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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
January 1, 1931     Golden Valley News
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January 1, 1931
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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JANUARY 1, 1931 THE BEACH. N. D.0 ADVANCE AMBITIOUS WILLIE ;ISPO "V~LUE ,.~T~.O FOR FLORIDA- WAS ~e~LED -- ESCAPED IN A TDA.~H WA6ON AND LANDED IN PlCKLEVILLE~ NEW YEAR BC~IFIRE ---PIE'S I:~_ATHI.~f AFRAID THE HOMEFOLKS V~.L RECOG- ]'HERE IS A COP WAITIN6 TO NAB HIt~ TOO / KI~4IN' MILK £O~NS/ I STARTED OUT SET ~ WORLD AFIRE, BUT rl~s ONLY MY TI-IAT ARE BURNING/ OUCH .l.ll THIS KEG V%K)NT STOP THE BLISTERS BUT WITM IT I CAN ESCAPE /~ 'NE V~NOWI NG ~/HOI AM The plot" worse / :By A hur 'enaen HEY! MR w, po ! UNDER TH'. WILLIES IN dAIL, N -TTRESS.I IF HUR AINT YOU CAN GET OUT BEFO~,E WILLIE , ANYBODY WlgPO: iT/ ALL RIGIIT PEG, I WILL FOR VOUR SAKE, BUT IF IT WAS ANY JAIL THAN RIGHT HERE IN PlCKELVILLE- ro LET THE SCALAWAG SI'~ ~HERE "TILL HE LEhP, NED %VANT ADYERTISE~II~NT RATES All orders for advertising under this head must be accompanied bT Cash. The rates are two cents a word with a minimum charge o~ l~ cents per insertion. No such advertisements phoned or mailed In will 1~ published without prepayment unless the party has an e'stablish~l account with this office. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--~r will trade for ------- ..... --- ....... --- horses, 160 acres of land ritual- WANTED--Man to operate hatch- east of Bismarck, N, D, write or TO BEHAVE cry in Beach. Experience unnec- see E. Plumley, Beach. HISSELF./ essary but must be ~eliable, am- ..- bitlous, and wlll~g to work. Ad- FOR SALE -- Two spring bldl dress Box ~46, Fargo, North calves, registered Herefords. Dakota. 34-35. Hammervold Bros., CarIyle, M(m- • £' Gass' tans. 31-6t). Hard Times coal prices at t e • Coal Mine: at m~ne, per ton, FOR SALE--Two register~l Here- " re at Beae, $2 50 ford bulls one (1) and two (2) ,1.50, dellve 4 ~ "' " " As good as the best and be~ert years old. T. E. Jolm~n, Medora, than some. Why pay more? It N.D. : 33-3)p, t;~" ~.. FOR SALE ~ Muskrats breed from three 'New of . yzzs~g ....... ~- ..................... ]five times a year and have UtteIl GROUND FEED AND CORN/• FOR l from 6 to 8 voun~r The first litter Sale.. Custom. gr..inding. Sand'is usually bor'n in-kpril~-: ..... gravel ann Cma~mg /woo(/ ~orI atory for Women POULTRY PROFITS ARE sale. E. D. LoganJ .... 15-t! .................... DEPENDENT UPON EGGS GARNER .-,. i .................... • ' ~ ~'~--~': "i i Records kept in 1930 by nearly THIS AND THAT I PROFESSIONAL CARDS ~h's. H.~ Cros.~La,2 ~Cdi,o,I - "'" - ~ ~~ half ahun dred North Dakota poul- j ...... .oh shoppers Saturday. / .... .:,~. .. , I tions. Address her in care otll e-~ ......... --- ....... ' Jr. and Mrs. Glen :\is.;ott nnd .......... .... ~.~:. .~ .. returns from the sale of eggs. Fur- | Beach Advance. /I, - 1 ..... l!dren were supper ,me~=s a~ "-C"~,. :. -:: :~::. thermore, the flocks which had , J[ i DR. O. lk NI~C= I ura Strahon's Sunday e:'ct~in~',. ~ ill large returns from the sale o£ eggs .~,r. and Mrs E. O Shoen s,.~u,,~ ~i!iii:! highWere wh, terth°se production.Which had relatively . !t" t' Please tell me wi]aL to use to All Work G pleasant afte~noon Friday vLsk- ~ l~:/~ TO make the poultry flocks more pohsh my faucets.--Mrs. Garry. I I ! ; at Mrs. Ham-:,, Was:~:nal~~ ~". .....i:: : ......... .:|::-.!.d:< ::::::.~,:s :::~: "~" .... ~ "~~* profitable, a minimum of 160 eggsI Nothing is better than half al | BEACH, NORTH DA~DOr~A I ~Ir.; MondaY.and Mrs. Fred Wassman and iii!i:iii:.:i ii!i!ili!!ii!ii!~!i!:.ili!i::ii!!~::;i~~~~:i' :,: !!i!ii:~ilii :~,~-:: i:~ goal suggested by F. H. Turner, squeezed out. After rubbing with, --- .... i:iiii i~i farm economist of the ,&gricultural this wash the faucets and polishI ~ .................. college, who is cooperating with with a soft dry cloth; they will ~ .........--: :--=:-:=~=~ ~ily were supper guests at the :::;::::~@:~ ~;.~!::i~:.i(:: ~ii::::~i~i poultry raisers in keeping flock re- shine like new. I ~ W.C. RRADLRY, M. IK | me of Mr. Wassman's parents, .~[!!:@)::: i(i:i.!:~:i:::;:!~!':i!ii::::ii::::~i!~!i': cords. While this f~gure may seem r. and Mrs. H. Wassman Sunday [:i:ii::i~::!i!~! i;i::i::ii~i:i~! " I I Physician and Surgeoll | .ruing. pretty high, .it was exceeded by one Is there any way to make tougn] I ]Bieai~ N.D. Z ~Z~I I ~ ~ ~ poultry raiser in the record keep- steak tender?--Mrs. A.M. J, X-Ray 8ervl~ . Ylrs. Lars Vanvig and son, Lewie, ;!:ii;::;:::i}!;iiii:iiii:~ dm~d Priday at the T. Vieland[ ~!::5~i~::~i;i~::~:::::~:~!~:~;~i~;Ci::l ing group last year, he says. Yes, mix thoroughly some vine-I ! Phoa l .....::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ....... In order to reach the goal of 160 gar and olive oil and rub the steak j | Office 13 R~ldml~ m l ~iss Hazel Vinquist visited Sun- " :~:~:~;:~,~:~C~i.~::~;~:~: ...... eggs per hen the following produe- on both sides with the mixture. J ~ | :: ::;:..~::,~....~ i::.~i::iii/ili~!~ii!i~::~i::i~:::::i::~ ........ tion per hen per month should be Let stand several hours beIore J =- : - : : - .... - : - - : : - - : -x. ~r. and Mrs..Herb Babcock and ........ .~.~:::. ~:.:::~::~:,,,.~,~a.:>:::s .... ~. :.N ...,:::... Noven~ber, 5 eggs; December, 7 lldren were Beach visitors Sat- / ~ eggs; January, 9 eggs; ~ebruary, 12 I should like ~ recipe for BOS-[ t ......... lay. ~! ! :!~*i ..':;:! ~!~.~: !~..~..::~.~.::'--.:~.~::%:~ ~.:~..:.~:~...: .......... blt.tle Geraldine Schmeling is on .... :~:~i!!:!~!!:~:!~i~:!i~!!~i!~!!~!~i~*~::~!~;~!:!~!~!~!:~::~g~ ....................... ~ ....... I eggs; March, 18 eggs; April 19 eggs; ton clam chowder.--X. Y.Z. I t Kumm ! May, 20 eggs; June, 19 eggs; July, Cut two slices of salt pork intoA'ln~)~m~rm~ ~,,, v.~ I ~szck list wltha bad cold. 18; eggs; August, 15 eggs; Septem- smafl ctlbes and fry until crisp. J j .............. 1 I Ylr. and Mrs. Ed. Shoen enter- Lookin~ something like the ancestral home of a British baron is this new $1,000,000 reformatory, for ber, 12 eggs; and October, 6 eggs. Add one cup of water and the J | ~ North ~ | ~ed at Christmas dinner. Mr. nlt..~= wn~n hint e mnl ted at DwI ht The institution is a radical' departure from the eonvenuonm Records kept during November strained juice of a medium sized I J m~,,,, ,~ I i :s.d MrS.inarKnuteolstadCOrlisSand sonandHarmon.Mr" and £ui~di'ng "/ smg'c;im afs.e It Is rathe~an illustration of esthetic unity than the regulation type Of building reveal that several flecks have far can of clams. Let simmer for ten I t "~ "~* | ~r. and Mrs Paul Wagner spent for corrective purposes, exceeded the November quota of 5 minutes. Cook until almost tend- l &=- =- .... - ........... ¢istmas at the Tom Wosepka eggs per hen. Several are slightly er one cup of cubed potatoes and[. ..... - ........... , under 5 eggs and a good many are one thinly sliced small onion. Drain[ -: .... _:_ .... __ __ me. ~. . far under this quota. The high and add to the salt pork mixture., ; ..... | Ylr. and Mrs Harry Wassman InS ecta Our est Coast Defense Gun are all being fed a well bal- Also add the clams, then cook un-I! HALLIDAY & SG181~ j ld Victor Renstrom were Christ- ~ P " ~:* g anted ration containing mash. til the potatoes are tender. Add aI iATTORNEYS AT l.dkW | gaShome.dinner guest at the :F. r'ascl]- I:. : ,, The high flock for November is sauce made of butter, milk, and/ J i Mr. and Mrs Joe Dietz and AI. i~i:ii:i:.:: :.i:: :. ;::!: : !:~:i:.:: ..... ~::::.:i::.;i .:: ::::iii:ii:: i :: . from Grand Forks county and con- flour, and boil three minutes. Clam/ J Practice In &ll Com~ | eitz spent Xmas with Mr. and ::!::]::~i i:~::: :::: :~;::il]i:::i :::::::(::(: