~e local mar- past week. Mr. Funk is having a ~ ~FORMERLY SOLD FOR ~2500 ~ -r ¢
'~ ::~ " ' ~:~ :;~;~ ket price would be much lower than i barn built. ' ~1~ _ _ "_" - _ ~ " _ _ _ _ <
N. :~=:'y~: ~ i it is, the association says. i Bert Covert and wife and Mr. ~ I'~o [~f ~ fl~oeeoe f[~ ['1o el'till "['x'~ ~ v
~;:~liii}~ ~i.~!:~ :;i?.( The association is managed byand Mrs. A. M. Peterson were those! ~ k.]~ ~,~ ~v~, ~j ~s~oo~o ~,v u~ ov~.~ j t.~ ~l.~at.J .
Ray Hathaway of Beach and was from Golva, who attended the ~.~" FORMERLY SOLD FOR $35.00 r
~ organized in, 1922 b# County Agent whist club at the Ge.o. Hammond ~ ~
:a:~ :: ; : Russell During the nine years of home Saturday night, i~ .~
iii!iii! ....... ~:. lbusiness it haspaid its members|n: Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Page are ~ ill /'i/ ' / r 1 / _. l_I__. I/ t __ .l
i full for all stock lost or crippled in enjoylng a visit with their daugh-i~ All cnnoren s snoes, oxloros, DumDs. ane ruDDers SOl{l Ior r
transit except when it was under- ter Loretta, who came Tuesday ~v~• -a a z~" • • /. ~ / n / / - "
stood that the animal was not night to spend the holidays with!~ less man llalt nrlce. Lames snoes all reaucea to one-
sound at the time of loading, relatives ~nd friends. I >~ r ~ , -- ,., , •
During the winter months there Howard Hurd 0f-Beach is a Gol-! . -ha . d
..... , , . , fourth, one ___It and less_ L
will be several loaus of l~ogs stop- i va visitor this wee~. { ~- - '
ped that are now on feed. Consld- ~ After a short Xmas vacation~ ~ " I ;1
ering the low value of feed no un- t from her duties in • the County~ ~ ' - - -- 5
derweight hogs should be shipped Agents office, Miss Evelyn Peter-l~ ~,,~ r T .-- ~ ~ ['~ ]| ~ _ -~__ , T'~_
from the county. A feeder, it is son returned to Beach Sunday eve-! ~ ~U .-la~S ~[0 De ~0~ ~'~0~[" -J'~{" JL~ ¢
said can double his mone~ now] ning. [~ " V
feeding his hogs on local feeds such I Mrs. Wallace Hurd returned to i ~ ........
as wheat, barley and corn. Farm- her school near Rhame Saturday I k~ ~r~A ~4-~-v~,÷,-. T..~.~ "2 .-~.~I-~ ~rvo~-o lot ~-~a4~ ~,,~
era who are feeding wheat claim[as she only had one week vacation. ~ ~.}LLI, t~ ~LLL/L~ Jr&It. ,J~ t~ltU, Lt~LO ] ~1~. ~'~..~
they are receiving from $1.00 to $1.35 [ Mrs. Thos. Kirk~uatrick returned I ~ ~
per bushel for it when marketed l home from Detriot Lakes Tuesday. I ~ l'i li~
through hogs. t Her mother passed away during her ~$~ • • V • I
TOp prices are being l~aid for I stay there, but she reached thereI ~ I I []
lmgs, ranging in wmgzz~ ~rom 180[in time to see her mother alive.] ~ JL ~.ll~'-~-
Mr. and Mrs. Jan lloppe, sturdy Netherlanders wlo are touring I to 210 pounds. Light weight tioga[ Altho sad, it was a consolation to ~ n~a~ ~T~ r~r~'~
the Untte~ S;ates wi(h their two children, Hans and GrtetJe, photo- |sell for fifty cents to a, dollar less[ Mrs. Kirkpatrick to have her me-[ ~ ........................
pictll r(?sqllo~
hogs sell twenty-five to fifty een~ Louis Kosnisky has returned[
White House. per hundred pounds. Over weight lther able to recognize her. ~'~